6,450 research outputs found

    Detector dead-time effects and paralyzability in high-speed quantum key distribution

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    Recent advances in quantum key distribution (QKD) have given rise to systems that operate at transmission periods significantly shorter than the dead times of their component single-photon detectors. As systems continue to increase in transmission rate, security concerns associated with detector dead times can limit the production rate of sifted bits. We present a model of high-speed QKD in this limit that identifies an optimum transmission rate for a system with given link loss and detector response characteristics

    A High Galactic Latitude HI 21cm-line Absorption Survey using the GMRT: I. Observations and Spectra

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    We have used the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) to measure the Galactic HI 21-cm line absorption towards 102 extragalactic radio continuum sources, located at high (|b| >15deg.) Galactic latitudes. The Declination coverage of the present survey is Decl. ~ -45deg.. With a mean rms optical depth of ~0.003, this is the most sensitive Galactic HI 21-cm line absorption survey to date. To supplement the absorption data, we have extracted the HI 21-cm line emission profiles towards these 102 lines of sight from the Leiden Dwingeloo Survey of Galactic neutral hydrogen. We have carried out a Gaussian fitting analysis to identify the discrete absorption and emission components in these profiles. In this paper, we present the spectra and the components. A subsequent paper will discuss the interpretation of these results.Comment: 46 pages, Accepted for publication in Journal of Astrophysics & Astronom

    Aqueous Alteration on Mars: Evidence from Landed Missions

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    Mineralogical and geochemical data returned by orbiters and landers over the past 15 years have substantially enhanced our understanding of the history of aqueous alteration on Mars. Here, we summarize aqueous processes that have been implied from data collected by landed missions. Mars is a basaltic planet. The geochemistry of most materials has not been extensively altered by open-system aqueous processes and have average Mars crustal compositions. There are few examples of open-system alteration, such as Gale craters Pahrump Hills mudstone. Types of aqueous alteration include (1) acid-sulfate and (2) hydrolytic (circum-neutral/alkaline pH) with varying water-to-rock ratios. Several hypotheses have been suggested for acid-sulfate alteration including (1) oxidative weathering of ultramafic igneous rocks containing sulfides; (2) sulfuric acid weathering of basaltic materials; (3) acid fog weathering of basaltic materials; and (4) near-neutral pH subsurface solutions rich in Fe (sup 2 plus) that rapidly oxidized to Fe (sup 3 plus) producing excess acidity. Meridiani Planums sulfate-rich sedimentary deposit containing jarosite is the most famous acid-sulfate environment visited on Mars, although ferric sulfate-rich soils are common in Gusev craters Columbia Hills and jarosite was recently discovered in the Pahrump Hills. An example of aqueous alteration under circum-neutral pH conditions is the formation of Fe-saponite with magnetite in situ via aqueous alteration of olivine in Gale craters Sheepbed mudstone. Circum-neutral pH, hydrothermal conditions were likely required for the formation of Mg-Fe carbonate in the Columbia Hills. Diagenetic features (e.g., spherules, fracture filled veins) indicate multiple episodes of aqueous alteration/diagenesis in most sedimentary deposits. However, low water-to-rock ratios are prominent at most sites visited by landed missions (e.g., limited water for reaction to form crystalline phases possibly resulting in large amounts of short-range ordered materials and little physical separation of primary and secondary materials). Most of the aqueous alteration appears to have occurred early in the planets history; however, minor aqueous alteration may be occurring at the surface today (e.g., thin films of water forming carbonates akin to those discovered by Phoenix)

    Educational and health outcomes of children and adolescents receiving antidepressant medication : Scotland-wide retrospective record linkage cohort study of 766 237 schoolchildren

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    Funding Health Data Research UK (grant reference number MR/S003800/1). Acknowledgements The study was sponsored by Health Data Research UK (www.hdruk.ac.uk), which is a joint investment led by the Medical Research Council, together with the National Institute for Health Research (England), the Chief Scientist Office (Scotland), Health and Care Research Wales, Health and Social Care Research and Development Division (Public Health Agency, Northern Ireland), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Economic and Social Research Council, the British Heart Foundation and Wellcome (grant reference number MR/S003800/1). The sponsor and funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis and interpretation of the data; preparation, review or approval of the manuscript; or decision to submit the manuscript for publication. This study formed part of a wider PhD thesis undertaken by the lead author within the University of Glasgow and was published in 2017. Certain sections of this paper appear in the thesis, which is accessible and downloadable from the following link: http://theses.gla.ac.uk/8594/1/2017flemingphd.pdf. Author Contributions J.P.P. had the original concept. All authors agreed the study design. D.C. and A.K. provided data and undertook record linkage. M.F. and D.F.M. undertook the statistical analyses. All authors interpreted the results. M.F. and J.P.P. drafted the manuscript and all other authors contributed revisions. All authors reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript. M.F. is guarantor for the study. Approvals The authors applied for permission to access, link and analyse these data and undertook mandatory training in data protection, IT security and information governance. Therefore, the datasets generated and analysed during the study are not publicly available. The study was approved by the National Health Service Privacy Advisory Committee and covered by a data-processing agreement between Glasgow University and ISD, and a data-sharing agreement between Glasgow University and ScotXed. All data were linked by the Electronic Data Research and Innovation Service (eDRIS), part of NHS National Services Scotland. Ethics The NHS West of Scotland Research Ethics Service confirmed that formal NHS ethics approval was not required, since the study involved anonymized extracts of routinely collected data with an acceptably negligible risk of identification. Conflict of interest: None declaredPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Educational and health outcomes of children and adolescents receiving antiepileptic medication : Scotland-wide record linkage study of 766 244 schoolchildren

