84 research outputs found

    Quantification of Ralstonia solanacearum Colonization of Potato Germplasm Using Luminescence

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    We have developed an unsophisticated, non-disruptive and accurate method for evaluation of pathogen colonization in planta. In this protocol we use a Ralstonia solanacearum (R. solanacearum) UY031 strain genetically modified to constitutively generate light from a synthetic luxCDABE operon stably inserted in its chromosome. This system allows bacterial quantification in a high-throughput manner, avoiding time-consuming and tedious bacterial dilution plating and colony counting. In addition, this system could be especially useful in plant breeding programs to detect bacterial latent growth in symptomless parental lines before their inclusion in long-term disease resistance breeding programs

    Characterization of soldat8, a Suppressor of Singlet Oxygen-Induced Cell Death in Arabidopsis Seedlings

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    The flu mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana overaccumulates in the dark the immediate precursor of chlorophyllide, protochlorophyllide (Pchlide), a potent photosensitizer, that upon illumination generates singlet oxygen (1O2). Once 1O2 has been released in plastids of the flu mutant, mature plants stop growing, while seedlings die. Several suppressor mutations, dubbed singlet oxygen-linked death activator (soldat), were identified that specifically abrogate 1O2-mediated stress responses in young flu seedlings without grossly affecting 1O2-mediated stress responses of mature flu plants. One of the soldat mutations, soldat8, was shown to impair a gene encoding the SIGMA6 factor of the plastid RNA polymerase. Reintroduction of a wild-type copy of the SOLDAT8 gene into the soldat8/flu mutant restored the phenotype of the flu parental line. In contrast to flu, seedlings of soldat8/flu did not bleach when grown under non-permissive dark/light conditions, despite their continuous overaccumulation of the photosensitizer Pchlide in the dark. The activity of SIGMA6 is confined primarily to the very early stage of seedling development. Inactivation of SIGMA6 in soldat8 mutants disturbed plastid homeostasis, drastically reduced the non-photochemical quenching capacity and enhanced the light sensitivity of young soldat8 seedlings. Surprisingly, after being grown under very low light, soldat8 seedlings showed an enhanced resistance against a subsequent severe light stress that was significantly higher than in wild-type seedlings. In order to reach a similar enhanced stress resistance, wild-type seedlings had to be exposed to a brief higher light treatment that triggered an acclimatory response. Such a mild pre-stress treatment did not further enhance the stress resistance of soldat8 seedlings. Suppression of 1O2-mediated cell death in young flu/soldat8 seedlings seems to be due to a transiently enhanced acclimation at the beginning of seedling development caused by the initial disturbance of plastid homeostasi

    Twitching and swimming motility play a role in Ralstonia solanacearum pathogenicity

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    Ralstonia solanacearum is a bacterial plant pathogen causing important economic losses worldwide. In addition to the polar flagella responsible for swimming motility, this pathogen produces type IV pili (TFP) that govern twitching motility, a flagellum-independent movement on solid surfaces. The implication of chemotaxis in plant colonization, through the control flagellar rotation by the proteins CheW and CheA, has been previously reported in R. solanacearum. In this work, we have identified in this bacterium homologues of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa pilI and chpA genes, suggested to play roles in TFP-associated motility analogous to those played by the cheW and cheA genes, respectively. We demonstrate that R. solanacearum strains with a deletion of the pilI or the chpA coding region show normal swimming and chemotaxis but altered biofilm formation and reduced twitching motility, transformation efficiency, and root attachment. Furthermore, these mutants displayed wild-type growth in planta and impaired virulence on tomato plants after soil-drench inoculations but not when directly applied to the xylem. Comparison with deletion mutants for pilA and fliC encoding the major pilin and flagellin subunits, respectively showed that both twitching and swimming are required for plant colonization and full virulence. This work proves for the first time the functionality of a pilus-mediated pathway encoded by pil-chp genes in R. solanacearum, demonstrating that pilI and chpA genes are bona fide motility regulators controlling twitching motility and its three related phenotypes: virulence, natural transformation, and biofilm formation

