1,067 research outputs found

    ROSAT Observations of a New X-ray Transient in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We describe ROSAT observations of a new X-ray transient and its probable optical companion in the Small Magellanic Cloud. The transient, designated RX J0117.6-7330, appeared at a position approximately 5 min southeast of the X-ray pulsar, SMC X-1, in 1992 October 1-2 PSPC observations centered on the pulsar. It was detected again in a similar observation 246 days later at a counting rate diminished by a factor of 270, which corresponds to an average epsilon-folding decay time of 44 days. No periodic pulsations have been detected. The average 1992 flux level would be produced by a source radiating isotropically with a luminosity of 1.6 X 10(exp 37)(D/50 kpc)(exp 2) ergs/s in the energy range 0.2-2.5 keV. The 5 sec radius positional error circle includes the probable optical counterpart in the form of a magnitude V = 14.2 star with the spectral characteristics of type Be

    Influence of Nitrogen Rate and Sampling Date on Soil Analysis Values of Highbush Blueberries

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    Three studies were conducted on nitrogen (N) fertilization effects on soil of highbush blueberries in Arkansas. Objectives included: 1) determination of varying N rate effects on the standard soil analysis variables, 2) determination of date of soil sampling effects on soil analyses, 3) evaluation of the interactions of N rate and time of sampling, and 4) determination of changes in soil content over years. This research was done in two of the more important highbush blueberry production areas in Arkansas: the Arkansas River Valley where blueberries are grown on sandy loam soils, and northwest Arkansas where production is more common on silt loam soils. This information provides greater insight into the soil dynamics of highbush blueberry plantings in Arkansas and can be used to increase precision of fertility and other soil property recommendations provided to growers

    Contribution Of Transfer Ionization To Total Electron Capture From A Helium Target

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    The contribution of transfer ionization (TI) to total electron capture has been measured for Oq+ ions (q=5, 6, 7, and 8) colliding with helium at energies from 0.5 to 1.5 MeV/u. These measurements, along with other published results, suggest a maximum TI contribution to total capture of 0.15q0.5 at E (in keV /u)q0.5100 The results demonstrate that the failure to account for transfer ionization in total single-charge-transfer cross sections may lead to large discrepancies between experiment and theory. © 1987 The American Physical Society

    End uses of energy in the U.S. economy, 1967 / CAC No. 145

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    "Supported by the Energy Research and Development Administration in cooperation with the National Science Foundation."Bibliography: p. 148-150

    The role of niobium carbides in the localised corrosion initiation of 20Cr-25Ni-Nb advanced gas-cooled reactor fuel cladding

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    The role of niobium carbide (NbC) inclusions in directing the initiation of localised corrosion in sensitised 20Cr-25Ni-Nb stainless steel is investigated using a range of in-situ scanning techniques, allowing visualisation of corrosion behaviour over multiple length scales. Volta potential mapping shows NbC inclusions are up to 30 mV noble to the matrix, while chromium-depleted grain boundaries are up to 65 mV less noble. Corrosion initiation, shown by scanning vibrating electrode technique to comprise highly localised anode sites, is observed at grain boundaries, adjacent to the location of NbC inclusion clusters which remain unaffected by anodic dissolution of the surrounding matrix

    The Effect of Sodium Hydroxide on Niobium Carbide Precipitates in Thermally Sensitised 20Cr-25Ni-Nb Austenitic Stainless Steel

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    Niobium-stabilised austenitic stainless steel (20Cr-25Ni-Nb) has been immersed in sodium hydroxide, which is used as a corrosion inhibitor. The work shows how NbC precipitates may be degraded by use of pH 13 NaOH. Initial electrochemical measurements indicate that there is no benefit to this pretreatment as regards long-term corrosion inhibition, and post corrosion imaging shows the initiation of pitting corrosion at Nb-rich precipitates still present in the microstructure

    Gasping in Response to Basic Resuscitation Efforts: Observation in a Swine Model of Cardiac Arrest

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    Objective. To analyze the effect of basic resuscitation efforts on gasping and of gasping on survival. Methods. This is secondary analysis of a previously reported study comparing continuous chest compressions (CCC CPR) versus chest compressions plus ventilation (30:2 CPR) on survival. 64 swine were randomized to 1 of these 2 basic CPR approaches after either short (3 or 4 minutes) or long (5 or 6 minutes) durations of untreated VF. At 12 minutes of VF, all received the same Guidelines 2005 Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Neurologically status was evaluated at 24 hours. A score of 1 is normal, 2 is abnormal, such as not eating or drinking normally, unsteady gait, or slight resistance to restraint, 3 severely abnormal, where the animal is recumbent and unable to stand, 4 is comatose, and 5 is dead. For this analysis a neurological outcome score of 1 or 2 was classified as “good”, and a score of 3, 4, or 5 was classified as “poor.” Results. Gasping was more likely to continue or if absent, to resume in the animals with short durations of untreated VF before basic resuscitation efforts. With long durations of untreated VF, the frequency of gasping and survival was better in swine receiving CCC CPR. In the absence of frequent gasping, intact survival was rare in the long duration of untreated VF group. Conclusions. Gasping is an important phenomenon during basic resuscitation efforts for VF arrest and in this model was more frequent with CCC-CPR

    Evaluation of SmartStax and SmartStax PRO Maize against Western Corn Rootworm and Northern Corn Rootworm: Efficacy and Resistance Management

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    Background: Cases of western corn rootworm (WCR) field-evolved resistance to Cry3Bb1 and other corn rootworm (CRW) control traits have been reported. Pyramid products expressing multiple CRW traits can delay resistance compared to single trait products. We used field studies to assess the pyramid CRW corn products, SmartStax (expressing Cry3Bb1 and Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1) and SmartStax PRO (expressing Cry3Bb1, Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 and DvSnf7), at locations with high WCR densities and possible Cry3Bb1 resistance, and to assess the reduction in adult emergence attributable to DvSnf7 and other traits. Insect resistance models were used to assess durability of SmartStax and SmartStax PRO to WCR resistance. Results: SmartStax significantly reduced root injury compared to non-CRW-trait controls at all but one location with measurable WCR pressure, while SmartStax PRO significantly reduced root injury at all locations, despite evidence of Cry3Bb1 resistance at some locations. The advantage of SmartStax PRO over SmartStax in reducing root damage was positively correlated with root damage on non-CRW-trait controls. DvSnf7 was estimated to reduce WCR emergence by approximately 80–95%, which modeling indicated will improve durability of Cry3Bb1 and Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 compared to SmartStax. Conclusion: The addition of DvSnf7 in SmartStax PRO can reduce root damage under high WCR densities and prolong Cry3Bb1 and Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 durability

    Emisari: a management information system designed to aid and involve people

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    The EMISARI System described in this paper represents a major departure from conventional MIS design. It is oriented not toward data per se, but rather toward activities of the people who generate and use the data. Thus it provides not merely for reporting up the chain of command, but also for dissemination of policy guidance and reference material down the chain, and for lateral communication among all users. It places a premium upon flexibility, to permit rapid system modifications in response to changes in user functions and needs and it offers a greatly simplified operation, to avoid any necessity for extensive user training or complex operation manuals. The overall approach may be viewed as a greatly modernized version of the classic telephone party line, using a computer to organize, selectively sort, and store-and-forward a constant flow of statistics, messages, estimates, reference materials, guidelines, notices, and other informational accountrements of a modern management operation