10,384 research outputs found

    A New Supersymmetric Extension of Conformal Mechanics

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    In this paper a new supersymmetric extension of conformal mechanics is put forward. The beauty of this extension is that all variables have a clear geometrical meaning and the super-Hamiltonian turns out to be the Lie-derivative of the Hamiltonian flow of standard conformal mechanics. In this paper we also provide a supersymmetric extension of the other conformal generators of the theory and find their "square-roots". The whole superalgebra of these charges is then analyzed in details. We conclude the paper by showing that, using superfields, a constraint can be built which provides the exact solution of the system.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Combustion research for gas turbine engines

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    Research on combustion is being conducted at Lewis Research Center to provide improved analytical models of the complex flow and chemical reaction processes which occur in the combustor of gas turbine engines and other aeropropulsion systems. The objective of the research is to obtain a better understanding of the various physical processes that occur in the gas turbine combustor in order to develop models and numerical codes which can accurately describe these processes. Activities include in-house research projects, university grants, and industry contracts and are classified under the subject areas of advanced numerics, fuel sprays, fluid mixing, and radiation-chemistry. Results are high-lighted from several projects

    A New Superconformal Mechanics

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    In this paper we propose a new supersymmetric extension of conformal mechanics. The Grassmannian variables that we introduce are the basis of the forms and of the vector-fields built over the symplectic space of the original system. Our supersymmetric Hamiltonian itself turns out to have a clear geometrical meaning being the Lie-derivative of the Hamiltonian flow of conformal mechanics. Using superfields we derive a constraint which gives the exact solution of the supersymmetric system in a way analogous to the constraint in configuration space which solved the original non-supersymmetric model. Besides the supersymmetric extension of the original Hamiltonian, we also provide the extension of the other conformal generators present in the original system. These extensions have also a supersymmetric character being the square of some Grassmannian charge. We build the whole superalgebra of these charges and analyze their closure. The representation of the even part of this superalgebra on the odd part turns out to be integer and not spinorial in character.Comment: Superfield re-define

    Automated tutoring for a database skills training environment

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    Universities are increasingly offering courses online. Feedback, assessment, and guidance are important features of this online courseware. Together, in the absence of a human tutor, they aid the student in the learning process. We present a programming training environment for a database course. It aims to offer a substitute for classroom based learning by providing synchronous automated feedback to the student, along with guidance based on a personalized assessment. The automated tutoring system should promote procedural knowledge acquisition and skills training. An automated tutoring feature is an integral part of this tutoring system

    N=2 central charge superspace and a minimal supergravity multiplet

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    We extend the notion of central charge superspace to the case of local supersymmetry. Gauged central charge transformations are identified as diffeomorphisms at the same footing as space-time diffeomorphisms and local supersymmetry transformations. Given the general structure we then proceed to the description of a particular vector-tensor supergravity multiplet of 24+24 components, identified by means of rather radical constraints

    The pre-cataclysmic variable, LTT 560

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    Aims. System parameters of the object LTT560 are determined in order to clarify its nature and evolutionary status. Methods. We apply time-series photometry to reveal orbital modulations of the light curve, time-series spectroscopy to measure radial velocities of features from both the primary and the secondary star, and flux-calibrated spectroscopy to derive temperatures of both components. Results. We find that LTT 560 is composed of a low temperature (T ∼ 7500 K) DA white dwarf as the primary and an M5.5±1 mainsequence star as the secondary component. The current orbital period is Porb = 3.54(07) h.We derive a mass ratio Msec/Mwd = 0.36(03) and estimate the distance to d = 25–40 pc. Long-term variation of the orbital light curve and an additional Hα emission component on the white dwarf indicate activity in the system, probably in the form of flaring and/or accretion events

    From vertex detectors to inner trackers with CMOS pixel sensors

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    The use of CMOS Pixel Sensors (CPS) for high resolution and low material vertex detectors has been validated with the 2014 and 2015 physics runs of the STAR-PXL detector at RHIC/BNL. This opens the door to the use of CPS for inner tracking devices, with 10-100 times larger sensitive area, which require therefore a sensor design privileging power saving, response uniformity and robustness. The 350 nm CMOS technology used for the STAR-PXL sensors was considered as too poorly suited to upcoming applications like the upgraded ALICE Inner Tracking System (ITS), which requires sensors with one order of magnitude improvement on readout speed and improved radiation tolerance. This triggered the exploration of a deeper sub-micron CMOS technology, Tower-Jazz 180 nm, for the design of a CPS well adapted for the new ALICE-ITS running conditions. This paper reports the R&D results for the conception of a CPS well adapted for the ALICE-ITS.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, VCI 2016 conference proceeding

    Spin-Transfer Torque Induced Vortex Dynamics in Fe/Ag/Fe Nanopillars

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    We report experimental and analytical work on spin-transfer torque induced vortex dynamics in metallic nanopillars with in-plane magnetized layers. We study nanopillars with a diameter of 150 nm, containing two Fe layers with a thickness of 15 nm and 30 nm respectively, separated by a 6 nm Ag spacer. The sample geometry is such that it allows for the formation of magnetic vortices in the Fe disks. As confirmed by micromagnetic simulations, we are able to prepare states where one magnetic layer is homogeneously magnetized while the other contains a vortex. We experimentally show that in this configuration spin-transfer torque can excite vortex dynamics and analyze their dependence on a magnetic field applied in the sample plane. The center of gyration is continuously dislocated from the disk center, and the potential changes its shape with field strength. The latter is reflected in the field dependence of the excitation frequency. In the second part we propose a novel mechanism for the excitation of the gyrotropic mode in nanopillars with a perfectly homogeneously magnetized in-plane polarizing layer. We analytically show that in this configuration the vortex can absorb energy from the spin-polarized electric current if the angular spin-transfer efficiency function is asymmetric. This effect is supported by micromagnetic simulations.Comment: The article has been sent to J. Phys. D. Submitted on August 9, 2010. (7 pages and 4 figures.