13 research outputs found

    Efecto de la radiólisis y de los productos radiolíticos en la disolución del UO2: Aplicación al modelo de alteración de la matriz del combustible nuclear gastado

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    La gestió dels residus radioactius d'alta activitat suposen un dels majors reptes tecnològics de la societat actual, considerant-se la disposició en un Magatzem Geològic Profund (MGP) com la única alternativa viable per a la gestió definitiva d'aquests residus.Per avaluar la seguretat del repositori s'estudia, entre altres fets, com serà l'alliberació i el transport dels RN continguts en la matriu del combustible gastat (CG) tant dins de cada una de les barreres que formen el MGP com el transport entre elles.El Model de l'Alteració de la Matriu (MAM), com el seu nom indica, és el que estudia l'alteració de la matriu del CG formada principalment por UO2, que constitueix la barrera més interna del repositori.En el cas del repositori espanyol, el MAM considerat està basat en un modelo alfa-radiolític, on la radiòlisi de l'aigua subterrània, provocada per la radiació alfa emesa pel mateix CG, genera condicions oxidants en la capa d'aigua més propera a la superfície del mateix que provoquen un augment de la velocitat de dissolució de la matriu del CG i, en conseqüència, l'augment de l'alliberació dels actínids i productes de fissió que conté.Les principals deficiències del MAM fan referència a les incerteses en dades o processos fonamentals com són la densitat de punts de coordinació del CG, les cinètiques de precipitació de fases secundaries, la determinació per separat de la cinètica del procés d'oxidació del de dissolució per l'oxigen així com l'alteració oxidativa del CG pel peròxid de hidrogen.Per intentar donar resposta a aquestes limitacions, en la present tesi s'han desenvolupat una sèrie de treballs, utilitzant UO2 no irradiat com anàleg químic de la matriu del CG.Així, en el capítol 4 s'ha determinat la densitat de punts de coordinació del UO2 y del U3O8 mitjançant valoracions potenciomètriques àcid-base.En el capítol 5 s'ha estudiat l'alteració del UO2 per efecte de l'oxigen mitjançant assaigs estàtics en medi carbonat amb un reactor específicament dissenyat per aquests experiments, que permet evitar la presencia de fase gas en el seu interior, determinant la velocitat del procés d'oxidació i del de dissolució per separat. La principal conclusió és que les velocitats de dissolució obtingudes a baixes concentracions de bicarbonat no són representatives de l'estat real d'alteració del UO2.En el capítol 6 s'ha estudiat l'efecte del peròxid de hidrogen en l'alteració del UO2 en funció de diferents paràmetres com son la concentració de peròxid de hidrogen, tant en presencia com en absència de bicarbonats, la concentració de bicarbonats, el pH, la temperatura i la pressió, determinant-se les respectives equacions empíriques de velocitat de dissolució.En base als resultats obtinguts en les cinètiques de dissolució anteriors, i juntament amb els resultats d'una sèrie d'experiments desenvolupats per estudiar la implicació del radical hidroxil en l'oxidació del UO2 pel peròxid de hidrogen, s'ha proposat un model conceptual, basat en la reacció de Fenton, per a l'alteració oxidativa del UO2 pel peròxid de hidrogen que permet explicar tant els canvis de comportament observats en les diferents series de la present tesi com les observacions publicades en la bibliografia.Als capítols 5 y 6 s'ha estudiat el procés d'alteració del UO2 a escala nanomètrica mitjançant la microscopía de força (SFM), amb la què s'ha pogut determinar la cinètica de precipitació de la studtita, un peròxid d'urani.Finalment, en el capítol 7 s'han realitzat els primers estudis publicats a la literatura on s'ha estudiat l'efecte de la radiació BETA en l'alteració oxidativa del UO2 mitjançant una font d'irradiació de Sr-Y externa. Aquests estudis son necessaris tant per a poder entendre els experiments realitzats amb CG fresc com per justificar la no inclusió d'aquesta radiació dins del MAM. En aquests experiments s'ha posat de manifest que el peròxid d'hidrogen generat és la principal espècie responsable de l'alteració del UO2 per efecte de la radiació BETA.La gestión de los residuos radioactivos de alta actividad supone uno de los mayores desafíos tecnológicos de la sociedad actual, considerándose la disposición en un Almacén Geológico Profundo (AGP) como la única alternativa viable para la gestión definitiva de estos residuos.Para evaluar la seguridad del repositorio se estudia, entre otros, cómo será la liberación y transporte de los RN contenidos en la matriz del combustible gastado (CG) tanto dentro de cada una de las barreras que forman el AGP como entre las mismas.El Modelo de la Alteración de la Matriz (MAM), como su nombre indica, es el encargado de estudiar la alteración de la matriz del CG compuesta principalmente por UO2, que constituye la barrera más interna del repositorio.En el caso del repositorio español, el MAM considerado se basa en un modelo alfa-radiolítico, donde la radiólisis del agua subterránea provocada por la radiación alfa emitida por el CG genera condiciones oxidantes en la capa de agua que rodea la superficie del mismo que provocan un aumento de la velocidad de disolución de la matriz del CG, y en consecuencia, el aumento de la liberación de los actínidos y productos