39 research outputs found

    Adsorption de PCB par des phases HDL organomodifiées

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    International audienceLes PCB sont des polluants persistants pour lesquels il faut encore chercher des solutions permettant de les retirer des sédiments. Le lavage par des tensioactifs offre de bons rendements de nettoyage. Il faut ensuite traiter les eaux du lessivage. Les Hydroxydes Doubles Lamellaires (HDL) ont montré des capacités intéressantes pour l'adsorption de polluants. L'insertion de tensioactifs lors de la synthèse de ces matériaux permet d'intercaler des polluants hydrophobes entre les feuillets brucitiques de ces argiles anioniques. Cette étude a pour objectif de tester la capacité de HDL à piéger un membre de la famille des PCB, le 4-chlorobiphényle (PCB 3). Les matériaux utilisés, à deux variantes du rapport MII/MIII, sont composés de zinc (Zn) et d'aluminium (Al) et intercalés avec du dodécylsulfate de sodium ou du dodécylbenzènesulfonate de sodium dès leur synthèse, ou encore des phases ZnAl-Chlore, mises en contact avec de l'acide humique après leur synthèse. Les HDL modifiés avec du tensioactifs montrent une forte capacité à la rétention du PCB 3, de l'ordre de 97% adsorbés, ainsi que les phases précipitées en présence du polluant. Les HDL sur lesquels est adsorbé l'acide humique montrent une capacité de dépollution de l'effluent bien inférieure, avec un maximum de 50% de PCB 3 adsorbés

    Filière alternative de valorisation des Boues d'Hydroxydes poly-Métalliques (BHpM)

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    https://www.emse.fr/spip/IMG/pdf/Pollutec-perrin.pdfCommunications par affiche dans un congrès national : Poster, tremplin de la recherche au Sénat le 12 février 2008 Lauréat au tremplin de la recherche au Sénat le 12 février 200

    Adsorption of Chromium (VI) by metal hydroxide sludge from the metal finishing

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    International audienceMetal finishing industries produce an important tonnage of metal hydroxide sludge (MHS) during the treatment of their liquid effluents charged with heavy metals. Generally, a small part of these sludge is valorized because of their important metal fickleness. Consequently, the majority of these metal hydroxide sludge is sent to landfill centers. We propose to valorize this sludge by using them as pollutant sorbent in order to retain the polluting species contained in the industrial aqueous effluents. The chosen pollutant for this preliminary study is Chromium (+VI). Starting from an experimental well defined protocol, various parameters have been studied (chemical nature of the sludge, solid/liquid ratio, concentration of the pollutant, particle size) in order to determine the experimental parameters which influence the sorption yield of these sludge and thus to validate the feasibility of an industrial application of this new way of valorisation. First results point out that the sorption yield is more than 95% independently from the experimental conditions. Moreover, experiments highlight that the sludge mass (and so sorbent sites) is THE only real parameter which influences the yield. In this article, a review of the patents on different aspects of the valorisation of polymetallic hydroxide sludge as pollutant trappers is presented

    Risk perception and risk-taking among skateboarders

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    International audienceSkateboarding is considered to be a high risk activity. Although many studies have identified risk factors associated with skateboarding injuries, few have provided detailed in-depth knowledge on participants' psychological dispositions towards risk behaviors. The aim of this study was to identify individual factors associated with risk perception and risk-taking among skateboarders. Telephone interviews were conducted with 158 skateboarders (mean age = 18.1 years) recruited in 11 Montreal skateparks. Age, self-efficacy, previous injuries, fear of being injured, sensation seeking and experience level were all included in two linear regression models that were run for risk perception and risk-taking. Age, experience level, sensation seeking, and risk perception are significant explanatory variables of risk-taking. Results show that sensation seeking was the only significant factor associated with risk perception. These results allow for a better understanding of the behavior of skateboarders, they highlight the importance of impulsive sensation seeking in risk perception as well as risk-taking. This study characterizes skateboarders who take risks and provides additional information on interventions for injury prevention

    Educational outcomes of a new curriculum on interproximal oral prophylaxis for dental students

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    International audienceObjective The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a preclinical oral prophylaxis education program by examining the effectiveness of the teaching module on changes to the students' attitudes towards their individual hygiene behaviors with interdental brushes (IDBs). Methods As being part of a new didactic program on oral interproximal prophylaxis, all preclinical third-year students (n = 96) enrolled in the 2014/15 academic year received theoretical, pre-clinical, and clinical lessons on interproximal prophylaxis. The evaluation of educational outcomes was linked to observed changes in students' hygiene behaviors using interdental brushes. Knowledge, skills, attitudes, satisfaction, competence and performance were also explored. The evaluation interviews were recorded at each recall, i.e., 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 1 year after baseline. Results Motivation to use IDBs is clearly related to the perception of the effectiveness of the brushes and the perception of bleeding reduction. At one week, 89.6% of subjects reported using IDBs. Individual use decreased significantly from one week to one month (-26%, p = 0.006) while a non-significant upward trend occurred between one month and three months. Among students reporting usage of IDBs at 1 year (20.8%), only 2.0% used IDBs daily. Most students would recommend IDBs to other people at the beginning (69.8%). However, this share dropped to 50% at 3 months. IDB-users prescribed more than non-users

