1,316 research outputs found

    L'orquestra escolar: espai ideal per al treball de l'educació en valors

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2017/2018Un desenvolupament integral és fonamental en les persones i l'educació escolar ha de permetre aquest procés, per la qual cosa és imprescindible introduir en els centres escolars una educació en valors conjunta al currículum obligatori. Una bona aposta per a treballar l'educació en valors és a través de l'àrea de música i, més en concret dins una agrupació musical. En aquest treball de final de grau es pretén realitzar una proposta de millora al projecte d'innovació de L'orquestra Escolar del CEIP Cervantes de Vila-Real, perquè els alumnes treballen l'educació en valors a través de la música. L'orquestra Escolar és una activitat extraescolar en la qual el mestre de música dirigeix a un grup format per 28 alumnes de cinqué i sisé de primària. El conjunt instrumental està format amb els instruments que es troben dins de l'aula de música i altres instruments que incorporen els alumnes que són músics fora del centre escolar. La finalitat del projecte és posar en pràctica tot el bagatge de coneixements musicals, que els alumnes han assolit al llarg de l'educació primària i mostrar tot el treball realitzat al final de curs amb diverses actuacions. Per tant, en aquest treball per a realitzar la proposta de millora, s'exposaran una sèrie de pautes i estratègies metodològiques que es poden realitzar al llarg del funcionament del projecte per tal d'augmentar el treball de l'educació en valors de forma implícita.An integral development is fundamental in people and school education must allow this process, so it is essential to introduce a education in values along with the compulsory curriculum in schools. A good bet for education in values is through the music area and, more specifically, in a musical group. In this end-of-grade project, it is intended to make an improvement proposal of the innovation project of the School Orchestra of the CEIP Cervantes from Vila-Real is intended for students to work education in values through music. The School Orchestra is an extracurricular activity in which the music teacher directs a group consisting of 28 students of fifth and sixth of primary school. The instrumental ensemble is made up of instruments that are found in the music classroom and other instruments that incorporate students who are musicians outside the school. The purpose of the project is to put into practice all the baggage of musical knowledge that students have achieved throughout primary education and show all the work done at the end of the course with various performance. Therefore, in this work to carry out the improvement proposal, a series of guidelines and methodological strategies that can be performed throughout the operation of the project will be presented in order to increase implicitly the work of education in value

    Factors that impact West Virginia Head Start parental involvement in early literacy

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    The research problem is: Many parents are not involved in their children\u27s early literacy education. Some Head Start parents experience issues that keep them from teaching their children early literacy skills. The research questions were: What are the factors for parental involvement in the support of early literacy skill development for their children? What do parents in Head Start do to support early literacy development in their children? What are the barriers in how parents support literacy development for their children? This research included 392 parents from Head Start centers in West Virginia. Eleven parents participated in focus groups and 381 completed home literacy surveys. The major issues identified by the parents were work, childcare, time, money, too busy, and transportation. Initially, four questions were constructed to give to 11 parents in a focus group. The questions were about the parents\u27 early literacy skills and understanding of parental involvement. The home literacy survey is divided into three parts. The SPSS software was used to tabulate the results Marion\u27s (2004) study found The experiences of a child during their first year of life are capable of changing the way a child turns out (p. 17). Parents should contact Head Start officials when they can not attend meeting and explain why. Head Start center staff should make sure the families understand all the opportunities that are available to them

    Marionetas, historias entre hilos

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    El teatro de marionetas ha sido desde la antigüedad el espectáculo más popular tanto en la civilización oriental como en la occidental. Egipto, China, Japón, Bali, Turquía y Grecia son la cuna de una tradición milenaria. El artículo de Fátima Agut también se centra en la mencionada ópera La filla del Rei Barbut


