278 research outputs found

    Cognitive effects of the progressive exercise test in electricians wearing personal protective equipment.

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    Objetivo: verificar o efeito do esfor?o f?sico sobre as fun??es cognitivas de trabalhadores eletricistas utilizando equipamento de prote??o individual (EPI). M?todos: participaram 28 eletricistas que trabalhavam na constru??o, manuten??o e opera??o de redes de distribui??o de energia. Todos do sexo masculino, sadios e aptos para a pr?tica de exerc?cios f?sicos. As fun??es cognitivas foram representadas pelo teste de rea??o simples (TRS) e pelo n?vel de vigil?ncia mental (NVM). O TRS e o NVM foram mensurados pr? e p?s- -teste m?ximo progressivo, em esteira rolante, a 27 ?C de temperatura seca e umidade relativa do ar de 64%. O teste consistiu em aumentos progressivos na velocidade e na inclina??o da esteira at? a fadiga, com utiliza??o de EPI. Resultados: a m?dia (desvio padr?o) do TRS n?o foi significativamente diferente antes, 227,8 (35,1) ms, e ap?s o exerc?cio, 220,6 (24,6) ms. O NVM foi significativamente maior ap?s o exerc?cio em todas as situa??es: frequ?ncia crescente ? 36,5 (5,1) Hz vs 39,5 (2,7) Hz, frequ?ncia decrescente ? 36,0 (5,2) vs 39,0 (3,88) Hz, e frequ?ncia geral ? 36,2 (4,9) vs 39,2 (3,1) Hz. Conclus?o: o exerc?cio progressivo m?ximo realizado com EPI n?o modificou o tempo de rea??o simples e aumentou o n?vel de vigil?ncia mental de eletricistas.Objective: to verify the effects of physical effort on the cognitive functions of electricians wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). Methods: 28 electricians participated. They worked on the construction, maintenance and operation of electrical power distribution networks. All were male, healthy and able to practice physical exercises. The cognitive functions were checked by measuring simple reaction time (SRT) and mental alertness level (MAL). SRT and MAL were measured before and after progressive maximal exercise, on a treadmill, at 27 ?C dry temperature and 64% relative humidity, wearing PPE. The test consisted of progressive increases in treadmill speed and incline, until fatigue. Results: SRT mean difference was not significantly different before ? 227.8 (35.1) ms ? and after exercising ?220.6 (24.6) ms. MAL was significantly higher after exercise in all situations: increasing frequency - 36.5 (5.1) Hz vs. 39.5 (2.7) Hz; decreasing frequency-36.0 (5.2) Hz vs. 39.0 (3.88) Hz; and general frequency 36.2 (4.9) Hz vs. 39.2 (3.1) Hz. Conclusion: progressive maximal exercise performed while wearing PPE caused no change in simple reaction time, and increased electricians? mental alertness level

    Analysis of physical performance in children of seven to ten years old.

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    Capacidade f?sica ? o termo utilizado para agrupar as capacidades for?a, velocidade, resist?ncia, flexibilidade e coordena??o. O desempenho f?sico de crian?as ? preocupa??o permanente entre os especialistas da ?rea da sa?de. Esse interesse justifica-se j? que a atividade f?sica desempenha importante papel na preven??o de doen?as e melhoria da capacidade funcional. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar as capacidades f?sicas em crian?as de ambos os sexos. Ap?s consentimento por escrito dos pais, participaram do estudo 232 crian?as de ambos os sexos entre as idades de sete e 10 anos. A capacidade f?sica foi avaliada utilizando-se os testes de sentar e alcan?ar, resist?ncia abdominal, salto horizontal e corrida de 30 metros. Foi utilizado ANOVA two way e post hoc de Tukey para compara??o das vari?veis entre as idades e o sexo. O n?vel de signific?ncia foi de 5%. A flexibilidade n?o foi modificada pela idade e sexo. O salto horizontal e o n?mero de abdominais foram maiores nos meninos comparados ?s meninas e nas idades de 10, nove e oito anos comparados a idade de sete anos. O tempo para percorrer 30 m foi menor nos meninos comparado ?s meninas, sendo que a idade de 10 anos apresentou valores menores comparado as demais idades e as idades de nove e oito anos demonstraram menores valores comparado a idade de sete anos. De modo geral, os meninos apresentam melhor desempenho f?sico comparado ?s meninas na faixa et?ria avaliada. A idade de sete anos parece representar um per?odo de transi??o no desempenho f?sico.Physical performance is the term used to group strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and coordination capacities. The physical performance in the children is concern among experts in the field of health. This interest justified because physical activity can prevent illness and increase functional capacity. The aim of present study was assessment physical capacity in children of both sex, boys and girls. After consent of parents, concerns of study 232 children among seven and 10 years-old of both sexes. The performance motor was assessment using sit-and-reach, horizontal jump, abdominal endurance and 30 meters tests run. ANOVA Two-way and Tukey post hoc was used to compared variables among sex and ages. The significant level was 5%. Flexibility did not differ among ages and sex. The horizontal jump distance and abdominals number were higher in male group compared to the female group and eight, nine and 10 years-old were higher compared to seven years-old. The abdominals number was higher in male group compared to female group and eight, nine and 10 years-old are higher compared to seven years-old. The time to going 30 meters was small in the male group compared to female group and running time was small in the 10 years-old compared to other ages and the nine and eight years-old was small than seven years-old. In general, the boys presented better performance than girls in the ages assessment. The age seven years-old apparent represented a period of transition in the physical performance

    Efeitos do cabelo da cabe?a humana no desempenho e na resposta termorregulat?ria durante a corrida de 10 km ao ar livre em homens saud?veis.

