918 research outputs found

    Juan Bautista Juanini (1636-1691) : sabers mèdics i pràctiques quirúrgiques en la primera generació del moviment novator

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral incideix en els principals aspectes de la biografia del cirurgià hispanoitalià Juan Bautista Juanini (1636-1691), personatge clau de la medicina i de la cirurgia en la Cort espanyola de Carlos II. En aquest context històric, un grup de metges i científics espanyols i hispanoitalians es van plantejar una renovació completa dels pressupostos de la ciència, de la medicina i de la concepció de l'univers, d'acord amb els pressupostos de la Revolució Científica que s'estenia per tota Europa.Esta tesis doctoral incide en los principales aspectos de la biografía del cirujano hispano-italiano Juan Bautista Juanini (1636-1691), personaje clave de la medicina y la cirugía en la corte española de Carlos II. En este contexto histórico, un grupo de médicos y científicos españoles e hispano-italianos se plantearon una renovación completa de los presupuestos de la ciencia, la medicina y la concepción del universo, de acuerdo con los presupuestos de la Revolución Científica que se extendía por toda Europa

    Juan Bautista Juanini (1636-1691) i Joan d'Alòs i Serradora (1617-1695)

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    Our work show a typical scientific relatioship in the last years of the XVIIthn century, inside the renovation movement in the science and medicine of these years. The actors of these relationship were the hispanic-italian doctor-surgeon Giovanni Battista Giovannini (or, in spanish, «Juan Bautista Juanini», Milan 1636 - Madrid 1691) and the catalan doctor and university lecturer Joan d'Alòs i Serradora (Moià 1617 - Barcelona 1695). Both live and work in these years intelectually close and became part of the european scientific movement called usually «the Moderns» group, or, in our countries, called «Novatores». Both are friends and developed a personal and scientifc relationship for years. The article show the epistolar manifestation of these relationship and the possible implications for the science and the medicine of the era in Spain and Cataloni

    Interplay between lattice, orbital, and magnetic degrees of freedom in the chain-polymer Cu(II) breathing crystals

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    The chain-polymer Cu(II) breathing crystals C21H19CuF12N4O6 were studied using the x-ray diffraction and ab initio band structure calculations. We show that the crystal structure modification at T=146 K, associated with the spin crossover transition, induces the changes of the orbital order in half of the Cu sites. This in turn results in the switch of the magnetic interaction sign in accordance with the Goodenough-Kanamori-Andersen theory of the coupling between the orbital and spin degrees of freedom.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Three dimensional structure of penumbral filaments from Hinode observations

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    We analyse spectropolarimetric observations of the penumbra of the NOAA AR 10953 at high spatial resolution (0.3"). The full Stokes profiles of the Fe I lines at 630.1 nm and 630.2 nm have been obtained with the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) on board the Hinode satellite. The data have been inverted by means of the SIR code, deriving the stratifications of temperature, line of sight velocity, and the components of the magnetic field vector in optical depth. In order to evaluate the gas pressure and to obtain an adequate geometrical height scale, the motion equation has been integrated for each pixel taking into account the terms of the Lorentz force. To establish the boundary condition, a genetic algorithm has been applied. The final resulting magnetic field has a divergence compatible with 0 inside its uncertainties. First analyses of the correlation of the Wilson depression with velocity, temperature, magnetic field strength, and field inclination strongly support the uncombed penumbral model proposed by Solanki & Montavon (1993).Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, conference proceeding: SEA meeting 2008, Santander, Spai

    Improving treatment of women with schizophrenia: a review of the recent literature

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    Effective clinical management of women with schizophrenia is therapeutically challenging. While there have been recent advances in the understanding of neurobiological, hormonal, and female reproductive cycle factors that play a decisive role in the development and progression of schizophrenia in women, this knowledge has not yet been fully translated into treatment practice. The aim was to apply the best evidence available to optimally treat women with schizophrenia at various periods of the lifespan. A narrative review was conducted of recent advances (2018–2023) in aspects of schizophrenia in women that demand sex-specific treatment. Sex steroids impact antipsychotic absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination, passage through the blood-brain barrier, and blood flow rate to the brain. For these reasons, premenopausal women with schizophrenia, as compared to male age peers, require lower doses of most antipsychotic drugs and suffer comparatively more adverse events (metabolic, sexual, and cardiovascular) at similar doses. Apart from pharmacologic treatment, women have specific reproductive planning needs and need protection from sexual exploitation and domestic abuse. In addition, when pregnant, schizophrenia women show a high risk of gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia/eclampsia that requires prevention. Prevention is also needed against long-term health hazards for their offspring. Another period of therapeutic challenge specific to women is menopause. The collected evidence points to women-specific recommendations for both biological and psychosocial treatment strategies for schizophrenia

    Obtención de modelos de cálculo de sistemas provisionales de protección de borde mediante la técnica de Análisis Modal Operacional

