2,258 research outputs found

    The use of mobile technology to facilitate self-management in adults with Type 1 Diabetes: A qualitative explorative approach

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    Aims: (a) To explore how mobile technology can support self‐management in adults with type 1 diabetes (T1DM). (b) To inform a usability study in the design of a mobile application to facilitate self‐management of T1DM. Design: Qualitative exploratory design. Methods: Semi‐structured interviews were undertaken with adults with T1DM (N = 8). The data collected were analysed using a thematic analysis approach. Results: Mobile technology has the potential to support adults in their self‐management of T1DM through facilitating their decision‐making, saving time and enabling them to easily share their data with their healthcare professional. Participants identified four main visualization characteristics for technology to aid in decision‐making; relationships between inputs, trends, graphs and colours, and identified essential features such as ease of use, convenience and connectivity

    The development of improvements to drivers' direct and indirect vision from vehicles - phase 2

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    This report describes the work undertaken in fulfilment of Phase 2 of the research project relating to the development of improvements to drivers‘ direct and indirect vision from vehicles

    Identifying the Structural Basis for the Increased Stability of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase Formed on Silicon with the Additive Fluoroethylene Carbonate.

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    To elucidate the role of fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) as an additive in the standard carbonate-based electrolyte for Li-ion batteries, the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formed during electrochemical cycling on silicon anodes was analyzed with a combination of solution and solid-state NMR techniques, including dynamic nuclear polarization. To facilitate characterization via 1D and 2D NMR, we synthesized 13C-enriched FEC, ultimately allowing a detailed structural assignment of the organic SEI. We find that the soluble poly(ethylene oxide)-like linear oligomeric electrolyte breakdown products that are observed after cycling in the standard ethylene carbonate-based electrolyte are suppressed in the presence of 10 vol% FEC additive. FEC is first defluorinated to form soluble vinylene carbonate and vinoxyl species, which react to form both soluble and insoluble branched ethylene-oxide-based polymers. No evidence for branched polymers is observed in the absence of FEC

    Insights into olfactory ensheathing cell development from a laser-microdissection and transcriptome-profiling approach.

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    Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) are neural crest-derived glia that ensheath bundles of olfactory axons from their peripheral origins in the olfactory epithelium to their central targets in the olfactory bulb. We took an unbiased laser microdissection and differential RNA-seq approach, validated by in situ hybridization, to identify candidate molecular mechanisms underlying mouse OEC development and differences with the neural crest-derived Schwann cells developing on other peripheral nerves. We identified 25 novel markers for developing OECs in the olfactory mucosa and/or the olfactory nerve layer surrounding the olfactory bulb, of which 15 were OEC-specific (that is, not expressed by Schwann cells). One pan-OEC-specific gene, Ptprz1, encodes a receptor-like tyrosine phosphatase that blocks oligodendrocyte differentiation. Mutant analysis suggests Ptprz1 may also act as a brake on OEC differentiation, and that its loss disrupts olfactory axon targeting. Overall, our results provide new insights into OEC development and the diversification of neural crest-derived glia.Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Cambridge Philosophical Societ

    An in vitro assay to investigate venom neurotoxin activity on muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor activation and for the discovery of toxin-inhibitory molecules

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    Snakebite envenoming is a neglected tropical disease that causes over 100,000 deaths annually. Envenomings result in variable pathologies, but systemic neurotoxicity is among the most serious and is currently only treated with difficult to access and variably efficacious commercial antivenoms. Venom-induced neurotoxicity is often caused by α-neurotoxins antagonising the muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), a ligand-gated ion channel. Discovery of therapeutics targeting α-neurotoxins is hampered by relying on binding assays that do not reveal restoration of receptor activity or more costly and/or lower throughput electrophysiology-based approaches. Here, we report the validation of a screening assay for nAChR activation using immortalised TE671 cells expressing the γ-subunit containing muscle-type nAChR and a fluorescent dye that reports changes in cell membrane potential. Assay validation using traditional nAChR agonists and antagonists, which either activate or block ion fluxes, was consistent with previous studies. We then characterised antagonism of the nAChR by a variety of elapid snake venoms that cause muscle paralysis in snakebite victims, before defining the toxin-inhibiting activities of commercial antivenoms, and new types of snakebite therapeutic candidates, namely monoclonal antibodies, decoy receptors, and small molecules. Our findings show robust evidence of assay uniformity across 96-well plates and highlight the amenability of this approach for the future discovery of new snakebite therapeutics via screening campaigns. The described assay therefore represents a useful first-step approach for identifying α-neurotoxins and their inhibitors in the context of snakebite envenoming, and it should provide wider value for studying modulators of nAChR activity from other sources

    The word as a unit of meaning. The role of context in words meaning

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    A unit of meaning is a word plus all those words within its contextual context that are needed to disambiguate this word to make it monosemous. A lot of research were made to study the influence of the context. They testify that there is usually in each word a hard core of relatively stable meaning and can be modified by the context within certain limits