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of human head hair on performance and thermoregulatory responses during 10-km outdoor running in healthy men. Twelve healthy males (29.5 ? 3.7 years, 174.9 ? 4.3 cm, 72.7 ? 3.2 kg and VO2max 44.6 ? 3.4 ml.kg-1.min-1) participated in two self-paced outdoor 10-km running trials separated by 7 days: 1) HAIR, subjects ran with their natural head hair; 2) NOHAIR, subjects ran after their hair had been totally shaved. Average running velocity was calculated from each 2-km running time. Rectal temperature, heart rate and physiological strain index were measured before and after the 10-km runs and at the end of each 2 km. The rate of heat storage was measured every 2 km. The environmental stress (WBGT) was measured every 10 min. The running velocity (10.9 ? 1 and 10.9 ? 1.1 km.h-1), heart rate (183 ? 10 and 180 ? 12 bpm), rectal temperature (38.82 ? 0.29 and 38.81 ? 0.49oC), physiological strain index (9 ? 1 and 9 ? 1), or heat storage rate (71.9 ? 64.1 and 80.7 ? 56.7 W.m-1) did not differ between the HAIR and NOHAIR conditions, respectively (p>0.05). There was no difference in WBGT between the HAIR and NOHAIR conditions (24.0 ? 1.4 and 23.2 ? 1.5?C, respectively; p=0.10). The results suggest that shaved head hair does not alter running velocity or thermoregulatory responses during 10-km running under the sun.O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do cabelo da cabe?a humana no desempenho e na resposta termorregulat?ria durante 10 km de corrida ao ar livre em homens saud?veis. Doze saud?vel do sexo masculino (29,5 ? 3,7 anos, 174,9 ? 4,3 cm, 72,7 ? 3,2 kg e VO2m?x 44,6 ? 3,4 ml.kg-1.min-1) participaram de 2 corridas de 10km separadas por 7 dias de intervalo em ritmo auto regulado: 1) HAIR- volunt?rios correram com seus cabelos intactos, 2) NOHAIR- volunt?rios correrram ap?s terem seus cabelos totalmente raspado. A velocidade m?dia da corrida foi calculada a cada s?rie de 2 km. Temperatura retal, freq??ncia card?aca e ?ndice de estresse fisiol?gico foram medidos antes e depois dos 10 km da corrida e no fim de cada 2 km. Taxa de armazenamento de calor foi medida a cada 2 km. Al?m disso, o estresse ambiental (WBGT) foi medido a cada 10 min. A velocidade de corrida (10,9 ? 1 e 10,9 ? 1,1 km.h-1), freq??ncia card?aca (183 ? 10 e 180 ? 12 bpm), temperatura retal (38,82 ? 0,29 e 38,81 ? 0,49oC), ?ndice estresse fisiol?gico (9 ? 1 e 9 ? 1) e taxa de armazenamento de calor (71,9 ? 64,1 e 80,7 ? 56,7 Wm-1), n?o foi diferente entre as situa??es HAIR e NOHAIR, respectivamente (p>0,05). N?o houve diferen?a no WBGT entre HAIR e NOHAIR (24,0 ? 1.4? C e 23,2 ? 1,5? C, respectivamente; p=0,10). Os resultados sugerem que raspar o cabelo da cabe?a n?o altera a velocidade da corrida e as respostas termorregulat?rias durante 10 km de corrida sob o sol

    COVID-19 and hospitalizations for SARI in Brazil: a comparison up to the 12th epidemiological week of 2020.

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    Surveillance of the severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) in Brazil aims to characterize the circulation of the Influenza A and B viruses in hospitalized cases and deaths, having been expanded in 2012 to include other respiratory viruses. COVID-19 was detected in Brazil for the time in the 9th epidemiological week of 2020, and the test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus was included in the surveillance protocol starting in the 12th epidemiological week. This study's objective was to investigate the pattern of hospitalizations for SARI in Brazil since the entry of SARS-CoV-2, comparing the temporal and age profiles and laboratory results to the years 2010 through 2019. In 2020, hospitalizations for SARI, compiled from the date of the first confirmed case of COVID-19 up to the 12th week, exceeded the numbers observed during the same period in each of the previous 10 years. The age bracket over 60 years was the most heavily affected, at higher than historical levels. There was a considerable increase in negative laboratory tests, suggesting circulation of a different virus from those already present in the panel. We concluded that the increase in hospitalizations for SARI, the lack of specific information on the etiological agent, and the predominance of cases among the elderly during the same period in which there was an increase in the number of new cases of COVID-19 are all consistent with the hypothesis that severe cases of COVID-19 are already being detected by SARI surveillance, placing an overload on the health system. The inclusion of testing for SARS-CoV-2 in the SARI surveillance protocol and the test's effective nationwide deployment are extremely important for monitoring the evolution of severe COVID-19 cases in Brazil

