4,974 research outputs found

    Gravity-Induced Interference and Continuous Quantum Measurements

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    Gravity-induced quantum interference is a remarkable effect that has already been confirmed experimentally, and it is a phenomenon in which quantum mechanics and gravity play simultaneously an important role. Additionally, a generalized version of this interference experiment could offer the possibility to confront against measurement outputs one of the formalisms that claim to give an explanation to the so called quantum measurement problem, namely the restricted path integral formalism. In this work we will analyze a possible extension of Colella, Overhauser, and Werner experiment and find that in the context of the restricted path integral formalism we obtain new interference terms that could be measured in an extended version of this experimental construction. These new terms not only show, as in the first experiment, that at the quantum level gravity is not a purely geometric effect, it still depends on mass, but also show that interference does depend on some parameters that appear in the restricted path integral formalism, thus offering the possibility to have a testing framework for its theoretical predictions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physics Letters A, 12 pages, no figure

    Measurement-induced interference in an inhomogeneous gravitational field

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    A very interesting quantum mechanical effect is the emergence of gravity-induced interference, which has already been detected. This effect also shows us that gravity is at the quantum level not a purely geometric effect, the mass of the employed particles appears explicitly in the interference expression. In this work we will generalize some previous results. It will be shown that the introduction of a second order approximation in the propagator of a particle, immersed in the Earth's gravitational field, and whose coordinates are being continuously monitored, allows us to include, in the corresponding complex oscillator, a frequency which now depends on the geometry of the source of the gravitational field, a fact that is absent in the case of a homogeneous field. Using this propagator we will analyze the interference pattern of two particle beams whose coordinates are being continuously monitored. We will compare our results againt the case of a homogeneous field, and also against the measurement ouputs of the Colella, Overhauser, and Werner experiment, and find that the difference in the dependence upon the geometry of the source of the gravitational field could render detectable differences in their respective measurement outputs.Comment: 15 pages, accepted in Physics Letters

    C+O detonations in thermonuclear supernovae: Interaction with previously burned material

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    In the context of explosion models for Type Ia Supernovae, we present one- and two-dimensional simulations of fully resolved detonation fronts in degenerate C+O White Dwarf matter including clumps of previously burned material. The ability of detonations to survive the passage through sheets of nuclear ashes is tested as a function of the width and composition of the ash region. We show that detonation fronts are quenched by microscopically thin obstacles with little sensitivity to the exact ash composition. Front-tracking models for detonations in macroscopic explosion simulations need to include this effect in order to predict the amount of unburned material in delayed detonation scenarios.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, uses isotope.sty, accepted for publication in A&

    An Unsplit Godunov Method for Ideal MHD via Constrained Transport in Three Dimensions

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    We present a single step, second-order accurate Godunov scheme for ideal MHD which is an extension of the method described by Gardiner & Stone (2005) to three dimensions. This algorithm combines the corner transport upwind (CTU) method of Colella for multidimensional integration, and the constrained transport (CT) algorithm for preserving the divergence-free constraint on the magnetic field. We describe the calculation of the PPM interface states for 3D ideal MHD which must include multidimensional ``MHD source terms'' and naturally respect the balance implicit in these terms by the B=0{\bf\nabla\cdot B}=0 condition. We compare two different forms for the CTU integration algorithm which require either 6- or 12-solutions of the Riemann problem per cell per time-step, and present a detailed description of the 6-solve algorithm. Finally, we present solutions for test problems to demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the algorithm.Comment: Extended version of the paper accepted for publication in JC

    Surface detonation in type Ia supernova explosions?

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    We explore the evolution of thermonuclear supernova explosions when the progenitor white dwarf star ignites asymmetrically off-center. Several numerical simulations are carried out in two and three dimensions to test the consequences of different initial flame configurations such as spherical bubbles displaced from the center, more complex deformed configurations, and teardrop-shaped ignitions. The burning bubbles float towards the surface while releasing energy due to the nuclear reactions. If the energy release is too small to gravitationally unbind the star, the ash sweeps around it, once the burning bubble approaches the surface. Collisions in the fuel on the opposite side increase its temperature and density and may -- in some cases -- initiate a detonation wave which will then propagate inward burning the core of the star and leading to a strong explosion. However, for initial setups in two dimensions that seem realistic from pre-ignition evolution, as well as for all three-dimensional simulations the collimation of the surface material is found to be too weak to trigger a detonation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, in: Proceedings of the SciDAC 2006 Meeting, Denver June 25-26 2006, also available at http://herald.iop.org/jpcs46/m51/gbr//link/40

