35 research outputs found


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    The use of enzymatic complexes positively influences several productive characteristics during the development of broilers. These exogenous enzymes act by reducing the anti-nutritional effects of compounds such as Non-Amylactic Polysaccharides (PNAs) and phytate. The use of these additives aims at improving the use of dietary ingredients, by increasing the digestibility of nutrients. This higher absorption of nutrients provided by the enzymatic complexes has a positive influence on some characteristics. The objective of this literature review is to understand how the use of exogenous enzymes in the diet influences the intestinal microbiota, the expression of genes, and the productive performance of broilers.O uso de complexos enzimáticos influencia positivamente diversas características produtivas durante o desenvolvimento de frangos de corte. Essas enzimas exógenas atuam reduzindo os efeitos anti nutricionais, de compostos como os Polissacarídeos Não Amiláceos (PNAs), e fitato. A utilização desses aditivos visa melhorar o aproveitamento dos ingredientes da dieta, a partir do aumento da digestibilidade dos nutrientes. Essa maior absorção de nutrientes proporcionada pelos complexos enzimáticos influi positivamente em algumas características. Objetiva-se com esta revisão de literatura, compreender como o uso de enzimas exógenas na dieta influenciam a microbiota intestinal, a expressão de genes, e o desempenho produtivo de frangos de corte

    Effect of prenatal ambient temperature on the performance physiological parameters, and oxidative metabolism of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) layers exposed to heat stress during growth

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    A strategy to mitigate the negative effects of stress on animals is to enhance their ability to beneficially respond to stressful conditions. This study aimed to assess whether prenatal ambient temperature influences the response of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) chicks to environmental challenges during growth. The experiment was conducted in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement: two temperature conditions for the mothers (thermoneutral and heat stress by continuous exposure to 32 °C) and two offspring ambient temperature conditions (thermoneutral and heat stress by intermittent exposure to 34 °C for 6 h/day from 15 to 35 days of age). Heat stress in mothers led to lower laying rate, egg mass, expression of methionine sulfoxide reductase A (MSRA) gene, and antioxidant capacity as well as higher chick mortality rate (1–15 days of age). Maternal heat stress led to lower weight gain and total antioxidant capacity and higher feed conversion ratio. Maternal temperature × Offspring temperature interaction effects were observed on carbonylated protein content and HSP70, GSS, and MSRA gene expression. It was observed that, for chicks hatched from heat-stressed mothers, exposure to heat stress led to higher carbonylated protein content and HSP70 expression than exposure to thermoneutral conditions. Maternal heat stress was also responsible for increasing GSS expression in chicks grown under thermoneutral conditions. Chicks hatched from non-stressed mothers and subjected to heat stress had higher MSRA expression compared to chicks maintained in a thermoneutral environment. Our results show that, although maternal heat stress had no negative effects on performance or oxidative metabolism of offspring grown under thermoneutral conditions, it was associated with lower performance and higher protein oxidation in offspring exposed to heat stress during growth. These results could be due in part to alterations in the expression of genes related to antioxidant capacity

    Impacto do tipo de desmame sobre os leitões: revisão de literatura / Impact of weaning type on piglets: literature

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    O Brasil é atualmente o quarto maior produtor de carne suína, perdendo apenas para China, União Europeia (considerando a produção total) e Estados Unidos. Dentre as alternativas adotadas que influenciam diretamente a lucratividade da cadeia suinícola, está a prática do desmame precoce, responsável pelo aumento do número de leitões produzidos de uma matriz por ano e por reduzir o número de dias não produtivos de uma matriz. No entanto, está prática apresenta pontos limitantes em relação aos resultados ótimos de produtividade, principalmente nas fases mais jovens dos suínos, pois este período é caracterizado pelo baixo desempenho dos leitões. A mudança de ambiente, separação da mãe e dos irmãos, e a brusca mudança da dieta são fatores que levam a alterações comportamentais, fisiológicas na estrutura e função do intestino, levando a uma queda na imunidade, ocasionando                     redução no desempenho zootécnico dos mesmos nos primeiros dias após o desmame. Portanto a presente revisão bibliográfica teve como objetivo abordar o efeito do desmame precoce sobre o desempenho, crescimento, imunidade, comportamento e morfofisiologia dos leitões nessa fase.

