812 research outputs found

    The impact of mutation and gene conversion on the local diversification of antigen genes in African trypanosomes

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    Patterns of genetic diversity in parasite antigen gene families hold important information about their potential to generate antigenic variation within and between hosts. The evolution of such gene families is typically driven by gene duplication, followed by point mutation and gene conversion. There is great interest in estimating the rates of these processes from molecular sequences for understanding the evolution of the pathogen and its significance for infection processes. In this study, a series of models are constructed to investigate hypotheses about the nucleotide diversity patterns between closely related gene sequences from the antigen gene archive of the African trypanosome, the protozoan parasite causative of human sleeping sickness in Equatorial Africa. We use a hidden Markov model approach to identify two scales of diversification: clustering of sequence mismatches, a putative indicator of gene conversion events with other lower-identity donor genes in the archive, and at a sparser scale, isolated mismatches, likely arising from independent point mutations. In addition to quantifying the respective probabilities of occurrence of these two processes, our approach yields estimates for the gene conversion tract length distribution and the average diversity contributed locally by conversion events. Model fitting is conducted using a Bayesian framework. We find that diversifying gene conversion events with lower-identity partners occur at least five times less frequently than point mutations on variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) pairs, and the average imported conversion tract is between 14 and 25 nucleotides long. However, because of the high diversity introduced by gene conversion, the two processes have almost equal impact on the per-nucleotide rate of sequence diversification between VSG subfamily members. We are able to disentangle the most likely locations of point mutations and conversions on each aligned gene pair

    Moving forward in circles: challenges and opportunities in modelling population cycles

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    Population cycling is a widespread phenomenon, observed across a multitude of taxa in both laboratory and natural conditions. Historically, the theory associated with population cycles was tightly linked to pairwise consumer–resource interactions and studied via deterministic models, but current empirical and theoretical research reveals a much richer basis for ecological cycles. Stochasticity and seasonality can modulate or create cyclic behaviour in non-intuitive ways, the high-dimensionality in ecological systems can profoundly influence cycling, and so can demographic structure and eco-evolutionary dynamics. An inclusive theory for population cycles, ranging from ecosystem-level to demographic modelling, grounded in observational or experimental data, is therefore necessary to better understand observed cyclical patterns. In turn, by gaining better insight into the drivers of population cycles, we can begin to understand the causes of cycle gain and loss, how biodiversity interacts with population cycling, and how to effectively manage wildly fluctuating populations, all of which are growing domains of ecological research

    An Optimized Protocol for Molecular Screening of Avian Pathogenic Escherichia Coli From Broiler Chickens in South East Queensland, Australia

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    Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) is the causative agent of avian colibacillosis and causes localized and/or systemic infections in poultry. The presence of various virulence genes (VGs) may be a useful marker for the detection of APEC directly from fecal samples. The objectives of this study were to evaluate and compare 3 different DNA extraction methods from cloacal swabs and fecal samples of broiler chickens and determine if APEC can be detected directly from feces. The DNA extraction methods were assessed by measuring DNA yield and purity, absence of DNA shearing, 16S ribosomal DNA amplification, and reproducibility. Repeated bead beating plus column (RBB+C) was the preferred extraction method, as it yielded an adequate amount of quality DNA for PCR directly from feces. The DNA extracted from feces, with RBB+C method and DNA extracted from E. coli isolates of organs and feces, taken from 23 broiler chickens (10 healthy, 9 with colibacillosis, and 4 unhealthy with other infections), were screened with a pentaplex-PCR for the prevalence of APEC-associated VGs: iroN, ompT, iutA, iss, and hlyF. There was a statistically significant correlation between the presence of the 5 VGs in E. coli cultured from the cloaca, fecal, and organs samples from chicken affected with colibacillosis. However, screening extracted DNA from the feces for the selected VGs was not an effective diagnostic tool to detect APEC as all of the VGs were detected in the extracted fecal DNA from all chickens

    Creatine supplementation in the elderly: is resistance training really needed?