    High-order Discretization of a Gyrokinetic Vlasov Model in Edge Plasma Geometry

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    We present a high-order spatial discretization of a continuum gyrokinetic Vlasov model in axisymmetric tokamak edge plasma geometries. Such models describe the phase space advection of plasma species distribution functions in the absence of collisions. The gyrokinetic model is posed in a four-dimensional phase space, upon which a grid is imposed when discretized. To mitigate the computational cost associated with high-dimensional grids, we employ a high-order discretization to reduce the grid size needed to achieve a given level of accuracy relative to lower-order methods. Strong anisotropy induced by the magnetic field motivates the use of mapped coordinate grids aligned with magnetic flux surfaces. The natural partitioning of the edge geometry by the separatrix between the closed and open field line regions leads to the consideration of multiple mapped blocks, in what is known as a mapped multiblock (MMB) approach. We describe the specialization of a more general formalism that we have developed for the construction of high-order, finite-volume discretizations on MMB grids, yielding the accurate evaluation of the gyrokinetic Vlasov operator, the metric factors resulting from the MMB coordinate mappings, and the interaction of blocks at adjacent boundaries. Our conservative formulation of the gyrokinetic Vlasov model incorporates the fact that the phase space velocity has zero divergence, which must be preserved discretely to avoid truncation error accumulation. We describe an approach for the discrete evaluation of the gyrokinetic phase space velocity that preserves the divergence-free property to machine precision

    Electromagnetic analysis and performance comparison of fully 3D-printed antennas

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    In this work, the possibility of directly prototyping antennas by exploiting additive manufacturing 3D-printing technology is investigated. In particular, the availability of printable filaments with interesting conductive properties allows for printing of even the antenna conductive elements. Three samples of a 2.45 GHz microstrip patch antenna have been 3D-printed by using different approaches and materials, and their performance evaluated and compared. In particular, the same dielectric substrate printed in polylactic acid (PLA) has been adopted in all cases, whilst copper tape and two different conductive filaments have been used to realize the conductive parts of the three antenna samples, respectively. Even if an expected radiation efficiency reduction has been observed for the conductive filament case, the comparative analysis clearly demonstrates that 3D-printing technology can be exploited to design working fully-printed antennas, including the conductive parts

    Comparison of latest and innovative silica-based consolidants for volcanic stones

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    This research explores the new perspectives in conservation and protection of two macroporous tuff stones, widely employed in the architectural heritage of Campania region, characterized by highly heterogeneous rock fabric and texture and a variable mineralogical composition that represent crucial factors responsible for their weak durability. The consolidation treatments were performed with a recently and widely used suspension of nano-silica crystals in water and with a lithium silicate solution that has received up to now scarce attention as a consolidant agent. Physical investigations (open porosity, Hg porosimetry, water absorption), morphological observations (SEM analyses) and visual appearance test (colorimetric measurements), along with assessments of performance indicators such as ultrasonic pulse velocity, surface cohesion test (peeling test) and durability test (salt crystallization), were carried out to investigate the consolidation effectiveness. Overall, lithium silicate consolidant showed a better behavior in terms of superficial cohesion, a most successful strengthening action and a considerable enhancement of salt resistance

    Band structure approach to the resonant x-ray scattering

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    We study the resonance behaviour of the forbidden 600 and 222 x-ray Bragg peaks in Ge using LDA band structure methods. These Bragg peaks remain forbidden in the resonant dipole scattering approximation even taking into account the non local nature of the band states. However they become allowed at resonance if the eigenstates of the unoccupied conduction band involve a hybridization of p like and d like atomic states. We show that the energy dependence of the resonant behaviour, including the phase of the scattering, is a direct measure of this p-d hybridization.and obtain quantitative agreement with experiment. A simple physical picture involving a product of dipole and quadrupolar transition matrix elements explains this behaviour and shows that it should be generally true for cases where the resonating atom is not at an inversion center. This has strong implications for the description of the resonance behavior of x-ray scattering in materials where the resonant atom is not at an inversion center such as V2O3 and in ferro and antiferro electric and piezo electric materials in general.Comment: 4 pages, 5figure

    Spin 0 and spin 1/2 quantum relativistic particles in a constant gravitational field

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    The Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations in a semi-infinite lab (x>0x > 0), in the background metric \ds^2 = u^2(x) (-\dt^2 + \dx^2) + \dy^2 + \dz^2, are investigated. The resulting equations are studied for the special case u(x)=1+gx u(x) = 1 + g x. It is shown that in the case of zero transverse-momentum, the square of the energy eigenvalues of the spin-1/2 particles are less than the squares of the corresponding eigenvalues of spin-0 particles with same masses, by an amount of mgcmg\hbar c. Finally, for nonzero transverse-momentum, the energy eigenvalues corresponding to large quantum numbers are obtained, and the results for spin-0 and spin-1/2 particles are compared to each other.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX 2