    Energy levels and lysine, calcium and phosphorus adjustments on broiler nutrient digestibility and performance

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    Abstract Chicken broilers digestibility and performance fed with different ME levels, with and without adjustments of digestible lysine, calcium, and available phosphorus, were evaluated. For digestibility, 210 male Cobb 500 chicken broilers were used and distributed into a 3x2+1 factorial arrangement, with three ME levels (3050; 3125 and 3200 kcal/kg) with and without nutrient adjustment, plus one control treatment (2975 kcal ME/kg), totaling seven treatments including six repetitions with five birds into each repetition. For initial performance, 1120 birds were distributed randomly with eight replications within treatments and 20 birds for each replication. For final performance, 1008 chickens were distributed with eight replications and 18 birds for each replication. The DCDM and DCCP were improved (P0.05) between energy and nutrient adjustment, but the increase in energy levels improved the feed conversion ratio (FCR=1.370). Increasing energy density with nutrient adjustment improves both nutrient utilization and bird performance

    Identification of suitable reference genes for real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays on pectoralis major muscle in chicken (Gallus gallus)

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    Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESFundação de Apoio a Pesquisa e à Inovação Tecnológica do Estado de Sergipe - FAPITEC/SEThirteen reference genes were investigated to determine their stability to be used as a housekeeping in gene expression studies in skeletal muscle of chickens. Five different algorithms were used for ranking of reference genes and results suggested that individual rankings of the genes differed among them. The stability of the expression of reference genes were validated using samples obtained from the Pectoralis major muscle in chicken. Samples were obtained from chickens in different development periods post hatch and under different nutritional diets. For gene expression calculation the ΔΔCt approach was applied to compare relative expression of pairs of genes within each of 52 samples when normalized to mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase II (MT-CO2) target gene. Our findings showed that hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS) and hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase 1 (HPRT1) are the most stable reference genes while transferrin receptor (TFRC) and beta-2-microglobulin (B2M) ranked as the least stable genes in the Pectoralis major muscle of chickens. Moreover, our results revealed that HMBS and HPRT1 gene expression did not change due to dietary variations and thus it is recommended for accurate normalization of RT-qPCR data in chicken Pectoralis major muscle

    Evaluation of diets based on total and digestible amino acids and estimates of growth and nutrients deposition in broiler chickens

