3,104 research outputs found

    Mítosz és geológia – egy atoll elsüllyedése mondabeli és geológiai bizonyítékok alapján

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    Palau kicsiny szigetcsoport a Csendes-óceán nyugati részén, a Fülöp-szigetektől mintegy 600 km-re keletre. A szigetlakók mitológiája megemlékezik Ngeruangelről, egy elsüllyedt szigetről a vonulat távoli, északi végén. A monda szerint a sziget hirtelen merült a hullámok alá és lakói menekülésre kényszerültek. A túlélők Babeldaob szigetén kötöttek ki, ahol is megalapították azt a két klánt, amelyek ma is uralják a szigetet. Mitológiai történetek nem szoktak szerepelni a természettudományos problémák megoldására használt eszköztárban. Ebben az esetben azonban kivételt teszünk: meggyőző geológiai bizonyítékokat találtunk a monda alátámasztására. Maga a legenda pedig segít abban, hogy a földtani eseményeket történeti időkeretbe illeszthessük. Megtaláltuk az elsüllyedt atollt, azonosítottuk a hajdani szigeteket, felvázoltuk az események kronológiáját és tektonikai magyarázatot találtunk a katasztrófára. Feltételezésünk szerint az elsüllyedt sziget nem más, mint a Velasco-zátony, amely 50 km-re fekszik északra Palau fő szigetétől. A 35 km hosszú, 12 km széles karbonátos platform 1-3 km széles zátonygyűrűből áll, amely jelenleg 12-18 m mélységben fekszik. A központi lagúna 50 m mély. Egy – ma már nem működő – árapálycsatorna köti össze az óceánnal. Az uralkodó keleti szél keltette áramlások felgyorsulnak, amint a sekély platform fölött haladnak el. Viharos időben látszik is a hullámok által felkavart üledék az egyébként kristálytiszta vízben; feltehetően ez hátráltatja a korallok növekedését. Az elsüllyedt atoll kifejlett és jól megőrződött bélyegei arra utalnak, hogy a Velascozátony mindvégig a tengerszinten volt a középső- és a késő-holocén folyamán. A süllyedést a Palau-árok mentén alábukó óceáni lemez okozhatta: alulról erodálta a Filippínó-lemezt, amely így részletekben lesüllyedt

    Effect of open hole on tensile failure properties of 2D triaxial braided textile composites and tape equivalents

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    The unnotched and notched (open hole) tensile strength and failure mechanisms of two-dimensional (2D) triaxial braided composites were examined. The effect of notch size and notch position were investigated. Damage initiation and propagation in notched and unnotched coupons were also examined. Theory developed to predict the normal stress distribution near an open hole and failure for tape laminated composites was evaluated for its applicability to triaxial braided textile composite materials. Four fiber architectures were considered with different combinations of braid angle, longitudinal and braider yam size, and percentage of longitudinal yarns. Tape laminates equivalent to textile composites were also constructed for comparison. Unnotched tape equivalents were stronger than braided textiles but exhibited greater notch sensitivity. Notched textiles and tape equivalents have roughly the same strength at large notch sizes. Two common damage mechanisms were found: braider yams cracking and near notch longitudinal yarn splitting. Cracking was found to initiate in braider yarns in unnotched and notched coupons, and propagate in the direction of the braider yarns until failure. Longitudinal yarn splitting occurred in three of four architectures that were longitudinally fiber dominated. Damage initiation stress decreased with increasing braid angle. No significant differences in prediction of near notch stress between measured and predicted stress were weak for textiles with large braid angle. Notch strength could not be predicted using existing anisotropic theory for braided textiles due to their insensitivity to notch

