1,111 research outputs found

    Anisakis infection in allis shad, Alosa alosa (Linnaeus, 1758), and twaite shad, Alosa fallax (Lacépède, 1803), from Western Iberian Peninsula Rivers : zoonotic and ecological implications

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    Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank M. N. Cueto and J.M. Antonio (ECOBIOMAR) for their excellent technical support and also Rodrigo López for making the map of the study area. We also thank the personal of the Vigo IEO, for providing information about shad captures at sea collected on the basis of national program (AMDES) included in the European Data Collection Framework (DCF) project. We are also grateful to Comandancia Naval de Tui for providing fishing data. M. Bao is supported by a PhD grant from the University of Aberdeen and also by financial support of the contract from the EU Project PARASITE (grant number 312068). This study was partially supported by a PhD grant from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) SFRH/BD/44892/2008) and partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE—Operational Competitiveness Programme and national funds through Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the project BPEst-C/MAR/ LA0015/2013. The authors thank the staff of the Station of Hydrobiology of the USC BEncoro do Con^ due their participation in the surveys. This work has been partially supported by the project 10PXIB2111059PR of the Xunta de Galicia and the project MIGRANET of the Interreg IV BSUDOE (South-West Europe) Territorial Cooperation Programme (SOE2/P2/E288). D.J. Nachón is supported by a PhD grant from the Xunta de Galicia (PRE/2011/198)Peer reviewedPostprin

    Interplay between lattice, orbital, and magnetic degrees of freedom in the chain-polymer Cu(II) breathing crystals

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    The chain-polymer Cu(II) breathing crystals C21H19CuF12N4O6 were studied using the x-ray diffraction and ab initio band structure calculations. We show that the crystal structure modification at T=146 K, associated with the spin crossover transition, induces the changes of the orbital order in half of the Cu sites. This in turn results in the switch of the magnetic interaction sign in accordance with the Goodenough-Kanamori-Andersen theory of the coupling between the orbital and spin degrees of freedom.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Altruism and social integration

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    We develop a two-stage experimental protocol by which i) we elicit the social network within a group of undergraduate students and ii) we measure their altruistic attitudes by way of a standard Dictator game. We observe that more socially integrated subjects are also more altruistic, as betweenness centrality and reciprocal degree are positively correlated with the level of giving, even after controlling for the effect of social distance, which has been shown to affect giving. Our findings suggest that social distance and network position are complementary determinants of altruistic behavior

    Targeting Aquaporin Function:Potent Inhibition of Aquaglyceroporin-3 by a Gold-Based Compound

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    Aquaporins (AQPs) are membrane channels that conduct water and small solutes such as glycerol and are involved in many physiological functions. Aquaporin-based modulator drugs are predicted to be of broad potential utility in the treatment of several diseases. Until today few AQP inhibitors have been described as suitable candidates for clinical development. Here we report on the potent inhibition of AQP3 channels by gold(III) complexes screened on human red blood cells (hRBC) and AQP3-transfected PC12 cells by a stopped-flow method. Among the various metal compounds tested, Auphen is the most active on AQP3 (IC(50) = 0.8±0.08 µM in hRBC). Interestingly, the compound poorly affects the water permeability of AQP1. The mechanism of gold inhibition is related to the ability of Au(III) to interact with sulphydryls groups of proteins such as the thiolates of cysteine residues. Additional DFT and modeling studies on possible gold compound/AQP adducts provide a tentative description of the system at a molecular level. The mapping of the periplasmic surface of an homology model of human AQP3 evidenced the thiol group of Cys40 as a likely candidate for binding to gold(III) complexes. Moreover, the investigation of non-covalent binding of Au complexes by docking approaches revealed their preferential binding to AQP3 with respect to AQP1. The high selectivity and low concentration dependent inhibitory effect of Auphen (in the nanomolar range) together with its high water solubility makes the compound a suitable drug lead for future in vivo studies. These results may present novel metal-based scaffolds for AQP drug development

    HPLC-DAD-ESI-QTOF-MS and HPLC-FLD-MS as valuable tools for the determination of phenolic and other polar compounds in the edible part and by-products of avocado

