892 research outputs found


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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    Power management and distribution considerations for a lunar base

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    Design philosophies and technology needs for the power management and distribution (PMAD) portion of a lunar base power system are discussed. A process is described whereby mission planners may proceed from a knowledge of the PMAD functions and mission performance requirements to a definition of design options and technology needs. Current research efforts at the NASA LRC to meet the PMAD system needs for a Lunar base are described. Based on the requirements, the lunar base PMAD is seen as best being accomplished by a utility like system, although with some additional demands including autonomous operation and scheduling and accurate, predictive modeling during the design process

    Female Faces are Still a Rarity Atop U.S Corporate Ladder

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    America\u27s Oddest Couple: Labor and Management

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    Russ Holloman is the Maxwell Professor of Organization Behavior in the School of Business Administration at Augusta College. Barbara Coleman is Coordinator of Graduate Studies in the School of Business Admimstration at Augusta College. Augusta. Georgia

    Neighborhood Typology and Cardiometabolic Pregnancy Outcomes in the Maternal Adiposity Metabolism and Stress Study.

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    ObjectiveThis study aimed to assess associations between neighborhood typologies classified across multiple neighborhood domains and cardiometabolic pregnancy outcomes and determine variation in effectiveness of a mindfulness-based stress-reduction intervention on outcomes across neighborhood types.MethodsNeighborhoods of participants in the Maternal Adiposity Metabolism and Stress (MAMAS) intervention (n = 208) were classified across dimensions of socioeconomic, food, safety, and service/resource environments using latent class analysis. The study estimated associations between neighborhood type and three cardiometabolic pregnancy outcomes-glucose tolerance (GT) during pregnancy, excessive gestational weight gain, and 6-month postpartum weight retention (PPWR)-using marginal regression models. Interaction between neighborhood type and intervention was assessed.ResultsFive neighborhood types differing across socioeconomic, food, and resource environments were identified. Compared with poor, well-resourced neighborhoods, middle-income neighborhoods with low resources had higher risk of impaired GT (relative risk [RR]: 4.1; 95% confidence Interval [CI]: 1.1, 15.5), and wealthy, well-resourced neighborhoods had higher PPWR (beta: 3.9 kg; 95% CI: 0.3, 7.5). Intervention effectiveness varied across neighborhood type with wealthy, well-resourced and poor, moderately resourced neighborhoods showing improvements in GT scores. PPWR was higher in intervention compared with control groups within wealthy, well-resourced neighborhoods.ConclusionsConsideration of multidimensional neighborhood typologies revealed important nuances in intervention effectiveness on cardiometabolic pregnancy outcomes

    Good Media Mix Strategies for Bad Times: Sequencing Optimizes

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    This paper summarizes an experiment which compares three commonly used marketing elements: advertising, Internet websites, and publicity. These elements are rated on two dependent variables: message acceptance (credibility and message strength), and message response (attitude and purchase intent). Direct effects of each variable are examined. Sequencing effects are also examined to see if it matters in what order potential customers encounter the marketing message. Results indicate that a website, used alone, can make a significant difference in message strength. However, to impact purchase intent, a multimedia campaign is necessary. The current study extends the authors’ 2005 research comparing only advertising and publicity on the same variables. The publicity-lead sequence in both studies produced some of the strongest results on the purchase intent variable. Advertising-only was not significant for any variable in either study but was significantly present in sequencing effects. Applications for marketing professionals are included

    Recruitment and retention of pregnant women for a behavioral intervention: lessons from the maternal adiposity, metabolism, and stress (MAMAS) study.

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    IntroductionRecruiting participants for research studies can be challenging. Many studies fall short of their target or must prolong recruitment to reach it. We examined recruitment and retention strategies and report lessons learned in a behavioral intervention developmental trial to encourage healthy pregnancy weight gain and stress reduction in low-income overweight pregnant women.MethodsIn the San Francisco Bay area from February 2010 through March 2011, we used direct and indirect strategies to recruit English-speaking overweight and obese pregnant women who were aged 18 to 45, were in the early stages of pregnancy, and who had an annual household income less than 500% of the federal poverty guidelines. Eligible women who consented participated in focus groups or an 8-week behavioral intervention. We identified successful recruiting strategies and sites and calculated the percentage of women who were enrolled and retained.ResultsOf 127 women screened for focus group participation, 69 were eligible and enrolled. A total of 57 women participated in 9 focus groups and 3 women completed individual interviews for a completion rate of 87%. During recruitment for the intervention, we made contact with 204 women; 135 were screened, 33% were eligible, and 69.1% of eligible women enrolled. At 1 month postpartum, 82.6% of eligible women completed an assessment. Recruiting at hospital-based prenatal clinics was the highest-yielding strategy.ConclusionThe narrow window of eligibility for enrolling early stage pregnant women in a group intervention presents obstacles. In-person recruitment was the most successful strategy; establishing close relationships with providers, clinic staff, social service providers, and study participants was essential to successful recruitment and retention

    Policy Support for Women Entrepreneurs' Access to Financial Capital: Evidence from Canada, Germany, Ireland, Norway, and the United States

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Coleman, S., Henry, C., Orser, B., Foss, L. & Welter, F. (2018). Policy Support for Women Entrepreneurs' Access to Financial Capital: Evidence from Canada, Germany, Ireland, Norway, and the United States. Journal of Small Business Management, 1-27, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/jsbm.12473. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.This cross‐country study documents policies and practices designed to increase women entrepreneurs’ access to financial capital in Canada, Germany, Ireland, Norway, and the United States. Drawing on feminist theory, we examine assumptions of policy alongside the eligibility criteria, rules and regulations of practices. Our findings reveal that four of the five country policies examined were predicated on a neo‐liberal perspective that positions women entrepreneurs as economic assets. We offer insights into opportunities for modernizing policies and practices in ways that will enhance the legitimacy of a more diverse array of women entrepreneurs and increase their access to financial capital

    Inhibition of Melanoma Angiogenesis by Telomere Homolog Oligonucleotides

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    Telomere homolog oligonucleotides (T-oligos) activate an innate telomere-based program that leads to multiple anticancer effects. T-oligos act at telomeres to initiate signaling through the Werner protein and ATM kinase. We wanted to determine if T-oligos have antiangiogenic effects. We found that T-oligo-treated human melanoma (MM-AN) cells had decreased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptor 2, angiopoeitin-1 and -2 and decreased VEGF secretion. T-oligos activated the transcription factor E2F1 and inhibited the activity of the angiogenic transcription factor, HIF-1α. T-oligos inhibited EC tubulogenesis and total tumor microvascular density matrix invasion by MM-AN cells and ECs in vitro. In melanoma SCID xenografts, two systemic T-oligo injections decreased by 60% (P<.004) total tumor microvascular density and the functional vessels density by 80% (P <.002). These findings suggest that restriction of tumor angiogenesis is among the host's innate telomere-based anticancer responses and provide further evidence that T-oligos may offer a powerful new approach for melanoma treatment.National Institutes of Health (CA10515); American Skin Associatio