    Yeast as a Heterologous Model System to Uncover Type III Effector Function

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    Type III effectors (T3E) are key virulence proteins that are injected by bacterial pathogens inside the cells of their host to subvert cellular processes and contribute to disease. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae represents an important heterologous system for the functional characterisation of T3E proteins in a eukaryotic environment. Importantly, yeast contains eukaryotic processes with low redundancy and are devoid of immunity mechanisms that counteract T3Es and mask their function. Expression in yeast of effectors from both plant and animal pathogens that perturb conserved cellular processes often resulted in robust phenotypes that were exploited to elucidate effector functions, biochemical properties, and host targets. The genetic tractability of yeast and its amenability for highthroughput functional studies contributed to the success of this system that, in recent years, has been used to study over 100 effectors. Here, we provide a critical view on this body of work and describe advantages and limitations inherent to the use of yeast in T3E research. 'Favourite' targets of T3Es in yeast are cytoskeleton components and small GTPases of the Rho family.We describe how mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling, vesicle trafficking, membrane structures, and programmed cell death are also often altered by T3Es in yeast and how this reflects their function in the natural host. We describe how effector structure-function studies and analysis of candidate targeted processes or pathways can be carried out in yeast. We critically analyse technologies that have been used in yeast to assign biochemical functions to T3Es, including transcriptomics and proteomics, as well as suppressor, gain-of-function, or synthetic lethality screens. We also describe how yeast can be used to select for molecules that block T3E function in search of new antibacterial drugs with medical applications. Finally, we provide our opinion on the limitations of S. cerevisiae as a model system and its most promising future applications

    The death of plant cells: from proteases to field applications

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    The meeting 'The Death of Plant Cells: From Proteases to Field Applications' was jointly organized in October 2013 in Barcelona by B·Debate, the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) and the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB), www.bdebate.org/en/forum/death-plant-cells-proteases-field-applications. [...

    Resistant tomato restricts colonization and invasion by the pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum at four organismal levels

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    Ralstonia solanacearum is a devastating bacterial vascular pathogen causing bacterial wilt. In the field, resistance against this disease is quantitative and only available for breeders in tomato and eggplant. To understand the basis of resistance in tomato, we have investigated the spatio-temporal bacterial colonization dynamics using non-invasive live monitoring techniques coupled to grafting of susceptible and resistant varieties. We revealed four different restrictions to the bacterium in resistant tomato: root colonization, vertical movement from roots to shoots, circular vascular bundle invasion and radial apoplastic spread in the cortex. We also show that the radial invasion of cortical extracellular spaces occurs mostly at late disease stages but is observed throughout plant infection. This work shows that resistance is expressed both in root and shoot tissues and highlights the importance of structural constraints to bacterial spread as a resistance mechanism. It also shows that R. solanacearum is not only a vascular pathogen but spreads "out of the xylem", occupying the plant apoplast niche. Our work will help elucidate the complex genetic determinants of resistance, setting the foundations to decipher the molecular mechanisms that limit pathogen colonization, which may provide new potential precision tools to fight bacterial wilt in the field

    Type III secretion inhibitors for the management of bacterial plant diseases

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    The identification of chemical compounds that prevent and combat bacterial diseases is fundamental for crop production. Bacterial virulence inhibitors are a promising alternative to classical control treatments, because they have a low environmental impact and are less likely to generate bacterial resistance. The major virulence determinant of most animal and plant bacterial pathogens is the type III secretion system (T3SS). In this work, we screened nine plant extracts and 12 isolated compounds including molecules effective against human pathogens for their capacity to inhibit the T3SS of plant pathogens and for their applicability as virulence inhibitors for crop protection. The screen was performed using a luminescent reporter system developed in the model pathogenic bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum. Five synthetic molecules, one natural product and two plant extracts were found to down‐regulate T3SS transcription, most through the inhibition of the regulator hrpB. In addition, for three of the molecules, corresponding to salicylidene acylhydrazide derivatives, the inhibitory effect caused a dramatic decrease in the secretion capacity, which was translated into impaired plant responses. These candidate virulence inhibitors were then tested for their ability to protect plants. We demonstrated that salicylidene acylhydrazides can limit R. solanacearum multiplication in planta and protect tomato plants from bacterial speck caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Our work validates the efficiency of transcription reporters to discover compounds or natural product extracts that can be potentially applied to prevent bacterial plant diseases

    Complete genome sequence of the potato pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum UY031