de fisión que contiene.Las principales deficiencias del MAM hacen referencia a las incertidumbres en los datos o procesos fundamentales como son: la densidad de puntos de coordinación del CG, las cinéticas de precipitación de fases secundarias, la determinación del proceso de oxidación por el oxígeno, y la alteración del CG por el peróxido de hidrógeno.Para intentar dar respuesta a estas limitaciones, en la presente tesis se han desarrollado una serie de trabajos, utilizando UO2 no irradiado como análogo químico de la matriz CG.Así, en el capítulo 4 se ha determinado la densidad de puntos de coordinación del UO2 y del U3O8 mediante valoraciones potenciométricas ácido-base.En el capítulo 5 se ha estudiado la alteración del UO2 por efecto del oxígeno mediante ensayos estáticos en medio carbonato en un reactor específicamente diseñado para evitar la presencia de fase gas, determinando la velocidad de oxidación y de disolución por separado. La principal conclusión es que las velocidades de disolución obtenidas a bajas concentraciones de bicarbonato no son representativas del estado real de alteración del UO2.En el capítulo 6 se ha estudiado el efecto del peróxido de hidrógeno en la alteración del UO2 en función de distintos parámetros como son la concentración de peróxido de hidrógeno, tanto en presencia como en ausencia de bicarbonatos, la concentración de bicarbonatos, el pH, la temperatura y la presión, determinándose las respectivas ecuaciones empíricas de velocidad de disolución.En base a los resultados obtenidos en las cinéticas de disolución anteriores, junto a una serie de experimentos desarrollados para estudiar la implicación del radical hidroxilo en la oxidación del UO2 por el peróxido de hidrógeno, se ha propuesto un modelo conceptual, basado en la reacción de Fenton, para la alteración oxidativa del UO2 por el peróxido de hidrógeno que permite explicar tanto los cambios de comportamiento observados en las distintas series de la presente tesis como las observaciones publicadas en la bibliografía.Dentro de los capítulos 5 y 6 se ha estudiado el proceso de alteración del UO2 a escala nanométrica mediante la microscopía de fuerza (SFM), técnica con la que se ha podido determinar la cinética de precipitación de la studtita.Finalmente, en el capítulo 7, se han realizado los primeros estudios publicados en la literatura científica, en los que se ha estudiado el efecto de la radiación BETA en la alteración oxidativa del UO2. Estos estudios son necesarios tanto para poder entender los experimentos realizados con CG fresco, como para justificar la no inclusión de esta radiación dentro del MAM. En estos experimentos se ha puesto de manifiesto que el peróxido de hidrógeno generado es la principal especie responsable de la alteración del UO2 por efecto de la radiación BETA.The management of the high level radioactive waste supposes one of the greatest technological challenges for our society, considering the disposal in a Deep Geological Repository as the only viable alternative for the definitive management of these wastes.During the repository performance assessment one studies, among others, how it will be the release and the transport of the RN contained in the spent fuel matrix inside and between each one of the barriers that form the repository.The Matrix Alteration Model (MAM), as its name indicates, is the one in charge to mainly study the alteration of the spent fuel matrix mainly UO2, that constitutes the most internal barrier of the repository.In the case of Spanish repository, the considered MAM is based on an alfa-radiolytic model, where the radiolysis of the groundwater caused by the alpha radiation emitted from the spent fuel (SF) itself generates oxidizing conditions in the layers of water more closed to SF surface that cause an increase in the rate of spent fuel matrix dissolution, and the consequent increase in the release of actinides and fission products that are embedded in it.The main deficiencies in the MAM are related to the uncertainties in data or in fundamental processes such as the SF surface site densities, the kinetic constants rates for secondary phases precipitation, to separate the uranium dioxide oxidation from the dissolution process in oxygen media and the SF alteration by hydrogen peroxide.In order to decrease some of these limitations in the MAM, in the present thesis, using non-irradiated UO2 as a chemical analogue of the spent fuel matrix, a series of experimental work has been undertaken.Thus, in chapter 4 the surface site densities of UO2 and U3O8 has been determined by means of a potentiometric acid-base titrations of solid suspensions.In chapter 5, the UO2 oxidation and dissolution kinetics rates have been determined in oxygen and bicarbonate media by means of batch tests, in a specifically designed reactor to prevent the presence of any gas phase. The main conclusion is that the dissolution rates obtained at low bicarbonate concentrations are not representative for the real alteration of the UO2.In chapter 6, the effect of the hydrogen peroxide in the oxidative alteration of the UO2 has been studied in function of different parameters as the hydrogen peroxide concentration, with and without bicarbonate media, the concentration of bicarbonate, the pH, the temperature and the pressure, determining the respective empirical equations for UO2 dissolution kinetics rates