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    Avocado is a tropical fruit increasingly cultivated around the world due to global interest and rising consumption. Thus, there is also a surge in avocado by-products that needs assessment. The aim of this work is to compare the phenolic profile of avocado pulp, peel and seed when the fruit is at optimal ripeness for consumption and when overripe. Two analytical techniques were used: (1) HPLC-DAD-ESI-QTOF-MS was used for the first time to determine phenolic and other polar compounds in avocado peel and seed. Phenolic compounds quantified with these methods were in higher concentration in overripe than in pulp and seed of optimally ripe fruit. (2) HPLC-FLD-MS was used to specifically determine flavan-3-ols. Procyanidins to degree of polymerization 13 have been quantified singularly here for the first time. In addition, A- and B-type procyanidins from the degree of polymerization 2 to 6 were differentiated and quantified. The procyanidin concentration increased after ripening probably due to the release of tannins linked to cell-wall structures. Because of this situation and the presence of A-type procyanidins, avocado peel and seed from overripe fruit, the main by-products of avocado processing, hold interest for developing functional foods, nutraceuticals and cosmetics

    Evaluación del bienestar animal por medio De indicadores conductuales durante el Sacrificio de bovinos

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    La legislación Colombiana establece los lineamientos para el sacrificio de bovinos, el cual debe garantizar un procedimiento humanitario, además de cumplir con ciertos parámetros de calidad del producto final. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la eficiencia en la insensibilización en dos plantas de sacrificio como indicador de bienestar animal. Se evaluó la insensibilización de 1343 bovinos. Como variables se emplearon los signos de pérdida de sensibilidad (reflejo corneal, intentos de incorporarse, vocalizaciones y respiración rítmica) e indicadores conductuales de pérdida de Bienestar Animal (BA) (resbalones, caídas, vocalizaciones, saltos y marcha hacia atrás). Se midió el tiempo de retraso en la insensibilización, el número de disparos por animal, la localización correcta del impacto y el tiempo entre insensibilización y sangría. El 96.5% de los bovinos colapsaron inmediatamente después de recibir el primer impacto, sin embargo, el 23.6% (n=307) de éstos recuperó la sensibilidad antes de la sangría, debido al amplio intervalo de tiempo entre la insensibilización y la sangría superior a los 60 segundos (98.7%). Se encontró asociación significativa entre el retraso en la insensibilización y el número de eventos conductuales (p<0.01). Asimismo, se hallaron diferencias para los indicadores conductuales entre las plantas de sacrificio (p<0.01), encontrándose mayor incidencia en la planta A, la cual contaba con un método de sujeción de cabeza en el cajón de insensibilización, pero no de cuerpo. De otra parte, se observaron malas prácticas de manejo y conducción de los animales en la planta B como sujetar y empujar el animal con la picana eléctrica. Se concluye que en las plantas evaluadas el bienestar animal durante el sacrificio de bovinos es deficiente, se hace necesario la capacitación del personal, mejoras en la infraestructura y la implementación de indicadores de evaluación. AbstractColombian laws establish the guidelines for slaughtering of cattle which have to f guarantee a humane procedure, besides complying with some quality parameters for the final product. The objective of this study was to evaluate efficiency of the stunning process in two slaughterhouses as an indicator of animal welfare. Stunning was evaluated in 1343 bovines. Signs of loss of consciousness (corneal reflex, attempts to head up, vocalizations and rhythmic breathing) as well as behavioral indicators of Animal Welfare (AW) loss (slipping, falling, vocalizations, jumping and backward movements) were assessed to identify animal welfare standards. Besides, the stunning delay, the number of shots per animal, the appropriate location of the shots and the interval between shot and bleeding were measured. Although, 98.5% of animals collapsed immediately after receiving the first shot, 23.6% (n=307) recovered sensitivity before bleeding, because of the wide interval between stunning and bleeding which was higher than 60 seconds (98.7%). There was a significant association between stunning delay and the number of behavioral events counted (p<0.01). Moreover, differences in the behavioral indicators among the slaughterhouses evaluated were found (p<0.01) showing greater incidence in slaughter house “A” which had a head fixation system, but not one to hold still the entire body of the animal. Aversive behavioral responses were encountered in plant “B”, such as the use of cattle prods to hold and push the animal while it was in the stunning box. The results indicate that in the slaughterhouses evaluated animal welfare during slaughtering is defficient and it is necessary to implement personnel training, improvement of infrastructure and evaluation indicators. La legislación Colombiana establece los lineamientos para el sacrificio de bovinos, el cual debe garantizar un procedimiento humanitario, además de cumplir con ciertos parámetros de calidad del producto final. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la eficiencia en la insensibilización en dos plantas de sacrificio como indicador de bienestar animal. Se evaluó la insensibilización de 1343 bovinos. Como variables se emplearon los signos de pérdida de sensibilidad (reflejo corneal, intentos de incorporarse, vocalizaciones y respiración rítmica) e indicadores conductuales de pérdida de Bienestar Animal (BA) (resbalones, caídas, vocalizaciones, saltos y marcha hacia atrás). Se midió el tiempo de retraso en la insensibilización, el número de disparos por animal, la localización correcta del impacto y el tiempo entre insensibilización y sangría. El 96.5% de los bovinos colapsaron inmediatamente después de recibir el primer impacto, sin embargo, el 23.6% (n=307) de éstos recuperó la sensibilidad antes de la sangría, debido al amplio intervalo de tiempo entre la insensibilización y la sangría superior a los 60 segundos (98.7%). Se encontró asociación significativa entre el retraso en la insensibilización y el número de eventos conductuales (p<0.01). Asimismo, se hallaron diferencias para los indicadores conductuales entre las plantas de sacrificio (p<0.01), encontrándose mayor incidencia en la planta A, la cual contaba con un método de sujeción de cabeza en el cajón de insensibilización, pero no de cuerpo. De otra parte, se observaron malas prácticas de manejo y conducción de los animales en la planta B como sujetar y empujar el animal con la picana eléctrica. Se concluye que en las plantas evaluadas el bienestar animal durante el sacrificio de bovinos es deficiente, se hace necesario la capacitación del personal, mejoras en la infraestructura y la implementación de indicadores de evaluación. AbstractColombian laws establish the guidelines for slaughtering of cattle which have to f guarantee a humane procedure, besides complying with some quality parameters for the final product. The objective of this study was to evaluate efficiency of the stunning process in two slaughterhouses as an indicator of animal welfare. Stunning was evaluated in 1343 bovines. Signs of loss of consciousness (corneal reflex, attempts to head up, vocalizations and rhythmic breathing) as well as behavioral indicators of Animal Welfare (AW) loss (slipping, falling, vocalizations, jumping and backward movements) were assessed to identify animal welfare standards. Besides, the stunning delay, the number of shots per animal, the appropriate location of the shots and the interval between shot and bleeding were measured. Although, 98.5% of animals collapsed immediately after receiving the first shot, 23.6% (n=307) recovered sensitivity before bleeding, because of the wide interval between stunning and bleeding which was higher than 60 seconds (98.7%). There was a significant association between stunning delay and the number of behavioral events counted (p<0.01). Moreover, differences in the behavioral indicators among the slaughterhouses evaluated were found (p<0.01) showing greater incidence in slaughter house “A” which had a head fixation system, but not one to hold still the entire body of the animal. Aversive behavioral responses were encountered in plant “B”, such as the use of cattle prods to hold and push the animal while it was in the stunning box. The results indicate that in the slaughterhouses evaluated animal welfare during slaughtering is defficient and it is necessary to implement personnel training, improvement of infrastructure and evaluation indicators.

