1,586 research outputs found

    Leveraging the Country-of-Origin Image by managing it at different levels

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    The study aims to articulate the Country-of-Origin Image (COI) at different levels (country, industry and firm levels) by advancing the knowledge and exploring ways to manage the COI at different levels underpinned on corporate brand and brand architecture strategies. For that, a mixed-methods approach was conducted where a qualitative study—looking into the case of the Brazilian Machinery Solutions Programme (BMS)—was carried out in combination with a quantitative survey held with a specific target country (Colombia). Data for the quantitative study were collected with 89 Colombian industrial buyers using Brazil as a manufacturer-supplier and country of reference. Findings indicate the relevance of managing the COI at different levels and highlight the development of the COI at the industry level. This demonstrates that nation-branding and COI literature should be developed and articulated using strategic marketing programmes and brand architecture elements. The study advances the body of knowledge in the COI literature by analysing it within three different levels and offers a framework to manage the COI using corporate brand and brand architecture elements, which is beneficial to institutions, governments, trade agencies, industry associations and firms to leverage the COI by understanding aspects of it transferrable to industry and firm levels

    Hybrid Speciation in a Marine Mammal: The Clymene Dolphin (Stenella clymene)

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    Natural hybridization may result in the exchange of genetic material between divergent lineages and even the formation of new taxa. Many of the Neo-Darwinian architects argued that, particularly for animal clades, natural hybridization was maladaptive. Recent evidence, however, has falsified this hypothesis, instead indicating that this process may lead to increased biodiversity through the formation of new species. Although such cases of hybrid speciation have been described in plants, fish and insects, they are considered exceptionally rare in mammals. Here we present evidence for a marine mammal, Stenella clymene, arising through natural hybridization. We found phylogenetic discordance between mitochondrial and nuclear markers, which, coupled with a pattern of transgressive segregation seen in the morphometric variation of some characters, support a case of hybrid speciation. S. clymene is currently genetically differentiated from its putative parental species, Stenella coerueloalba and Stenella longisrostris, although low levels of introgressive hybridization may be occurring. Although non-reticulate forms of evolution, such as incomplete lineage sorting, could explain our genetic results, we consider that the genetic and morphological evidence taken together argue more convincingly towards a case of hybrid speciation. We anticipate that our study will bring attention to this important aspect of reticulate evolution in non-model mammal species. The study of speciation through hybridization is an excellent opportunity to understand the mechanisms leading to speciation in the context of gene flow.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevenção primária da doença alérgica

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    As doenças alérgicas constituem um importante problema de saúde pública. É essencial o desenvolvimento de estratégias preventivas das mesmas. Vários factores de risco têm sido identificados, mas alguns permanecem controversos. A prevenção primária da alergia alimentar nas crianças com risco atópico implica intervenção a nível da dieta. Existe evidência de que o leite materno exclusivo até aos quatro meses protege o lactante contra o desenvolvimento de dermatite atópica e de sibilância. Pelas suas vantagens, o aleitamento materno deve ser sempre encorajado. Em alternativa, as fórmulas extensamente hidrolisadas são recomendadas nas crianças com risco elevado de atopia e, quando necessário, como suplemento do aleitamento materno. São necessários mais estudos que avaliem se as fórmulas parcialmente hidrolisadas constituem uma alternativa aceitável. Não existe evidência de que a evicção de alimentos alergénicos durante a gravidez previna a alergia na criança. Durante a infância, uma estratégia que combine a evicção de alergénios alimentares e inalatórios parece ser eficaz na redução da sibilância no lactente, da dermatite atópica e da asma. A exposição ao fumo do tabaco, particularmente durante a gravidez e precocemente na infância, aumenta o risco de sibilância e de asma, pelo que a sua evicção é uma das medidas preventivas mais importantes

    Signature of adaptive evolution in olfactory receptor genes in Cory's Shearwater supports molecular basis for smell in procellariiform seabirds

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    Olfactory receptors (ORs), encoded by the largest vertebrate multigene family, enable the detection of thousands of unique odorants in the environment and consequently play a critical role in species survival. Here, we advance our knowledge of OR gene evolution in procellariiform seabirds, an avian group which relies on the sense of olfaction for critical ecological functions. We built a cosmid library of Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris borealis) genomic DNA, a model species for the study of olfaction-based navigation, and sequence OR gene-positive cosmid clones with a combination of sequencing technologies. We identified 220 OR open reading frames, 20 of which are full length, intact OR genes, and found a large ratio of partial and pseudogenes to intact OR genes (2:1), suggestive of a dynamic mode of evolution. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that while a few genes cluster with those of other sauropsid species in a γ (gamma) clade that predates the divergence of different avian lineages, most genes belong to an avian-specific γ-c clade, within which sequences cluster by species, suggesting frequent duplication and/or gene conversion events. We identified evidence of positive selection on full length γ-c clade genes. These patterns are consistent with a key role of adaptation in the functional diversification of olfactory receptor genes in a bird lineage that relies extensively on olfaction.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estratégias de gestão de conflitos utilizadas por enfermeiros gestores portugueses

