244 research outputs found

    Initial investigation of athletes’ electrocardiograms acquired by wearable sensors during the pre-exercise phase

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to support large-scale prevention programs fighting sport-related sudden cardiac death by providing a set of electrocardiographic features representing a starting point in the development of normal reference values for the pre-exercise phase. Background: In people with underlying, often unknown, cardiovascular abnormalities, increased cardiovascular load during exercise can trigger sport-related sudden cardiac death. Prevention remains the only weapon to contrast sport-related sudden cardiac death. So far, no reference values have been proposed for electrocardiograms of athletes acquired with wearable sensors in the pre-exercise phase, consisting of the few minutes immediately before the beginning of the training session. Objective: To perform an initial investigation of athletes’ electrocardiograms acquired by wearable sensors during the pre-exercise phase. Methods: The analyzed electrocardiograms, acquired through BioHarness 3.0 by Zephyr, belong to 51 athletes (Sport Database and Cycling Database of the Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab of the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy). Preliminary values consist of interquartile ranges of six electrocardiographic features which are heart rate, heart-rate variability, QRS duration, ST level, QT interval, and corrected QT interval. Results: For athletes 35 years old or younger, preliminary values were [72;91]bpm, [26;47]ms, [85;104]ms, [-0.08;0.08]mm, [326;364]ms and [378;422]ms, respectively. For athletes older than 35 years old, preliminary values were [71;94]bpm, [16;65]ms, [85;100]ms, [-0.11;0.07]mm, [330;368]ms and [394;414]ms, respectively. Conclusion: Availability of preliminary reference values could help identify those athletes who, due to electrocardiographic features out of normal ranges, are more likely to develop cardiac complications that may lead to sport-related sudden cardiac death

    Projected t-SNE for batch correction

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    Motivation: Low-dimensional representations of high-dimensional data are routinely employed in biomedical research to visualize, interpret and communicate results from different pipelines. In this article, we propose a novel procedure to directly estimate t-SNE embeddings that are not driven by batch effects. Without correction, interesting structure in the data can be obscured by batch effects. The proposed algorithm can therefore significantly aid visualization of high-dimensional data. Results: The proposed methods are based on linear algebra and constrained optimization, leading to efficient algorithms and fast computation in many high-dimensional settings. Results on artificial single-cell transcription profiling data show that the proposed procedure successfully removes multiple batch effects from t-SNE embeddings, while retaining fundamental information on cell types. When applied to single-cell gene expression data to investigate mouse medulloblastoma, the proposed method successfully removes batches related with mice identifiers and the date of the experiment, while preserving clusters of oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and endothelial cells and microglia, which are expected to lie in the stroma within or adjacent to the tumours. Contact: [email protected]

    Análisis del primer nivel de atención de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca usando SIG

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    El primer nivel de atención en salud, organizado en nuestro país en base a Centros de Atención Primaria de la Salud (CAPS) brinda servicios sanitarios preventivos a la sociedad en general y en especial a la población que no posee cobertura médica. Si bien la red de CAPS se diseña con un criterio de cobertura máxima, la dinámica poblacional y el crecimiento demográfico y territorial hace que los CAPS no siempre estén distribuidos de forma adecuada, es decir, su ubicación no suele ajustarse a la necesidad de la población y, por lo tanto, no se asegura la deseada equidad en el acceso. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar información relevante sobre los CAPS en el partido de Bahía Blanca, mediante el estudio de la necesidad, la demanda y la oferta de servicios del primer nivel con el auxilio de un Sistema de Información Geográfico (SIG). Utilizando las herramientas de los modernos SIG se crearon mapas que permiten analizar y visualizar la distribución de los datos. Se propuso una metodología sencilla para proyectar la población del censo 2010 a la actualidad y así poder aproximar el crecimiento de la población. Se analizó información sobre la cantidad de consultas realizadas y se estimó la oferta por especialidad, teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de profesionales en el sistema y la cantidad de horas trabajadas. Mediante las distintas herramientas del SIG se calcularon diferentes indicadores de cobertura. Sobre la base de estos estudios se identifican los sectores donde se debería reforzar la Atención Primaria y la conveniencia de una redistribución de los servicios analizados.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Nucleon and Nuclear Structure Through Dilepton Production

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    Transverse momentum distributions and generalized parton distributions provide a comprehensive framework for the three-dimensional imaging of the nucleon and the nucleus experimentally using deeply virtual semi-exclusive and exclusive processes. The advent of combined high luminosity facilities and large acceptance detector capabilities enables experimental investigation of the partonic structure of hadrons with time-like virtual probes, in complement to the rich on-going space-like virtual probe program. The merits and benefits of the dilepton production channel for nuclear structure studies are discussed within the context of the International Workshop on Nucleon and Nuclear Structure through Dilepton Production taking place at the European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*) of Trento. Particularly, the double deeply virtual Compton scattering, the time-like Compton scattering, the deeply virtual meson production, and the Drell-Yan processes are reviewed and a strategy for high impact experimental measurements is proposed

    Almost sure stability of discrete-time Markov Jump Linear Systems

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    This paper deals with transient analysis and almost sure stability for discrete-time Markov Jump Linear System (MJLS). The expectation of sojourn time and activation number of any mode, and switching number between any two modes of discrete-time MJLS are presented firstly. Then a result on transient behavior analysis of discrete-time MJLS is given. Finally a new deterministically testable condition for the exponential almost sure stability of discrete-time MJLS is proposed