    Molybdenum release from high burnup spent nuclear fuel at alkaline and hyperalkaline pH

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    This work presents experimental data and modelling of the release of Mo from high-burnup spent nuclear fuel (63 MWd/kgU) at two different pH values, 8.4 and 13.2 in air. The release of Mo from SF to the solution is around two orders of magnitude higher at pH = 13.2 than at pH = 8.4. The high Mo release at high pH would indicate that Mo would not be congruently released with uranium and would have an important contribution to the Instant Release Fraction, with a value of 5.3%. Parallel experiments with pure non irradiated Mo(s) and XPS determinations indicated that the faster dissolution at pH = 13.2 could be the consequence of the higher releases from metallic Mo in the fuel through a surface complexation mechanism promoted by the OH− and the oxidation of the metal to Mo(VI) via the formation of intermediate Mo(IV) and Mo(V) species

    Does Culture Shape Our Understanding of Others’ Thoughts and Emotions? An Investigation Across 12 Countries

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    Q2Q2Measures of social cognition have now become central in neuropsychology, being essential for early and differential diagnoses, follow-up, and rehabilitation in a wide range of conditions. With the scientific world becoming increasingly interconnected, international neuropsychological and medical collaborations are burgeoning to tackle the global challenges that are mental health conditions. These initiatives commonly merge data across a diversity of populations and countries, while ignoring their specificity. Objective: In this context, we aimed to estimate the influence of participants’ nationality on social cognition evaluation. This issue is of particular importance as most cognitive tasks are developed in highly specific contexts, not representative of that encountered by the world’s population. Method: Through a large international study across 18 sites, neuropsychologists assessed core aspects of social cognition in 587 participants from 12 countries using traditional and widely used tasks. Results: Age, gender, and education were found to impact measures of mentalizing and emotion recognition. After controlling for these factors, differences between countries accounted for more than 20% of the variance on both measures. Importantly, it was possible to isolate participants’ nationality from potential translation issues, which classically constitute a major limitation. Conclusions: Overall, these findings highlight the need for important methodological shifts to better represent social cognition in both fundamental research and clinical practice, especially within emerging international networks and consortia.https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9422-3579https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6529-7077Revista Internacional - IndexadaA2N

    Grey water reclamation by decentralized MBR prototype

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    Grey water treatment and reuse for non-drinking water requirements has become of great interest in arid and semi-arid zones where water resources are becoming both quantitatively and qualitatively scarce. In this study a decentralized and automatic MBR prototype has been designed and installed in the REMOSA facilities for treatment of low-load grey water to be recycled in flushing-toilet application. The recycling treatment of grey water comprises four stages: screening, biological oxidation, filtration and a final disinfection by chlorination. The influent and effluent were monitored in order to determine the treatment efficiency and assessment of the quality potential of treated grey water. The results obtained indicate that recycling of grey water allows an effluent of excellent quality with organic, surfactants and microbial parameters under the limits defined by Spanish legislation for urban water reuse. The disinfection of treated grey water is required to ensure compliance with microbial standards and to avoid the health risk in storage and application of recycled water.Postprint (published version

    Grey water reclamation by decentralized MBR prototype

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    Grey water treatment and reuse for non-drinking water requirements has become of great interest in arid and semi-arid zones where water resources are becoming both quantitatively and qualitatively scarce. In this study a decentralized and automatic MBR prototype has been designed and installed in the REMOSA facilities for treatment of low-load grey water to be recycled in flushing-toilet application. The recycling treatment of grey water comprises four stages: screening, biological oxidation, filtration and a final disinfection by chlorination. The influent and effluent were monitored in order to determine the treatment efficiency and assessment of the quality potential of treated grey water. The results obtained indicate that recycling of grey water allows an effluent of excellent quality with organic, surfactants and microbial parameters under the limits defined by Spanish legislation for urban water reuse. The disinfection of treated grey water is required to ensure compliance with microbial standards and to avoid the health risk in storage and application of recycled water