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    Objectives: to analyze the perception and conflict management strategies used by nurses in the management of people in Portuguese health services. Methods: descriptive, correlational study, carried out in Portuguese health services, with an intentional non-probabilistic sample, totaling 95 nurse managers. A questionnaire and Conflict Management Scale were used, analyzing the variables of managerial activities and conflict management, with the aid of software. Results: it was identified that 60% of the managers, report having to mediate conflicts daily, and the majority report adopting dialogue in conduct. However, through the Kruskal-Wallis test, it was shown that enforcement strategies in conflict management prevail (p = 0.008), with collaborative ones being more restricted to monthly intervals (p = 0.049). Conclusions: managers perceive the importance of collaboration in the mediation of conflicts, however, in their daily lives; they tend to maintain imposing behaviors, signaling for a little transformational leadership style.Objetivos: analisar a percepção e estratégias de gerenciamento de conflitos utilizadas por enfermeiros na gestão de pessoas em serviços de saúde portugueses. Métodos: estudo descritivo, correlacional, realizado em serviços de saúde portugueses, com amostra não probabilística intencional, totalizando 95 enfermeiros gestores. Utilizou-se um questionário e Escala de Gestão de Conflitos, sendo analisadas as variáveis de atividades gerenciais e de gestão de conflitos, com auxílio de software. Resultados: identificou-se que 60% dos gestores referem ter que mediar conflitos diariamente, e a maioria relata adotar o diálogo na conduta. Entretanto, mediante teste Kruskal-Wallis, evidenciou-se que prevalecem as estratégias de imposição na gestão de conflitos (p = 0,008), sendo as colaborativas mais restritas à periodicidade mensal (p = 0,049). Conclusões: os gestores percebem a importância da colaboração na mediação dos conflitos, contudo, no cotidiano, tendem a manter as condutas impositivas, sinalizando para um estilo de liderança pouco transformacionalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biossegurança e segurança do paciente: visão de professores e estudantes de enfermagem

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    Objective To identify the understanding of biosafety and patient safety from the perspective of nursing teachers and students in Brazil and Portugal. Methods This is a qualitative study involving 14 teachers and 44 students from 3 public educational institutions (2 in Brazil and 1 in Portugal). The study included students in their final year of high school as well as students enrolled in undergraduate and licensure courses because, by this stage of their studies, they had already covered topics related to biosafety and patient safety. It also included teachers of these subjects. Triangulation was used to collect data through interviews and observation. For organization and analysis, resources of the Atlas.ti 22 qualitative research software program were used in conjunction with the principles of thematic content analysis. Results It was evident in both countries that the teachers and students recognized the premises that involved biosafety and patient safety and that these should form part of nursing education in its transversality, emphasizing that biosafety and safety were interrelated in the prevention of adverse events. The importance of caring for oneself and others, the influence of the regulatory framework in guiding practice, and the existence of gaps in knowledge and practical application were all factors mentioned by the interviewees. Conclusion Biosafety and patient safety education and regulations, as well as the knowledge of teachers and students on these topics, affect safe practice and the quality of nursing care. Having a good understanding of these areas is therefore essential in health crises, especially for preventing infection, and it is important to raise awareness of the duty of safe health practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enfoques e intervenciones de enfermería promotoras de la autonomía del anciano

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    Objectives: To describe the meaning attributed to the experiences of the clinical experience of specialist nurses in the implementation of nursing care focuses and respective interventions that promote the autonomy of the elderly. Method: Qualitative study based on Giorgi’s method. Eighteen specialist nurses were interviewed, recruited for convenience in two hospitals in the northern region of Portugal, between March and December 2018. Results: In the clinical experience of specialist nurses, regarding the nursing process, three themes emerged: focuses of nursing care; implementation of nursing interventions and hindering factors. Conclusions: The specialist nurses, most of whom are rehabilitation specialists, essentially promote the physical capacity of the elderly, within the scope of autonomy, revealing that working conditions, such as lack of time and information systems, are the limiting factor of their promotion.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)The quality and allelopathy properties of dwarf mucuna, dwarf pigeon pea and stylosanthes as cover crops on corn and weed species were evaluated. Seeds were sown in October 2007, with a control treatment, in 20 plots of 4x5m, with Jive replicates. Weed population was determined 30 and 60 days after sowing. At 90 days, plants were mowed and the residues left to remain on the plot. Fresh and dry mass of the cover crops were determined and the allelopathic potential of aqueous extract of their aerial part was tested. The extract was chemically characterized and applied on seeds of weeds and corn. The experimental design was completely randomized and averages compared by the Scott-Knott test at 5% significance. The cover crops showed to be effective in the control of weeds. The highest values in fresh and dry mass were obtained for dwarf pigeon pea, followed by dwarf mucuna; fresh mass increased 72 and 34%, respectively, compared to the control. The extract with dwarf mucuna affected arrowleaf sida germination. The use of green manure in the summer or between harvests ensures that crop rotation is carried out properly and warrants its benefits.3611841847UnioesteConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq
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