352 research outputs found

    El desarrollo teórico del populismo. Hacia una sistematización de lo escrito sobre el populismo como fenómeno político.

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    Populism was approached in different ways and forms, it was associated with the extreme right in Europe and with the left in Latin America, it was said that they were protectionist in the economic field and nationalist in the political field, that they emerged and took power in countries whose democratic institutions were weak and that they took advantage of economic, political and/or social crises to take over democracy and once there to attack it by proposing and carrying out changes that undermined the rule of law. However, the arrival of Trump to the presidency of the United States and Johnson as British premier forced a rethinking of the theoretical and political beliefs of the phenomenon in question. This research article focus with a qualitative methodology on the literature says about the populist phenomenon according to some criteria of selection and systematization of theoretical information

    Reduction of EMI susceptibility in CMOS bandgap reference circuits

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    This paper presents a successful approach to increase the electromagnetic interference (EMI) immunity of CMOS bandgap reference circuits. Layout techniques along with some changes in the reference schematics lead to a robust electromagnetic immunity, preserving good overall performances. Measurement results confirm the low susceptibility of the proposed circuits. They exhibit only a few millivolts shift, for interfering signals of 1 Vpp in the frequency range of 1 MHz to 4 GHz, compared to the classical topologies that may reach more than 1 V. The circuits were fabricated in a 0.8-ttm standard CMOS technology


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    This article addresses the issue of populist foreign policy in Argentina and employs a multi-methods research that combines discourse analysis, foreign policy analysis, and historical political reconstruction of Kirchnerism. Theoretically, we refer to populism as an “Ideational Approach” and we consider Destradi and Plegaman’s thematic lines in order to investigate populism in world politics. Throughout the paper, we argue that left-wing populist foreign policy does not discriminate against international cooperation and globalization per se but in a Manichean vision of the world, it criticizes western rich countries, and proposes the creation of new regional alliances

    Stratigraphic architecture of the Salento Coast from Capo d’Otranto to S.Maria di Leuca (Apulia, Southern Italy)

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    The Cretaceous to Quaternary succession of the Apulia Platform cropping out on the eastern coast of the Salento Peninsula shows a special stratigraphic architecture. Whereas on the platform top, i.e. on the Salento Peninsula proper, the succession is at most a few tens of metres thick and is punctuated by unconformities, on the margin and slope of the platform, along the present-day eastern coast of the peninsula, several carbonate systems are laterally disposed and grafted one upon the other. Three of these systems are clinostratified and include well developed reef tracts of Priabonian, early Chattian and early Messinian age.The geologic conclusion of our study is that, since the Late Cretaceous, the eastern coast of the Salento Peninsula grossly coincided with the margin of the Apulia Platform. This paleogeographic element acted as a foreland horst and registered important geodynamic events related to the growth of the adjacent Hellenide and Apennine thrust belts. During the last 60 m.y., the horst carapace was constantly near sea level and sediments were mainly accommodated and preserved on the deep margin and slope of the platform

    Eradication of Potato virus Y and Potato leafroll virus by chemotherapy of infected potato stem cuttings

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    Eradication of Potato virus Y (PVY) and Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) by in vitro chemotherapy (50 mg l-1 of ribavirin+100 mg l-1 of DHT) of small potato stem cuttings (0.15 0.5 cm) of some potato cultivars is reported., Successful eradication seemed to depend on the duration of treatment and type of cultivar rather than on the virus. The best results were obtained with a 8-week treatment of cv. Monnalisa, Kennebec, and Désirée, i.e. 43 to 50% of PVY-free plants and 39 to 42% of PLRV-free plants. With the same type of treatment cv. Spunta, Primura and Liseta yielded only 14 to 21% of PVY-free plants and 15 to 27% of PLRV-free plants. Possible advantages over chemotherapy of the meristem tips are discussed

    Ultra-high gain diffusion-driven organic transistor

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    Emerging large-area technologies based on organic transistors are enabling the fabrication of low-cost flexible circuits, smart sensors and biomedical devices. High-gain transistors are essential for the development of large-scale circuit integration, high-sensitivity sensors and signal amplification in sensing systems. Unfortunately, organic field-effect transistors show limited gain, usually of the order of tens, because of the large contact resistance and channel-length modulation. Here we show a new organic field-effect transistor architecture with a gain larger than 700. This is the highest gain ever reported for organic field-effect transistors. In the proposed organic field-effect transistor, the charge injection and extraction at the metal–semiconductor contacts are driven by the charge diffusion. The ideal conditions of ohmic contacts with negligible contact resistance and flat current saturation are demonstrated. The approach is general and can be extended to any thin-film technology opening unprecedented opportunities for the development of high-performance flexible electronics

    Cuestión Malvinas: ampliación de la plataforma continental argentina, brexit y la nueva administración de Mauricio Macri.

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    This reflection article intends to explain the first year of Mauricio Macri's foreign policy in relation to the Malvinas (Falkland) situation, taking into account three specific situations. The historical-political circumstances of the Argentine claim, the facts and actions of the expansion of the continental shelf, and the British decision to leave the European Union. All this will be done through the qualitative analysis of different press releases, speeches by public officials, opinions of islanders, politicians and children of ex-combatants. Finally, the arguments of the authors of why we maintain that the current Macri’s administration hopes to obtain different results by implementing the same strategies of the past will be exposed as a conclusion


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    The Cretaceous to Quaternary succession of the Apulia Platform cropping out on the eastern coast of the Salento Peninsula shows a special stratigraphic architecture. Whereas on the platform top, i.e. on the Salento Peninsula proper, the succession is at most a few tens of metres thick and is punctuated by unconformities, on the margin and slope of the platform, along the present-day eastern coast of the peninsula, several carbonate systems are laterally disposed and grafted one upon the other. Three of these systems are clinostratified and include well developed reef tracts of Priabonian, early Chattian and early Messinian age. The geologic conclusion of our study is that, since the Late Cretaceous, the eastern coast of the Salento Peninsula grossly coincided with the margin of the Apulia Platform. This paleogeographic element acted as a foreland horst and registered important geodynamic events related to the growth of the adjacent Hellenide and Apennine thrust belts. During the last 60 m.y., the horst carapace was constantly near sea level and sediments were mainly accommodated and preserved on the deep margin and slope of the platform.&nbsp

    Populismo y democracia en América Latina. Los casos de Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador y Venezuela (1994-2020)

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    El populismo mantiene una relación ambivalente con la democracia liberal. Los lí­deres populistas suelen reclamar el poder para el pueblo y se consideran a sí mismos verdaderos demócratas, mientras sus detractores los acusan de demagogos o autorita­rios. En la literatura académica coexisten estas dos formas de entender el populismo: como amenaza a la democracia liberal o como una oportunidad de cambio político que contribuye a ampliar los espacios democráticos. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar cómo evolucionaron los principales índices de calidad de la democracia se­gún V-Dem en los países latinoamericanos que han tenido gobiernos adscritos a la izquierda populista, con el fin de comprobar si el populismo es una amenaza, un correctivo o, simplemente, una cuestión teórica sin mayores implicaciones prácticas para la democracia