1,413 research outputs found

    Letter from Charles Cola, former Yonkers City Councilman, to Geraldine Ferraro

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    Congratulatory letter from Charles A. Cola, former Yonkers City Councilman and former Republican, to Geraldine Ferraro. Cola also writes on behalf of the North Yonkers Preservation & Development Corporation. Included are a copy of a letter written by Cola to President Ronald Reagan, outlining his reasons for leaving the Republican Party, plus a newspaper clipping of an article about Cola, and a data entry sheet.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_new_york/1226/thumbnail.jp

    Radiation to atom quantum mapping by collective recoil in Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We propose an experiment to realize radiation to atom continuous variable quantum mapping, i.e. to teleport the quantum state of a single mode radiation field onto the collective state of atoms with a given momentum out of a Bose-Einstein condensate. The atoms-radiation entanglement needed for the teleportation protocol is established through the interaction of a single mode with the condensate in presence of a strong far off-resonant pump laser, whereas the coherent atomic displacement is obtained by the same interaction with the radiation in a classical coherent field. In principle, verification of the protocol requires a joint measurement on the recoiling atoms and the condensate, however, a partial verification involving populations, i.e. diagonal matrix elements may be obtained through counting atoms experiments

    Robust generation of entanglement in Bose-Einstein condensates by collective atomic recoil

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    We address the dynamics induced by collective atomic recoil in a Bose-Einstein condensate in presence of radiation losses and atomic decoherence. In particular, we focus on the linear regime of the lasing mechanism, and analyze the effects of losses and decoherence on the generation of entanglement. The dynamics is that of three bosons, two atomic modes interacting with a single-mode radiation field, coupled with a bath of oscillators. The resulting three-mode dissipative Master equation is solved analytically in terms of the Wigner function. We examine in details the two complementary limits of {\em high-Q cavity} and {\em bad-cavity}, the latter corresponding to the so-called superradiant regime, both in the quasi-classical and quantum regimes. We found that three-mode entanglement as well as two-mode atom-atom and atom-radiation entanglement is generally robust against losses and decoherence,thus making the present system a good candidate for the experimental observation of entanglement in condensate systems. In particular, steady-state entanglement may be obtained both between atoms with opposite momenta and between atoms and photons

    MiR-205-5p inhibition by locked nucleic acids impairs metastatic potential of breast cancer cells

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    Mir-205 plays an important role in epithelial biogenesis and in mammary gland development but its role in cancer still remains controversial depending on the specific cellular context and target genes. We have previously reported that miR-205-5p is upregulated in breast cancer stem cells targeting ERBB pathway and leading to targeted therapy resistance. Here we show that miR-205-5p regulates tumorigenic properties of breast cancer cells, as well as epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Silencing this miRNA in breast cancer results in reduced tumor growth and metastatic spreading in mouse models. Moreover, we show that miR-205-5p knock-down can be obtained with the use of specific locked nucleic acids oligonucleotides in vivo suggesting a future potential use of this approach in therapy

    Multicolor Licklider Transmission Protocol: An LTP Version for Future Interplanetary Links

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    The Licklider Transport Protocol (LTP) is the "convergence layer" of choice in Interplanetary networks based on Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant architecture. It was designed for long-delay scheduled-intermittent links, offering either a reliable or an unreliable service, with "red" and "green" parts, respectively. The aim of this article is to present multicolor LTP, an LTP version consisting in a series of enhancements of which the most significant are the use of monochrome sessions, the introduction of an additional orange color offering a "notified" service, and the definition of default link colors. After a thorough examination of basic LTP mechanisms for all color variants, this article discusses two scenarios where orange seems particularly appealing: video streaming and optical interplanetary links. Numerical results offer further insight into the complex LTP mechanisms and also highlight the difference between LTP retransmissions and bundle protocol retransmissions, the latter benefitting from routing reprocessing. Multicolor LTP has already been implemented as an interplanetary overlay network (ION) plug-in and its enhancements have been proposed to Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Space Internetworking Services Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant Networking working group for a possible inclusion in the next version of LTP specifications (LTPv2)

    Innovative passive reinforcements for the gradual stabilization of a landslide according with the observational method

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    A large number of landslides occur in North-Eastern Italy during every rainy period due to the particular hydrogeological conditions of this area. Even if there are no casualties, the economic losses are often significant, and municipalities frequently do not have sufficient financial resources to repair the damage and stabilize all the unstable slopes. In this regard, the research for more economically sustainable solutions is a crucial challenge. Floating composite anchors are an innovative and low-cost technique set up for slope stabilization: it consists in the use of passive sub-horizontal reinforcements, obtained by coupling a traditional self-drilling bar with some tendons cemented inside it. This work concerns the application of this technique according to the observational method described within the Italian and European technical codes and mainly recommended for the design of geotechnical works, especially when performed in highly uncertain site conditions. The observational method prescribes designing an intervention and, at the same time, using a monitoring system in order to correct and adapt the project during realization of the works on the basis of new data acquired while on site. The case study is the landslide of Cischele, a medium landslide which occurred in 2010 after an exceptional heavy rainy period. In 2015, some floating composite anchors were installed to slow down the movement, even if, due to a limited budget, they were not enough to ensure the complete stabilization of the slope. Thanks to a monitoring system installed in the meantime, it is now possible to have a comparison between the site conditions before and after the intervention. This allows the evaluation of benefits achieved with the reinforcements and, at the same time, the assessment of additional improvements. Two stabilization scenarios are studied through an FE model: the first includes the stabilization system built in 2015, while the second evaluates a new solution proposed to further increase the slope stability
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