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    Três experimentos foram realizados com os objetivos de determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade verdadeiro (CDV) da proteína bruta (PB) e de aminoácidos de alimentos, de dietas completas e de aminoácidos sintéticos (AAS), ambos obtidos a partir da perda endógena com a dieta livre de proteína (DLP), da DLP mais aminoácidos (DLP+AA) e da dieta com caseína hidrolisada enzimaticamente (CHE) - Exp.1. Avaliar se frangos de corte alimentados com dietas à base de milho ou de sorgo, com inclusão de 6 ou de 12% de farelo de algodão, formuladas com base em aminoácidos totais ou digestíveis, apresentariam diferenças no desempenho e nos parâmetros de carcaça quando comparadas entre si, e quando comparadas a uma dieta com milho e com farelo de soja - Exp.2. Estimar através das equações de Gompertz, o crescimento, a deposição de proteína, de gordura e de lisina corporal e o consumo de ração e determinar a eficiência de utilização e a quantidade de lisina digestível por quilo de ganho de peso de frangos de corte machos e fêmeas alimentados com dietas contendo variados níveis de lisina digestível - Exp.3. No Exp. 1, observou-se que o uso da DLP+AA proporcionou às aves as maiores perdas endógenas de aminoácidos, exceto para lisina, isoleucina, valina e histidina (0,255; 0,390; 0,449 e 0,209mg/g MS, respectivamente) que foram maiores com o uso da CHE e da arginina (0,249mg/g MS) e leucina (0,417mg/g MS) que foram maiores com a DLP. Essas observações mostraram que uso da DLP+AA estimula à produção de enzimas digestivas e possibilita a redução de erros observados durante as análises com a CHE. A utilização de CHE e de DLP+AA proporcionaram em média os maiores CDV para a proteína bruta, sendo para os AAS, milho (M), sorgo (S), farelo de soja (FS) e farelo de algodão (FA) valores de 99,6; 91,7; 90,7; 90,5 e 90,2%, respectivamente. A inclusão do FA reduziu a digestibilidade da PB das dietas, sendo o CDV para a dieta com M+FS de 86,9% e para as dietas com M+FA6, M+FA12, S+FA6 e S+FA12 respectivamente de 85,5, 84,4, 86,4; 85,3%. As dietas com milho ou sorgo com a inclusão de 12% de FA apresentaram os CDV para metionina, lisina e treonina de 91,0; 87,1; 81,0% e 91,2; 88,0; 83,1%, respectivamente. Valores menores que os observados para a dieta com M+FS (94,4; 92,2; 84,9%). No Exp. 2, as dietas completas foram as mesmas do experimento 1, porém, formuladas com base em aminoácidos totais (AAT) e digestíveis (AAD). Não foi observado diferenças no ganho de peso (GP), no consumo de ração (CR) e na conversão alimentar (CA) das aves alimentadas com dieta à base de M+FS e os demais tratamentos, exceto quando foi utilizada a dieta formulada M+FA12 AAT, que proporcionou redução de 2,6% no GP quando comparada ao consumo da dieta M+FS. Aves alimentadas com dietas formuladas com AAD apresentaram maiores GP (1492,8g) e melhores CA (1,698) que as aves alimentadas com dietas com AAT (1461g e 1,732, respectivamente). A interação existente entre farelo de algodão e o tipo de formulação mostrou que o uso de AAD permitiu a inclusão de 12% de FA, com aumento de 52g no GP. Para os parâmetros de carcaça não foram observado diferenças entre as aves alimentadas com dietas à base de M+FS e as demais dietas. Porém, as que receberam M+FA12 AAD apresentaram maior peso de carcaça (1397g), peso de peito (446g) e filé de peito (335g) que as aves alimentadas com M+FS (1352, 430 e 324g, respectivamente). O uso de formulações com base em AAD proporcionou às aves melhores desempenhos e rendimentos de carcaça que o uso de AAT e ainda permitiu a inclusão de 12% de farelo de algodão sem a redução das variáveis estudadas. No Exp. 3, para o período de 1 a 42 dias de idade observou-se que a redução de 6% nos níveis de lisina digestível reduziu o GP e piorou a CA de machos e de fêmeas, porém, os variados níveis de lisina digestível aplicados não fizeram alterações significativas sobre a deposição tecido corporal, exceto para gordura que foi depositada em maiores quantidades quando as aves receberam 6% menos de lisina. O crescimento dos animais foi seguido pela deposição de proteína: 1,4; 4,5; 13,9 e 15,2g nos machos e 1,6; 4,6; 12,4 e 11,6g nas fêmeas, respectivamente para as idades 7; 21; 35 e 42 dias. Para o período de 36 a 42 dias de idade foi observado que as fêmeas depositaram maior quantidade de gordura diária (20,8g) que os machos (17,6g). A partir da deposição de proteína em cada período experimental, observou-se que a quantidade de lisina depositada diariamente e a demanda por quilo de ganho foi aumentada com a idade. As curvas de crescimento e deposição indicaram que quanto maior a idade de abate, maior é o teor de gordura e menor o de proteína na carcaça, principalmente nas fêmeas. A eficiência de utilização da lisina digestível para deposição de lisina, tanto para machos como para as fêmeas, foram para a idade de 7; 21; 35 e 42 dias de idade, respectivamente de 49,6; 78,3; 66,4; 56,1% e 55,0; 81,0; 67,0; 57,4%. A partir da deposição e da eficiência de utilização de lisina, do ganho de peso e do peso médio (PM), foram geradas as seguintes equações: Macho: Y (g Lisina Dig/kg Ganho) =13,815 + 0,5638 PM + 1,1431 PM2, R2 = 0,99 e Fêmea: Y (g Lisina Dig/kg