98 research outputs found

    Influence of Obesity-Related Genotype on Weight Loss Success, Changes in Body Composition, Biochemical Markers, and Quality of Life While Participating in a 6-Month Weight Loss Program

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether genotype of some obesity-related genes (FABP2, PPARG, ADRB2, ADRB3) impacts health outcomes from participation in a 6-month weight loss program. Fifty-one overweight/obese women (41.8 ± 12.1 yrs, 35.3 ± 8.0 kg/m^2 ) were randomly assigned to diet based on genotype, true or false match. Dietary intervention included two hypocaloric (week 1: 1400 kcal/d, weeks 2-24: 1500 kcal/d), moderate protein (45% kcal from protein) diets with variations in carbohydrates and fat (LC- 20:35, MC- 30:25). Participants performed a resistance-exercise program four days/week, and 10,000 steps/day three days/week. Anthropometrics, body composition, REE, dietary data, biochemical markers, and psychosocial evaluation were collected monthly. VO2peak, muscular strength and endurance were assessed at baseline, 3- and 6-months. All measures were analyzed with repeated measures MANOVA. Significant genotype effects and trends favoring false matches were observed for body weight (F-5.6±5.0, T-5.0±5.0 kg, p=0.10), fat free mass (F-0.4±2.3, T-0.8±2.3 kg, p=0.09), android total mass (F-849.1±882.8, T-669.7±855.4 grams, p=0.05), android fat mass (F-627±583, T-459±480 grams, p=0.07), gynoid fat free mass (F+3.0±665, T-199±534 grams, p=0.09), and fasting insulin (T+1.9±5.3, F+0.2±5.1 microIU/mL, p=0.04). Significant time x genotype interactions and trends favoring false were observed for triglycerides (T-9.9±62.3, F-35.5±49.1 mg/dL, p=0.05). Genotype effect favoring true was observed for android fat free mass (T-210.5±451.7, F- 222.0±463.8 grams, p=0.04), gynoid total mass (T-878±978, F-852±1073 grams, p=0.09), and hip circumference (T-5.1±5.5, F-4.9±3.7 cm, p=0.07). Significant genotype x diet interaction and trend was observed in favor of true MC for LDL (TMC-15.8±26.7, FMC-8.6±34.2, FLC+3.7±28.1, TLC+10.1±26.3 mg/dL, p=0.02) and cholesterol (TMC- 26.0±32.1, FMC-23.5±32.0, FLC+7.0±31.8, TLC+8.5±35.8 mg/dL, p=0.06). Overall, false matches experienced greater improvements in body composition, fitness, and biochemical markers

    Nutritional Ergogenic Aids: The Influences of Carbohydrate-Protein Supplementation During Endurance Exercise

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    Mixed results, in terms of performance benefits, have been found when comparing carbohydrate (CHO) and carbohydrate-protein (CHO-P) supplementation during endurance exercise. Thus this study assessed performance from three different supplements (CHO-P, CHO, double carbohydrate [CHO-CHO]) as compared to a placebo (PLA) during a time trial (TT) run. Twelve male recreational runners (age = 32.4 ± 9.5 yrs; body mass index [BMI] = 22.7 ± 1.5 kg/m2; VO2max = 59.68 ± 7.53 mL/kg body weight; 100% white) individually completed four, 12-mile TT runs, 7-10 days apart, at about 75% of the their race pace. Dietary and physical activity consistency within the 24-hour time period prior to each run was controlled via individualized diet and activity prescriptions based off of the diet consumed and the physical activity engaged in prior to TT 1. Throughout each TT run, participants consumed a 600 mL load of one of the four aforementioned supplements. Supplement order was counterbalanced with a latin-square design. Endurance performance was measured by time to complete the 12-mile run, and time to complete the last 1.2 miles of the run, where participants were instructed to run at maximal effort, 100% race pace. A main effect of time occurred during the TTs for perceived exertion (RPE) and heart rate (HR). RPE (Borge 10-point scale) significantly increased from the mid-point of the TT to completion of the run (4.7 ± 0.7, 9.7 ± 0.9, p \u3c 0.001); HR significantly increased from the start of the run to the start of the maximal effort, and was significantly higher at completion of the effort (84.4 ± 14.5 bpm, 166.0 ± 8.3 bpm, 178.8 ± 7.4 bpm, p \u3c 0.001). No significant difference was found in overall time to complete the 12-mile run or maximal effort between the supplements (PLA = 88.6 ± 11.6 min, CHO = 89.1 ± 11.3 min, CHO-P = 89.1 ± 11.8 min, CHO-CHO = 89.6 ± 11.9 min; PLA = 8.3 ± 1.2 min, CHO = 8.2 ± 1.2 min, CHO-P = 8.2 ± 1.2 min, CHO-CHO = 8.4 ± 1.5 min). These findings suggest that type of supplementation (CHO, CHO-CHO, CHO-P) consumed during an endurance exercise bout has no influence on enhancing endurance performance in male recreational runners during TT runs less than 100 minutes in length

