565 research outputs found

    A Critical Evaluation of Motor Vehicle Manufacturing in Nigeria

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    This paper presents a broad analysis on why a truly made in Nigeria vehicle has not emerged on the Nigerian road and what could be done to remedy the situation. More than 60000 motor vehicles are being imported into the country annually of which more than 85% are used vehicles. Automobile plants in Nigeria are merely coupling vehicle parts produced overseas with little input to the component production of major units. These assembly plants will soon close shop due to the precarious nature of their business. This paper is of the opinion that vehicles are not being produced in Nigeria because there is no enabling environment for that to happen. The progenitors need to be mobilized properly towards the objective and the cost imperative of acquiring and sustaining the appropriate technology must be borne by the Nigerian society. The economic value need not to be evaluated without having national pride as an indispensable factor. It is evident that neither the gross domestic product per capita nor the overall literacy level alone promotes motor manufacturing, but the national technological consciousness based on policy thrust

    Recycle Materials Potential of Imported Used Vehicles in Nigeria

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    In the recent years, most developing countries have resorted to importing of used vehicles as a means of solving acute/shortage of transportation facilities. Some of these vehicles are so dilapidated that they never serve any purpose before finding their way to the junkyards and refuse dumps. This paper seeks to quantify the available salvage value/service materials potential from these imported used vehicles in Nigeria. Most of the streets in the urban areas and construction sites are littered with junk vehicles which were abandoned by their owners. These vehicles, many of which have actually reached their end-of-life are potential secondary materials as they can be recycled into the same product or something less, thereby creating economic, social and environmental benefits

    Autonomía del niño hospitalizado frente a los procedimientos: creencias de la enfermera pediátrica

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    OBJECTIVE: to understand pediatric nurses' beliefs and actions regarding hospitalized children's autonomy during therapeutic procedures. METHODS: A qualitative approach was used to observe and interview seven nurses from a public hospital at São Paulo. RESULTS: Content analysis revealed two themes: a child's potential to develop autonomy and a child's incapability to exercise autonomy. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: Few opportunities are given to children in order to develop their autonomy. As a rule, in conflicting situations nurses do not consider children decision-making; there is a disconnection between nurse's speech and professional practice.OBJETIVO: conocer las creencias y acciones de la enfermera pediátrica en relación a la autonomía del niño hospitalizado durante la realización de procedimientos terapéuticos. MÉTODOS: estudio de abordaje cualitativo, en el que fueron realizadas observaciones y entrevistas con siete enfermeras de un hospital público de São Paulo. RESULTADOS: fueron evidenciados dos temas que revelan las creencias de la enfermera y que fundamentan sus acciones en relación a la autonomía del niño hospitalizado: acreditando en el potencial del niño para ejercer la autonomía y considerando al niño incapaz de ejercer la autonomía. CONSIDERACIONES FINALES: Se ha dado al niño poca oportunidad para desarrollar su autonomía. Como regla, en situaciones de conflicto, el profesional no permite la participación del niño, permaneciendo distancia entre su discurso y la práctica.OBJETIVO: conhecer as crenças e ações da enfermeira pediatra em relação à autonomia da criança hospitalizada durante a realização de procedimentos terapêuticos. MÉTODOS: estudo de abordagem qualitativa, em que foram realizadas observações e entrevistas com sete enfermeiras de um hospital público de São Paulo. RESULTADOS: foram evidenciados dois temas que revelam as crenças de enfermeira e que fundamentam suas ações em relação à autonomia da criança hospitalizada: acreditando no potencial da criança para exercer a autonomia e considerando a criança incapaz de exercer a autonomia. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: tem sido dada pouca oportunidade à criança para desenvolver sua autonomia. Como regra, em situações de conflito, o profissional não permite a participação da criança, permanecendo uma distância entre seu discurso e a prática.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Depto. de EnfermagemSciEL

    Synthesis, In Silico Studies, Antiprotozoal and Cytotoxic Activities of Quinoline‐Biphenyl Hybrids

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    This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Synthesis, In Silico Studies, Antiprotozoal and Cytotoxic Activities of Quinoline‐Biphenyl Hybrids, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.201903835. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsThe synthesis, in silico studies, antiprotozoal and cytotoxic activities of eleven quinoline‐biphenyl hybrids are described herein. The structure of the synthesized products was elucidated by a combination of spectrometric analyses. The synthesized compounds were evaluated against Plasmodium falciparum, and amastigotes forms both Leishmania (V) panamensis and Trypanosoma cruzi. Cytotoxicity was evaluated against human U‐937 macrophages. 8‐phenylquinoline (4 a) showed similar activity than meglumine antimoniate and 4‐(quinolin‐8‐yl)phenol (4 b) exhibited an activity similar to that of benznidazole. 8‐(3,4‐dimethoxyphenyl) quinoline (4 k) showed the best activity against P. falciparum. Although these compounds were toxic for mammalian U‐937 cells, however they may still have potential to be considered as candidates for drug development because of their antiparasite activity. Molecular docking was used to determine the in silico inhibition of some of the designed compounds against PfLDH and cruzipain, two important pharmacological targets involved in antiparasitic diseases. All hybrids were docked to the three‐dimensional structures of PfLDH and T. cruzi cruzipain as enzymes using AutoDock Vina. Notably, the docking results showed that the most active compounds 4‐(quinolin‐8‐yl)phenol (4 b, CE50: 11.33 μg/mL for T. cruzi) and 8‐(3,4‐dimethoxyphenyl) quinoline (4 k, CE50: 8.84 μg/mL for P. falciparum) exhibited the highest scoring pose (−7.5 and −7.7 kcal/mol, respectively). This result shows a good correlation between the predicted scores with the experimental data profile, suggesting that these ligands could act as competitive inhibitors of PfLDH or T. cruzi cruzipain enzymes, respectively. Finally, in silico ADME studies of the quinoline hybrids showed that these novel compounds have suitable drug‐like properties, making them potentially promising agents for antiprotozoal therapy

