Emisari: a management information system designed to aid and involve people


The EMISARI System described in this paper represents a major departure from conventional MIS design. It is oriented not toward data per se, but rather toward activities of the people who generate and use the data. Thus it provides not merely for reporting up the chain of command, but also for dissemination of policy guidance and reference material down the chain, and for lateral communication among all users. It places a premium upon flexibility, to permit rapid system modifications in response to changes in user functions and needs and it offers a greatly simplified operation, to avoid any necessity for extensive user training or complex operation manuals. The overall approach may be viewed as a greatly modernized version of the classic telephone party line, using a computer to organize, selectively sort, and store-and-forward a constant flow of statistics, messages, estimates, reference materials, guidelines, notices, and other informational accountrements of a modern management operation

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