    Influence of Obesity-Related Genotype on Weight Loss Success, Changes in Body Composition, Biochemical Markers, and Quality of Life While Participating in a 6-Month Weight Loss Program

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether genotype of some obesity-related genes (FABP2, PPARG, ADRB2, ADRB3) impacts health outcomes from participation in a 6-month weight loss program. Fifty-one overweight/obese women (41.8 ± 12.1 yrs, 35.3 ± 8.0 kg/m^2 ) were randomly assigned to diet based on genotype, true or false match. Dietary intervention included two hypocaloric (week 1: 1400 kcal/d, weeks 2-24: 1500 kcal/d), moderate protein (45% kcal from protein) diets with variations in carbohydrates and fat (LC- 20:35, MC- 30:25). Participants performed a resistance-exercise program four days/week, and 10,000 steps/day three days/week. Anthropometrics, body composition, REE, dietary data, biochemical markers, and psychosocial evaluation were collected monthly. VO2peak, muscular strength and endurance were assessed at baseline, 3- and 6-months. All measures were analyzed with repeated measures MANOVA. Significant genotype effects and trends favoring false matches were observed for body weight (F-5.6±5.0, T-5.0±5.0 kg, p=0.10), fat free mass (F-0.4±2.3, T-0.8±2.3 kg, p=0.09), android total mass (F-849.1±882.8, T-669.7±855.4 grams, p=0.05), android fat mass (F-627±583, T-459±480 grams, p=0.07), gynoid fat free mass (F+3.0±665, T-199±534 grams, p=0.09), and fasting insulin (T+1.9±5.3, F+0.2±5.1 microIU/mL, p=0.04). Significant time x genotype interactions and trends favoring false were observed for triglycerides (T-9.9±62.3, F-35.5±49.1 mg/dL, p=0.05). Genotype effect favoring true was observed for android fat free mass (T-210.5±451.7, F- 222.0±463.8 grams, p=0.04), gynoid total mass (T-878±978, F-852±1073 grams, p=0.09), and hip circumference (T-5.1±5.5, F-4.9±3.7 cm, p=0.07). Significant genotype x diet interaction and trend was observed in favor of true MC for LDL (TMC-15.8±26.7, FMC-8.6±34.2, FLC+3.7±28.1, TLC+10.1±26.3 mg/dL, p=0.02) and cholesterol (TMC- 26.0±32.1, FMC-23.5±32.0, FLC+7.0±31.8, TLC+8.5±35.8 mg/dL, p=0.06). Overall, false matches experienced greater improvements in body composition, fitness, and biochemical markers

    The influence of commercially-available carbohydrate and carbohydrate-protein supplements on endurance running performance in recreational athletes during a field trial