    VFISV: Very Fast Inversion of the Stokes Vector for the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager

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    In this paper we describe in detail the implementation and main properties of a new inversion code for the polarized radiative transfer equation (VFISV: Very Fast inversion of the Stokes vector). VFISV will routinely analyze pipeline data from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on-board of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). It will provide full-disk maps (4096×\times4096 pixels) of the magnetic field vector on the Solar Photosphere every 10 minutes. For this reason VFISV is optimized to achieve an inversion speed that will allow it to invert 16 million pixels every 10 minutes with a modest number (approx. 50) of CPUs. Here we focus on describing a number of important details, simplifications and tweaks that have allowed us to significantly speed up the inversion process. We also give details on tests performed with data from the spectropolarimeter on-board of the Hinode spacecraft.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures (2 color). Submitted for publication to Solar Physic

    Exogenous LRRK2G2019S induces parkinsonian-like pathology in a nonhuman primate

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disease among the elderly. To understand pathogenesis and to test therapies, animal models that faithfully reproduce key pathological PD hallmarks are needed. As a prelude to developing a model of PD, we tested the tropism, efficacy, biodistribution, and transcriptional impact of canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2) vectors in the brain of Microcebus murinus, a nonhuman primate that naturally develops neurodegenerative lesions. We show that introducing helper-dependent (HD) CAV-2 vectors results in long-term, neuron-specific expression at the injection site and in afferent nuclei. Although HD CAV-2 vector injection induced a modest transcriptional response, no significant adaptive immune response was generated. We then generated and tested HD CAV-2 vectors expressing LRRK2 (leucine-rich repeat kinase 2) and LRRK2 carrying a G2019S mutation (LRRK2G2019S), which is linked to sporadic and familial autosomal dominant forms of PD. We show that HD-LRRK2G2019S expression induced parkinsonian-like motor symptoms and histological features in less than 4 months