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    Ralstonia solanacearum is the causative agent of bacterial wilt of potato. Ralstonia solanacearum strain UY031 belongs to the American phylotype IIB, sequevar 1, also classified as race 3 biovar 2. Here we report the completely sequenced genome of this strain, the first complete genome for phylotype IIB, sequevar 1, and the fourth for the R. solanacearum species complex. In addition to standard genome annotation, we have carried out a curated annotation of type III effector genes, an important pathogenicity-related class of genes for this organism. We identified 60 effector genes, and observed that this effector repertoire is distinct when compared to those from other phylotype IIB strains. Eleven of the effectors appear to be nonfunctional due to disruptive mutations. We also report a methylome analysis of this genome, the first for a R. solanacearum strain. This analysis helped us note the presence of a toxin gene within a region of probable phage origin, raising the hypothesis that this gene may play a role in this strain's virulence

    Dynamic expression of Ralstonia solanacearum virulence factors and metabolism-controlling genes during plant infection

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. P. Sebastià received the support of a fellowship (code is LCF/BQ/IN17/11620004) from la Caixa Foundation (identifier [ID] 100010434)Background: Ralstonia solanacearum is the causal agent of bacterial wilt, a devastating plant disease responsible for serious economic losses especially on potato, tomato, and other solanaceous plant species in temperate countries. In R. solanacearum, gene expression analysis has been key to unravel many virulence determinants as well as their regulatory networks. However, most of these assays have been performed using either bacteria grown in minimal medium or in planta, after symptom onset, which occurs at late stages of colonization. Thus, little is known about the genetic program that coordinates virulence gene expression and metabolic adaptation along the different stages of plant infection by R. solanacearum. Results: We performed an RNA-sequencing analysis of the transcriptome of bacteria recovered from potato apoplast and from the xylem of asymptomatic or wilted potato plants, which correspond to three different conditions (Apoplast, Early and Late xylem). Our results show dynamic expression of metabolism-controlling genes and virulence factors during parasitic growth inside the plant. Flagellar motility genes were especially up-regulated in the apoplast and twitching motility genes showed a more sustained expression in planta regardless of the condition. Xylem-induced genes included virulence genes, such as the type III secretion system (T3SS) and most of its related effectors and nitrogen utilisation genes. The upstream regulators of the T3SS were exclusively up-regulated in the apoplast, preceding the induction of their downstream targets. Finally, a large subset of genes involved in central metabolism was exclusively down-regulated in the xylem at late infection stages. Conclusions: This is the first report describing R. solanacearum dynamic transcriptional changes within the plant during infection. Our data define four main genetic programmes that define gene pathogen physiology during plant colonisation. The described expression of virulence genes, which might reflect bacterial states in different infection stages, provides key information on the R. solanacearum potato infection process

    Transcriptome responses to Ralstonia solanacearum infection in the roots of the wild potato Solanum commersonii

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    Background: Solanum commersonii is a wild potato species that exhibits high tolerance to both biotic and abiotic stresses and has been used as a source of genes for introgression into cultivated potato. Among the interesting features of S. commersonii is resistance to the bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, one of the most devastating bacterial diseases of crops. Results: In this study, we used deep sequencing of S. commersonii RNA (RNA-seq) to analyze the below-ground plant transcriptional responses to R. solanacearum. While a majority of S. commersonii RNA-seq reads could be aligned to the Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja DM reference genome sequence, we identified 2,978 S. commersonii novel transcripts through assembly of unaligned S. commersonii RNA-seq reads. We also used RNA-seq to study gene expression in pathogen-challenged roots of S. commersonii accessions resistant (F118) and susceptible (F97) to the pathogen. Expression profiles obtained from read mapping to the S. tuberosum reference genome and the S. commersonii novel transcripts revealed a differential response to the pathogen in the two accessions, with 221 (F118) and 644 (F97) differentially expressed genes including S. commersonii novel transcripts in the resistant and susceptible genotypes. Interestingly, 22.6% of the F118 and 12.8% of the F97 differentially expressed genes had been previously identified as responsive to biotic stresses and half of those up-regulated in both accessions had been involved in plant pathogen responses. Finally, we compared two different methods to eliminate ribosomal RNA from the plant RNA samples in order to allow dual mapping of RNAseq reads to the host and pathogen genomes and provide insights on the advantages and limitations of each technique. Conclusions: Our work catalogues the S. commersonii transcriptome and strengthens the notion that this species encodes specific genes that are differentially expressed to respond to bacterial wilt. In addition, a high proportion of S. commersonii-specific transcripts were altered by R. solanacearum only in F118 accession, while phythormone-related genes were highly induced in F97, suggesting a markedly different response to the pathogen in the two plant accessions studied