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    In this work were obtained by Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) vibration modes and frequencies associated with temporary of protection systems (TEPS) built with planks of pine wood and steel poles. These systems have been evaluated analytically, using a finite element model (FEM). For the FEM we obtained the elastic constants of wood using ultrasound. The results of experimental and analytical assessment in the first vibration modes match in reasonable ways.En este trabajo se han obtenido experimentalmente mediante Análisis Modal Operacional (AMO) los modos de vibración y las frecuencias asociadas de sistemas provisionales de protección de borde (SPPB) fabricados con tablas de madera de pino silvestre y postes de sección tubular de acero. Los mismos sistemas se han evaluado analíticamente, usando un modelo de elementos finitos (MEF). Para el MEF se han obtenido las constantes elásticas de la madera mediante ultrasonidos. Los resultados de la evaluación experimental y analítica concuerdan en los primeros modos de vibración

    La práctica médico-quirúrgica en la primera generación del movimiento "novator" a través de las obras de Juan Bautista Juanini (Milán, 1632 - Madrid, 1691) : imagen historiográfica, saberes médicos y prácticas quirúrgicas

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es realizar un nuevo acercamiento a la figura histórica, la obra y, en concreto, la práctica médico-quirúrgica de un autor hispanoitaliano de finales del siglo XVII. Nos referimos concretamente al cirujano cortesano Juan Bautista Juanini (Milán, 1632 - Madrid, 1691). Como objetivo secundario se trataría de intentar realizar una nueva presentación biográfica del autor dentro de una recapitulación más general del papel que representó en el contexto de la revolución científica y médica de los países del sur de Europa, y en concreto entre los miembros de la primera generación de "novatores" hispánicos.L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball és realitzar un nou apropament a la figura històrica, a l'obra i, en concret, a la pràctica medicoquirúrgica d'un autor hispanoitalià de final del segle XVII. Ens referim concretament al cirurgià cortesà Juan Bautista Juanini (Milà, 1632 - Madrid, 1691). Com a objectiu secundari, es tracta d'intentar fer una nova presentació biogràfica de l'autor dins d'una recapitulació més general del papel que va representar en el context de la revolució cientifica i mèdica dels països del sud d'Europa i, més concretament, entre els membres de la primera generació de "novatores" hispànics

    Spectral Inversion of Multi-Line Full-Disk Observations of Quiet Sun Magnetic Fields

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    Spectral inversion codes are powerful tools to analyze spectropolarimetric observations, and they provide important diagnostics of solar magnetic fields. Inversion codes differ by numerical procedures, approximations of the atmospheric model, and description of radiative transfer. Stokes Inversion based on Response functions (SIR) is an implementation widely used by the solar physics community. It allows to work with different atmospheric components, where gradients of different physical parameters are possible, e.g., magnetic field strength and velocities. The spectropolarimetric full-disk observations were carried out with the Stokesmeter of the Solar Telescope for Operative Predictions (STOP) at the Sayan Observatory on 3 February 2009, when neither an active region nor any other extended flux concentration was present on the Sun. In this study of quiet Sun magnetic fields, we apply the SIR code simultaneously to 15 spectral lines. A tendency is found that weaker magnetic field strengths occur closer to the limb. We explain this finding by the fact that close to the limb, we are more sensitive to higher altitudes in an expanding flux tube, where the field strength should be smaller since the magnetic flux is conserved with height. Typically, the inversions deliver two populations of magnetic elements: (1) high magnetic field strengths (1500-2000 G) and high temperatures (5500-6500 K) and (2) weak magnetic fields (50-150 G) and low temperatures (5000-5300 K).Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for Solar Physic

    Influence of phase-diversity image reconstruction techniques on circular polarization asymmetries

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    Full Stokes filter-polarimeters are key instruments for investigating the rapid evolution of magnetic structures on the solar surface. To this end, the image quality is routinely improved using a-posteriori image reconstruction methods. We analyze the robustness of circular polarization asymmetries to phase-diversity image reconstruction techniques. We use snapshots of magneto-hydrodynamical simulations carried out with different initial conditions to synthesize spectra of the magnetically sensitive Fe I line at 5250.2 A. We degrade the synthetic profiles spatially and spectrally to simulate observations with the IMaX full Stokes filter-polarimeter. We also simulate the focused/defocused pairs of images used by the phase-diversity algorithm for reconstruction and the polarimetric modulation scheme. We assume that standard optimization methods are able to infer the projection of the wavefront on the Zernike polynomials with 10% precision. We also consider the less favorable case of 25% precision. We obtain reconstructed monochromatic modulated images that are later demodulated and compared with the original maps. Although asymmetries are often difficult to define in the quiet Sun due to the complexity of the Stokes V profiles, we show how asymmetries are degraded with spatial and spectral smearing. The results indicate that, although image reconstruction techniques reduce the spatial smearing, they can modify the asymmetries of the profiles, mainly caused by the appearance of spatially-correlated noise.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in A&