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    Introduction: Decreases in muscle mass, strength and power are associated with ageing, all of which increase the risk of falls, and cause a loss of independence. Creatine supplementation is often used in younger athletes to improve anaerobic performance, power and strength, however the potential benefits of creatine supplementation in older individuals are less clear. With an ageing population comes age-related losses in skeletal muscle mass, sarcopenia and associated risks of falls, morbidity and mortality. Importantly many older individuals still regularly perform aerobic and resistance training which serves to maintain this muscle mass and reduce these risks however a large proportion do not partake in regular exrecise [1]. There is evidence that creatine supplementation may maintain muscle mass and function in older adults [2], but an important question is whether resistance training and creatine supplementation have an additive effect on muscle structure and function or can older adults receive the same degree of benefit by just partaking in one of these protocols? Creatine Creatine is important for energy metabolism, and is thought to be an effective ergogenic aid in physical performance [3]. Creatine is synthesised within the body and ingested naturally from meat [3] or artificially through supplements. 94% of total body creatine is located in skeletal muscles and is stored as either free (40%) or phosphorylated creatine (PCr; 60%) [4]. Within skeletal muscles, creatine is hypothesised to shuttle high energy phosphogens between the mitochondria and cytosol [5], increasing the efficiency of cross-bridge cycling and thereby enhancing skeletal muscle contraction (Figure 1). Firstly, ATP synthesised in the mitochondrial matrix is transported via creatine kinase (CK) to the mitochondrial intermembrane space where CK catalyses the formation of ADP and PCr; Figure 2 reveals the equation from which ATP is then generated from stores of PCr via creatine kinase during periods of intense exercise. The ADP produced is transported back to the matrix where it is rephosphorylated when required. Liberated PCr migrates to the cytosol to sites of ATP consumption, where local CK enzymes regenerate ATP to allow for increased contraction. The liberated creatine then diffuses back to the mitochondria to allow for subsequent phosphorylation if required. This “transport” process is thought to occur in endurance-type activities [6-8]. Creatine supplementation has been shown to increase PCr regeneration [9], increasing ATP availability, thus facilitating prolonged physical activity [4]. Aim: This review assesses the current literature on whether creatine supplementation in the presence of resistance training enhances physical performance in older adults above and beyond those undertaking resistance training alone or only taking creatine supplements. Results: Whilst reports are conflicting, there is good evidence to suggest that creatine supplementation with resistance training increases muscular endurance, lower body strength and lean body mass; this is above results obtained with creatine supplementation or resistance training alone. The increased muscle mass observed with training has previously been shown to lead to increased bone mineral content and an associated reduced fracture risk; however, the additional benefits of creatine supplementation on this are less clear, and more work is needed to confirm whether exogenously taken creatine will benefit bone mineral density. Conclusion: Creatine supplementation in the elderly may lead to increased muscle mass, endurance and performance, and those who undertake resistance training may show further improvements with creatine supplementation. However, for elderly subjects who do not partake in resistance training, creatine supplementation offers significant improvements in increasing muscular mass and strength, and increasing their quality of life, whilst these benefits are lower on the whole than those who undertake regular resistance training

    Holograms to Focus Arbitrary Ultrasonic Fields through the Skull

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    [EN] We report 3D-printed acoustic holographic lenses for the formation of ultrasonic fields of complex spatial distribution inside the skull. Using holographic lenses, we experimentally, numerically and theoretically produce acoustic beams whose spatial distribution matches target structures of the central nervous system. In particular, we produce three types of targets of increasing complexity. First, a set of points are selected at the center of both right and left human hippocampi. Experiments using a skull phantom and 3D printed acoustic holographic lenses show that the corresponding bi-focal lens simultaneously focuses acoustic energy at the target foci, with good agreement between theory and simulations. Second, an arbitrary curve is set as the target inside the skull phantom. Using time-reversal methods the holographic beam bends following the target path, in a similar way as self-bending beams do in free space. Finally, the right human hippocampus is selected as a target volume. The focus of the corresponding holographic lens overlaps with the target volume in excellent agreement between theory in free-media, and experiments and simulations including the skull phantom. The precise control of focused ultrasound into the central nervous system is mainly limited due to the strong phase aberrations produced by refraction and attenuation of the skull. Using the present method, the ultrasonic beam can be focused not only at a single point but overlapping one or various target structures simultaneously using low-cost 3D-printed acoustic holographic lens. The results open new paths to spread incoming biomedical ultrasound applications including blood-brain barrier opening and neuromodulation.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation (MINECO) through Project No. TEC2016-80976-R. N.J. and S.J. acknowledge financial support from Generalitat Valenciana through Grants No. APOSTD/2017/042, No. ACIF/2017/045, and No. GV/2018/11. F.C. acknowledges financial support from Agencia Valenciana de la Innovacio through Grant No. INNCON00/18/9 and European Regional Development Fund (Grant No. IDIFEDER/2018/022).Jiménez-Gambín, S.; Jimenez, N.; Benlloch Baviera, JM.; Camarena Femenia, F. (2019). Holograms to Focus Arbitrary Ultrasonic Fields through the Skull. Physical Review Applied. 12(1):014016-1-014016-14. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.12.014016S014016-1014016-14121GABOR, D. (1948). A New Microscopic Principle. Nature, 161(4098), 777-778. doi:10.1038/161777a0Microscopy by reconstructed wave-fronts. (1949). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 197(1051), 454-487. doi:10.1098/rspa.1949.0075Leith, E. N., & Upatnieks, J. (1962). Reconstructed Wavefronts and Communication Theory*. 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Nature Materials, 5(6), 452-456. doi:10.1038/nmat1644Yang, M., Ma, G., Yang, Z., & Sheng, P. (2013). Coupled Membranes with Doubly Negative Mass Density and Bulk Modulus. Physical Review Letters, 110(13). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.110.134301Li, Y., Liang, B., Gu, Z., Zou, X., & Cheng, J. (2013). Reflected wavefront manipulation based on ultrathin planar acoustic metasurfaces. Scientific Reports, 3(1). doi:10.1038/srep02546Xie, Y., Wang, W., Chen, H., Konneker, A., Popa, B.-I., & Cummer, S. A. (2014). Wavefront modulation and subwavelength diffractive acoustics with an acoustic metasurface. Nature Communications, 5(1). doi:10.1038/ncomms6553Jiménez, N., Cox, T. J., Romero-García, V., & Groby, J.-P. (2017). Metadiffusers: Deep-subwavelength sound diffusers. Scientific Reports, 7(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-05710-5Jiménez, N., Romero-García, V., Pagneux, V., & Groby, J.-P. (2017). Rainbow-trapping absorbers: Broadband, perfect and asymmetric sound absorption by subwavelength panels for transmission problems. Scientific Reports, 7(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13706-4Qi, S., Li, Y., & Assouar, B. (2017). Acoustic Focusing and Energy Confinement Based on Multilateral Metasurfaces. Physical Review Applied, 7(5). doi:10.1103/physrevapplied.7.054006Bok, E., Park, J. J., Choi, H., Han, C. K., Wright, O. B., & Lee, S. H. (2018). Metasurface for Water-to-Air Sound Transmission. Physical Review Letters, 120(4). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.120.044302Li, Y., Jiang, X., Liang, B., Cheng, J., & Zhang, L. (2015). Metascreen-Based Acoustic Passive Phased Array. Physical Review Applied, 4(2). doi:10.1103/physrevapplied.4.024003Li, Y., & Assouar, M. B. (2015). Three-dimensional collimated self-accelerating beam through acoustic metascreen. Scientific Reports, 5(1). doi:10.1038/srep17612Kaina, N., Lemoult, F., Fink, M., & Lerosey, G. (2015). 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    The human insulin receptor mRNA contains a functional internal ribosome entry segment.

