169 research outputs found

    EC1439 Screened in Roosts

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    Extension circular 1439 describes the practice of screening beneath and in front of the roosters in the coupe in order to prevent them from coming in contact with droppings

    EC1486 Equipment for Turkeys on Range

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    Extension circular 1486 discusses equipment for turkeys on range

    EC1439 Screened in Roosts

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    Extension circular 1439 describes the practice of screening beneath and in front of the roosters in the coupe in order to prevent them from coming in contact with droppings

    EC1483 Emergency Brooding

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    Extension circular 1483 is instruction for inexpensive brooding for the begginer

    Changing-look Active Galactic Nuclei from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument. I. Sample from the Early Data

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    \ua9 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.Changing-look active galactic nuclei (CL AGNs) can be generally confirmed by the emergence (turn-on) or disappearance (turn-off) of broad emission lines (BELs), associated with a transient timescale (about 100 ∼ 5000 days) that is much shorter than predicted by traditional accretion disk models. We carry out a systematic CL AGN search by crossmatching the spectra coming from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Following previous studies, we identify CL AGNs based on Hα, Hβ, and Mg ii at z ≤ 0.75 and Mg ii, C iii], and C iv at z > 0.75. We present 56 CL AGNs based on visual inspection and three selection criteria, including 2 Hα, 34 Hβ, 9 Mg ii, 18 C iii], and 1 C iv CL AGN. Eight cases show simultaneous appearances/disappearances of two BELs. We also present 44 CL AGN candidates with significant flux variation of BELs, but remaining strong broad components. In the confirmed CL AGNs, 10 cases show additional CL candidate features for different lines. In this paper, we find: (1) a 24:32 ratio of turn-on to turn-off CL AGNs; (2) an upper-limit transition timescale ranging from 330 to 5762 days in the rest frame; and (3) the majority of CL AGNs follow the bluer-when-brighter trend. Our results greatly increase the current CL census (∼30%) and would be conducive to exploring the underlying physical mechanism

    DESI Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation (DC3R2): Results from early DESI data

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    We present initial results from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation (DC3R2) secondary target survey. Our analysis uses 230k galaxies that overlap with KiDS-VIKING ugriZYJHKsugriZYJHK_s photometry to calibrate the color-redshift relation and to inform photometric redshift (photo-z) inference methods of future weak lensing surveys. Together with Emission Line Galaxies (ELGs), Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs), and the Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS) that provide samples of complementary color, the DC3R2 targets help DESI to span 56% of the color space visible to Euclid and LSST with high confidence spectroscopic redshifts. The effects of spectroscopic completeness and quality are explored, as well as systematic uncertainties introduced with the use of common Self Organizing Maps trained on different photometry than the analysis sample. We further examine the dependence of redshift on magnitude at fixed color, important for the use of bright galaxy spectra to calibrate redshifts in a fainter photometric galaxy sample. We find that noise in the KiDS-VIKING photometry introduces a dominant, apparent magnitude dependence of redshift at fixed color, which indicates a need for carefully chosen deep drilling fields, and survey simulation to model this effect for future weak lensing surveys.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, submitted to MNRAS, interactive visualizations at https://jmccull.github.io/DC3R2_Overvie

    The DESI One-Percent Survey: Constructing Galaxy-Halo Connections for ELGs and LRGs Using Auto and Cross Correlations

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    In the current Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey, emission line galaxies (ELGs) and luminous red galaxies (LRGs) are essential for mapping the dark matter distribution at N M . We measure the auto and cross correlation functions of ELGs and LRGs at 108.0 M ⊙ from the DESI One-Percent survey. Following Gao et al., we construct the galaxy-halo connections for ELGs and LRGs simultaneously. With the stellar-halo mass relation for the whole galaxy population (i.e., normal galaxies), LRGs can be selected directly by stellar mass, while ELGs can also be selected randomly based on the observed number density of each stellar mass, once the probability z ∼ 0.2 of a satellite galaxy becoming an ELG is determined. We demonstrate that the observed small scale clustering prefers a halo mass-dependent z ∼ 0.2 model rather than a constant. With this model, we can well reproduce the auto correlations of LRGs and the cross correlations between LRGs and ELGs at z ∼ 0.7 z ∼ 1. We can also reproduce the auto correlations of ELGs at deg2 z ∼ 1 (0.6 < z < 1.6 z ∼ 1) in real (redshift) space. Although our model has only seven parameters, we show that it can be extended to higher redshifts and reproduces the observed auto correlations of ELGs in the whole range of ∼1012 M ⊙, which enables us to generate a lightcone ELG mock for DESI. With the above model, we further derive halo occupation distributions for ELGs, which can be used to produce ELG mocks in coarse simulations without resolving subhalos

    DESI complete calibration of the colour–redshift relation (DC3R2): results from early DESI data

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    We present initial results from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) complete calibration of the colour–redshift relation (DC3R2) secondary target survey. Our analysis uses 230 k galaxies that overlap with KiDS-VIKING ugriZYJHKs photometry to calibrate the colour–redshift relation and to inform photometric redshift (photo-z) inference methods of future weak lensing surveys. Together with emission line galaxies (ELGs), luminous red galaxies (LRGs), and the Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS) that provide samples of complementary colour, the DC3R2 targets help DESI to span 56 per cent of the colour space visible to Euclid and LSST with high confidence spectroscopic redshifts. The effects of spectroscopic completeness and quality are explored, as well as systematic uncertainties introduced with the use of common Self-Organizing Maps trained on different photometry than the analysis sample. We further examine the dependence of redshift on magnitude at fixed colour, important for the use of bright galaxy spectra to calibrate redshifts in a fainter photometric galaxy sample. We find that noise in the KiDS-VIKING photometry introduces a dominant, apparent magnitude dependence of redshift at fixed colour, which indicates a need for carefully chosen deep drilling fields, and survey simulation to model this effect for future weak lensing surveys

    Astrometric Calibration and Performance of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Focal Plane

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    The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), consisting of 5020 robotic fiber positioners and associated systems on the Mayall telescope at Kitt Peak, Arizona, is carrying out a survey to measure the spectra of 40 million galaxies and quasars and produce the largest 3D map of the universe to date. The primary science goal is to use baryon acoustic oscillations to measure the expansion history of the universe and the time evolution of dark energy. A key function of the online control system is to position each fiber on a particular target in the focal plane with an accuracy of 11μ\mum rms 2-D. This paper describes the set of software programs used to perform this function along with the methods used to validate their performance.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figures submitted to A

    Astrometric Calibration and Performance of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Focal Plane

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    The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, consisting of 5020 robotic fiber positioners and associated systems on the Mayall telescope at Kitt Peak, Arizona, is carrying out a survey to measure the spectra of 40 million galaxies and quasars and produce the largest 3D map of the universe to date. The primary science goal is to use baryon acoustic oscillations to measure the expansion history of the universe and the time evolution of dark energy. A key function of the online control system is to position each fiber on a particular target in the focal plane with an accuracy of 11 μm rms 2D. This paper describes the set of software programs used to perform this function along with the methods used to validate their performance