268 research outputs found

    Differentiated cell behavior: a multiscale approach using measure theory

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    This paper deals with the derivation of a collective model of cell populations out of an individual-based description of the underlying physical particle system. By looking at the spatial distribution of cells in terms of time-evolving measures, rather than at individual cell paths, we obtain an ensemble representation stemming from the phenomenological behavior of the single component cells. In particular, as a key advantage of our approach, the scale of representation of the system, i.e., microscopic/discrete vs. macroscopic/continuous, can be chosen a posteriori according only to the spatial structure given to the aforesaid measures. The paper focuses in particular on the use of different scales based on the specific functions performed by cells. A two-population hybrid system is considered, where cells with a specialized/differentiated phenotype are treated as a discrete population of point masses while unspecialized/undifferentiated cell aggregates are represented with a continuous approximation. Numerical simulations and analytical investigations emphasize the role of some biologically relevant parameters in determining the specific evolution of such a hybrid cell system.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    The Effects Induced by Spinal Manipulative Therapy on the Immune and Endocrine Systems

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    Background andObjectives: Spinal manipulations are interventions widely used by different healthcare professionals for the management of musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders. While previous theoretical principles focused predominantly on biomechanical accounts, recent models propose that the observed pain modulatory effects of this form of manual therapy may be the result of more complex mechanisms. It has been suggested that other phenomena like neurophysiological responses and the activation of the immune-endocrine system may explain variability in pain inhibition after the administration of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT). The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the available evidence supporting the biological plausibility of high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust (HVLAT) on the immune-endocrine system. Materials and Methods: Narrative critical review. An electronic search on MEDLINE, ProQUEST, and Google Scholar followed by a hand and "snowballing" search were conducted to find relevant articles. Studies were included if they evaluated the effects of HVLAT on participants' biomarkers Results: The electronic search retrieved 13 relevant articles and two themes of discussion were developed. Nine studies investigated the effects of SMT on cortisol levels and five of them were conducted on symptomatic populations. Four studies examined the effects of SMT on the immune system and all of them were conducted on healthy individuals. Conclusions: Although spinal manipulations seem to trigger the activation of the neuroimmunoendocrine system, the evidence supporting a biological account for the application of HVLAT in clinical practice is mixed and conflicting. Further research on subjects with spinal MSK conditions with larger sample sizes are needed to obtain more insights about the biological effects of spinal manipulative therapy

    A GFP-based assay for rapid screening of compounds affecting ARE-dependent mRNA turnover

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    A reporter transcript containing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene upstream of the destabilizing 3′-untranslated region (3′-UTR) of the murine IL-3 gene was inserted in mouse PB-3c-15 mast cells. The GFP-IL-3 transcript was inherently unstable due to the presence of an adenosine-uridine (AU)-rich element (ARE) in the 3′-UTR and was subject to rapid decay giving a low baseline of GFP fluorescence. Transcript stabilization with ionomycin resulted in an increase of fluorescence that is quantitated by FACS analysis of responding cells. Using this system we have identified okadaic acid as a novel stabilizing compound, and investigated the upstream signaling pathways leading to stabilization. This reporter system has the advantage of speed and simplicity over standard methods currently in use and in addition to serving as a research tool it can be easily automated to increase throughput for drug discover

    A hybrid integro-differential model for the early development of the zebrafish posterior lateral line

