2,412 research outputs found

    Estudo da técnica de magnetização da água com eletroímã para produção de concreto

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    Nos últimos anos tem se notado uma crescente preocupação e avanço, no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento de concretos especiais, que são aqueles cujas propriedades específicas são alteradas em decorrência da aplicação ao qual o mesmo se destina. Entre os concretos especiais tem-se o concreto cuja água de amassamento foi previamente submetida a um campo magnético fixo. Na última década têm-se pesquisado a tecnologia de magnetização da água para produção de concreto, uma vez que, credita-se ao uso da mesma uma redução considerável do consumo de cimento, devido a mudança em sua reologia. Este trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo da técnica de magnetização da água de amassamento através de eletroímã para produção de concreto, bem como analisar a influência da magnitude de campo magnético nas propriedades do concreto em seu estado fresco e endurecido. Para tanto, produziu-se 10 argamassas com a mesma proporção dos elementos constituintes da mistura, para diferentes águas de amassamento, de abastecimento público, destilada, deionizada, e magnetizada, tendo sidos ensaiados à resistência a compressão e índice de consistência. Os resultados encontrados não apresentaram variações nas propriedades quando comparados as águas de referência com as águas magnetizadas, não evidenciando as melhorias referidas na literatura.In recent years we have noticed growing concern and progress, we are not concerned with the development of special concrete, which are often more appropriate to its application to which it is intended. Among the special concretes is the concrete of the kneading water was previously subjected to a fixed magnetic field. In my account of a consumer consulting company, according to the demand for a concrete, since, according to the same measure. This work aims to study the technique of magnetization of water kneading through electromagnets for concrete production, as well as to analyze the influence of magnetic field magnitude on the well in its fresh and hardened state. For this purpose, 10 mortars with the same proportion of the constituent elements of the mixture were produced for different kneading, public, distilled, deionized and magnetized water, having been tested for compressive strength and consistency index. The results found are not common in comparisons as reference waters as magnetized waters, not evidencing improvements in the literatureTrabalho apresentado à Banca Examinadora do Curso de Engenharia Civil de Infraestrutura da UNILA, como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do Grau de Bacharel em Engenharia Civil. Orientador: Profo. Dro. Ana Carolina P. dos Santos Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Rafael Otoniel R. R. da Cunh

    There is no one way to internationalization at home: Virtual mobility and student engagement through formal and informal approaches to curricula

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    Internationalization at Home (IaH) is the most accessible approach for internationalizing education, as it does not involve mobility or considerable investment. This article discusses the results of two distinct IaH initiatives: a 4-week collaboration between students from a Portuguese university and a Mexican university, and a set of activities conducted throughout one semester in a multicultural classroom in one Portuguese university. The analysis shows that, despite the clear differences between the two initiatives, they provided very interesting outcomes, with students recognizing the development of intercultural communication skills and other soft skills, which were perceived as adding value to the learning process and to their future professional careers. Keywords: internationalization of higher education; internationalization of the curricula; classroom collaboration; multicultural classroom

    Integration of “QES” systems on the small and medium size foundry companies in Portugal

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    This paper presents the present situation concerning the integration of the quality, environment and safety systems on industrial companies. A case study performed by the authors on the Portuguese foundry is presented. The present situation of this activity sector, on what concerns the application of the quality, environment and safety (QES) systems, is characterized, and the short time needs, procedures and initiatives that are being taken, or will be taken in a near future, to accomplish such demands, are identified and discussed

    Translational control of the human hemojuvelin via upstream open reading frames

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    Iron is an essential element for many biological reactions carried out by living systems. A tight regulation of systemic iron homeostasis is crucial to avoid the pathological conditions of iron deficiency or overload. Juvenile hemochromatosis, is an early-onset inherited disorder associated to iron overload caused by mutations on the hepcidin gene or in the gene encoding hemojuvelin (HJV). HJV is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked membrane protein shown to be a co-receptor for class of ligands called bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). Thus, HJV is involved on iron homeostasis through regulation of hepcidin transcription levels. A better knowledge of the mechanisms implicated in HJV gene expression is crucial to understand its role in the iron homeostasis. The 5’ leader sequence of the human HJV mRNA has two upstream AUGs (uAUGs) that share the same codon stop forming two upstream open reading frames (uORF) with 28 and 19 codons. To evaluate the effect of these uORFs in the translational regulation of HJV, reporter constructs containing several HJV 5’-leader sequences fused to the Firefly luciferase cistron were tested in HeLa and HepG2 cells. Luciferase activity was measured by luminometry and normalized to the corresponding mRNA levels, quantified by real-time RT-PCR, to obtain translation efficiencies. The results revealed that the HJV uORFs decrease the translational efficiency of the main ORF in about 6-fold. Furthermore, we have observed that the HJV mRNA has a low leaky scanning ability that contributes to the translational repression of the main ORF. Thus, reinitiation is the mechanism mainly involved in the production of HJV protein. Aiming to characterize the mechanism through which the HJV uORFs affect downstream translation, we have observed that the amino acid sequences of the uORFs encoded peptides seem to cause ribosomal stalling, which also impede translation of the downstream main ORF