    Risk factors of ischemic stroke and subsequent outcome in hemodialysis patients

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    Background and purpose: End stage renal disease (ESRD) requiring hemodialysis (HD) carries up to a 10-fold greater risk of stroke than normal renal function. Knowledge concerning risk factors and management strategies derived from the general population may not be applicable to those with ESRD. We studied a large ESRD population to identify risk factors and outcomes for stroke. Methods: All adult patients receiving HD for ESRD from 01/01/2007 to 31/12/2012 were extracted from the electronic patient record. Variables associated with stroke were identified by survival analysis; demographic, clinical, imaging and dialysis related variables were assessed and case-fatality determined. Follow-up was until 31/12/2013. Results: 1382 patients were identified (mean age 60.5 years, 58.5% male). The prevalence of AF was 21.2% and 59.4% were incident HD patients. 160 (11.6%) experienced a stroke during 3471 patient-years of follow-up (95% ischemic). Stroke incidence was 41.5/1000 patient-years in prevalent and 50.1/1000 patient-years in incident HD patients. Factors associated with stroke on regression analysis were prior stroke, diabetes and age at starting renal replacement therapy. AF was not significantly associated with stroke and warfarin did not affect stroke risk in warfarin treated patients. Fatality was 18.8% at 7, 26.9% at 28 and 56.3% 365 days after stroke.<p></p> Conclusions: Incidence of stroke is high in patients with ESRD on HD with high case-fatality. Incident HD patients had the highest stroke incidence. Many, but not all, important risk factors commonly associated with stroke in the general population were not associated with stroke in patients receiving HD

    What is the predictive power of the colobine protein-to-fiber model and its conservation value?

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    Predicting variation in animal abundance across time and space has proven very difficult; however, a model exists to predict the biomass of small folivorous primates that has considerable correlative support. This model suggests that the protein-to-fiber ratio of leaves in a habitat can predict folivore biomass. Here we present an experimental test of this protein-to-fiber model to assess if the number of infant monkeys per female and group size can be predicted based on the leaf chemistry of a habitat. We expected regenerating forest in Kibale National Park, Uganda to have leaves with higher concentrations of crude protein and lower concentrations of fiber than old-growth forest trees, and consequently, we expected a greater number of infants per female in the folivorous red colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus) with access to this area. As predicted, regenerating forests did have trees with leaves with high concentrations of protein and low concentrations of fiber, but there was no corresponding change in the demographic structure of red colobus groups. We also tested whether energy was a potential determinant of these parameters, but found no evidence for its importance. Our findings support recent studies that are critical of the protein-to-fiber model, which lead us to question the model’s generality, particularly for conservation and management

    Laser writing of individual atomic defects in a crystal with near-unity yield

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    Atomic defects in wide band gap materials show great promise for development of a new generation of quantum information technologies, but have been hampered by the inability to produce and engineer the defects in a controlled way. The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center in diamond is one of the foremost candidates, with single defects allowing optical addressing of electron spin and nuclear spin degrees of freedom with potential for applications in advanced sensing and computing. Here we demonstrate a method for the deterministic writing of individual NV centers at selected locations with high positioning accuracy using laser processing with online fluorescence feedback. This method provides a new tool for the fabrication of engineered materials and devices for quantum technologies and offers insight into the diffusion dynamics of point defects in solids.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Failure Under Stress: The Effect of the Exotic Herbivore \u3cem\u3eAdelges tsugae\u3c/em\u3e on Biomechanics of \u3cem\u3eTsuga canadensis\u3c/em\u3e

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    Background and Aims Exotic herbivores that lack a coevolutionary history with their host plants can benefit from poorly adapted host defences, potentially leading to rapid population growth of the herbivore and severe damage to its plant hosts. The hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) is an exotic hemipteran that feeds on the long-lived conifer eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), causing rapid mortality of infested trees. While the mechanism of this mortality is unknown, evidence indicates that A. tsugae feeding causes a hypersensitive response and alters wood anatomy. This study investigated the effect of A. tsugae feeding on biomechanical properties at different spatial scales: needles, twigs and branches. Methods Uninfested and A. tsugae-infested samples were collected from a common garden experiment as well as from naturally infested urban and rural field sites. Tension and flexure mechanical tests were used to quantify biomechanical properties of the different tissues. In tissues that showed a significant effect of herbivory, the potential contributions of lignin and tissue density on the results were quantified. Key Results Adelges tsugae infestation decreased the abscission strength, but not flexibility, of needles. A. tsugae feeding also decreased mechanical strength and flexibility in currently attacked twigs, but this effect disappeared in older, previously attacked branches. Lignin and twig tissue density contributed to differences in mechanical strength but were not affected by insect treatment. Conclusions Decreased strength and flexibility in twigs, along with decreased needle strength, suggest that infested trees experience resource stress. Altered growth patterns and cell wall chemistry probably contribute to these mechanical effects. Consistent site effects emphasize the role of environmental variation in mechanical traits. The mechanical changes measured here may increase susceptibility to abiotic physical stressors in hemlocks colonized by A. tsugae. Thus, the interaction between herbivore and physical stresses is probably accelerating the decline of eastern hemlock, as HWA continues to expand its range