    Developing social life cycle assessment based on corporate social responsibility: A chemical process industry case regarding human rights

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    MSocial Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) uses a life cycle perspective to assess social impacts of products, and the S-LCA guidelines describe developing the system boundaries based on a factory-level perspective. However, such a perspective may exclude stakeholders with a negative social performance which are cooperating with a factory but are not directly involved with the product under study, and it can result in a step back on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Our study aimed to align S-LCA with the CSR concept. Therefore, we designed a case study for the manufacturing sector in which we practiced expanding the system boundaries of S-LCA. Our results showed larger social risks after expanding the system boundaries due to subsidiary and supplier companies located in countries with less strict regulations than the Netherlands, which is where the main organizations and parent company existed. We conclude that system boundaries expansion can result in more complete picture of the involved organizations, and lead practitioners to approach S-LCA with the goal of improving social conditions and identify companies which deserve excellent or poor social scores. Its usefulness is mostly expected when S-LCA practitioners aim to identify social hotspots in supply chains in socially sensitive markets.</p

    Developing social life cycle assessment based on corporate social responsibility: A chemical process industry case regarding human rights

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    MSocial Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) uses a life cycle perspective to assess social impacts of products, and the S-LCA guidelines describe developing the system boundaries based on a factory-level perspective. However, such a perspective may exclude stakeholders with a negative social performance which are cooperating with a factory but are not directly involved with the product under study, and it can result in a step back on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Our study aimed to align S-LCA with the CSR concept. Therefore, we designed a case study for the manufacturing sector in which we practiced expanding the system boundaries of S-LCA. Our results showed larger social risks after expanding the system boundaries due to subsidiary and supplier companies located in countries with less strict regulations than the Netherlands, which is where the main organizations and parent company existed. We conclude that system boundaries expansion can result in more complete picture of the involved organizations, and lead practitioners to approach S-LCA with the goal of improving social conditions and identify companies which deserve excellent or poor social scores. Its usefulness is mostly expected when S-LCA practitioners aim to identify social hotspots in supply chains in socially sensitive markets.Energy & IndustryHeritage & ValuesEthics & Philosophy of Technolog

    Dynamic leaching studies of 48 MWd/kgU UO2 commercial spent nuclear fuel under oxic conditions

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    The leaching of a high-burn-up spent nuclear fuel (48 MWd/KgU) has been studied in a carbonate-containing solution and under oxic conditions using a Continuously Stirred Tank Flow-Through Reactor (CSTR). Two samples of the fuel, one prepared from the centre of the pellet (labelled CORE) and another one from the fuel pellet periphery, enriched with the so-called High Burn-Up Structure (HBS, labelled OUT) have been used. For uranium and actinides, the results showed that U, Np, Am and Cm gave very similar normalized dissolution rates, while Pu showed slower dissolution rates for both samples. In addition, dissolution rates were consistently two to four times lower for OUT sample compared to CORE sample. Considering the fission products release the main results are that Y, Tc, La and Nd dissolved very similar to uranium; while Cs, Sr, Mo and Rb have up to 10 times higher dissolution rates. Rh, Ru and Zr seemed to have lower dissolution rates than uranium. The lowest dissolution rates were found for OUT sample. Three different contributions were detected on uranium release, modelled and attributed to oxidation layer, fines and matrix release.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Dynamic leaching studies of 48 MWd/kgU UO2 commercial spent nuclear fuel under oxic conditions

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    The leaching of a high-burn-up spent nuclear fuel (48 MWd/KgU) has been studied in a carbonate-containing solution and under oxic conditions using a Continuously Stirred Tank Flow-Through Reactor (CSTR). Two samples of the fuel, one prepared from the centre of the pellet (labelled CORE) and another one from the fuel pellet periphery, enriched with the so-called High Burn-Up Structure (HBS, labelled OUT) have been used. For uranium and actinides, the results showed that U, Np, Am and Cm gave very similar normalized dissolution rates, while Pu showed slower dissolution rates for both samples. In addition, dissolution rates were consistently two to four times lower for OUT sample compared to CORE sample. Considering the fission products release the main results are that Y, Tc, La and Nd dissolved very similar to uranium; while Cs, Sr, Mo and Rb have up to 10 times higher dissolution rates. Rh, Ru and Zr seemed to have lower dissolution rates than uranium. The lowest dissolution rates were found for OUT sample. Three different contributions were detected on uranium release, modelled and attributed to oxidation layer, fines and matrix release.Peer Reviewe