    The HPS electromagnetic calorimeter

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    The Heavy Photon Search experiment (HPS) is searching for a new gauge boson, the so-called “heavy photon.” Through its kinetic mixing with the Standard Model photon, this particle could decay into an electron-positron pair. It would then be detectable as a narrow peak in the invariant mass spectrum of such pairs, or, depending on its lifetime, by a decay downstream of the production target. The HPS experiment is installed in Hall-B of Jefferson Lab. This article presents the design and performance of one of the two detectors of the experiment, the electromagnetic calorimeter, during the runs performed in 2015–2016. The calorimeter's main purpose is to provide a fast trigger and reduce the copious background from electromagnetic processes through matching with a tracking detector. The detector is a homogeneous calorimeter, made of 442 lead-tungstate (PbWO4) scintillating crystals, each read out by an avalanche photodiode coupled to a custom trans-impedance amplifier

    Síntesis de ADN durante el crecimiento compensatorio renal temprano, en ratones adultos

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    El término nefrectomía (Nx) refiere a la extracción quirúrgica de uno de los riñones. Posterior a esta, por medio de diferentes mecanismos dependientes del sexo y de la zona analizada, el riñón contra- lateral sufre un aumento en su tamaño intentando compensar funcionalmente dicha falencia, lo que se conoce macroscópicamente como nefromegalia compensadora. En trabajos previos, analizando el componente proliferativo del crecimiento compensatorio renal (CCR) en ratones adultos, hemos observado que a las 26 horas post- Nx, los valores de actividad mitótica de las células de los túbulos contorneados y rectos aumentan con respecto a los controles y a los a los de las 10 horas post cirugía.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Síntesis de ADN durante el crecimiento compensatorio renal temprano, en ratones adultos

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    El término nefrectomía (Nx) refiere a la extracción quirúrgica de uno de los riñones. Posterior a esta, por medio de diferentes mecanismos dependientes del sexo y de la zona analizada, el riñón contra- lateral sufre un aumento en su tamaño intentando compensar funcionalmente dicha falencia, lo que se conoce macroscópicamente como nefromegalia compensadora. En trabajos previos, analizando el componente proliferativo del crecimiento compensatorio renal (CCR) en ratones adultos, hemos observado que a las 26 horas post- Nx, los valores de actividad mitótica de las células de los túbulos contorneados y rectos aumentan con respecto a los controles y a los a los de las 10 horas post cirugía.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Dark matter search in a Beam-Dump eXperiment (BDX) at Jefferson Lab

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    MeV-GeV dark matter (DM) is theoretically well motivated but remarkably unexplored. This Letter of Intent presents the MeV-GeV DM discovery potential for a 1 m3^3 segmented plastic scintillator detector placed downstream of the beam-dump at one of the high intensity JLab experimental Halls, receiving up to 1022^{22} electrons-on-target (EOT) in a one-year period. This experiment (Beam-Dump eXperiment or BDX) is sensitive to DM-nucleon elastic scattering at the level of a thousand counts per year, with very low threshold recoil energies (\sim1 MeV), and limited only by reducible cosmogenic backgrounds. Sensitivity to DM-electron elastic scattering and/or inelastic DM would be below 10 counts per year after requiring all electromagnetic showers in the detector to exceed a few-hundred MeV, which dramatically reduces or altogether eliminates all backgrounds. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations are in progress to finalize the detector design and experimental set up. An existing 0.036 m3^3 prototype based on the same technology will be used to validate simulations with background rate estimates, driving the necessary R&\&D towards an optimized detector. The final detector design and experimental set up will be presented in a full proposal to be submitted to the next JLab PAC. A fully realized experiment would be sensitive to large regions of DM parameter space, exceeding the discovery potential of existing and planned experiments by two orders of magnitude in the MeV-GeV DM mass range.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures, submitted to JLab PAC 4

    Dieta Y Sociedades Agropastoriles: Análisis De Isótopos Estables De Un Sitio De La Puna Meridional Argentina (Antofagasta De La Sierra, Catamarca)

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    In this paper we present the results of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur stable isotope analysis perfonned on human (hair and nail) and animal (camelid fibers) samples. \u27The sampled materials come from a funerary context associated to an agropastoralist settlement (Punta de la Peña 9), located in Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca),in the Southern Puna of Argentina. The results are discussed considering the whole contextual evidence recovered at the site as well as the available models about the subsistente strategies implemented by prehistoric populations of the orea at ca. 1500 years B.P. In addition to propositions about the incidente of agricultural products (e.g. maize) on the human diet, we propone that stable isotope analysis of animal samples constitutes a complementaty and valuable line of inquiry about archaeological issues that go beyond strict paleodietary information. Among such issues are the complex and multivariate process of camelid domestication in the South Andean Area and/or with the specific strategies deployed by agropastoral activity at the regional level.Se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir del análisis de isótopos estables de carbono (C), nitrógeno (N) y azufre (S), realizados sobre muestras de restos humanos (cabello y uña) y sobre fibras de origen animal (camélidos). Las muestras proceden de un contexto funerario asociado con un asentamiento residencial agropastoril (sitio Punta de la Peña 9), localizado en la localidad de Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Puna Meridional Argentina. Los resultados son discutidos en el marco del conjunto de evidencias contextuales que se poseen para el sitio y de los modelos generales que se manejan, en relación con las estrategias de subsistencia, en el área de estudio y para el momento cronológico particular asociado con las muestras (ca. 1500 años AP). Además de la incidencia en la dieta humana de productos de origen agrícola, como el maíz, se plantea que el análisis de isótopos en muestras animales propone una línea complementaria para el abordaje de problemáticas que trascienden la información paleodietaria de las poblaciones humanas. Entre éstas, destacamos aquellas vinculadas con el complejo y multivariado proceso de domesticación de camélidos en los andes meridionales y/o con las estrategias particulares desplegadas por la actividad pastoril