    Improving Project Logistics by using IoT

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    This Bachelor´s thesis is made on behalf of Wärtsilä Energy Solutions, Project Logistics & Transport Management department whose main task is to coordinate and ensure that materials and products are transported to the right place and on time in Project Logistics. This thesis examines how you could improve Wärtsilä´s Project Logistics by using Internet of Things. By developing IoT, there has been an increased chance to get more information about transports than before and Wärtsilä is currently looking for new solutions to use that could improve their current logistics system. The purpose of this thesis is to review new, and used, solutions on the market, and then see what could work in practice at Wärtsilä. Material to this thesis are gathered from books, web pages and articles that reviewed interesting IoT solutions and which also gave examples on different solutions that are used by other companies in the same business. The Result is two different methods that could improve Wärtsilä´s Project Logistics in different occasions. These results are intended to give tips on how IoT could improve the department´s ways of coordinating and check transports and logistics within a project.Detta examensarbete är gjort i uppdrag av Wärtsilä Energy Solutions, Project logistics & Transport Management avdelningen vars huvuduppgift är att koordinera och se till att material och produkter transporteras till rätt plats i rätt tid inom projekt logistiken. Examensarbetet behandlar hur man kunde förbättra Wärtsiläs projekt logistik genom att använda Internet of Things. Genom att IoT har utvecklats har det uppstått möjligheter att få fram mer information om transporter än tidigare och Wärtsilä söker för tillfället nya lösningar som kunde användas för att förbättra deras nuvarande logistiksystem. Syftet med arbetet är att gå igenom nya, men även redan befintliga, lösningar som används på dagens marknad - för att sedan se vad som kunde fungera i praktiken hos Wärtsilä. Material till arbetet är samlat från böcker, webbsidor och artiklar som gick igenom intressanta IoT lösningar och som också gav exempel på hur olika system fungerar och används av andra företag inom samma bransch. Slutresultatet blev två olika metoder som kunde förbättra Wärtsiläs projekt logistik vid olika tillfällen. Dessa resultat är tänkta för att ge tips på hur IoT kunde förbättra avdelningens sätt hur man koordinerar och granskar transporter och logistiken inom ett projekt

    Identification of multiple transcription factor genes potentially involved in the development of electrosensory versus mechanosensory lateral line organs

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    In electroreceptive jawed vertebrates, embryonic lateral line placodes give rise to electrosensory ampullary organs as well as mechanosensory neuromasts. Previous reports of shared gene expression suggest that conserved mechanisms underlie electroreceptor and mechanosensory hair cell development and that electroreceptors evolved as a transcriptionally related “sister cell type” to hair cells. We previously identified only one transcription factor gene, Neurod4, as ampullary organ-restricted in the developing lateral line system of a chondrostean ray-finned fish, the Mississippi paddlefish (Polyodon spathula). The other 16 transcription factor genes we previously validated in paddlefish were expressed in both ampullary organs and neuromasts. Here, we used our published lateral line organ-enriched gene-set (arising from differential bulk RNA-seq in late-larval paddlefish), together with a candidate gene approach, to identify 25 transcription factor genes expressed in the developing lateral line system of a more experimentally tractable chondrostean, the sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus, a small sturgeon), and/or that of paddlefish. Thirteen are expressed in both ampullary organs and neuromasts, consistent with conservation of molecular mechanisms. Seven are electrosensory-restricted on the head (Irx5, Irx3, Insm1, Sp5, Satb2, Mafa and Rorc), and five are the first-reported mechanosensory-restricted transcription factor genes (Foxg1, Sox8, Isl1, Hmx2 and Rorb). However, as previously reported, Sox8 is expressed in ampullary organs as well as neuromasts in a catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula), suggesting the existence of lineage-specific differences between cartilaginous and ray-finned fishes. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that ampullary organs and neuromasts develop via largely conserved transcriptional mechanisms, and identify multiple transcription factors potentially involved in the formation of electrosensory versus mechanosensory lateral line organs

    Snakebite drug discovery: high-throughput screening to identify novel snake venom metalloproteinase toxin inhibitors

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    Snakebite envenoming results in ∼100,000 deaths per year, with close to four times as many victims left with life-long sequelae. Current antivenom therapies have several limitations including high cost, variable cross-snake species efficacy and a requirement for intravenous administration in a clinical setting. Next-generation snakebite therapies are being widely investigated with the aim to improve cost, efficacy, and safety. In recent years several small molecule drugs have shown considerable promise for snakebite indication, with oral bioavailability particularly promising for community delivery rapidly after a snakebite. However, only two such drugs have entered clinical development for snakebite. To offset the risk of attrition during clinical trials and to better explore the chemical space for small molecule venom toxin inhibitors, here we describe the first high throughput drug screen against snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs)—a pathogenic toxin family responsible for causing haemorrhage and coagulopathy. Following validation of a 384-well fluorescent enzymatic assay, we screened a repurposed drug library of 3,547 compounds against five geographically distinct and toxin variable snake venoms. Our drug screen resulted in the identification of 14 compounds with pan-species inhibitory activity. Following secondary potency testing, four SVMP inhibitors were identified with nanomolar EC50s comparable to the previously identified matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor marimastat and superior to the metal chelator dimercaprol, doubling the current global portfolio of SVMP inhibitors. Following analysis of their chemical structure and ADME properties, two hit-to-lead compounds were identified. These clear starting points for the initiation of medicinal chemistry campaigns provide the basis for the first ever designer snakebite specific small molecules.</jats:p