313 research outputs found

    artsKSU Presents: Anat Cohen Tentet, Musical Director Oded Lev-Ari

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    Ever charismatic, prolific, and inspired, GRAMMY-nominated clarinetist-saxophonist Anat Cohen has won hearts and minds the world over with her expressive virtuosity and delightful stage presence. Anat has been declared Clarinetist of the Year by the Jazz Journalists Association every year since 2007 and has also been named the Top Clarinetist, Rising Star, and Jazz Artist of the Year by Downbeat Magazine. The tentet(rhythm section, horns, vibraphone, cello, and accordion) performs tunes from their recent album Happy Song which draws influence from Brazilian music and African grooves to vintage swing and touching ballads.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/2261/thumbnail.jp

    Two Sides of the Coin Problem

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    In the coin problem, one is given n independent flips of a coin that has bias b > 0 towards either Head or Tail. The goal is to decide which side the coin is biased towards, with high confidence. An optimal strategy for solving the coin problem is to apply the majority function on the n samples. This simple strategy works as long as b > c(1/sqrt n) for some constant c. However, computing majority is an impossible task for several natural computational models, such as bounded width read once branching programs and AC^0 circuits. Brody and Verbin proved that a length n, width w read once branching program cannot solve the coin problem for b < O(1/(log n)^w). This result was tightened by Steinberger to O(1/(log n)^(w-2)). The coin problem in the model of AC^0 circuits was first studied by Shaltiel and Viola, and later by Aaronson who proved that a depth d size s Boolean circuit cannot solve the coin problem for b < O(1/(log s)^(d+2)). This work has two contributions: 1. We strengthen Steinberger\u27s result and show that any Santha-Vazirani source with bias b < O(1/(log n)^(w-2)) fools length n, width w read once branching programs. In other words, the strong independence assumption in the coin problem is completely redundant in the model of read once branching programs, assuming the bias remains small. That is, the exact same result holds for a much more general class of sources. 2. We tighten Aaronson\u27s result and show that a depth d, size s Boolean circuit cannot solve the coin problem for b < O(1/(log s)^(d-1)). Moreover, our proof technique is different and we believe that it is simpler and more natural

    Mapping Difficulties in Problem-Solving Process During Video-Assisted Self-Regulated Learning Training for Students: Introducing the PS-SOS MAP

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    In the ever-changing landscape of the Information Age, the development of self-regulated learning (SRL) skills has become increasingly important. Problem-solving is a critical SRL skill, and teachers play a vital role in fostering these abilities among their students. However, learners and teachers face challenges during the problem-solving process and in evaluating its incorporated strategies. To address these issues, this study explored students’ difficulties in problem-solving while implementing a video assisted SRL training program. This program was developed based on an integrative framework to facilitate a structured problem-solving process in disciplinary or generic contexts. The program aimed to activate additional SRL skills, such as time management, feedback, elaboration, and critical thinking, through a digital toolkit of learning support materials. This paper focuses on 241 students’ difficulties identified and classified according to the problem-solving framework that reported by teachers in different disciplines and grades (6-11). The analysis revealed that the most significant difficulties arose during the problem identification, followed by time planning and management, problem exploration, solution development, and solution evaluation. Based on this study, a dedicated map was developed called PS-SOS MAP to identify difficulties in different steps and tasks throughout the problem-solving process. The utilization of this mapping can also aid in the creation of feedback systems based on technology, such as chatbots or virtual assistants, that can provide valuable assistance to students during problem-solving training, facilitating the process of overcoming difficulties

    Evolution of the insect terminal patterning system—Insights from the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus

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    AbstractThe anterior and posterior ends of the insect embryo are patterned through the terminal patterning system, which is best known from the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. In Drosophila, the RTK receptor Torso and its presumed co-activator Torso-like initiate a signaling cascade, which activates two terminal gap genes, tailless and huckebein. These in turn interact with various patterning genes to define terminal structures. Work on other insect species has shown that this system is poorly conserved, and not all of its components have been found in all cases studied. We place the variability of the system within a broader phylogenetic framework. We describe the expression and knock-down phenotypes of the homologues of terminal patterning genes in the hemimetabolous Oncopeltus fasciatus. We have examined the interactions among these genes and between them and other patterning genes. We demonstrate that all of these genes have different roles in Oncopeltus relative to Drosophila; torso-like is expressed in follicle cells during oogenesis and is involved in the invagination of the blastoderm to form the germ band, and possibly also in defining the growth zone; tailless is regulated by orthodenticle and has a role only in anterior determination; huckebein is expressed only in the middle of the blastoderm; finally, torso was not found in Oncopeltus and its role in terminal patterning seems novel within holometabolous insects. We then use our data, together with published data on other insects, to reconstruct the evolution of the terminal patterning gene network in insects. We suggest that the Drosophila terminal patterning network evolved recently in the lineage leading to the Diptera, and represents an example of evolutionary “tinkering”, where pre-existing pathways are co-opted for a new function

