168 research outputs found

    Backward Cherenkov radiation emitted by polariton solitons in a microcavity wire

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    Exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities form a highly nonlinear platform to study a variety of effects interfacing optical, condensed matter, quantum and statistical physics. We show that the complex polariton patterns generated by picosecond pulses in microcavity wire waveguides can be understood as the Cherenkov radiation emitted by bright polariton solitons, which is enabled by the unique microcavity polariton dispersion, which has momentum intervals with positive and negative group velocities. Unlike in optical fibres and semiconductor waveguides, we observe that the microcavity wire Cherenkov radiation is predominantly emitted with negative group velocity and therefore propagates backwards relative to the propagation direction of the emitting soliton. We have developed a theory of the microcavity wire polariton solitons and of their Cherenkov radiation and conducted a series of experiments, where we have measured polariton-soliton pulse compression, pulse breaking and emission of the backward Cherenkov radiation

    Polariton Pattern Formation and Photon Statistics of the Associated Emission

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    We report on the formation of a diverse family of transverse spatial polygon patterns in a microcavity polariton fluid under coherent driving by a blue-detuned pump. Patterns emerge spontaneously as a result of energy-degenerate polariton-polariton scattering from the pump state to interfering high order vortex and antivortex modes, breaking azimuthal symmetry. The interplay between a multimode parametric instability and intrinsic optical bistability leads to a sharp spike in the value of second order coherence g (2)(0) of the emitted light, which we attribute to the strongly superlinear kinetics of the underlying scattering processes driving the formation of patterns. We show numerically by means of a linear stability analysis how the growth of parametric instabilities in our system can lead to spontaneous symmetry breaking, predicting the formation and competition of different pattern states in good agreement with experimental observations

    Spin Textures of Polariton Condensates in a Tunable Microcavity with Strong Spin-Orbit Interaction

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    We report an extended family of spin textures in coexisting modes of zero-dimensional polariton condensates spatially confined in tunable open microcavity structures. The coupling between photon spin and angular momentum, which is enhanced in the open cavity structures, leads to new eigenstates of the polariton condensates carrying quantised spin vortices. Depending on the strength and anisotropy of the cavity confinement potential and the strength of the spin-orbit coupling, which can be tuned via the excitonic/photonic fractions, the condensate emissions exhibit either spin-vortex-like patterns or linear polarization, in good agreement with theoretical modelling

    Exciton-polaritons in a two-dimensional Lieb lattice with spin-orbit coupling

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    We study exciton-polaritons in a two-dimensional Lieb lattice of micropillars. The energy spectrum of the system features two flat bands formed from SS and Px,yP_{x,y} photonic orbitals, into which we trigger bosonic condensation under high power excitation. The symmetry of the orbital wave functions combined with photonic spin-orbit coupling gives rise to emission patterns with pseudospin texture in the flat band condensates. Our work shows the potential of polariton lattices for emulating flat band Hamiltonians with spin-orbit coupling, orbital degrees of freedom and interactions

    Design and characterization of high optical quality InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs-based polariton microcavities

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    The presence of dislocations arising from strain relaxation strongly affects polaritons through their photonic component and ultimately limits experiments involving polariton propagation. In this work, we investigate the range of growth parameters to achieve high optical quality GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs-based microcavities containing strained InxGa1−xAs quantum wells and using differential interference contrast (Nomarski) microscopy deduce a design rule for homogeneous versus disordered structures. We illustrate the effect of disorder by contrasting observations of polariton condensates in relaxed and unrelaxed microcavities. In our optimized device, we generate a polariton condensate and deduce a lifetime for the interacting polariton fluid of 39 ± 2 ps

    Large-scale magnetic fields from inflation in dilaton electromagnetism

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    The generation of large-scale magnetic fields is studied in dilaton electromagnetism in inflationary cosmology, taking into account the dilaton's evolution throughout inflation and reheating until it is stabilized with possible entropy production. It is shown that large-scale magnetic fields with observationally interesting strength at the present time could be generated if the conformal invariance of the Maxwell theory is broken through the coupling between the dilaton and electromagnetic fields in such a way that the resultant quantum fluctuations in the magnetic field has a nearly scale-invariant spectrum. If this condition is met, the amplitude of the generated magnetic field could be sufficiently large even in the case huge amount of entropy is produced with the dilution factor 1024\sim 10^{24} as the dilaton decays.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, the version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D; some references are adde

    Effect of photonic spin-orbit coupling on the topological edge modes of a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain

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    We study the effect of photonic spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in micropillar lattices on the topological edge states of a one-dimensional chain with a zigzag geometry, corresponding to the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model equipped with an additional internal degree of freedom. The system combines the strong hopping anisotropy of the p-type pillar modes with the large TE-TM splitting in Bragg microcavities. By resolving the photoluminescence emission in energy and polarization we probe the effects of the resulting SOC on the spatial and spectral properties of the edge modes. We find that the edge modes feature a fine structure of states that penetrate by different amounts into the bulk of the chain, depending on the strength of the SOC terms present, thereby opening a route to manipulation of the topological states in the system

    Software engineering techniques for the development of systems of systems

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    This paper investigates how existing software engineering techniques can be employed, adapted and integrated for the development of systems of systems. Starting from existing system-of-systems (SoS) studies, we identify computing paradigms and techniques that have the potential to help address the challenges associated with SoS development, and propose an SoS development framework that combines these techniques in a novel way. This framework addresses the development of a class of IT systems of systems characterised by high variability in the types of interactions between their component systems, and by relatively small numbers of such interactions. We describe how the framework supports the dynamic, automated generation of the system interfaces required to achieve these interactions, and present a case study illustrating the development of a data-centre SoS using the new framework

    Spin domains in one-dimensional conservative polariton solitons

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    We report stable orthogonally polarized domains in high-density polariton solitons propagating in a semiconductor microcavity wire. This effect arises from spin-dependent polariton–polariton interactions and pump-induced imbalance of polariton spin populations. The interactions result in an effective magnetic field acting on polariton spin across the soliton profile, leading to the formation of polarization domains. Our experimental findings are in excellent agreement with theoretical modeling taking into account these effects