158 research outputs found

    Logics with rigidly guarded data tests

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    The notion of orbit finite data monoid was recently introduced by Bojanczyk as an algebraic object for defining recognizable languages of data words. Following Buchi's approach, we introduce a variant of monadic second-order logic with data equality tests that captures precisely the data languages recognizable by orbit finite data monoids. We also establish, following this time the approach of Schutzenberger, McNaughton and Papert, that the first-order fragment of this logic defines exactly the data languages recognizable by aperiodic orbit finite data monoids. Finally, we consider another variant of the logic that can be interpreted over generic structures with data. The data languages defined in this variant are also recognized by unambiguous finite memory automata

    Querying Schemas With Access Restrictions

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    We study verification of systems whose transitions consist of accesses to a Web-based data-source. An access is a lookup on a relation within a relational database, fixing values for a set of positions in the relation. For example, a transition can represent access to a Web form, where the user is restricted to filling in values for a particular set of fields. We look at verifying properties of a schema describing the possible accesses of such a system. We present a language where one can describe the properties of an access path, and also specify additional restrictions on accesses that are enforced by the schema. Our main property language, AccLTL, is based on a first-order extension of linear-time temporal logic, interpreting access paths as sequences of relational structures. We also present a lower-level automaton model, Aautomata, which AccLTL specifications can compile into. We show that AccLTL and A-automata can express static analysis problems related to "querying with limited access patterns" that have been studied in the database literature in the past, such as whether an access is relevant to answering a query, and whether two queries are equivalent in the accessible data they can return. We prove decidability and complexity results for several restrictions and variants of AccLTL, and explain which properties of paths can be expressed in each restriction.Comment: VLDB201

    Objetivos y efectos de la terapia a través del movimiento y el deporte con personas dependientes del alcohol

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    Hoy en día la rehabilitación de personas dependientes del alcohol engloba un sistema integral e interdisciplinario de diferentes medidas médicas, psicoterapéuticas y socioterapéuticas. En Alemania la terapia a través del movimiento y el deporte ha llegado a estar integrada dentro del sistema rehabilitadora del tratamiento clínico de drogodependencias. A través del caso de Señor G. queremos explicar y aclarar como esta terapia puede contribuir al proceso terapéutico y qué resultados podemos esperar. Hacemos referencia tanto a las percepciones subjetivas del Señor G. como a las pruebas objetivas realizadas al inicio, durante y al final de la terapia a través del movimiento y el deporte. Concluyendo y basándonos en el modelo de Salutogenese de Antonovsky, podemos destacar que la terapia a través del movimiento y el deporte puede facilitar estímulos relevantes para el fortalecimiento de capacidades y destrezas de la persona, y así aumentar los recursos de resistencia frente al estrés y las cargas, y favorecer alternativas favorables y soluciones sin drogas

    Centrando la atención en las sensaciones corporales en un programa físico-deportivo terapéutico

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    Este artículo discute posibles efectos, tanto positivos como negativos, de centrar la atención en las sensaciones corporales en el programa terapéutico de deporte y ejercicio Movi Kune con supervivientes de guerra y tortura, contribuyendo así a un mayor entendimiento de qué posibles procesos psicosociales pueden facilitarse con y en el deporte y el ejercicio. El análisis cualitativo de los datos, procedentes de observación participante y entrevistas con los participantes del programa, reveló que, dependiendo de las actividades realizadas y de dónde se centró la atención, surgieron diferentes procesos y efectos terapéuticos. Centrar la atención en las sensaciones corporales se mostró relacionado con la conciencia corporal y con procesos relacionados con la conciencia plena (mindfulness). Sin embargo, los participantes estuvieron expuestos también a sensaciones negativas (e.g. dolor), lo que produjo conductas de evitación por su parte, para proteger su "cuerpo traumatizado". Estos resultados tienen implicaciones prácticas a la hora de trabajar con el deporte y el ejercicio desde una perspectiva psicosocial con refugiados de guerra y personas con desórdenes mentales (e.g. TEPT, depresión, ansiedad).This article discusses possible positive and negative effects of directing attentional focus on somatic sensations in the sport and exercise therapy programme Movi Kune with survivors of war and torture, aiming to contribute to a better understanding of possible psychosocial processes that can be facilitated in sport and exercise. Qualitative analysis of data, from participant observation and interviews with the participants of the programme, revealed that, depending on the activities carried out and the direction of the attentional focus, different processes and effects took place. Directing attentional focus on bodily sensations appeared related to bodily awareness and to processes related to mindfulness. However, participants were also exposed to negative sensations (e.g. pain), which produced avoidance behaviours on their part, to protect the 'traumatised body'. These results have practical implications for working with sport and exercise from a psychosocial perspective with refugees of war and people with mental disorders (e.g, PTSD, depression, anxiety)