    Perception of wine labels by Hong Kong Chinese consumers

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    AbstractDespite Hong KongŚłs growing wine consumption and the abundance of retail brands available there, the demanding choice task faced by its wine consumers, who are more subject to a mix of Chinese and Western cultural influences than consumers in other South Asian countries, has not been studied until now. This exploratory study aims to delve into the importance of wine label attributes for Hong Kong Chinese wine consumers, and to shed light on the ways in which their perceptions affect their choice of wine. Employing an online survey, the results suggest that Hong Kong Chinese wine consumers look for the top three most searched attributes: wine origin, grape variety, and food and wine pairing. A simple means differences test indicated that a traditional label design is favored over modern and contemporary wine labels, and that yellow is the most preferred color. However, a data-driven segmentation analysis reveals that about 95% of young Hong Kong Chinese wine consumers prefer “elegant contemporary” labels with red as the dominant color. These findings could be useful for wineries entering this market and for wine label designers who wish to better understand how Hong Kong wine consumers assess alternatives when choosing a bottle of wine

    Implementation of Tel Aviv University MOOCs in academic curriculum: A pilot study

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    The study presented in this paper examines the feasibility of using MOOCs as a learning environment in academic courses. This paper focuses on the students who participated in two MOOCs offered by Tel Aviv University (TAU) during the year 2013. The preliminary findings of this pilot study illustrate the scope of student activity, the learning intensity, and learner path. In addition, attitudes of TAU students who participated in these courses as part of their curriculum are presented. From TAU’s perspective, the presented MOOCs are considered to be a successful experience for all those involved: the students, who were very satisfied with their learning and high achievements; the lecturer team, who were very enthusiastic and satisfied with the learning process as well as the new experience; and the University policy makers, who took the challenge and integrated this new model of learning into the academic environment

    Dynamic assessment of the tear film muco-aqueous and lipid layers using a novel tear film imager (TFI)

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    Purpose The objective of the study was to assess a new technology, the tear film imager (TFI), which can dynamically image the muco-aqueous and lipid layers. Methods Prospective pilot case series of individuals with and without dry eye (DE). Two sequential images were obtained with the TFI. Measurements were assessed for reproducibility and compared with clinically derived DE metrics. Individuals were grouped into DE categories based on signs of DE. Results 49 patients participated in the study with a mean age of 58.8 years (SD 15.9) and a female majority (69%). Reproducibility of the muco-aqueous layer thickness (MALT) was excellent (r=0.88). MALT measurements significantly correlated with the Schirmer score (r=0.31). Lipid break up time (LBUT) as measured by the TFI significantly correlated with the clinical measure of tear break up time (TBUT) (r=0.73). MALT and LBUT were significantly thinner and shorter, respectively, in the DE groups (mild–moderate and severe) compared with the control group. When comparing TFI parameters to clinically assessed signs, sensitivity of the device was 87% and specificity was 88%. Conclusion The TFI is the first machine capable of reproducibly measuring muco-aqueous thickness in human subjects which correlates with Schirmer score. In parallel, it assesses other important aspects of tear film function which correlate with clinician assessed DE metrics

    What distinguishes positive deviance (PD) health professionals from their peers and what impact does a PD intervention have on behaviour change: a cross-sectional study of infection control and prevention in three Israeli hospitals