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    The aim of this work is to provide a mathematical model to describe the early stages of the embryonic development of zebrafish posterior lateral line (PLL). In particular, we focus on evolution of PLL protoorgan (said primordium), from its formation to the beginning of the cyclical behavior that amounts in the assembly of immature proto-neuromasts towards its caudal edge accompanied by the deposition of mature proto-neuromasts at its rostral region. Our approach has an hybrid integro-differential nature, since it integrates a microscopic/discrete particle-based description for cell dynamics and a continuous description for the evolution of the spatial distribution of chemical substances (i.e., the stromalderived factor SDF1a and the fibroblast growth factor FGF10). Boolean variables instead implement the expression of molecular receptors (i.e., Cxcr4/Cxcr7 and fgfr1). Cell phenotypic transitions and proliferation are included as well. The resulting numerical simulations show that the model is able to qualitatively and quantitatively capture the evolution of the wild-type (i.e., normal) embryos as well as the effect of known experimental manipulations. In particular, it is shown that cell proliferation, intercellular adhesion, FGF10-driven dynamics, and a polarized expression of SDF1a receptors are all fundamental for the correct development of the zebrafish posterior lateral line

    Modelling Cell Orientation Under Stretch: The Effect of Substrate Elasticity

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    When cells are seeded on a cyclically deformed substrate like silicon, they tend to reorient their major axis in two ways: either perpendicular to the main stretching direction, or forming an oblique angle with it. However, when the substrate is very soft such as a collagen gel, the oblique orientation is no longer observed, and the cells align either along the stretching direction, or perpendicularly to it. To explain this switch, we propose a simplified model of the cell, consisting of two elastic elements representing the stress fiber/focal adhesion complexes in the main and transverse directions. These elements are connected by a torsional spring that mimics the effect of crosslinking molecules among the stress fibers, which resist shear forces. Our model, consistent with experimental observations, predicts that there is a switch in the asymptotic behaviour of the orientation of the cell determined by the stiffness of the substratum, related to a change from a supercritical bifurcation scenario, whereby the oblique configuration is stable for a sufficiently large stiffness, to a subcritical bifurcation scenario at a lower stiffness. Furthermore, we investigate the effect of cell elongation and find that the region of the parameter space leading to an oblique orientation decreases as the cell becomes more elongated. This implies that elongated cells, such as fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells, are more likely to maintain an oblique orientation with respect to the main stretching direction. Conversely, rounder cells, such as those of epithelial or endothelial origin, are more likely to switch to a perpendicular or parallel orientation on soft substrates

    A particle model analyzing the behavioral rules underlying the collective flight of a bee swarm towards the new nest

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    The swarming of a bee colony is guided by a small group of scout individuals, which are informed of the target destination (the new nest). However, little is known on the underlying mechanisms, i.e. on how the information is passed within the population. In this respect, we here present a discrete mathematical model to investigate these aspects. In particular, each bee, represented by a material point, is assigned its status within the colony and set to move according to individual strategies and social interactions. More specifically, we propose alternative assumptions on the flight synchronization mechanism of uninformed individuals and on the characteristic dynamics of the scout insects. Numerical realizations then point out the combinations of behavioural hypotheses resulting in collective productive movement. An analysis of the role of the scout bee percentage and of the phenomenology of the swarm in domains with structural elements is finally performed

    A discrete mathematical model for the dynamics of a crowd of gazing pedestrians with and without an evolving environmental awareness

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    In this article, we present a microscopic-discrete mathematical model describing crowd dynamics in no panic conditions. More specifically, pedestrians are set to move in order to reach a target destination and their movement is influenced by both behavioral strategies and physical forces. Behavioral strategies include individual desire to remain sufficiently far from structural elements (walls and obstacles) and from other walkers, while physical forces account for interpersonal collisions. The resulting pedestrian behavior emerges therefore from non-local, anisotropic and short/long-range interactions. Relevant improvements of our mathematical model with respect to similar microscopic-discrete approaches present in the literature are: (i) each pedestrian has his/her own dynamic gazing direction, which is regarded to as an independent degree of freedom and (ii) each walker is allowed to take dynamic strategic decisions according to his/her environmental awareness, which increases due to new information acquired on the surrounding space through their visual region. The resulting mathematical modeling environment is then applied to specific scenarios that, although simplified, resemble real-word situations. In particular, we focus on pedestrian flow in twodimensional buildings with several structural elements (i.e., corridors, divisors and columns, and exit doors). The noticeable heterogeneity of possible applications demonstrates the potential of our mathematical model in addressing different engineering problems, allowing for optimization issues as well

