4,708 research outputs found

    Improving male involvement in antenatal care in low and middle-income countries to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV: A realist review

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    Background: Childhood Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection occurs almost exclusively via mother to child transmission (MTCT) during pregnancy, birth, or through breastfeeding. Recent studies have shown that male involvement (MI) in antenatal care (ANC) and HIV testing, including couples voluntary counselling and testing (CVCT), increases the likelihood that women will adhere to prevention advice and comply with HIV treatment if required during their pregnancy; hence reducing the rates of MTCT of HIV. This realist review investigates how, why, when, and for whom MI in ANC works best to provide contextual advice on how MI in ANC can be best used for prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. Methods: A realist review of existing evidence was conducted. Realist review seeks to explain how and why an intervention works, or does not work, in a given context. This was completed through the five stages of realist synthesis; Eliciting the program theory, search strategy, study selection criteria, data extraction, and data analysis and synthesis. Findings are presented as context-mechanism-outcome (CMO) configurations outlining the mechanisms that work in given contexts to give an outcome. Results: Three CMO configurations were developed. These describe that 1) Couples in monogamous relationships have higher levels of trust, commitment and security leading to increased uptake of PMTCT programs together; 2) ANC spaces that make ‘male friendly’ adaptions promote normalisation of MI in PMTCT and are more welcoming, leading to increased willingness of male partners to participate in ANC; and 3) couples and communities with higher health literacy encourage increased informed decision making, ownership, and responsibility and thus increased participation in PMTCT of HIV. Conclusions: The CMOs developed in this review give contextual advice on how one might improve ANC services to increase MI and help reduce MTCT of HIV. We propose that MI in ANC works best where couples are monogamous and trusting, where ANC spaces actively promote being a ‘male friendly space’ and where there are high levels of community education programs around MTCT

    Detection of hCG Responsive Expression of the Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein in Mouse Leydig Cells

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    The steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein, a novel mitochondrial protein, is involved in the regulation of steroid hormone biosynthesis through its mediation of the intramitochondrial transport of the steroid substrate, cholesterol, to the cytochrome P450 cholesterol side chain cleavage (P450scc) enzyme. The expression of StAR protein is regulated by cAMP-dependent signaling in steroidogenic cells. During the course of our studies in mouse Leydig cells, we employ several methods for studying the regulation of StAR protein expression by human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). A sensitive quantitative reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was utilized for determining StAR mRNA expression. Stimulation of mLTC-1 mouse Leydig tumor cells with hCG resulted in the coordinate regulation of StAR mRNA expression and progesterone accumulation in a time-response manner. The validity and accuracy of quantitative RT-PCR results in mLTC-1 cells were verified by a competitive PCR approach and were further confirmed in primary cultures of isolated mouse Leydig cells. Immunoblotting studies demonstrated an increase in the levels of the StAR protein in a concentration dependent manner following hCG stimulation in mLTC-1 cells. Northern hybridization analysis revealed three StAR transcripts, all of which were of sufficient size to encode functional StAR protein, and which were coordinately expressed in response to hCG. Collectively, the experimental approaches utilized in the present investigation allow for the demonstration and characterization of hCG mediated regulation of StAR mRNA and StAR protein expression in mouse Leydig cells

    Crested macaque facial movements are more intense and stereotyped in potentially risky social interactions

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    One contribution of 13 to a theme issue 'Cognition, communication and social bonds in primates'. Ambiguity in communicative signals may lead to misunderstandings and thus reduce the effectiveness of communication, especially in unpredictable interactions such as between closely matched rivals or those with a weak social bond. Therefore, signals used in these circumstances should be less ambiguous, more stereotyped and more intense. To test this prediction, we measured facial movements of crested macaques (Macaca nigra) during spontaneous social interaction, using the Facial Action Coding System for macaques (MaqFACS). We used linear mixed models to assess whether facial movement intensity and variability varied according to the interaction outcome, the individuals' dominance relationship and their social bond. Movements were least intense and most variable in affiliative contexts, and more intense in interactions between individuals who were closely matched in terms of dominance rating. We found no effect of social bond strength. Our findings provide evidence for a reduction in ambiguity of facial behaviour in risky social situations but do not demonstrate any mitigating effect of social relationship quality. The results indicate that the ability to modify communicative signals may play an important role in navigating complex primate social interactions. This article is part of the theme issue 'Cognition, communication and social bonds in primates'