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    Past studies using the positive deviance (PD) approach in the field of infection prevention and control (IPC) have primarily focused on impacts on healthcare-associated infection rates. This research aimed to determine if health professionals who exhibit PD behaviours have distinctive socio-cognitive profiles compared to non-PD professionals, and to examine the impact of a PD intervention on healthcare professionals’ (HPs) behavioural changes in maintaining IPC guidelines. In a cross-sectional study among 135 HPs, respondents first filled out a socio-cognitive characteristics questionnaire, and after 5 months were requested to complete a selfreported behavioural change questionnaire. The main findings indicate that socio-cognitive variables such as external locus of control, perceived threat and social learning were significant predictors of a person exhibiting PD behaviours. Almost 70% of HPs reported behavioural change and creating social networks as a result of the PD intervention in maintaining IPC guidelines, 16.9% of them are a ‘PD boosters’ (a new group of HPs who have adopted the positive practices of PDs that were originally identified, and also added additional practices of their own). Social networks can contribute to internalizing and raising personal accountability even among non-PD professionals, by creating a mind map that makes each person believe they are an important node in the network, regardless of their status and role. Health intervention programmes should purposely make visible and prominent social network connections in the hospital system.publishedVersio

    Translating a theory-based positive deviance approach into an applied tool: Mitigating barriers among health professionals (HPs) regarding infection prevention and control (IPC) guidelines

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    Background Although a wide range of intervention programs and methods have been implemented to increase health professionals’ (HPs) adherence with infection prevention and control (IPC) guidelines and decrease the incidence of healthcare associated infections (HAIs), a significant discrepancy remains between the guidelines and their implementation in practice. Objectives This study proposes an applied tool based on the integrated theoretical framework of the positive deviance (PD) approach for developing more effective interventions to mitigate this discrepancy. Methods A qualitative study guided by the PD approach based on data from two sources: (1) in-depth archival analysis of systematic review articles, and (2) integration and synthesis of findings based on an extensive empirical study we conducted, involving 250 HPs (nurses, physicians, support staff and cleaning staff) from three governmental hospitals in Israel, over 35 months (January 2017 to November 2020). Results The barriers faced by HPs were classified into four main categories: (1) individual-motivational, (2) social-cultural, (3) organizational, and (4) work environment and resource-centered. For each barrier, we constructed a set of questions based on the PD approach. For each question, we adapted and applied methodological tools (e.g., in-depth interviews, focus groups, social network maps, video clips and simulations) to help solve the problem. Conclusion Translating a theory-based approach into an applied tool that offers step-by-step actions can help researchers and practitioners adopt and implement the approach within intervention programs to mitigate barriers.Translating a theory-based positive deviance approach into an applied tool: Mitigating barriers among health professionals (HPs) regarding infection prevention and control (IPC) guidelinespublishedVersio

    Rituximab Maintenance for the Treatment of Patients With Follicular Lymphoma: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials

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    Background Follicular lymphoma is characterized by slow growth and an initially high rate of response to treatment, but patients typically relapse and experience progressive disease. Rituximab in combination with chemotherapy has been shown to improve overall survival in patients with follicular lymphoma compared with chemotherapy alone, but data from randomized clinical trials evaluating rituximab maintenance treatment in these patients are limited. We aimed to evaluate the effect of maintenance treatment with rituximab on the overall survival of patients with follicular lymphoma. Methods We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that compared rituximab maintenance therapy with observation or treatment at relapse (no maintenance therapy). We searched The Cochrane Library, PubMed, EMBASE, LILACS, conference proceedings, databases of ongoing trials, and references of published trials. Two reviewers independently assessed the quality of the trials and extracted data. Hazard ratios for time-to-event data were estimated and pooled. Results Five trials including 1143 adult patients were included in this meta-analysis. Data for 985 patients with follicular lymphoma were available for the meta-analysis of overall survival. Patients treated with maintenance rituximab had statistically significantly better overall survival than patients in the observation arm or patients treated at relapse (hazard ratio [HR] for death = 0.60, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.45 to 0.79). The rate of infection-related adverse events was higher with rituximab maintenance treatment (HR = 1.99, 95% CI = 1.21 to 3.27). Patients with refractory or relapsed (ie, previously treated) follicular lymphoma had a survival benefit with maintenance rituximab therapy (HR for death = 0.58, 95% CI = 0.42 to 0.79), whereas previously untreated patients did not (HR for death = 0.68, 95% CI = 0.37 to 1.25). Conclusions These results suggest that maintenance therapy with rituximab, either as four weekly infusions every 6 months or as a single infusion every 2-3 months, should be added to standard therapy for patients with relapsed or refractory (ie, previously treated) follicular lymphoma after successful induction therapy. The higher rate of infections with rituximab therapy should be taken into consideration when making treatment decision