    Intercultural promotion through sports in post-war conflicts

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    En este artículo se presenta un modelo metodológico para promover procesos de convivencia intercultural, resultado a su vez de la articulación de dos modelos teóricos procedentes de la antropología aplicada y la psicología social, y adaptado posteriormente a las ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte. Este modelo se ha puesto en práctica en Guatemala mediante el ‘Programa Intercultural a través del Deporte’, llevado a cabo con cuatro grupos diferentes de personas en espacios de educación ‘formal’ e ‘informal’. Cada uno de estos grupos estuvo integrado por jóvenes de las distintas ‘comunidades etnolingüísticas’ con presencia en la región. Adicionalmente, se contó con un grupo de control. Además de describir el modelo metodológico, el artículo resume brevemente algunos resultados obtenidos en su aplicación, así como potencialidades halladas y retos surgidos en el desarrollo del programa y la investigación.This paper consists on the explanation of a methodological model to promote processes of intercultural living together. Such model is the result of the merging of two theoretical models coming from applied anthropology and social psychology, and was later adapted to the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sports. The model has been implemented in Guatemala through the ‘Intercultural Programme through Sports’ carried out with four different groups in ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ educational settings. Each of these groups included youth from the four different ethno-linguistic groups of the region. In addition, a control group was involved in the research. The paper also summarizes some results as well as the strengths and challenges arising in the development of the programme and the research

    Taming Existence in RDF Querying

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    We introduce the recursive, rule-based RDF query language RDFLog. RDFLog extends previous RDF query languages by arbitrary quantifier alternation: blank nodes may occur in the scope of all, some, or none of the universal variables of a rule. In addition RDFLog is aware of important RDF features such as the distinction between blank nodes, literals and URIs or the RDFS vocabulary. The semantics of RDFLog is closed (every answer is an RDF graph), but lifts RDF’s restrictions on literal and blank node occurrences for intermediary data. We show how to define a sound and complete operational semantics that can be implemented using existing logic programming techniques. Using RDFLog we classify previous approaches to RDF querying along their support for blank node construction and show equivalence between languages with full quantifier alternation and languages with only ∀∃ rules

    Promoción de talentos deportivos y representación deportiva para impulsar la sostenibilidad de procesos de desarrollo comunitario en África del Este

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    Editorial en el que se describe un plan ético de promoción de talentos deportivos y representación deportiva para impulsar la sostenibilidad de procesos de desarrollo comunitario que se está intentando desarrollar en Etiopía

    Physical activity interventions for the management of chronic disease in low-income populations: A systematic review

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    The objectives of the study were to conduct a systematic literature review examining the specific intervention techniques in an updated taxonomy of behaviour change techniques that were included in successful interventions to change physical activity behaviour in low-income individuals, to assess the relevant behaviour change theories that underpinned the interventions, and to examine the relationship between behaviour change theory and intervention content. The study was a systematic literature review by narrative synthesis examining studies from 1980 to 2014. Data sources for the review included the following electronic databases: Medline, PubMed and Google Scholar. The eligibility criteria for the selected studies included in the review were only randomised controlled trials aimed at increasing physical activity among low-income adults. The outcome measure for the study was physical activity. Eleven studies met the inclusion criteria. ‘Provide feedback on performance’, ‘goal setting (behaviour)’, and ‘plan social support/social change’ were the most frequently used behavioural change techniques. Among the existing theories, the Transtheoretical model of behaviour change and the Social Cognitive theory were the common theoretical frameworks to form the basis of most study interventions. Interventions to increase physical activity in low-income persons had positive effects on changing physical activity behaviour. Policy makers and physical activity practitioners should engage effective and context-sensitive behavioural change techniques and advocate for theoretically grounded interventions in order to increase physical activity behaviour in lowincome populations.DHE

    A six week contextualised physical activity intervention for women living with HIV and AIDS of low socioeconomic status: a pilot study

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    Research has consistently shown the benefits of regular physical activity (PA) for women living with HIV and AIDS (WLWHA). This study is a pilot, randomised controlled crossover trial, reporting the effects of a contextualised PA intervention amongst a sample of 21 HIV positive Xhosa-speaking women of low socioeconomic status (SES). The study determined total moderate-to-vigorous PA (TMVPA) as measured subjectively by the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ), total weekly steps (TWS) as measured by a pedometer, and self-efficacy for PA as measured by the Physical Exercise Self-efficacy scale (PESES). Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was used to compute the impact of the intervention on TMVPA, TWS, and self-efficacy for PA from baseline to six weeks, and baseline to 12 weeks post-intervention controlling for pre-test differences in TMVPA. Results showed that participants exposed to the intervention had significant increases in PA as measured by TMVPA (p = .027), TWS (p = .032), as well as exercise self-efficacy (p = .000) from pre-test to 6 weeks. Insignificant findings were reported for all three variables when measured from baseline to 12 weeks. In conclusion, the findings of the pilot study suggest that the intervention was effective in producing significant increases in PA in a sample of PLWHA of low SES over six weeks. Careful consideration of behavioural constructs, such as self-efficacy, can help WLWHA of low SES to adopt regular PA as a complementary therapy for managing their health

    Logics with rigidly guarded data tests

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