1,437 research outputs found

    The use of eye tracking glasses in basketball shooting : a systematic review

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    Sports performance is related to cognitive processes that precede the motor task to be developed. In this way, the coupling between visual information and motor behavior has a major importance in filtering the visual information, necessary to the accomplishment of the motor task to be executed, ignoring ‘accessory’ stimuli. In this field, this essay has the goal of achieving a systematic review about past studies in the context of basketball shooting. We bring to you some evidence that support the applicability and efficiency of Eye Tracking Glasses systems in the analysis of visual attention in basketball shooting, emphasizing the concept of Quiet Eye, interconnected with anxiety and occlusion of vision. The results of the studies demonstrate the importance of the use of Eye Tracking Glasses for the evaluation/intervention in the process of visual attention training related to efficiency in shooting.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Retrofitting Historic Buildings for Future Climatic Conditions and Consequences in Terms of Artifacts Conservation Using Hygrothermal Building Simulation

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    Funding Information: The first author acknowledges the FCT—Fundação para Ciência e a Tecnologia—for the financial support through the Ph.D. scholarship PD/BD/127844/2016. This work was financially supported by: UID/ECI/04708/2019- CONSTRUCT—Instituto de I&D em Estruturas e Construções funded by national funds through the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC). The APC was funded by open access funds from Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Climate change will greatly influence the world at several levels and will have consequences on the interior climate of historic buildings and artifacts conservation. Buildings are responsible for a large slice of the overall emissions, which is due both to the greenhouse gases that are released during their construction as well as the activities that are performed therewithin. One way of counteracting this trend is to design more efficient retrofit buildings and predict their behavior using simulation software, which can thoroughly assess the performance of new buildings or the impact of each retrofit measure for existing buildings. In this study, a calibrated computational model of high thermal inertia building was used to assess the performance of passive retrofits in mitigating the effects of climate change concerning artifact decay mechanisms. In addition, a methodology that aims to reduce the amount of time spent to perform these studies is also presented, in which time savings reach up to 63%.publishersversionpublishe

    Purification, structure and immunobiological activity of an arabinan-rich pectic polysaccharide from the cell walls of prunus dulcis seeds

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    The structure and bioactivity of a polysaccharide extracted and purified from a 4MKOH + H3BO3 solution from Prunus dulcis seed cell wall material was studied. Anion-exchange chromatography of the crude extract yielded two sugar-rich fractions: one neutral (A), the other acidic (E). These fractions contain a very similar monosaccharide composition: 5:2:1 for arabinose, uronic acids and xylose, respectively, rhamnose and galactose being present in smaller amounts. As estimated by size-exclusion chromatography, the acidic fraction had an apparent molecular mass of 762kDa. Methylation analysis (from the crude and fractions A and E), suggests that the polysaccharide is an arabinan-rich pectin. In all cases, the polysaccharides bear the same type of structural Ara moieties with highly branched arabinan-rich pectic polysaccharides. The average relative proportions of the arabinosyl linkages is 3:2:1:1 for T-Araf:(1!5)-Araf:(1!3,5)-Araf:(1!2,3,5)-Araf. The crude polysaccharide extract and fractions A and E induced a murine lymphocyte stimulatory effect, as evaluated by the in vitro and in vivo expression of lymphocyte activation markers and spleen mononuclear cells culture proliferation. The lymphocyte stimulatory effect was stronger on B- than on T-cells. No evidence of cytotoxic effects induced by the polysaccharide fractions was found.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) - PRAXIX XXI/BD/18401/98

    Análise Paramétrica do Transporte Sedimentar a Barlamar de um Esporão: Impacto na Evolução da Linha de Costa.

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    Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a otimização do desempenho do programa de modelação numérica LTC (Long Term Configuration), através da análise do comportamento da linha de costa, em função da alteração gradual de determinados parâmetros de entrada. Para tal foi avaliada a influência dos parâmetros e a sensibilidade do modelo num caso de estudo com uma extensão de 10km de praia, a barlamar de um esporão de 145m de comprimento. Numa primeira análise foi avaliada a influência da definição da largura ativa dos perfis transversais na proximidade a sotamar do esporão. Para efetuar esta avaliação, foi definido um valor de profundidade de fecho igual ao do perfil imediatamente a barlamar, ao longo de diferentes extensões a sotamar, em função do comprimento do esporão. Numa segunda e terceira análises foi estudado o efeito da alteração dos ângulos de atrito dos sedimentos e da batimetria inicial, respetivamente. A alteração do ângulo de atrito na direção transversal não originou alteração da posição da linha de costa, enquanto que o aumento do ângulo de atrito na direção longitudinal originou um avanço da posição da linha de costa. O cenário onde se procedeu à alteração da batimetria inicial foi o que registou maior impacto na posição da linha de costa, com diferenças significativas nos resultados. Uma última análise consistiu no estudo da influência do coeficiente de transporte sedimentar. A configuração da linha de costa foi calculada para diferentes instantes de cálculo, correspondendo aos tempos de enchimento obtidos para cada valor do coeficiente de transporte e a um tempo de cerca de 40 anos, correspondente a uma situação de equilíbrio da praia. Verifica-se que o valor do coeficiente de transporte apenas afeta a rapidez com que a linha de costa atinge determinada posição. Palavras-chave: Análise de sensibilidade; Coeficiente de transporte; LTC; Modelo numérico; Posição da linha de costa

