45 research outputs found

    Una tarde con Ramón. Entrevista a Ramón Valdés

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    Aquesta entrevista al Catedràtic Emèrit de la UAB, Dr. Ramón Valdés del Toro, la van realitzar l'11 de juliol de 2006 un grup d'alumnes de l'assignatura Etnologia Regional que es va impartir el curs 2005-06 a la Llicenciatura d'Antropologia Social d'aquesta universitat. L'entrevista forma part d'un projecte més ampli vinculat a l'assignatura dirigit per la professora que l'imparteix, Montserrat Clua i Fainé.Esta entrevista al Catedrático Emérito de la UAB, Dr. Ramón Valdés del Toro, fue realizada el 11 de julio de 2006 por un grupo de alumnas de la asignatura Etnología Regional que se impartió el curso 2005-06 en la Licenciatura de Antropología Social de dicha universidad. La entrevista forma parte de un proyecto más amplio vinculado a la asignatura y dirigido por su profesora, Montserrat Clua i Fainé

    Determination of the local structure of Sr2x_{2-x}Mx_xIrO4_4 (M = K, La) as a function of doping and temperature

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    The local structure of correlated spin-orbit insulator Sr2x_{2-x}Mx_xIrO4_4 (M = K, La) has been investigated by Ir L3_3-edge extended x-ray absorption fine structure measurements. The measurements were performed as a function of temperature for different dopings induced by substitution of Sr with La or K. It is found that Ir-O bonds have strong covalency and they hardly show any change across the N\'eel temperature. In the studied doping range, neither Ir-O bonds nor their dynamics, measured by their mean square relative displacements, show any appreciable change upon carrier doping, indicating possibility of a nanoscale phase separation in the doped system. On the other hand, there is a large increase of the static disorder in Ir-Sr correlation, larger for K doping than La doping. Similarities and differences with respect to the local lattice displacements in cuprates are briefly discussed.Comment: Main text: 6 pages, 4 figures, Supplemental information: 2 pages, 2 figure

    Selenium speciation in waste materials from an exhausted Iberian Pyrite Belt mine

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    Selenium is an essential nutrient for humans, animals and microorganisms, but it becomes toxic at concentrations slightly above the nutritional levels. This naturally occurring trace element can be released to the environment from various anthropogenic sources such as mining, agricultural, petrochemical and industrial processes and its toxicity is developed along a complex cycle involving adsorption by soil components and subsequent accumulation by plants. In the environment, selenium can occur in several oxidation states ranging from selenide (Se=) to elemental selenium (Se0), selenite (Se4+) and selenate (Se6+). Selenium contents above 900 ppm were recently assigned in mine wastes from the sulphur factory at the São Domingos exhausted pyrite mine exploited in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (south Portugal) since Roman times until 1966. Aiming at a sustainable remediation of this mining site, an X-ray absorption spectroscopy study using synchrotron radiation, combined with X-ray diffraction, was undertaken to clarify the speciation state of selenium and the nature of Se-carrier phase(s). The results show that selenium does not significantly replace sulphur under the form of selenate in the dominant sulphate phases and occasionally remains as a substituting selenide anion in debris of the original sulphides present in the mine waste materials

    Competencia gramatical y competencia lectora. Un estudio experimental sobre la correlación de estas dos medidas en estudiantes zaragozanos de segundo de la ESO

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    La presente investigación tiene como primer objetivo comprobar si existe correlación general entre la competencia gramatical y la competencia de comprensión lectora. Otro objetivo es verificar correlaciones específicas entre la comprensión lectora y distintos niveles de reflexión y análisis metalingüísticos. Para ello, se pasaron dos pruebas a un grupo de 37 estudiantes de segundo curso de la ESO.La primera–elaborada expresamente para este trabajo- medía la competencia gramatical a partir de ejercicios promovidos por el proyecto GrOC. La segunda era una prueba de comprensión lectora estandarizada. Los resultados confirmaron tanto la correlación general significativa, como varias correlaciones específicas. Estos resultados son un indicio a favor de las propuestas del GrOC, según el cual la reflexión gramatical puede contribuir a mejorar la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes

    Novel perovskite materials for thermal water splitting at moderate temperature

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    Materials with the formula Sr_2CoNb_1-xTi_xO_(6-delta) (x=1.00, 0.70; delta=number of oxygen vacancies) present a cubic perovskite-like structure. They are easily and reversibly reduced in N_2 or Ar and re-oxidized in air upon heating. Oxidation by water (wet N_2), involving splitting of water at a temperature as low as 700 ºC, produces hydrogen. Both compounds displayed outstanding H_2 production in the first thermochemical cycle, the Sr_2CoNb_(0.30)Ti_(0.70)O_(6-delta) material retaining its outstanding performance upon cycling, whereas the hydrogen yield of the x=1 oxide showed a continuous decay. The retention of the materials' ability to promote water splitting correlated with their structural, chemical, and redox reversibility upon cycling. On reduction/oxidation, Co ions reversibly changed their oxidation state to compensate the release/recovery of oxygen in both compounds. However, in Sr_2CoTiO_(6-delta), two phases with different oxygen contents segregated, whereas in Sr_2CoNb_(0.30)Ti_(0.70)O_(6-delta) this effect was not evident. Therefore, this latter material displayed a hydrogen production as high as 410 mu molH_2/g_(perovskite) after eight thermochemical cycles at 700 ºC, which is among the highest ever reported, making this perovskite a promising candidate for thermosolar water splitting in real devices

