3,333 research outputs found

    Career Preparation for Handicapped Adolescents: A Matter of Appropriate Education

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    This research was published by the KU Center for Research on Learning, formerly known as the University of Kansas Institute for Research in Learning Disabilities.A complete individualization concept is presented as the avenue to achieve "appropriate education" for handicapped adolescents. Exemplified within the context of the educational goal of career preparation, this concept involves the individualization of both content and instructional approach. The need for career preparation is supported by data which suggest that high school youth lack critical information in the areas of occupational development, daily living skills, and personal-social skills important to one's functioning in today's society

    Transition Issues for the 1990s

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    This is the publisher's version, also found here: http://www.sped.org

    From School to Adult Living: A Forum on Issues and Trends

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    This is the publisher's version, also found here: http://www.sped.org/EDITORS' NOTE: This article presents a forum for the personal views of four significant contributors to the conceptualization and implementation of transition programming as it exists in this country today. These individuals were selected from among a number of active contributors to the transition movement as representative spokespersons for the field. The questions posed by the guest editors were- developed from ideas and concerns that surfaced in the many manuscripts submitted for consideration in this special issue. Some of the issues raised in the questions reflect concerns expressed openly by professionals in the field, while others were inferred from more subtle or cautious statements. Each contributor received a set of questions to address. Each question was given to at least two contributors. They were encouraged to respond not only to their own set, but to any question of interest contained in other contributors' sets as well. As a result, a few questions were addressed by all four contributors. Their responses appear to reflect some consensus regarding the importance of the issues and trends suggested in the questions. Even so, the substance of their responses reflects a range of positions that would provoke keen consideration by readers

    A Closer Look at Transition Issues for the 1990s: A Response to Rusch and Menchetti

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    This document contains the version the publisher provided here:http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA6374415&v=2.1&u=ksstate_ukans&it=r&p=AONE&sw=


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    Daniel O'Brien et al., Economic comparison of SDI and center pivots for various field sizes, Kansas State University, October 1997

    Review of NVP and HG and Early Pharmacotherapeutic Intervention

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    NVP occurs in 50–90% of pregnancies, making it a common medical condition in pregnancy. Women present differently with any combination of signs and symptoms. It is appropriate to take the pregnancy-related versus nonpregnancy-related approach when determining the cause of nausea and vomiting but other causes should be considered. The most common etiologies for NVP include the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, the physiologic changes in the gastrointestinal tract, and a genetic predisposition. Up to 10% of women will require pharmacotherapy to treat the symptoms of NVP despite conservative measures. ACOG currently recommends that a combination of oral pyridoxine hydrochloride and doxylamine succinate be used as first-line treatment for NVP if pyridoxine monotherapy does not relieve symptoms. A review of NVP and early pharmacotherapeutic management is presented due to the fact that NVP is largely undertreated, and investigations into the safe and effective pharmacotherapies available to treat NVP are lacking

    Health assessment of gasoline and fuel oxygenate vapors: Micronucleus and sister chromatid exchange evaluations

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    AbstractMicronucleus and sister chromatid exchange (SCE) tests were performed for vapor condensate of baseline gasoline (BGVC), or gasoline with oxygenates, methyl tert-butyl ether (G/MTBE), ethyl tert butyl ether (G/ETBE), t-amyl methyl ether (G/TAME), diisopropyl ether (G/DIPE), t-butyl alcohol (TBA), or ethanol (G/EtOH). Sprague Dawley rats (the same 5/sex/group for both endpoints) were exposed to 0, 2000, 10,000, or 20,000mg/m3 of each condensate, 6h/day, 5days/week over 4weeks. Positive controls (5/sex/test) were given cyclophosphamide IP, 24h prior to sacrifice at 5mg/kg (SCE test) and 40mg/kg (micronucleus test). Blood was collected from the abdominal aorta for the SCE test and femurs removed for the micronucleus test. Blood cell cultures were treated with 5μg/ml bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) for SCE evaluation. No significant increases in micronucleated immature erythrocytes were observed for any test material. Statistically significant increases in SCE were observed in rats given BGVC alone or in female rats given G/MTBE. G/TAME induced increased SCE in both sexes at the highest dose only. Although DNA perturbation was observed for several samples, DNA damage was not expressed as increased micronuclei in bone marrow cells. Inclusion of oxygenates in gasoline did not increase the effects of gasoline alone or produce a cytogenetic hazard

    Western Educational Longitudinal Study (WELS) Baseline Survey of Students Entering as Transfers in the Fall, 2008

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    This report presents findings from the fall, 2008, baseline survey of entering transfers, a total of 973 students. There were 483 online responses and 297 phone responses, for an 81% response rate. Survey topics included transfers students’ previous education, attendance at Transitions (summer program for transfers), academic confidence, expectations as they enter Western, majors and minors, and personal backgrounds

    Role of galectin-glycan circuits in reproduction: from healthy pregnancy to preterm birth (PTB)

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    Growing evidence suggests that galectins, an evolutionarily conserved family of glycan-binding proteins, fulfill key roles in pregnancy including blastocyst implantation, maternal-fetal immune tolerance, placental development, and maternal vascular expansion, thereby establishing a healthy environment for the growing fetus. In this review, we comprehensively present the function of galectins in shaping cellular circuits that characterize a healthy pregnancy. We describe the current understanding of galectins in term and preterm labor and discuss how the galectin-glycan circuits contribute to key immunological pathways sustaining maternal tolerance and preventing microbial infections. A deeper understanding of the glycoimmune pathways regulating early events in preterm birth could offer the broader translational potential for the treatment of this devastating syndrome