    Revisiting the chemistry of apple pomace polyphenols

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    Hot water is an easily implementable process for polyphenols extraction. To evaluate the effect of this process on apple pomace, the overall polyphenolic composition was assessed before and after hot water extraction, followed by extractions with aqueous/organic solutions. As determined by UHPLC-DAD, flavan-3-ols were the main apple native polyphenols. Their amount decreased 50% after hot water extraction, while the other classes remained unchanged. Dihydrochalcones and hydroxycinnamic acid oxidation products, were also observed, alongside with non-extractable oxidised procyanidins that represented more than 4-fold the amount of native apple polyphenols in the pomace. Microwave superheated-water extraction of the insoluble cell wall material in water/acetone solutions and the high amounts of polyphenols that were insoluble in water/ethanol solutions suggested that oxidised procyanidins could be covalently linked to polysaccharides. These complexes represented up to 40% of the available polyphenols from apple pomace, potentially relevant for agro-food waste valuation.publishe

    Crescimento econômico e a moderna crise ambiental: uma análise crítica

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    We discuss in this essay the importance of overcoming the scientific and epistemological reductionism to achieve a critical understanding of the origins of the environmental crisis experienced by humanity in this new millennium. Through a historical review, we trace the transformation of economic models, their impact on the environment, as well the effectiveness and legitimacy of the main technical and political process historically proposed to overcome the environmental crisis. Given the insignificant results obtained by this technicist way of understanding the environmental issues, we believe that the hegemony of the paradigm of development as economic growth is an important reason for the current social and environmental problems. The neglect of socio-economic dimension in the environment discussions has led to a failure of conservation policies by those who actually seek alternative paths to socio-ecological sustainability of the planet.Key words: conservation of biodiversity, economy, economic growth.Discutimos neste ensaio a importância da superação dos reducionismos científicos e epistemológicos para se alcançar uma compreensão crítica das origens da crise ambiental experimentada pela humanidade neste início de milênio. Por meio de um resgate histórico, traçamos as transformações dos modelos econômicos, seus impactos ao meio ambiente, assim como a eficácia e a legitimidade das principais vias técnico-políticas propostas para superar a crise ambiental. Tendo em conta os irrisórios resultados alcançados pela via tecnicista de entendimento da questão ambiental, acreditamos ser a hegemonia do paradigma do desenvolvimento por meio do crescimento econômico uma importante razão dos atuais problemas socioambientais. O negligenciamento da dimensão socioeconômica nas discussões ambientais tem conduzido a um fracasso das políticas de conservação por parte daqueles que, de fato buscam caminhos alternativos para sustentabilidade socioecológica do planeta.Palavras-chave: conservação da biodiversidade, economia, crescimento econômico

    Hipertensão arterial sistêmica primária

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    Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) é doença de alta prevalência e determinante de alta morbidade e mortalidade senão adequadamente diagnosticada e apropriadamente tratada.O diagnóstico depende da medida correta da pressão arterial (PA), utlizando-se atualmente métodos alternativos à medida convencional de consultório como a Monitorização Ambulatorial da Pressão Arterial (MAPA) ou a Monitorização Residencial da Pressão Arterial (MRPA).Uma adequada estratificação do risco adicional ao valor da PA obtido é indispensável para uma planificação do tratamento e o alcance das metas desejadas para cada grupo de indivíduos.Manter os pacientes sob o tratamento é necessário e desejável para que os benefícios auferidos com o tratamento, medicamentoso e não medicamentoso, sejam obtidos.Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH) is a highly prevalent disease causing high morbidity and mortality if not adequately diagnosed and properly treated.The diagnosis depends on a correct measurement of arterial blood pressure (ABP), with alternative methods to the conventional office measurement being currently used, such as Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) or Home Blood Pressure Monitoring (HBPM).An appropriate stratification of the additional risk besides the ABP value is essential for treatment planning and for archieving the desired goals for each group of individuals. It is necessary and desirable to maintain the patients under treatment in order to obtain the benefits derived from pharmacological or non-pharmacological treatment
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