39 research outputs found

    Riparian plant litter quality increases with latitude

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    Plant litter represents a major basal resource in streams, where its decomposition is partly regulated by litter traits. Litter-trait variation may determine the latitudinal gradient in decomposition in streams, which is mainly microbial in the tropics and detritivore-mediated at high latitudes. However, this hypothesis remains untested, as we lack information on large-scale trait variation for riparian litter. Variation cannot easily be inferred from existing leaf-trait databases, since nutrient resorption can cause traits of litter and green leaves to diverge. Here we present the first global-scale assessment of riparian litter quality by determining latitudinal variation (spanning 107 degrees) in litter traits (nutrient concentrations; physical and chemical defences) of 151 species from 24 regions and their relationships with environmental factors and phylogeny. We hypothesized that litter quality would increase with latitude (despite variation within regions) and traits would be correlated to produce 'syndromes' resulting from phylogeny and environmental variation. We found lower litter quality and higher nitrogen: phosphorus ratios in the tropics. Traits were linked but showed no phylogenetic signal, suggesting that syndromes were environmentally determined. Poorer litter quality and greater phosphorus limitation towards the equator may restrict detritivore-mediated decomposition, contributing to the predominance of microbial decomposers in tropical streams.We thank the many assistants who helped with field work (Ana Chara-Serna, Francisco Correa-Araneda, Juliana Franca, Lina Giraldo, Stephanie Harper, Samuel Kariuki, Sylvain Lamothe, Lily Ng, Marcus Schindler, etc.), Cristina Grela Docal for helping with leaf chemical analyses, and Fernando Hiraldo (former director of EBD-CSIC) for his support. The study was funded by start-up funds from the Donana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC, Spain) and from Ikerbasque to LB, the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) strategic project ID/MAR/04292/2013 granted to MARE (Portugal), the 'BIOFUNCTION' project (CGL2014-52779-P) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and FEDER to LB and J. Pozo, and Basque Government funds (IT302-10) to J. Pozo

    Riparian Plant Litter Quality Increases With Latitude

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    Plant litter represents a major basal resource in streams, where its decomposition is partly regulated by litter traits. Litter-trait variation may determine the latitudinal gradient in decomposition in streams, which is mainly microbial in the tropics and detritivore-mediated at high latitudes. However, this hypothesis remains untested, as we lack information on large-scale trait variation for riparian litter. Variation cannot easily be inferred from existing leaf-trait databases, since nutrient resorption can cause traits of litter and green leaves to diverge. Here we present the first global-scale assessment of riparian litter quality by determining latitudinal variation (spanning 107°) in litter traits (nutrient concentrations; physical and chemical defences) of 151 species from 24 regions and their relationships with environmental factors and phylogeny. We hypothesized that litter quality would increase with latitude (despite variation within regions) and traits would be correlated to produce ‘syndromes’ resulting from phylogeny and environmental variation. We found lower litter quality and higher nitrogen:phosphorus ratios in the tropics. Traits were linked but showed no phylogenetic signal, suggesting that syndromes were environmentally determined. Poorer litter quality and greater phosphorus limitation towards the equator may restrict detritivore-mediated decomposition, contributing to the predominance of microbial decomposers in tropical streams

    Latitude dictates plant diversity effects on instream decomposition

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    Running waters contribute substantially to global carbon fluxes through decomposition of terrestrial plant litter by aquatic microorganisms and detritivores. Diversity of this litter may influence instream decomposition globally in ways that are not yet understood. We investigated latitudinal differences in decomposition of litter mixtures of low and high functional diversity in 40 streams on 6 continents and spanning 113 degrees of latitude. Despite important variability in our dataset, we found latitudinal differences in the effect of litter functional diversity on decomposition, which we explained as evolutionary adaptations of litter-consuming detritivores to resource availability. Specifically, a balanced diet effect appears to operate at lower latitudes versus a resource concentration effect at higher latitudes. The latitudinal pattern indicates that loss of plant functional diversity will have different consequences on carbon fluxes across the globe, with greater repercussions likely at low latitudes

    Advanced Macroinvertebrate Identification

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    Georgia Southern faculty member Jose Cheo Colon-Guad was a presenter at Confluence: Georgia Adopt-a-Stream Volunteer Monitoring Conference

    Emerging Towards a More Diverse Community of Freshwater Scientists

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    Georgia Southern faculty member Jose Cheo Colon-Guad was a presenter at Florida Gulf Coast University – Whitaker Center for STEM Education Seminar Series

    Aquatic Ecosystems – Freshwater Habitats

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    Georgia Southern faculty member Jose Cheo Colon-Guad was a presenter at Southern Illinois University – Biological Sciences, Principles of Ecology 307

    Mentoring programs provided by professional organizations for undergraduate students from under-represented groups: The example of Instars

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    Georgia Southern faculty member Jose Cheo Colon-Guad was a presenter at Denison University – Center for Learning and Teaching sponsored by the Associate Provost for Diversity and Intercultural Education

    Aquatic Invertebrates as Indicators of Ecosystem Recovery

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    Georgia Southern faculty member Jose Cheo Colon-Guad was a presenter at Auburn University – Department of Biological Sciences

    Wading for Change: Towards a More Diverse Community of Freshwater Scientists

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    Georgia Southern faculty member Jose Cheo Colon-Guad was a presenter at Savannah State University – Department of Marine and Environmental Science Graduate Seminar Course

    Succeeding in the US Classroom

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    Georgia Southern faculty member Jose Cheo Colon-Guad was a presenter at Georgia Southern University – Center for International Studies, International Student Orientation