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    El dolor femení ha estat un tema recurrent en els textos dramàtics, l’hem vist a l’escenari en totes les èpoques i autors, el dolor d’Antígona, d’Hècuba, d’Ofèlia, de Julieta, de la Mare Coratge, de Mariana Pineda, de Yerma i de les dones d’Opus Primum, víctimes dels horrors i les crueltats de la guerra. La història d’un desertor enemic i una jove d’un poble està emmarcada entre dos cors: per una banda els habitants del poble on ella viu i, per l’altra, l’exèrcit que l’ha envaït de manera violenta. El desertor pertany a l’exèrcit invasor, els dos joves protagonitzen el drama de cada guerra, de totes les guerres. Dones de diversa edat, del mateix poble, de la mateixa família són les protagonistes, personatges sense nom perquè, malauradament, són universals. Amb la jove se’ns mostren totes les joves de totes les guerres de tots els temps que, com elles, han patit i pateixen agressions de tot tipus i a les quals no se’ls està permès relacionar-se i molt menys estimar l’enemic.Women’s suffering has been a recurrent topic in dramaturgy. It is a topic that we have seen on stage at all times and by all authors: the suffering of Antigone, Hecuba, Ophelia, Juliet, Mother Courage, Mariana Pineda, Yerma and the women in Opus Primum, victims of the horrors and cruelties of war. The story of an enemy deserter and a young woman of a village is framed on one side, by the inhabitants of the village where she lives and, on the other side, by the army that has violently invaded the village. The deserter belongs to the invading army, and together with the woman, both reflect the horror of the war, of all wars. Women of different ages, from the same village and from the same family are the main characters. All of them are characters without name because, unfortunately, they are universal characters. The young woman is a mirror of all young women of all wars and conflicts of all times. Women that, like her, have suffered and are suffering aggressions of all types and for which it is absolutely forbidden to love the enem

    A general method to determine optimal thermal cycles based on solid-state sintering fundamentals

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    Most technical ceramics require processing up to and including final-stage sintering to obtain a high-density bulk while inhibiting grain growth as dominant sintering process as far as possible. The literature typically highlights the qualitative interdependence of the sintering variables and microstructural parameters, focusing on very simple particulate systems. However, a quantitative method to achieve optimum sintering of actual polycrystalline solids is still lacking. This paper puts forward such a method, which has been satisfactorily tested by the authors. The method consists of a mathematical model, based on the physical phenomena that take place during solid-state sintering. The method leads to two differential equations: a densification rate and a pore-dragged normal grain growth rate equation during final-stage sintering, which mainly depend on sintering temperature and shaping conditions. Simultaneous numerical integration of these two rate equations allows design of an optimal thermal cycle (enhancing densification and controlling grain growth) to obtain the targeted sintered polycrystalline microstructure. Application of this method yields staggered thermal cycles, in addition to the number of steps, as well as the sintering temperature and dwell time in each step

    Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA): Modelo de Sucesso Baseado no Princípio da Autonomia Universitária e Gestão Administrativa Responsável

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    O HCPA foi criado com o intuito de prover condições para o ensino médico, aliando o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico de ponta na área da saúde, calcado nos mais modernos princípios de administração e assegurando que todo este avanço técnico trouxesse ao paciente o melhor da medicina

    Embolismo paradójico tras neumonía por la enfermedad por coronavirus de 2019. Informe de un caso

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    In December 2019, the 2019 coronavirus disease, produced by the type 2 coronavirus causing severe acute respiratory syndrome, was identified for the first time. Increasingly investigations are reporting the occurrence of systemic complications, some of them in a mediate or even late phase of the disease, when the patient has left the hospital. A 30-year-old healthy female patient who came to the hospital fourteen days after being discharged due to viral pneumonia secondary to SARS-COV-2. She presented with intense pain and distal coldness in the right lower limb, dyspnea at rest and pain in the left hypochondrium. The diagnosis at discharge was paradoxical pulmonary thromboembolism. Thrombotic complications should be taken into account in all convalescent COVID-19 patients. An early diagnosis is important to establish anticoagulation.En diciembre de 2019 se identificó por primera vez la enfermedad por coronavirus de 2019, producida por el coronavirus de tipo 2 causante del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo. Son cada vez más las investigaciones que reportan la ocurrencia de complicaciones sistémicas, algunas de ellas en una fase mediata e incluso tardía de la enfermedad. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 30 años de edad, aparentemente sana, que acudió al hospital catorce días después de haber sido egresada por neumonía viral secundaria a SARS-CoV-2. La paciente aquejaba dolor intenso y frialdad distal en el miembro inferior derecho, disnea en reposo y dolor en hipocondrio izquierdo por lo cual fue ingresada para estudio, confirmándose el diagnóstico de embolismo pulmonar paradójico. Las complicaciones trombóticas deben tenerse en cuenta en todos los pacientes convalecientes de COVID-19. Un diagnóstico precoz es importante para instaurar la anticoagulación
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