    Impacto da pandemia pelo Covid-19 na provisão de equipamentos de proteção individual / Impact of pandemia by Covid-19 on the provision of personal protection equipment

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    Introdução: A Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) por meio da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) é a porta de entrada do Sistema Único de Saúde, em se tratando de surtos e epidemias a APS/ ESF tem papel fundamental na resposta global à doença em questão, sendo necessário a distribuição de Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI) para os APS/ESF. Objetivo: Investigar o consumo de Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI) e insumos pelos profissionais da atenção primária saúde diante da pandemia pelo novo Coronavírus. Método: estudo observacional, tipo transversal, realizado em secretaria de saúde em município do nordeste brasileiro, por meio da análise de relatórios de consumo de EPIs pelos profissionais da Atenção Primária no período de outubro de 2019 a março de 2020. Resultado: o aumento no consumo dos suprimentos destinados à paramentação das 41 ESF ocorreu após janeiro de 2020. Itens como máscara cirúrgica e álcool 70% gel foram os insumos mais afetados. Há uma tendência retilínea do aumento do consumo de máscaras cirúrgicas, o que pode ocasionar um desabastecimento e possibilidade de colapso na provisão desse EPI pelo serviço público. Conclusão: os itens com maior consumo foram máscara cirúrgica e álcool 70% gel, e um expressivo consumo destes, ocorrerá em abril e maio de 2020. 

    Importância do conhecimento de professores do ensino fundamental sobre primeiros socorros: Revisão sistemática com metanálise / Importance of the knowledge of elementary school teachers about first aid: A systematic review with meta-analysis

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    Caracterizada pela prestação de cuidados imediatos a vítimas de acidente ou mal súbito, nas situações em que o seu estado físico ameace a vida, os primeiros socorros podem ser realizados por qualquer pessoa, desde que tenha o devido conhecimento sobre o assunto. O objetivo deste estudo e avaliar a importância do conhecimento dos professores sobre primeiros socorros. Trata-se de um estudo de revisão sistemática, seguido de metanálise contemplando as bases de dados realizada na Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Sistem On-line (MEDLINE/PUBMED), na Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe (LILACS) e na Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SCIELO). Utilizou-se artigos nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, com o período de publicação dos últimos 5 anos, utilizando os descritores em DeCS: Primeiros socorros, conhecimento e professores, com uso do operador Booleano AND. Foram excluídos artigos inconclusivos e/ou replicados, estudos indisponíveis de forma completa e gratuita, sem enfoque em impactos causados, relatos, revisões. A análise representa um efeito total de 0,54 com IC de 0,49 e 0,59 o que representa um tamanho de grande efeito sobre a carência no conhecimento dos professores sobre primeiros socorros. Portanto, é de fundamental importância o conhecimento da população e não só dos profissionais de saúde, no que se refere as ações de primeiros socorros e sua relevância, a partir de treinamentos práticos para atender vítimas em situações de emergência.

    "Sou escravo de oficiais da Marinha": a grande revolta da marujada negra por direitos no período pós-abolição (Rio de Janeiro, 1880-1910)

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    Geographic patterns of tree dispersal modes in Amazonia and their ecological correlates

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    Aim: To investigate the geographic patterns and ecological correlates in the geographic distribution of the most common tree dispersal modes in Amazonia (endozoochory, synzoochory, anemochory and hydrochory). We examined if the proportional abundance of these dispersal modes could be explained by the availability of dispersal agents (disperser-availability hypothesis) and/or the availability of resources for constructing zoochorous fruits (resource-availability hypothesis). Time period: Tree-inventory plots established between 1934 and 2019. Major taxa studied: Trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 9.55 cm. Location: Amazonia, here defined as the lowland rain forests of the Amazon River basin and the Guiana Shield. Methods: We assigned dispersal modes to a total of 5433 species and morphospecies within 1877 tree-inventory plots across terra-firme, seasonally flooded, and permanently flooded forests. We investigated geographic patterns in the proportional abundance of dispersal modes. We performed an abundance-weighted mean pairwise distance (MPD) test and fit generalized linear models (GLMs) to explain the geographic distribution of dispersal modes. Results: Anemochory was significantly, positively associated with mean annual wind speed, and hydrochory was significantly higher in flooded forests. Dispersal modes did not consistently show significant associations with the availability of resources for constructing zoochorous fruits. A lower dissimilarity in dispersal modes, resulting from a higher dominance of endozoochory, occurred in terra-firme forests (excluding podzols) compared to flooded forests. Main conclusions: The disperser-availability hypothesis was well supported for abiotic dispersal modes (anemochory and hydrochory). The availability of resources for constructing zoochorous fruits seems an unlikely explanation for the distribution of dispersal modes in Amazonia. The association between frugivores and the proportional abundance of zoochory requires further research, as tree recruitment not only depends on dispersal vectors but also on conditions that favour or limit seedling recruitment across forest types