83 research outputs found

    Ecrits autobiographiques et personne : Perspectives transculturelles

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    Cet article est la version retravaillĂ©e d’une introduction des auteur-e-s au volume Selbstzeugnis und Person. Transkulturelle Perspektiven, synthĂšse des travaux du groupe de recherche « Selbstzeugnisse in transkultureller Perspektive » soutenu entre 2004 et 2012 par la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). De nouveaux concepts de la recherche sur les Ă©crits personnels propres Ă  visibiliser la multiplicitĂ© et la diversitĂ© de l’écriture de soi dans diffĂ©rentes cultures y sont discutĂ©s. Dans un premier temps, les auteur-e-s interprĂštent les pratiques scripturaires et mĂ©morielles en tant qu’acte performatif, tout en opposant une critique fondĂ©e sur l’historiographie aux concepts d’individu, d’autobiographie et de modernisation. Puis ils montrent que la construction transculturelle de soi et l’appartenance culturelle multiple constituent des catĂ©gories utiles aussi Ă  l’analyse de textes de la premiĂšre modernitĂ©. Un plaidoyer en faveur de l’incorporation des Ă©crits autobiographiques dans une histoire globale orientĂ©e de façon microhistorique clĂŽt leur exposĂ©

    MiKlip - a National Research Project on Decadal Climate Prediction

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    A German national project coordinates research on improving a global decadal climate prediction system for future operational use. MiKlip, an eight-year German national research project on decadal climate prediction, is organized around a global prediction system comprising the climate model MPI-ESM together with an initialization procedure and a model evaluation system. This paper summarizes the lessons learned from MiKlip so far; some are purely scientific, others concern strategies and structures of research that targets future operational use. Three prediction-system generations have been constructed, characterized by alternative initialization strategies; the later generations show a marked improvement in hindcast skill for surface temperature. Hindcast skill is also identified for multi-year-mean European summer surface temperatures, extra-tropical cyclone tracks, the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, and ocean carbon uptake, among others. Regionalization maintains or slightly enhances the skill in European surface temperature inherited from the global model and also displays hindcast skill for wind-energy output. A new volcano code package permits rapid modification of the predictions in response to a future eruption. MiKlip has demonstrated the efficacy of subjecting a single global prediction system to a major research effort. The benefits of this strategy include the rapid cycling through the prediction-system generations, the development of a sophisticated evaluation package usable by all MiKlip researchers, and regional applications of the global predictions. Open research questions include the optimal balance between model resolution and ensemble size, the appropriate method for constructing a prediction ensemble, and the decision between full-field and anomaly initialization. Operational use of the MiKlip system is targeted for the end of the current decade, with a recommended generational cycle of two to three years

    Safety assessment of titanium dioxide (E171) as a food additive

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    Acknowledgements: The Panel wishes to thank the following for the support provided to this scientific output: Ana Campos Fernandes, Laura Ciccolallo, Esraa Elewa, Galvin Eyong, Christina Kyrkou, Irene Munoz, Giorgia Vianello, the members of the SCER Cross-cutting WG nanotechnologies: Jacqueline Castenmiller, Mohammad Chaudhry, Roland Franz, David Gott, Stefan Weigel and the former member of the SCER Cross-cutting WG Genotoxicity Maciej Stepnik. The FAF Panel wishes to acknowledge all European competent institutions, Member State bodies and other organisations that provided data for this scientific output.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Earth Virtualization Engines (EVE)

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    To manage Earth in the Anthropocene, new tools, new institutions, and new forms of international cooperation will be required. Earth Virtualization Engines is proposed as an international federation of centers of excellence to empower all people to respond to the immense and urgent challenges posed by climate change

    Value orientations of young people in East and West Berlin

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    Der soziale Wandel nach der Vereinigung in Deutschland fĂŒhrt zu Annahmen ĂŒber Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeitn der Entwicklung im Jugendalter in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Diese Annahmen basieren auf soziologischen Überlegungen oder werden durch empirische Untersuchungen nahegelegt. Probleme und Möglichkeiten der Messung von Werthaltungen werden diskutiert. Es folgt eine Übersicht ĂŒber mögliche Unterschiede in den Werthaltungen bei Jugendlichen in Ost- und Westdeutschland, so wie sie durch verschiedene empirische Untersuchungen in der Literatur nahegelegt werden. Ergebnisse eigener Untersuchungen in West- und Ostberlin mit einem LĂ€ngsschnitt in 8. bis 10. Klassen zur Erfassung von Werthaltungen fĂŒhren zur ÜberprĂŒfung der in der Übersicht zusammengestellten Annahmen ĂŒber Ost-West-Unterschiede bei den Werthaltungen Jugendlicher. (DIPF/Orig.

    Sexuelle Devianz im Milieu der Wanderschauspieler. BeitrĂ€ge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs|BeitrĂ€ge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs Band 1 / 2019|

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    In the 18th century, touring companies were organized as family enterprises, led by a male or female principal. As these troops often played only briefly in any given location, its members were reckoned as itinerant or “traveling folk“ (Fahrendes Volk). Most of the players belonged for long periods of time to a stable company and made an effort to organize their lives according to bourgeois norms, but their reputation of wanderers endangered their mobile livelihoods and lifestyles. They were often held to be “dodgy individuals“, suspected of profligacy, vanity, venality and laxity. This alien quality or “otherness“ did not correspond to the self-image and self-description of the players themselves, but formed the context for their self-representation and for the image of traveling companies that long dominated scholarship. The autobiographies of the German actress Karoline Schulze-Kummerfeld, which were written in Linz in 1782 and in Weimar in 1793, respectively, form the center of this essay. In the earlier text, which assumed an apologetic character, the author constantly emphasized her virtue and integrity and wrote not only about the temptations to which she was exposed but also about her standards of love and marriage. Many of her views circle around concubinage. A close reading of her work reveals that the players had their own independent notions of sexuality and deviance, which were nonetheless closely entwined with the surrounding, normative society and its values