Ganho) =13,107 + 1,9773 PM + 0,6571 PM2, R2 = 0,99, as quais estimaram com precisão que as quantidades de lisina digestível por quilo de ganho foram crescente, sendo em média de 13,9; 14,7; 18,5 e 21,5 g/kg de ganho para os machos e de 13,3; 14,8; 18,0 e 19,9 g/kg de ganho para as fêmeas, respectivamente para as idades de 1 a 7, 8 a 21, 22 a 35 e 36 a 42 dias.Three experiments were run with the objectives to determine the true digestibility coefficients (TDC) of crude protein (CP) and amino acids of feedstuffs, complete diets and of synthetic amino acids (SAA), both obtained by endogenous nutrients losses using protein free diet (PFD), PFD plus amino acids (PFD+AA), and enzyme-hydrolyzed casein (EHC) - Exp.1. To evaluated the performance of broiler chickens fed corn or sorghum based diets (with inclusion of 6 or 12% of cottonseed meal), formulated on a total and digestible amino acids base. Performance and carcass parameters when compared among the test diets and a corn-soybean diet control - Exp.2. To estimate through Gompertz equations the animals rate of growth; protein, fat and lysine deposition; feed intake, lysine efficiency of utilization and the g. of digestible lysine per kilo of weight gain in males and females feds with variable lysine digestible diets - Exp.3. In exp.1, was observed that the use of PFD+AA diet, allowed higher endogenous amino acids losses, except for lysine, isoleucine, valine and histidine (0.255; 0.390; 0.449 e 0.209mg/g DM, respectively) that were highest when the EHC was fed. Arginine (0.249mg/g DM) and leucine (0.417mg/g DM) were highest when the PFD was fed. Feeding the PFD+AA diet stimulate digestive enzymes production and also decrease errors and processing difficulties with EHC. The EHC and PFD+AA diets methods showed the highest mean TDC for crude protein, being for the SAA, corn (C), sorghum (S), soybean meal (SBM) and cottonseeed meal (CSM) of 99.6; 91.7; 90.7; 90.5 and 90.2%, respectively. The inclusion of the CSM reduced the digestibility of CP, being TDC of the diet with C+SBM 86.9%. For the diets with C+CSM6, C+CSM12, S+CSM6 and S+CSM12 the TDC was respectively of 85.5; 84.4; 86.4; 85.3%. The diets with corn or sorghum and inclusion of 12% of cottonseed meal presented TDC for methionine, lysine and threonine of 91.0; 87.1; 81.0% and 91.2; 88.0; 83.1%, respectively. Smaller than observed values for diet with C+SBM (94.4; 92.2; 84.9%). In Exp.2, The diets were the same complete diets of experiment 1, however, formulated with total (TAA) and digestible amino acids (DAA). There was no effect on weight gain (WG), feed intake (FI) and feed conversion (FC) of the birds fed with C+SBM diet and the other treatments, except for the birds fed with formulated C+CSM12 TAA diet, that showed reduced WG (2.6%) when compared with the C+SBM diet. The birds fed diets formulated with DAA showed the higher WG (1492.8g) and the better FC (1.698) that the birds fed diets with TAA (1461g and 1.732, respectively). The interaction between cottonseed meal and formulation type showed that the use of DAA allowed the inclusion of 12% of CSM, increasing 52g in WG. There was no effect on carcass parameters between birds fed C+SBM diet and other diets. However, birds fed C+CSM12 AAD showed higher carcass weight (1397g), breast weight (446g) and breast filet weight (335g) that the birds fed with C+SBM (1352, 430 and 324g, respectively). Formulations based in digestible amino acids provided better performance and carcass yield that total amino acids, and allowed the inclusion of 12% of cottonseed meal without reduction of the parameters evaluated. In Exp. 3, In the period form 1 to 42 days of age was observed that reduction of 6% in the levels of digestible lysine negatively affected WG and FC of males and females, however, lysine levels didn't make significant alterations body nutrient deposition, except for fat that was deposited in larger amounts when the birds received 6% less dietary lysine. Animal growth rate followed closely daily body protein deposition: 1,4; 4,5; 13,9 and 15,2 g in males and 1,6; 4,6; 12,4 and 11,6g in females, respectively for 7; 21; 35 and 42 days of age. During the period of 36 to 42 days of age females deposited higher amount of daily fat (20,8g) than males (17,6g). The amount of lysine deposited daily and the g. of lysine per kilo of gain increased with age. Growth and deposition curves indicated that at older age of slaughter larger fat and lower protein carcass deposition, mainly in females. The efficiency of utilization of digestible lysine for body lysine deposition, for males and females, at 7; 21; 35 and 42 days of age, were respectively of 49.6; 78.3; 66.4; 56.1% and 55.0; 81.0; 67.0; 57.4%. Based on lysine deposition and efficiency utilization, weight gain and average weight (AW), the following equations were generated: male Y (g Lysine Dig/kg gain) =13,815 + 0,5638 AW + 1,1431 AW2, R2 = 0,99 and Female: Y (g Lysine Dig/kg gain) =13,107 + 1,9773 AW + 0,6571 AW2, R2 = 0,99. The equations to estimate g. of digestible lysine per kilo of gain were 13.9; 14.7; 18.5 and 21.5 g/kg gain for males and 13.3; 14.8; 18.0 and 19.9 g/kg gain for females, respectively from 1 to 7, 8 to 21, 22 at 35 and 36 to 42 days of the age.Poli-Nutri Alimentos Ltd