296 research outputs found

    New Elders, Old Divides: ICTs, Inequalities and Well-Being amongst Young Elderly Italians

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    Italia parece tener un retraso de unos diez años en comparación con otros países más digitalizados, tanto en el uso de las TIC por las personas mayores como en el estudio de la relación entre las TIC y los mayores de 65 años. Por ello, se hace urgente examinar los factores que influyen en la adopción de las tecnologías por los mayores y la capacidad real de estas para proporcionar recursos culturales e interactivos, útiles para mejorar el envejecimiento activo y mejorar su calidad de vida en salud y vida social. Este trabajo describe los principales resultados de un estudio que involucró a 900 italianos de 65 a 74 años, en el marco de un proyecto nacional de investigación sobre el envejecimiento activo. El estudio indaga en las características sociodemográficas de los mayores italianos usuarios de Internet y en los factores que influyen en el uso de las TIC. Los resultados evidencian que existe una fuerte brecha digital entre los mayores, influenciada por el contexto económico y cultural. En cuanto al envejecimiento activo, se demuestra que los mayores altamente digitales presentan una mejor vida saludable en su envejecimiento, sin poderse concluir que el uso de las TIC garantice la inclusión y participaciónWhen compared to more digitized western countries, Italy seems to have suffered a delay of ten years, in both the use of ICTs by the elderly and the study of the relation between elderly people, ICTs and ageing. Considering this time lapse, it is now urgent that we question the factors that influence the adoption of ICTs by the elderly and whether ICTs can provide cultural and relational resources that could improve the quality of life of elderly in terms of health and social life. This article describes the main findings of a survey carried out as part of a larger national research project focused on active ageing, which involved 900 Italian people aged between 65 and 74 years of age. The research investigates socio-demographic characteristics of young elderly Italian Internet users and factors related to their use of ICTs. Results have shown that there is a strong digital divide between young elderly Italians, which is primarly influenced –in terms of classical dynamics– by differences in economic, social and cultural capital. With regard to the theme of active ageing, if it is true that highly digitalized young elders are generally characterized by good health, at the present stage of this research it is not possible to indicate whether the adoption of ICTs guarantees social inclusion and participatio

    New Elders, Old Divides: ICTs, Inequalities and Well Being amongst Young Elderly Italians

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    When compared to more digitized western countries, Italy seems to have suffered a delay of ten years, in both the use of ICTs by the elderly and the study of the relation between elderly people, ICTs and ageing. Considering this time lapse, it is now urgent that we question the factors that influence the adoption of ICTs by the elderly and whether ICTs can provide cultural and relational resources that could improve the quality of life of elderly in terms of health and social life. This article describes the main findings of a survey carried out as part of a larger national research project focused on active ageing, which involved 900 Italian people aged between 65 and 74 years of age. The research investigate socio-demographic characteristics of young elderly Italian Internet users and factors related to their use of ICTs. Results have shown that there is a strong digital divide between young elderly Italians, which is primarly influenced –in terms of classical dynamics– by differences in economic, social and cultural capital. With regard to the theme of active ageing, if it is true that highly digitalized young elders are generally characterized by good health, at the present stage of this research it is not possible to indicate whether the adoption of ICTs guarantees social inclusion and participation

    Uma memória para a tecnologia

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    O tema da memória, quando associado ao das novas tecnologias, produz interessantes correlações na medida em que a informática - cuja presença e articulação com tecnologias mais tradicionais constitui a característica distintiva dos novos média - tem sido desde sempre um agente fundamental da evolução da arquivística enquanto fenómeno mnemotécnico. Procuraremos aqui evidenciar três aspectos dessa problemática que nos parecem fundamentais: o da tecnologia informática enquanto instrumento mnemotécnico em si mesmo; o dos conteúdos mnemotécnicos da tecnologia arquivística informatizada; e, por último, o do esquecimento como elemento estrutural e estruturante de cada forma de arquivo

    An ecological approach. The infodemic, pandemic, and COVID-19

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    This contribution aims at focusing on the notion of infodemic, as it has widely been used by International and Supranational institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. For media and communication studies the analysis of the concept and its evolution is interesting from two points of view: firstly, because it allows us to question its theoretical heuristic value and secondly because it enables us to grasp a changing media ecosystem, characterised by the strong presence of social platforms. The work is divided into three parts: the first and the third describe two different stages in the use of the term infodemic by three international and supranational institutions such as the World Health Organisation, the United Nations and the European Union. The second part presents an “oriented” literature review of the platforms, analyzing the mid-term evolutions in the use of the term. The conclusions aims to assume that the turning point in the notion of infodemic is likely to be on the one hand the confirmation of the central importance acquired by platforms in the field of communication and media, on the other hand an entry point into a new season for the democratic governance of public sphere

    Reviewing the cultural industry: from creative industries to digital platforms

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    The goal of the present study is to broadly reconstruct the international debate on the cultural industry, from its origins to today. In particular, the links with other related concepts (creative industries and digital platforms) will be highlighted. The article is divided in three sections: the first reconstructs the origin of the concept, from the 1930s and 1940s, highlighting the theoretical heritage of Adorno and Horkheimer and, more generally, the scholars of the Frankfurt School. Together with Marcuse, those scholars identified, on the one hand, the consonances between industrial mass production and new forms of culture production and, on the other, formulated a radical critique of this change. In the same years in which the theories of this school were disseminated, Morin proposed a less pessimistic view of the same transformation. In the second section, the evolution of the concept of cultural industry during the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 2000s is studied. During this period, the classical theories –after a phase of partial obscurity– were taken up. On one hand a socio-historical perspective emphasized the role played by national industries in shaping contents and styles. On the other hand, a series of scholars enlarged the definition to the creative industries. In the third section, some hypothesis are built about the evolution of the digital platforms and their links with the traditional definition of cultural industry