    The effect of maternal position on placental blood flow and fetoplacental oxygenation in late gestation fetal growth restriction: a magnetic resonance imaging study

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    Fetal growth restriction (FGR) and maternal supine going-to-sleep position are both risk factors for late stillbirth. This study aimed to use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to quantify the effect of maternal supine position on maternal-placental and fetoplacental blood flow, placental oxygen transfer and fetal oxygenation in FGR and healthy pregnancies. Twelve women with FGR and 27 women with healthy pregnancies at 34–38 weeks’ gestation underwent MRI in both left lateral and supine positions. Phase-contrast MRI and a functional MRI technique (DECIDE) were used to measure blood flow in the maternal internal iliac arteries (IIAs) and umbilical vein (UV), placental oxygen transfer (placental flux), fetal oxygen saturation (FO2), and fetal oxygen delivery (delivery flux). The presence of FGR, compared to healthy pregnancies, was associated with a 7.8% lower FO2 (P = 0.02), reduced placental flux, and reduced delivery flux. Maternal supine positioning caused a 3.8% reduction in FO2 (P = 0.001), and significant reductions in total IIA flow, placental flux, UV flow and delivery flux compared to maternal left lateral position. The effect of maternal supine position on fetal oxygen delivery was independent of FGR pregnancy, meaning that supine positioning has an additive effect of reducing fetal oxygenation further in women with FGR, compared to women with appropriately grown for age pregnancies. Meanwhile, the effect of maternal supine positioning on placental oxygen transfer was not independent of the effect of FGR. Therefore, growth-restricted fetuses, which are chronically hypoxaemic, experience a relatively greater decline in oxygen transfer when mothers lie supine in late gestation compared to appropriately growing fetuses. (Figure presented.). Key points: Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is the most common risk factor associated with stillbirth, and early recognition and timely delivery is vital to reduce this risk. Maternal supine going-to-sleep position is found to increase the risk of late stillbirth but when combined with having a FGR pregnancy, maternal supine position leads to 15 times greater odds of stillbirth compared to supine sleeping with appropriately grown for age (AGA) pregnancies. Using MRI, this study quantifies the chronic hypoxaemia experienced by growth-restricted fetuses due to 13.5% lower placental oxygen transfer and 26% lower fetal oxygen delivery compared to AGA fetuses. With maternal supine positioning, there is a 23% reduction in maternal-placental blood flow and a further 14% reduction in fetal oxygen delivery for both FGR and AGA pregnancies, but this effect is proportionally greater for growth-restricted fetuses. This knowledge emphasises the importance of avoiding supine positioning in late pregnancy, particularly for vulnerable FGR pregnancies

    The effects of maternal position, in late gestation pregnancy, on placental blood flow and oxygenation: An MRI study

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    KEY POINTS: Maternal supine sleep position in late pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of stillbirth. Maternal supine position in late pregnancy reduces maternal cardiac output and uterine blood flow. Using MRI, this study shows that compared to the left lateral position, maternal supine position in late pregnancy is associated with reduced uteroplacental blood flow, oxygen transfer across the placenta with an average 6.2% reduction in oxygen delivery to the fetus and an average 11% reduction in fetal umbilical venous blood flow. ABSTRACT: Maternal sleep position in late gestation is associated with an increased risk of stillbirth though the pathophysiological reasons for this are unclear. Studies using MRI have shown that compared with lateral positions, lying supine causes a reduction in cardiac output, reduced abdominal aortic blood flow and reduced vena caval flow which is only partially compensated for by increased flow in the azygos venous system. Using functional MRI techniques, including an acquistion termed Diffusion-Relaxation Combined Imaging of the Placenta (DECIDE), which combines diffusion weighted imaging and T2 relaxometry, blood flow and oxygen transfer were estimated in the maternal, fetal and placental compartments when subjects were scanned both supine and in left lateral positions. In late gestation pregnancy, lying supine caused a 23.7% (p <0.0001) reduction in total internal iliac arterial blood flow to the uterus. In addition, lying in the supine position caused a 6.2% (p = 0.038) reduction in oxygen movement across the placenta. The reductions in oxygen transfer to the fetus, termed delivery flux, of 11.2% (p = 0.0597) and in fetal oxygen saturation of 4.4% (p = 0.0793) did not reach statistical significance. It is concluded that even in healthy late gestation pregnancy, maternal position significantly affects oxygen transfer across the placenta and may in part provide an explanation for late stillbirth in vulnerable fetuses. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Evidence for surprise minimization over value maximization in choice behavior