    A novel homozygous SLC2A9 mutation associated with renal-induced hypouricemia

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    Hereditary renal hypouricemia (RHUC) is a genetically heterogenous disorder characterized by defective uric acid (UA) reabsorption resulting in hypouricemia and increased fractional excretion of UA; acute kidney injury (AKI) and nephrolithiasis are recognized complications. Type 1 (RHUC1) is caused by mutations in the SLC22A12 gene, whereas RHUC2 is caused by mutations in the SLC2A9 gene. Patient ethnicity is diverse but only few Caucasian families with an SLC2A9 mutation have been reported. The current report describes the clinical history, biochemical and molecular genetics findings of a native Austrian family with RHUC2. The propositus presented with 2 episodes of exercise-induced AKI and exhibited profound hypouricemia. Mutational screening of the SLC22A12 and SLC2A9 genes was performed. The molecular analyses revealed the homozygous c.512G>A transition that leads to the p.Arg171His missense substitution in SLC2A9, confirming the diagnosis of RHUC2. Segregation study of the causal mutation revealed that the mother and elder sister were heterozygous carriers, whereas the younger sister was found to be homozygous. We report the identification of a novel mutation in SLC2A9 as the cause of RHUC2 in a native Austrian family. We show that glucose transporter 9 mutations cause severe hypouricemia in homozygous individuals and confirm the high risk of AKI in male individuals harbouring these mutations. In our literature review, we provide an overview of the putative underlying pathophysiology, potential renal complications, findings on kidney biopsy as well as potential long-time renal sequela

    An integro-differential non-local model for cell migration and its efficient numerical solution

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    Cell migration is fundamental in a wide variety of physiological and pathological phenomena, being exploited in biomedical engineering as well. In this respect, we here present a hybrid non-local integro-differential model where a representative cell, reproduced by a point particle with an orientation, moves on a planar domain upon signals coming from environmental variables. From a numerical point of view, non-locality implies the need to evaluate integral terms which may present non-regular integrand functions because of heterogeneities in the environmental conditions and/or in cell sensing region. Having in mind multicellular applications, we here propose a robust computational method able to handle such non-regularities. The procedure is based on low order Runge–Kutta methods and on an ad hoc application of the Gauss–Legendre quadrature rule. The accuracy and efficiency of the resulting computational method is then tested by selected benchmark settings. In this context, the ad hoc application of the quadrature rule reveals to be crucial to obtain a high accuracy with a remarkably low number of quadrature nodes with respect to the standard Gauss–Legendre quadrature formula, and which thus results in a reduced overall computational cost. Finally, the proposed method is further coupled with the cubic spline interpolation scheme which allows to deal also with possible poor (i.e., point-wise defined) molecular spatial information. The performed simulations (which accounts also for different scenarios) show how the interpolation of the molecular variables affects the efficiency of the overall method and further justify the proposed procedure

    A sound understanding of a cropping system model with the global sensitivity analysis

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    The capability of cropping system models of depicting the crop and soil-related processes implies a high number of parameters. The aim of this work was to detect the key parameters, and the associated processes, of the ARMOSA cropping system model, considering two target outputs, crop yield and nitrogen leaching. A global sensitivity analysis (SA) was carried out in two steps: (1) the Morris method considering the whole set of parameters; (2) Sobol analysis was applied to the Morris outcome. The simulation was run on winter wheat in four soil types in Marchfeld (Austria, 2010–2018). Parameters affecting crop yield was the critical nitrogen concentration, the potential CO2 assimilation rate, and the drought sensitivity parameter. Nitrogen leaching was mainly affected by the decomposition of litter and the early aboveground biomass growth. The parameters ranking did not appreciably change across soil types. This study offers a quick and replicable methodology for model calibration
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