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    Regulation of mRNA translation is an important mechanism determining the level of expression of proteins in eukaryotic cells. Translation is most commonly initiated by cap-dependent scanning, but many eukaryotic mRNAs contain internal ribosome entry segments (IRESs), providing an alternative means of initiation capable of independent regulation. Here, we show by using dicistronic luciferase reporter vectors that the 5'-UTR of the mRNA encoding human insulin receptor (hIR) contains a functional IRES. RNAi-mediated knockdown showed that the protein PTB was required for maximum IRES activity. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays confirmed that PTB1, PTB2 and nPTB, but not unr or PTB4, bound to hIR mRNA, and deletion mapping implicated a CCU motif 448 nt upstream of the initiator AUG in PTB binding. The IR-IRES was functional in a number of cell lines, and most active in cells of neuronal origin, as assessed by luciferase reporter assays. The IRES was more active in confluent than sub-confluent cells, but activity did not change during differentiation of 3T3-L1 fibroblasts to adipocytes. IRES activity was stimulated by insulin in sub-confluent cells. The IRES may function to maintain expression of IR protein in tissues such as the brain where mRNA translation by cap-dependent scanning is less effective

    PNAS plus: plasmodium falciparum responds to amino acid starvation by entering into a hibernatory state

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    The human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is auxotrophic for most amino acids. Its amino acid needs are met largely through the degradation of host erythrocyte hemoglobin; however the parasite must acquire isoleucine exogenously, because this amino acid is not present in adult human hemoglobin. We report that when isoleucine is withdrawn from the culture medium of intraerythrocytic P. falciparum, the parasite slows its metabolism and progresses through its developmental cycle at a reduced rate. Isoleucine-starved parasites remain viable for 72 h and resume rapid growth upon resupplementation. Protein degradation during starvation is important for maintenance of this hibernatory state. Microarray analysis of starved parasites revealed a 60% decrease in the rate of progression through the normal transcriptional program but no other apparent stress response. Plasmodium parasites do not possess a TOR nutrient-sensing pathway and have only a rudimentary amino acid starvation-sensing eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) stress response. Isoleucine deprivation results in GCN2-mediated phosphorylation of eIF2α, but kinase-knockout clones still are able to hibernate and recover, indicating that this pathway does not directly promote survival during isoleucine starvation. We conclude that P. falciparum, in the absence of canonical eukaryotic nutrient stress-response pathways, can cope with an inconsistent bloodstream amino acid supply by hibernating and waiting for more nutrient to be provided