    Charge density wave in layered La1-xCexSb2

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    The layered rare-earth diantimonides RSb2 are anisotropic metals with generally low electronic densities whose properties can be modified by substituting the rare earth. LaSb2 is a nonmagnetic metal with a low residual resistivity presenting a low-temperature magnetoresistance that does not saturate with the magnetic field. It has been proposed that the latter can be associated to a charge density wave (CDW), but no CDW has yet been found. Here we find a kink in the resistivity above room temperature in LaSb2 (at 355 K) and show that the kink becomes much more pronounced with substitution of La by Ce along the La1−xCexSb2 series. We find signatures of a CDW in x-ray scattering, specific heat, and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments in particular for x ≈ 0.5. We observe a distortion of rare-earth–Sb bonds lying in-plane of the tetragonal crystal using x-ray scattering, an anomaly in the specific heat at the same temperature as the kink in resistivity and charge modulations in STM. We conclude that LaSb2 has a CDW which is stabilized in the La1−xCexSb2 series due to substitutional disorderThis work was supported by the Spanish MINECO (FIS2014-54498-R, MAT2011-27470-C02-02, and CSD-2009-00013), by the European Union (Graphene Flagship Contract No. CNECT-ICT-604391 and COST MP1201 action), and by the Comunidad de Madrid through programs Nanofrontmag-CM (S2013/MIT-2850) and MAD2D-CM (S2013/MIT-3007).We acknowledge MINECO and CSIC for financial support and for provision of synchrotron radiation facilities and would like to thank the SpLine BM25 staff for assistance in using the beamlin

    Temperature-dependent local structure and superconductivity of BaPd2As2 and SrPd2As2

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    The local structures of 122-type paradium arsenides, namely BaPd2As2 and SrPd2As2, are examined by As K-edge extended x-ray absorption fine structure measurements to find a possible correlation between the variation of their superconducting transition temperature and the local structure. The local atomic distances are found to be consistent with average distances measured by diffraction techniques. The temperature dependence of mean square relative displacements reveal that, while BaPd2As2 is characterized by a local As-Pd soft mode, albeit with larger atomic disorder, SrPd2As2 shows anomalous As-Pd correlations with a kink at similar to 160 K due to hardening by raising temperature. We have discussed implications of these results and possible mechanisms of differing superconducting transition temperature in relation with the structural instability

    Self-assembly of iron oxide precursor micelles driven by magnetic stirring time in sol-gel coatings

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    The purpose of this work is to fabricate self-assembled microstructures by the sol-gel method and study the morphological, structural and compositional dependence of epsilon-Fe_2O_3 nanoparticles embedded in silica when glycerol (GLY) and cetyl-trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) are added as steric agents simultaneously. The combined action of a polyalcohol and a surfactant significantly modifies the morphology of the sample giving rise to a different microstructure in each of the studied cases (1, 3 and 7 days of magnetic stirring time). This is due to the fact that the addition of these two compounds leads to a considerable increase in gelation time as GLY can interact with the alkoxide group on the surface of the iron oxide precursor micelle and/or be incorporated into the hydrophilic chains of CTAB. This last effect causes the iron oxide precursor micelles to be interconnected forming aggregates whose size and structure depend on the magnetic stirring time of the sol-gel synthetic route. In this paper, crystalline structure, composition, purity and morphology of the sol-gel coatings densified at 960 degrees C are examined. Emphasis is placed on the nominal percentage of the different iron oxides found in the samples and on the morphological and structural differences. This work implies the possibility of patterning epsilon-Fe_2O_3 nanoparticles in coatings and controlling their purity by an easy one-pot sol-gel method

    Understanding the adsorption process in ZIF-8 using high pressure crystallography and computational modelling

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    Understanding host–guest interactions and structural changes within porous materials is crucial for enhancing gas storage properties. Here, the authors combine cryogenic loading of gases with high pressure crystallography and computational techniques to obtain atomistic detail of adsorption-induced structural and energetic changes in ZIF-8

    Una tarde con Ramón. Entrevista a Ramón Valdés

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    Aquesta entrevista al Catedràtic Emèrit de la UAB, Dr. Ramón Valdés del Toro, la van realitzar l'11 de juliol de 2006 un grup d'alumnes de l'assignatura Etnologia Regional que es va impartir el curs 2005-06 a la Llicenciatura d'Antropologia Social d'aquesta universitat. L'entrevista forma part d'un projecte més ampli vinculat a l'assignatura dirigit per la professora que l'imparteix, Montserrat Clua i Fainé.Esta entrevista al Catedrático Emérito de la UAB, Dr. Ramón Valdés del Toro, fue realizada el 11 de julio de 2006 por un grupo de alumnas de la asignatura Etnología Regional que se impartió el curso 2005-06 en la Licenciatura de Antropología Social de dicha universidad. La entrevista forma parte de un proyecto más amplio vinculado a la asignatura y dirigido por su profesora, Montserrat Clua i Fainé