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    Acknowledgements The study was sponsored by Health Data Research UK (www.hdruk.ac.uk) which is a joint investment led by the Medical Research Council, together with the National Institute for Health Research (England), the Chief Scientist Office (Scotland), Health and Care Research Wales, Health and Social Care Research and Development Division (Public Health Agency, Northern Ireland), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Economic and Social Research Council, the British Heart Foundation and Wellcome. This study formed part of a wider PhD thesis undertaken by the lead author within the University of Glasgow, which was published in 2017. Therefore, certain sections of this paper appear in the thesis, which is accessible and downloadable from the following link: http://theses.gla.ac.uk/8594/1/2017flemingphd.pdf. Funding The study was sponsored by Health Data Research UK. The sponsor and funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review or approval of the manuscript, or decision to submit the manuscript for publication. Availability of data and materials The authors applied for permission to access, link and analyse these data and undertook mandatory training in data protection, IT security and information governance. Therefore, the datasets generated and analysed during the study are not publicly available.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    An Alternative Interpretation of Statistical Mechanics

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    In this paper I propose an interpretation of classical statistical mechanics that centers on taking seriously the idea that probability measures represent complete states of statistical mechanical systems. I show how this leads naturally to the idea that the stochasticity of statistical mechanics is associated directly with the observables of the theory rather than with the microstates (as traditional accounts would have it). The usual assumption that microstates are representationally significant in the theory is therefore dispensable, a consequence which suggests interesting possibilities for developing non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and investigating inter-theoretic answers to the foundational questions of statistical mechanics

    Mechanical Harvesting Effectively Controls Young Typha spp. Invasion and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data Enhances Post-treatment Monitoring

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    The ecological impacts of invasive plants increase dramatically with time since invasion. Targeting young populations for treatment is therefore an economically and ecologically effective management approach, especially when linked to post-treatment monitoring to evaluate the efficacy of management. However, collecting detailed field-based post-treatment data is prohibitively expensive, typically resulting in inadequate documentation of the ecological effects of invasive plant management. Alternative approaches, such as remote detection with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), provide an opportunity to advance the science and practice of restoration ecology. In this study, we sought to determine the plant community response to different mechanical removal treatments to a dominant invasive wetland macrophyte (Typha spp.) along an age-gradient within a Great Lakes coastal wetland. We assessed the post-treatment responses with both intensive field vegetation and UAV data. Prior to treatment, the oldest Typha stands had the lowest plant diversity, lowest native sedge (Carex spp.) cover, and the greatest Typha cover. Following treatment, plots that were mechanically harvested below the surface of the water differed from unharvested control and above-water harvested plots for several plant community measures, including lower Typha dominance, lower native plant cover, and greater floating and submerged aquatic species cover. Repeated-measures analysis revealed that above-water cutting increased plant diversity and aquatic species cover across all ages, and maintained native Carex spp. cover in the youngest portions of Typha stands. UAV data revealed significant post-treatment differences in normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) scores, blue band reflectance, and vegetation height, and these remotely collected measures corresponded to field observations. Our findings suggest that both mechanically harvesting the above-water biomass of young Typha stands and harvesting older stands below-water will promote overall native community resilience, and increase the abundance of the floating and submerged aquatic plant guilds , which are the most vulnerable to invasions by large macrophytes. UAV’s provided fast and spatially expansive data compared to field monitoring, and effectively measured plant community structural responses to different treatments. Study results suggest pairing UAV flights with targeted field data collection to maximize the quality of post-restoration vegetation monitoring

    Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Optical Lattice-Loaded BEC Atoms: Beyond HFB Approximation

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    In this work a two-particle irreducible (2PI) closed-time-path (CTP) effective action is used to describe the nonequilibrium dynamics of a Bose Einstein condensate (BEC) selectively loaded into every third site of a one-dimensional optical lattice. The motivation of this work is the recent experimental realization of this system at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) where the placement of atoms in an optical lattice is controlled by using an intermediate superlattice. Under the 2PI CTP scheme with this initial configuration, three different approximations are considered: a) the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) approximation, b) the next-to-leading order 1/N\mathcal{N} expansion of the 2PI effective action up to second order in the interaction strength and c) a second order perturbative expansion in the interaction strength. We present detailed comparisons between these approximations and determine their range of validity by contrasting them with the exact many body solution for a moderate number of atoms and wells. As a general feature we observe that because the second order 2PI approximations include multi-particle scattering in a systematic way, they are able to capture damping effects exhibited in the exact solution that a mean field collisionless approach fails to produce. While the second order approximations show a clear improvement over the HFB approximation our numerical result shows that they do not work so well at late times, when interaction effects are significant.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure