252 research outputs found

    Sobre el montaje de la exposición “Bibliófilos y Coleccionistas en la Biblioteca Histórica”

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    El documento trata sobre los trabajos llevados a cabo para el montaje de la exposición citada, que tuvo lugar en la Biblioteca Histórica de la UCM del 19 de julio al 11 de septiembre de 2012. Las autoras participaron en este trabajo, junto al personal del departamento, durante las prácticas realizadas en el departamento de conservación y restauración de la Biblioteca Histórica en julio de 2012 bajo convenio de colaboración con las Escuelas Superiores de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales de Madrid y Barcelona

    Algunas consideraciones sobre el régimen de la responsabilidad civil del porteador en la legislación marítima de Emiratos Árabes Unidos = Some considerations regarding the maritime carrier liability under the United Arab Emirates maritime law

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    Resumen: En los últimos años Emiratos Árabes Unidos se ha consolidado como centro marítimo global, siendo Dubai una de las ciudades portuarias más importantes del mundo. La posición estratégica de Emiratos entre Europa, Asia y África, junto con sus capacidades de logística y comerciales hacen que medida que el comercio se globaliza, las empresas transnacionales continúen creciendo, y las conexiones marítimas, terrestres y aéreas proliferen. Por ese motivo, debido al auge y crecimiento imparable del transporte marítimo de mercancías la presente investigación tiene como finalidad realizar un breve análisis sobre el régimen de responsabilidad del porteador marítimo vigente bajo la regulación marítima vigente en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.Palabras clave: Responsabilidad, porteador marítimo, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, causas de exoneración, limitación. Abstract: During the last years, United Arab Emirates has been consolidated as maritime global center, being Dubai one of the most important port cities of the world. The strategic position of Emirates between Europe, Asia and Africa, together with his capacities of logistics and commercial make the globalization of trade, transnational corporations continue to grow, maritime, land and air connections proliferate. Therefore, due to the summit and unstoppable growth of the maritime carriage of goods this paper has as purpose to present a brief analysis on the regime of liability of the maritime carrier under the Federal Maritime Law in force in the United Arab Emirates.Keywords: Liability, maritime carrier, United Arab Emirates, excepted perils, limitation

    Los terremotos de 1748 de Montesa (Valencia) y de 1790 de Orán (Argelia)

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    Los terremotos de Montesa (Valencia) de 23 de marzo de 1748 y de Orán (Argelia) de 9 de octubre de 1790 causaron grandes daños y se sintieron en una amplia zona. La abundante documentación contemporánea que existe ha permitido una re-evaluación en la escala EMS-98 de la intensidad sísmica, obteniéndose valores en la región epicentral de IX para Montesa y IX-X para Orán. De la distribución de intensidades es posible correlacionar las rupturas con las fallas existentes en la zona. Para el terremoto de Orán de 1790 se propone un foco submarino en base al tsunami que originó. En ambos casos, los terremotos ocurren en zonas de baja sismicidad, lo que lleva a infra-estimar la peligrosidad sísmica de estas zonas

    Incidence of persistent postoperative pain after hepatectomies with 2 regimes of perioperative analgesia containing ketamine

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    Studies designed to assess persistent postoperative pain (PPP) incidence after hepatectomies are lacking. Our aim was to assess PPP incidence 6 months after hepatectomies with intravenous (IV) or epidural (EPI) analgesia containing ketamine. Prospective observational comparative study between 2 cohorts of patients submitted to hepatectomy. Patients received 1 of 2 analgesic regimes containing ketamine: EPI group or IV group. Visual analog scale (VAS), Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (NPSI), Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS), and quantitative sensorial testing (QST: to determine area of hyperalgesia/allodynia) were assessed preoperatively and postoperatively at 2 h, 24 h, 7 days, 1 month, and 6 months. VAS ≥ 1 at 1 and 6 months was considered indicative of PPP and VAS > 3 was considered as not controlled pain. Side effects and complications were registered. Forty-four patients were included: 23 in EPI group and 21 in IV group. Patients in IV group were older and had more comorbidities. No patient presented VAS > 3 at 1 or 6 months. VAS ≥ 1 at 1 and 6 months was 36.4% and 22.7%, respectively. No differences in VAS, NPSI, or PCS were found between groups. Allodynia/hyperalgesia area did not differ between groups and was infrequent and slight. Pain pressure threshold in the wound vertical component was significantly higher in EPI group after 7 days. IV group showed more cognitive side effects. Incidence of PPP at 6 months after open hepatectomies with EPI or IV analgesia containing ketamine was lower than previously reported for other abdominal surgeries. Ketamine influence on low PPP incidence and hyperalgesia cannot be discarded

    Incidence of persistent postoperative pain after hepatectomies with 2 regimes of perioperative analgesia containing ketamine

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    Studies designed to assess persistent postoperative pain (PPP) incidence after hepatectomies are lacking. Our aim was to assess PPP incidence 6 months after hepatectomies with intravenous (IV) or epidural (EPI) analgesia containing ketamine. Prospective observational comparative study between 2 cohorts of patients submitted to hepatectomy. Patients received 1 of 2 analgesic regimes containing ketamine: EPI group or IV group. Visual analog scale (VAS), Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (NPSI), Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS), and quantitative sensorial testing (QST: to determine area of hyperalgesia/allodynia) were assessed preoperatively and postoperatively at 2 h, 24 h, 7 days, 1 month, and 6 months. VAS ≥ 1 at 1 and 6 months was considered indicative of PPP and VAS > 3 was considered as not controlled pain. Side effects and complications were registered. Forty-four patients were included: 23 in EPI group and 21 in IV group. Patients in IV group were older and had more comorbidities. No patient presented VAS > 3 at 1 or 6 months. VAS ≥ 1 at 1 and 6 months was 36.4% and 22.7%, respectively. No differences in VAS, NPSI, or PCS were found between groups. Allodynia/hyperalgesia area did not differ between groups and was infrequent and slight. Pain pressure threshold in the wound vertical component was significantly higher in EPI group after 7 days. IV group showed more cognitive side effects. Incidence of PPP at 6 months after open hepatectomies with EPI or IV analgesia containing ketamine was lower than previously reported for other abdominal surgeries. Ketamine influence on low PPP incidence and hyperalgesia cannot be discarded

    Inhibition of hyaluronidase activity by high-pressure treated onion

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    Onions exert their effects on human health via multiple different functions, including antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and antibacterial properties. Upregulation of hyaluronidase activity occurs in chronic inflammatory conditions. High hydrostatic pressure food processing offers the chance of producing functional foods, in the sense that not only preserve the nutritional, microbiological and sensorial quality of foods, but also can improve the extraction of potentially health-related compounds due to the effects of this technology on plant food structure. Onions are a good source of bioactive compounds, such as phenolic compounds and organosulfur compounds, which have been related to beneficial health effects mainly due to their antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties. In this study we evaluated the ability of onion treated by highpressure to inhibit in vitro hyaluronidase activity, as an in vitro measurement of its antiinflammatory activity.Peer Reviewe

    Lenguaje no sexista: propuesta para combatir la violencia de género y producir bienestar desde el aula

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    El reconocimiento y visibilización de la mujer a través del lenguaje inclusivo que, desde las aulas se fomente como pleno derecho de generar entonos de equidad, es un reto que hay que asumir desde la docencia. El objetivo de la investigación que se propone está orientado a mostrar como los recursos lingüísticos que pueden usar los y las docentes en su diario trabajo en el aula por medio de la palabra escrita y verbal ayudan a combatir la violencia de género asociada al derecho de la mujer a la diferencia e igualdad. La metodología se sustenta en una investigación bibliográfica y documental que sirve de base para la aplicación de instrumentos de recolección de datos cuantitativos aplicados a 91 estudiantes y 8 tutores y tutoras de prácticas comunitarias. Los hallazgos de la investigación evidencian que el lenguaje utilizado reproduce desigualdades entre mujeres y hombres, y anima a la asignación de roles profesionales marcados por el género lo que inconscientemente incide en que las mujeres incursionen en ciertos campos profesionales. Las y los docentes tienen en sus aulas la oportunidad de construir espacios libres de violencia de género utilizando la herramienta poderosa de la palabra oral y escrita

    Four Chiral Centers in a One Pot Procedure. Analogues of Isosorbide

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    [ES] Obtención de análogos de isosorbide en un solo paso a partir de sulfonilbutadienos.CICYT, Junta de Castilla y león, Ministerio de Educación y Cienci

    Intervención psicológica en pacientes que deben someterse a un trasplante de médula ósea

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    Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) has emerged over the past decade as a new and promising intervention for the Haemato-Oncologic patients or those who have a sensitive tumour to intensive chemotherapy. The application of high-dose of intensive chemotherapy reduces the relapse risk of the illness, increases survival and the possibility of total recovery on the vast majority of cases. However, the patients undergoing this treatment may experience several and multiple potential stressors on long, medium and short term basis. The quality care requires a personal, multidimensional, integral and interdisciplinary approach of these patients and their relatives during the different stages of the treatment. A proposal of a psycho-educational program is presented in order to help patients face the BMT, starting the transplant on the best conditions as possible and facilitating their adaptation during the whole process. This intervention is being realized in the Haematology and Hemotherapy Service on the University Hospital La Paz, Madrid, where 450 patients and their relatives have already participate