    Malaria parasite positivity among febrile neonates

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    Background: Malaria, earlier considered rare in neonates, has been reported with increasing frequency in the last decade. Neonatal malaria diagnosis is challenging because the clinical features are non-specific, variable and also overlap with bacterial infection.Aim: To determine the prevalence of neonatal malaria and the associatedclinical features in newborn babies with fever.Patients and methods: One hundred and fifty neonates with fever admitted into the Newborn unit of the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, over a six month period, were recruited consecutively. Symptoms and signs for each neonate were documented. Blood film for malaria parasites and investigation for sepsis workup were done before commencement of drugs.Results: One hundred and fifty babies were recruited. Most (85.3%) of the babies were aged .7 days. One hundred and thirty six (90.7%) of the mothers were booked for antenatal care (ANC). Most of the babies were from primiparous women (54.7%). Six babies (4%) had malaria  parasitaemia with four (2.7%) being congenital malaria and two (1.3%)acquired malaria. Plasmodium falciparum was the only species identified. All six with malaria were from the 136 booked mothers. Four of the affected six neonates also had septicaemia. The clinical features in babies with malaria only were, fever, fast breathing and jaundice while thosewith malaria and bacterial co-infection had, in addition, poor suck.Conclusion: Malaria infection and septicemia can coexist in some Nigerian newborns and since the clinical presentation of each of these condition are closely similar, it is recommend that malaria parasite investigation be included as part of the investigation in the newborns with fever. This approach can help to avoid a delay in applying the appropriate therapeuticinterventio

    Implementación de un plan de fertilización equilibrado en combinación con un programa de manejo integrado de sigatoka negra (mycosphaerella fijiensis) que permita mejorar el rendimiento y la calidad de los racimos de plátano en la empresa Agroservis Composol S.A finca San juan, ubicada en el municipio de San Juan de Urabá Antioquia.

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    La empresa AGROSERVIS CAMPOSOL S.A es una empresa enfocada principalmente en el sector agrícola, una de sus fincas con mayor extensión en cultivo de plátano, es la finca san juan con 25,5 hectáreas dividida en 8 lotes, establecida hace 5 años ubicada en el municipio de San Juan de Urabá Antioquia, el problemas más relevantes dentro de esta finca es el bajo rendimiento productivo, debido a la baja fertilidad de los suelos y el manejo deficiente de sigatoka negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis). En la finca San Juan es necesario implementar un plan de fertilización y un programa de manejo integrado de sigatoka negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) que mejore su productividad y su competitividad en el mercado. Se seleccionaron 300 plantas de diferentes edades en los 8 lotes divididas en 6 bloques de 50 plantas, a cada bloque por lo menos se le aplico un ciclo de fertilización y también un ciclo de control de sigatoka negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis). El plan de fertilización incidió en el incremento de la circunferencia de la planta pasando de 52 cms en el mes de septiembre a 74 cms para el mes de marzo, también influyo en la altura de la planta pasando de 2.4 mts en el mes de septiembre a 3 mts en el mes de marzo. El buen control de sigatoka negra redujo considerablemente el grado de afectación, paso de Grado 4(30% del área foliar afectada) a Grado 3(9% del área foliar afectada).The company AGROSERVIS CAMPOSOL S.A is a company focused mainly on the agricultural sector, one of its farms with the largest extension in banana cultivation, is the San Juan farm with 25.5 hectares divided into 8 lots, established 5 years ago located in the municipality of San Juan de Urabá Antioquia, the most relevant problems within this farm is the low productive yield, due to the low fertility of the soil and the poor management of black sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis). In the San Juan farm, it is necessary to implement a fertilization plan and an integrated management program for black sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) to improve its productivity and competitiveness in the market. 300 plants of different ages were selected in the 8 lots divided into 6 blocks of 50 plants, each block was applied at least one cycle of fertilization and also a control cycle of black sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis). The fertilization plan affected the increase in the circumference of the plant, going from 52 cm in September to 74 cm in March, it also influenced the height of the plant, going from 2.4 meters in September to 3 meters in the month of March. The good control of black sigatoka considerably reduced the degree of affectation, going from Grade 4 (30% of the affected leaf area) to Grade 3 (9% of the affected leaf area)

    Las limitaciones de acceso a la justicia para la protección del derecho al honor en la responsabilidad civil por denuncia calumniosa

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    El tratamiento de una institución jurídica obedece, por lo general, al interés particular de alguien que apreciando su situación e impacto emprende la tarea de evaluar su utilidad en el contexto social en el que se aplica; verificando si el enunciado normativo que comprende el supuesto de hecho y la consecuencia jurídica -configurados en su estructura-, vienen siendo interpretados y aplicados bajo el “objeto” diseñado por el legislador. Esa vocación no podía ser ajena a nuestra inquietud, en tanto que como Magistrado del Poder Judicial -antes de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Cusco, y ahora de Lima Norte-, entre los años 2009 a 2010, he advertido que muchas personas, habiendo tenido la calidad de inculpados en diferentes procesos penales, luego de ser absueltos de la imputación penal, o sus causas sobreseídas, acudieron a la jurisdicción civil con demandas de indemnización de daños y perjuicios por denuncia calumniosa contra los agraviados de los procesos penales, las que empero han sido declaradas improcedentes o infundadas.Tesi