    Valorisation des boues d'hydroxydes polymétalliques issues du traitement de surfaces

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    Rapport & présentation, Société Industrielle Minérale à Paris, 10 septembre 2007 Finaliste Prix Jeunes SI

    Précipitation de phases hydroxydes doubles lamellaires et piégeage du chromeVI

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    National audienceLa métallurgie et plus spécifiquement le secteur du traitement de surface génèrent de grandes quantités d'effluents industriels à base de métaux lourds, notamment de zinc, de nickel et de chrome VI. Les entreprises de ce secteur sont donc contraintes de traiter leurs effluents industriels afin de répondre à l'arrêté du 26 septembre 1985 leur imposant des règles strictes en matière de rejets dans un réseau d'assainissement urbain ou dans le milieu naturel (Cr VI : 0,1mg/L ; Zn et Ni : 5mg/L). Il a été montré que l'ajout de cations métalliques trivalents Al3+ et Fe3+, lors de la précipitation des ions nickel et zinc, permettait d'obtenir des boues sous forme d'hydroxydes doubles lamellaires (HDL) plus stables que les boues classiques et valorisables. Cette étude a pour but de : - optimiser la précipitation de Zn2+ et Ni2+ sous forme d'HDL grâce à l'ajout d'Al3+ ou de Fe 3+, - étudier la stabilité de ces phases en vue de leur valorisation, - évaluer la capacité des phases HDL synthétisées à piéger le chrome VI sous forme d'ions CrO4 2-. Nous avons synthétisé, à l'échelle du laboratoire, les phases HDL de type Zn-Ni-Al – SO4 et Zn-Ni-Fe – SO4, par co-précipitation à pH constant, en faisant varier les paramètres suivants : pH, rapport MII/MIII et concentration des sels. Les composés obtenus ont ensuite été caractérisés grâce à l'analyse chimique, à la diffraction des rayons X et à la spectroscopie infrarouge, ce qui a permis de confirmer l'existence d'une structure de type HDL. Nous avons étudié la stabilité des phases obtenues HDL ainsi que leur capacité à piéger le chrome VI par adsorption. Elles présentent une grande stabilité lorsqu'elles sont mises en solution à des pH supérieurs à 8,5. En revanche, elles ont tendance à se solubiliser lorsqu'on diminue le pH. Les isothermes d'adsorption de chrome VI ont montré que le taux d'échange et l'affinité adsorbat/adsorbant augmentaient avec le ratio MII/MIII. Ces deux paramètres sont plus importants lorsque l'adsorption des chromates est réalisée sur une phase à base de fer Zn-Ni-Fe – SO4. Cette étude montre que des phases HDL pouvent être obtenues lors de la précipitation d'effluents issus d'ateliers du traitement de surface. Ces phases, stables à pH basique, pouvant adsorber des ions chrome hexavalent, pourrait donc ouvrir la voie à la valorisation des boues d'hydroxydes métalliques

    Observance of Sterilization Protocol Guideline Procedures of Critical Instruments for Preventing Iatrogenic Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in Dental Practice in France, 2017

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    Effective sterilization of reusable instruments contaminated by Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease in dental care is a crucial issue for public health. The present cross-sectional study investigated how the recommended procedures for sterilization were implemented by French dental practices in real-world settings. A sample of dental practices was selected in the French Rhône-Alpes region. Data were collected by a self-questionnaire in 2016. Sterilization procedures (n = 33) were classified into 4 groups: (1) Pre-sterilization cleaning of reusable instruments; (2) Biological verification of sterilization cycles—Monitoring steam sterilization procedures; (3) Autoclave performance and practitioner knowledge of autoclave use; (4) Monitoring and documentation of sterilization procedures—Tracking and tracing the instrumentation. Answers were provided per procedure, along with the global implementation of procedures within a group (over 80% correctly performed). Then it was verified how adherence to procedure groups varied with the size of the dental practice and the proportion of dental assistants within the team. Among the 179 questionnaires available for the analyses, adherence to the recommended procedures of sterilization noticeably varied between practices, from 20.7% to 82.6%. The median percentages of procedures correctly implemented per practice were 58.1%, 50.9%, 69.2% and 58.2%, in Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively (corresponding percentages for performing over 80% of the procedures in the group: 23.4%, 6.6%, 46.6% and 38.6%). Dental practices ≥ 3 dental units performed significantly better (>80%) procedures of Groups 2 and 4 (p = 0.01 and p = 0.002, respectively), while no other significant associations emerged. As a rule, practices complied poorly with the recommended procedures, despite partially improved results in bigger practices. Specific training regarding sterilization procedures and a better understanding of the reasons leading to their non-compliance are needed