    Natural and experimental evolution of sexual conflict within Caenorhabditis nematodes

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    BACKGROUND: Although males and females need one another in order to reproduce, they often have different reproductive interests, which can lead to conflict between the sexes. The intensity and frequency of male-male competition for fertilization opportunities is thought to be an important contributor to this conflict. The nematode genus Caenorhabditis provides an opportunity to test this hypothesis because the frequency of males varies widely among species with different mating systems. RESULTS: We find evidence that there is strong inter- and intra-sexual conflict within C. remanei, a dioecious species composed of equal frequencies of males and females. In particular, some C. remanei males greatly reduce female lifespan following mating, and their sperm have a strong competitive advantage over the sperm of other males. In contrast, our results suggest that both types of conflict have been greatly reduced within C. elegans, which is an androdioecious species that is composed of self-fertilizing hermaphrodites and rare males. Using experimental evolution in mutant C. elegans populations in which sperm production is blocked in hermaphrodites (effectively converting them to females), we find that the consequences of sexual conflict observed within C. remanei evolve rapidly within C. elegans populations experiencing high levels of male-male competition. CONCLUSIONS: Together, these complementary data sets support the hypothesis that the intensity of intersexual conflict varies with the intensity of competition among males, and that male-induced collateral damage to mates can evolve very rapidly within populations

    Genomics reveal population structure, evolutionary history, and signatures of selection in the northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus

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    Funding: This work was supported by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Maritimes and National Geographic emerging explorer grant to L.J.F, with support by and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Killam Nova Scotia Doctoral Scholarships. Work was also supported by US Office of Naval Research and US Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), DFO, University of Windsor, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, Nunavut Fisheries Association, Government of Nunavut, and NSERC. Funding and resources for sequencing the northern bottlenose whale genome was supported by the CanSeq150 program of Canada’s Genomics Enterprise.Information on wildlife population structure, demographic history, and adaptations are fundamental to understanding species evolution and informing conservation strategies. To study this ecological context for a cetacean of conservation concern, we conducted the first genomic assessment of the northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus, using whole-genome resequencing data (n = 37) from five regions across the North Atlantic Ocean. We found a range-wide pattern of isolation-by-distance with a genetic subdivision distinguishing three subgroups: the Scotian Shelf, western North Atlantic, and Jan Mayen regions. Signals of elevated levels of inbreeding in the Endangered Scotian Shelf population indicate this population may be more vulnerable than the other two subgroups. In addition to signatures of inbreeding, evidence of local adaptation in the Scotian Shelf was detected across the genome. We found a long-term decline in effective population size for the species, which poses risks to their genetic diversity and may be exacerbated by the isolating effects of population subdivision. Protecting important habitat and migratory corridors should be prioritized to rebuild population sizes that were diminished by commercial whaling, strengthen gene flow, and ensure animals can move across regions in response to environmental changes.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Correlative analysis of structure and chemistry of LixFePO4 platelets using 4D-STEM and X-ray ptychography

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    Lithium iron phosphate (LixFePO4), a cathode material used in rechargeable Li-ion batteries, phase separates upon de/lithiation under equilibrium. The interfacial structure and chemistry within these cathode materials affects Li-ion transport, and therefore battery performance. Correlative imaging of LixFePO4 was performed using four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy (4D-STEM), scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM), and X-ray ptychography in order to analyze the local structure and chemistry of the same particle set. Over 50,000 diffraction patterns from 10 particles provided measurements of both structure and chemistry at a nanoscale spatial resolution (16.6-49.5 nm) over wide (several micron) fields-of-view with statistical robustness.LixFePO4 particles at varying stages of delithiation were measured to examine the evolution of structure and chemistry as a function of delithiation. In lithiated and delithiated particles, local variations were observed in the degree of lithiation even while local lattice structures remained comparatively constant, and calculation of linear coefficients of chemical expansion suggest pinning of the lattice structures in these populations. Partially delithiated particles displayed broadly core-shell-like structures, however, with highly variable behavior both locally and per individual particle that exhibited distinctive intermediate regions at the interface between phases, and pockets within the lithiated core that correspond to FePO4 in structure and chemistry.The results provide insight into the LixFePO4 system, subtleties in the scope and applicability of Vegards law (linear lattice parameter-composition behavior) under local versus global measurements, and demonstrate a powerful new combination of experimental and analytical modalities for bridging the crucial gap between local and statistical characterization.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure
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