    How Prospective International Retired Migrants Use Tourism for Decision Making

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    Despite the current importance of international retirement migration for both academics and practitioners, the extant literature on the topic is still scarce and mostly focused on short-period migration flows from wealthy and northern countries to cheaper and warm-weather destinations. This article aims at shedding light on the role of tourism in prospective migrants\u27 decision-making process, considering the framework provided by the push-pull model, which is often used to explain both migration and tourism. A qualitative study was conducted, comprising ten in-depth interviews with 45+ year-old Brazilian citizens who intend to move to Europe after retirement. Results show that tourism is important for prospective migrants to evaluate possible migration destinations, as some of the most relevant migration pull factors (e.g., safety) are easily assessed during tourism experiences. Participants in this study also carefully plan tourism activities prior to their decision to migrate in order to get a more realistic notion of what the destination is like for residents. Overall, this study demonstrates that tourism is particularly important for several stages of migrants\u27 decision-making process

    Evidence of surface transport and weak anti-localization in single crystal of Bi2Te2Se topological insulator

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    Topological insulators are known to their metallic surface states, a result of strong-spin-orbital coupling, that show unique surface transport phenomenon. But these surface transports are buried in presence of metallic bulk conduction. We synthesized very high quality Bi2_2Te2_2Se single crystals by modified Bridgman method, that possess high bulk resistivity of >>20~Ω\Omegacm below 20~K, whereas the bulk is mostly inactive and surface transport dominates. Temperature dependence resistivity follows the activation law like a gap semiconductor in temperature range 20-300~K. We designed a special measurement geometry, which aims to extract the surface transport from the bulk. This special geometry is applied to measure the resistance and found that Bi2_2Te2_2Se single crystal exhibits a cross over from bulk to surface conduction at 20~K. Simultaneously, the material also shows strong evidence of weak anti-localization in magneto-transport due to the protection against scattering by conducting surface states. This novel simple geometry is an easy route to find the evidence of surface transport in topological insulators, which are the promising materials for future spintronic applications.Comment: 6 Pages, 4 Figure

    Tratamiento. Malaria

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    Rice and bean constitute the basic diet in underdeveloped countries. In Brazil, the acquisition per capita of these aliments is around 182.9 g/day (beans) and 160.3 g/day (rice). In the present work were evaluated the pesticide residue contamination on these aliments, and possible risks for the consumer health. Pesticide residues were evaluated in 364 bean samples and 143 rice samples commercialized in Sao Paulo City (BRAZIL). A multi-residue method (DFG S19) was employed with gas and liquid chromatography identification and quantification. Dietary intake estimation was processed using the Acute Dietary Ingestion (ADI) based on national data regarding food consumption. Residues of pesticides that, according to the Brazilian legislation, are not allowed for this culture were detected respectively in 4.5% and 3.6% of the bean and rice samples. However, none of the samples had pesticide residues above the Maximum Residue Level (MRL). The European Union (EU) database showed that 7.3% of the bean sample and 85.7% of rice presented pesticide residues above the MRL. The toxicological parameter used for assessing the risk of contamination (ADI <100%) was not exceeded in none of the commodities. The results do not pose a hazard for the consumer’s health. Nevertheless, the presence of multiple residues indicates that continuous studies and monitoring of these commodities are required.

    Inclusão digital na APAE de Criciúma: uso de jogos do microsoft Kinect sobre o desempenho motor e funcional de estudantes da APAE de Criciúma

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: Tecnologia e ProduçãoO projeto de inclusão digital na APAE visa contribuir com a inclusão digital para as pessoas com deficiência. Dentre desse contexto de inclusão, uma área qie vem apresentando um grande crescimento é a área dos games. O Kinect é um sensor que capta movimentos e interage com os jogos eletrônicos. Desta forma o Kinect foi escolhido para ser utilizado com os alunos com deficiência, visando promover o desenvolvimento motor e a autoestima. As atividades foram realizadas na APAE de Criciúma. Durante as atividades não foram apresentadas evoluções significativas no que se refere ao desenvolvimento motor dos alunos, porem as professoras de sala relataram que os alunos se motivaram e melhoraram sua autoestim