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    Background It is recommended that endurance athletes consume carbohydrate (CHO) supplements, providing 6-8% CHO concentration, during exercise \u3e 60 minutes to improve athletic performance. Recently research has compared carbohydrate-protein (CHO-P) supplementation to the traditionally used CHO supplementation during endurance exercise, following these supplementation recommendations, in controlled settings, but not under simulated applied conditions such as a field trial. Therefore, the purpose of the present investigation was to test CHO and CHO-P supplementation under applied conditions such that commercially-available isocaloric (CHO-P & double-carbohydrate [CHO-CHO]) and isocarbohydrate (CHO-P & CHO) supplements were compared to a placebo (PLA), within an outdoor running field trial \u3e 60 minutes in order to asses their influence on endurance performance. Methods Twelve male recreational runners completed four, 19.2 km runs, where they were instructed to run at a pace similar to race pace including a final sprint to the finish, which in this case was the final two laps of the course (1.92 km). Supplementation was provided before the start and in 4 km increments. Performance was measured by time to complete the 19.2 km run and last 1.92 km sprint. Results Analyses found no difference between supplements in time to complete the 19.2 km run (PLA = 88.6 ± 11.6 min, CHO = 89.1 ± 11.3 min, CHO-P = 89.1 ± 11.8 min, CHO-CHO = 89.6 ± 11.9 min) or last 1.92 km sprint to the finish (PLA = 8.3 ± 1.2 min, CHO = 8.2 ± 1.2 min, CHO-P = 8.2 ± 1.2 min, CHO-CHO = 8.4 ± 1.5 min). Conclusions When following recommendation for supplementation within a field trial, commercially available CHO and CHO-P supplements do not appear to enhance performance in male recreational runners

    Synergy Between Licensed Rehabilitation Professionals and Clinical Exercise Physiologists: Optimizing Patient Care for Cancer Rehabilitation

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    Objectives: To differentiate between rehabilitation and exercise training and propose how rehabilitation professionals and exercise physiologists can collaborate to optimize cancer survivor care.Data Source: Professional organizations and peer-reviewed manuscripts.Conclusion: Both professions offer complementary skillsets that, when integrated, optimize the ability of the cancer care team to implement more effective survivorship care plans. Future models of care must incorporate efficient communications between the cancer rehabilitation program and oncology team, include various reimbursement/payment/funding options, and continuously assess program efficacy.Implications for Nursing Practice: Nurses must be cognizant of physical needs (ie, functional and conditioning status) and cancer-related comorbidities when referring cancer survivors for exercise reconditioning

    Formação docente e o ensino de Libras por meio de redes sociais

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    O objetivo da pesquisa foi compreender como, a partir das interações por meio da rede social Facebook, os docentes discutem o ensino da Língua Brasileira de Sinais para o aperfeiçoamento da sua prática educativa inclusiva. Para embasar teoricamente foram usados os autores Vasconcellos; Pimentel; Nóvoa; Moran; Baranauska; Martins; Valente; Prado; Almeida; Goldfeld; Masetto e Behrens . A metodologia de pesquisa foi qualitativa envolvendo 32 docentes cursistas de um curso de extensão de Libras e o formador. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados documentos das interações dos participantes na rede social Facebook. A análise dos resultados foi realizada a partir da leitura flutuante dos dados e o cruzamento entre a teoria, gerando a organização dos dados em dois eixos, a saber: eixo 1: Libras e o nível fonológico e eixo 2: Libras e o bilinguismo.  Os resultados evidenciaram a aprendizagem colaborativa entre os envolvidos no curso de formação, despertando em cada um dos participantes o interesse em transformar sua prática pedagógica, tornando-a mais inclusiva. A experiência obtida por meio desta pesquisa, permitiu-nos concluir, que é realmente possível propor uma formação aos professores em Libras usando a rede social como espaço formativo