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    Classical economic models are predicated on the idea that the ultimate aim of choice is to maximize utility or reward. In contrast, an alternative perspective highlights the fact that adaptive behavior requires agents' to model their environment and minimize surprise about the states they frequent. We propose that choice behavior can be more accurately accounted for by surprise minimization compared to reward or utility maximization alone. Minimizing surprise makes a prediction at variance with expected utility models; namely, that in addition to attaining valuable states, agents attempt to maximize the entropy over outcomes and thus 'keep their options open'. We tested this prediction using a simple binary choice paradigm and show that human decision-making is better explained by surprise minimization compared to utility maximization. Furthermore, we replicated this entropy-seeking behavior in a control task with no explicit utilities. These findings highlight a limitation of purely economic motivations in explaining choice behavior and instead emphasize the importance of belief-based motivations

    Copper deficiency and effects of copper supplementation in a herd of red deer (Cervus elaphus)

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    Copper (Cu) deficiency was diagnosed in a Norwegian red deer (Cervus elaphus) herd subsequent to deaths due to emaciation in late autumn 1999. The animals had free access to salt licks containing 3000 mg Cu/kg. An evaluation of the herd revealed poor calf growth rate, low weights of adult hinds, dull and light-coloured hair coats and cases of diarrhoea. The herd was subsequently monitored throughout a three-year period of Cu-supplementation. The monitoring regimen included clinical observation, copper serum examination, weighing, faecal parasitological examination, and reproduction control by ultrasound. During the period January 2000 to May 2001, the animals were treated with Cu oxid capsules (1 g CuO/10 kg liveweight) at 2–4 months intervals, with the exception of March to September 2000. The animals were fed continuously with Cu-enriched concentrates containing 300 mg Cu/kg, at a rate of 1/2 kg per head and day, from May 2001 to January 2003. Following both copper supplementation regimens adequate serum Cu concentrations were measured, and markedly improved body weights, coat quality and reproductive results were observed, except for the period from March to September 2000 when no treatment was given. The results showed that in a deer herd, with a diet low in Cu, supplementation with CuO capsules had to be given at intervals of a few months to maintain adequate serum Cu levels. Free access to Cu-containing salt licks did not meet the animals' Cu demand. Good and stable results were achieved by the daily feeding of Cu-enriched concentrates

    Age and Smoking Related Changes in Metal Ion Levels in Human Lens: Implications for Cataract Formation

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    Age-related cataract formation is the primary cause of blindness worldwide and although treatable by surgical removal of the lens the majority of sufferers have neither the finances nor access to the medical facilities required. Therefore, a better understanding of the pathogenesis of cataract may identify new therapeutic targets to prevent or slow its progression. Cataract incidence is strongly correlated with age and cigarette smoking, factors that are often associated with accumulation of metal ions in other tissues. Therefore this study evaluated the age-related changes in 14 metal ions in 32 post mortem human lenses without known cataract from donors of 11 to 82 years of age by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry; smoking-related changes in 10 smokers verses 14 non-smokers were also analysed. A significant age-related increase in selenium and decrease in copper ions was observed for the first time in the lens tissue, where cadmium ion levels were also increased as has been seen previously. Aluminium and vanadium ions were found to be increased in smokers compared to non-smokers (an analysis that has only been carried out before in lenses with cataract). These changes in metal ions, i.e. that occur as a consequence of normal ageing and of smoking, could contribute to cataract formation via induction of oxidative stress pathways, modulation of extracellular matrix structure/function and cellular toxicity. Thus, this study has identified novel changes in metal ions in human lens that could potentially drive the pathology of cataract formation
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