    Communication for Seniors' Inclusion in Today's Society: The Effects of Digitisation on Active Ageing

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    The progressive ageing of developed societies requires strategies and tools to ensure the well-being of older adults. The new communication paradigm offers ways to reduce the stigma associated with ageing and to improve the quality of life for older adults, but it can also create a dynamic that could put their inclusion at risk. The internet has fomented digital gaps that have exacerbated some of the exclusionary barriers faced by many older adults, while allowing a considerable number of others to maintain emotional ties with loved ones during the worst moments of the pandemic. This thematic issue addresses the different opportunities offered by Information and Communication Technology in improving the social inclusion and quality of life of seniors, but it also considers the risks that digitisation may pose by limiting certain rights of this group. Through the different articles in this issue, the repercussions of communication on the management of ageing are highlighted from different perspectives and methodological approaches. In this way, the complexity of the issue has been revealed, along with the need to address it from positive and constructive perspectives that reassess the role of older adults in the societies in which they live

    Médias à la carte

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    La représentation de la préparation et de la consommation du repas dans les médias audiovisuels et numériques est soit une conséquence, soit un élément actif de la construction de la vie sociale, en termes symboliques et culturels. Avec une approche socio-sémiotique, les auteurs analysent les fonctions communicationnelles de la figure du chef et de l’action de cuisiner dans les différents médias. Et ce, pour ce qui concerne le paysage italien. En particulier, les auteurs traitent du cinéma (du néoréalisme aux films actuels), de la télévision (dans les genres comme le talent show, le reality show et le game show), des médias numériques comme blogs et réseaux sociaux.The representation of the acts of preparation and consumption of food in audio-visual and digital media is both a reflex and an active element of the symbolic and cultural construction of social life. Adopting a socio-semiotics approach, this article focuses on the communicative functions of the figure of the chef and of the act of cooking as they are employed in different media, with a particular focus on the Italian mediascape. The first paragraph briefly retraces the symbolic and narrative valences of food in the history of Italian cinema from Neorealism to the present. The second paragraph focuses on the “spectacular” role of food in contemporary tv genres, such as talent show, reality show and game show. The third paragraph point out the “exhibitionist” exploitation of food in participatory and user-generated content media such as weblogs and social network sites

    949-97 The Prognostic Significance of Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure in the Elderly. Suggestions of a 10 Year Follow-up Study

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    Nowadays the studies evaluating the relationship between blood pressure and (total and cardiovascular) mortality in the elderly have provided conflicting results.Aim of the study was to evaluate the prognostic significance of systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure values in a cohort of 3858 elderly outpatients (mean age 72.7±4.9 years, range 65–96 years, 43.5% males) enrolled in the “Study on blood pressure in the elderly-SPAA” and followed up for 10 years.The initial assessment included two BP measurements in two visits. 90 subjects (2.3%) were lost to follow-up. There were 1546 (41%) deaths (TD), 698 from cardiovascular disease (CD). The Table shows the odds ratio (95% CI) for TD and CD according to baseline SBP and DBP (mmHg,*reference group) adjusted for main cardiovascular risk factors and diseases.SBP<140140-159160–179≥ 180TD1*1.1 (0.9–1.3)1.3 (0.0-1.6)1.5 (1.1-2.0)CD1*1.2 (0.9-1.6)1.4 (1.0-1.8)2.0 (1.4-3.0)DBP<9090-9495-104≥105TD1*1.1 (0.9-1.3)0.9 (0.7-1.1)1.2 (0.8-1.7)CD1*1.1(0.9-1.4)1.0 (0.8-1.4)1.2 (0.8-1.9)*reference groupIn our elderly population SBP was associated with total and cardiovascular mortality while DBP was not. A similar pattern was present in both sexes, in elderly aged less or more than 75 years and in subjects with or without pre-existing cardiovascular diseases.These data suggest that SBP should be emphasized more than DBP in the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension in the elderly

    Inteligência competitiva como estratégia para serviços de informação: monitoramento web de bibliotecas especializadas na área de química

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar como\ud as técnicas da Inteligência Competitiva\ud podem ser adaptadas para o ambiente de serviços de\ud informação, apresentando um projeto\ud de monitoramento\ud web\ud de bibliotecas universitárias especializadas na ár\ud ea de Química\ud como estratégia para a melhoria contínua desses ser\ud viços, através da comparação de\ud serviços de informação análogos, selecionados entre\ud as quatro primeiras instituições\ud classificadas no\ud Webometrics - Ranking Web of World Universities\ud , fornecendo dados para o\ud incremento e atualização dos conteúdos informaciona\ud is disponíveis na página virtual de\ud bibliotecas dessa área, melhorando seu acesso e dis\ud ponibilização de informação, bem como\ud contribuindo para a maximização da visibilidade e a\ud valiação da instituição universitária.\ud Palavras-Chave:\ud Inteligência Competitiva, Monitoramento Web, Bibli\ud otecas Universitárias e\ud especializadas, Página Virtual, Serviços de Informa\ud çãoThe purpose of this research is to show how the tec\ud hniques of Competitive Intelligence can\ud be adapted to the information services environment,\ud presenting a web monitoring project of\ud university libraries specialized in Chemistry as a\ud strategy for continuous improvement of\ud these services by comparing similar information ser\ud vices, selected between the first four\ud institutions classified in the Webometrics - Web Ra\ud nking of World Universities, providing data\ud for enhancing and update of informational content a\ud vailable on web pages of libraries in this\ud area, improving access and availability of informat\ud ion, and contributing to the maximization of\ud visibility and assessment of the universit