    Formação docente e o ensino de Libras por meio de redes sociais

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    O objetivo da pesquisa foi compreender como, a partir das interações por meio da rede social Facebook, os docentes discutem o ensino da Língua Brasileira de Sinais para o aperfeiçoamento da sua prática educativa inclusiva. Para embasar teoricamente foram usados os autores Vasconcellos; Pimentel; Nóvoa; Moran; Baranauska; Martins; Valente; Prado; Almeida; Goldfeld; Masetto e Behrens . A metodologia de pesquisa foi qualitativa envolvendo 32 docentes cursistas de um curso de extensão de Libras e o formador. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados documentos das interações dos participantes na rede social Facebook. A análise dos resultados foi realizada a partir da leitura flutuante dos dados e o cruzamento entre a teoria, gerando a organização dos dados em dois eixos, a saber: eixo 1: Libras e o nível fonológico e eixo 2: Libras e o bilinguismo.  Os resultados evidenciaram a aprendizagem colaborativa entre os envolvidos no curso de formação, despertando em cada um dos participantes o interesse em transformar sua prática pedagógica, tornando-a mais inclusiva. A experiência obtida por meio desta pesquisa, permitiu-nos concluir, que é realmente possível propor uma formação aos professores em Libras usando a rede social como espaço formativo

    MicroRNA and protein profiles in invasive versus non-invasive oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma cells in vitro

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    Complex molecular pathways regulate cancer invasion. This study overviewed proteins and microRNAs (miRNAs) involved in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) invasion. The human highly aggressive OTSCC cell line HSC-3 was examined in a 3D organotypic human leiomyoma model. Non-invasive and invasive cells were laser-captured and protein expression was analyzed using mass spectrometry-based proteomics and miRNA expression by microarray. In functional studies the 3D invasion assay was replicated after silencing candidate miRNAs, miR-498 and miR-940, in invasive OTSCC cell lines (HSC-3 and SCC-15). Cell migration, proliferation and viability were also studied in the silenced cells. In HSC-3 cells, 67 proteins and 53 miRNAs showed significant fold-changes between non-invasive vs. invasive cells. Pathway enrichment analyses allocated "Focal adhesion" and "ECM-receptor interaction" as most important for invasion. Significantly, in HSC-3 cells, miR-498 silencing decreased the invasion area and miR-940 silencing reduced invasion area and depth. Viability, proliferation and migration weren't significantly affected. In SCC-15 cells, down-regulation of miR-498 significantly reduced invasion and migration. This study shows HSC-3 specific miRNA and protein expression in invasion, and suggests that miR-498 and miR-940 affect invasion in vitro, the process being more influenced by mir-940 silencing in aggressive HSC-3 cells than in the less invasive SCC-15.Peer reviewe

    Extracellular vesicles derived from cancer-associated fibroblasts induce the migration and invasion of oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    As one of the most abundant constituents of the tumour microenvironment (TME), cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) display critical roles during tumour progression and metastasis. Multiple classes of molecules including growth factors, cytokines, proteases and extracellular matrix proteins, are produced by CAF to act as mediators of the stroma-tumour interactions. One of the main channels for this communication is associated with extracellular vesicles (EV), which are secreted particles loaded with protein and genetic information. In this study, we evaluated the effects of EV derived from CAF primary human cell lines (n = 5) on proliferation, survival, migration, and invasion of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cells. As controls, EV from human primary-established normal oral fibroblasts (NOF, n = 5) were used. Our in vitro assays showed that CAF-EV significantly induces migration and invasion of OSCC cells and promote a disseminated pattern of HSC-3 cell invasion in the 3D organotypic assay. Furthermore, gene expression analysis of EV-treated cancer cells revealed changes in the pathways associated with tumour metabolism and up-regulation of tumour invasion genes. Our findings suggest a significant role of CAF-EV in promoting the migration and invasion of OSCC cells, which are related to the activation of cancer-related pathways.Peer reviewe
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