196 research outputs found

    Mapping genome-wide neuropsychiatric mutation effects on functional brain connectivity : c opy number variants delineate dimensions contributing to autism and schizophrenia

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    Les recherches menées pour comprendre les troubles du spectre autistique (TSA) et la schizophrénie (SZ) ont communément utilisé une approche dite descendante, partant du diagnostic clinique pour investiguer des phénotypes intermédiaires cérébraux ainsi que des variations génétiques associées. Des études transdiagnostiques récentes ont remis en question ces frontières nosologiques, et suggèrent des mécanismes étiologiques imbriqués. L’approche montante propose de composer des groupes de porteurs d’un même variant génétique afin d’investiguer leur contribution aux conditions neuropsychiatriques (NPs) associées. Les variations du nombre de copies (CNV, perte ou gain d’un fragment d’ADN) figurent parmi les facteurs biologiques les plus associés aux NPs, et sont dès lors des candidats particulièrement appropriés. Les CNVs induisant un risque pour des conditions similaires, nous posons l’hypothèse que des classes entières de CNVs convergent sur des dimensions d’altérations cérébrales qui contribuent aux NPs. L’imagerie fonctionnelle au repos (rs-fMRI) s’est révélée un outil prometteur en psychiatrie, mais presqu’aucune étude n’a été menée pour comprendre l’impact des CNVs sur la connectivité fonctionnelle cérébrale (FC). Nos objectifs étaient de: 1) Caractériser l’effet des CNVs sur la FC; 2) Rechercher la présence des motifs conférés par ces signatures biologiques dans des conditions idiopathiques; 3) Tester si la suppression de gènes intolérants à l’haploinsuffisance réorganise la FC de manière indépendante à leur localisation dans le génome. Nous avons agrégé des données de rs-fMRI chez: 502 porteurs de 8 CNVs associées aux NPs (CNVs-NP), de 4 CNVs sans association établie, ainsi que de porteurs de CNVs-NPs éparses; 756 sujets ayant un diagnostic de TSA, de SZ, ou de trouble déficitaire de l’attention/hyperactivité (TDAH), et 5377 contrôles. Les analyses du connectome entier ont montré un effet de dosage génique positif pour les CNVs 22q11.2 et 1q21.1, et négatif pour le 16p11.2. La taille de l’effet des CNVs sur la FC était corrélée au niveau de risque psychiatrique conféré par le CNV. En accord avec leurs effets sur la cognition, l’effet des délétions sur la FC était plus élevé que celui des duplications. Nous avons identifié des similarités entre les motifs cérébraux conférés par les CNVs-NP, et l’architecture fonctionnelle des individus avec NPs. Le niveau de similarité était associé à la sévérité du CNV, et était plus fort avec la SZ et les TSA qu’avec les TDAH. La comparaison des motifs conférés par les délétions les plus sévères (16p11.2, 22q11.2) à l’échelle fonctionnelle, et d’expression génique, nous a confirmé l’existence présumée de relation entre les mutations elles-mêmes. À l’aide d’une mesure d’intolérance aux mutations (pLI), nous avons pu inclure tous les porteurs de CNVs disponibles, et ainsi identifier un profil d’haploinsuffisance impliquant le thalamus, le cortex antérieur cingulaire, et le réseau somato-moteur, associé à une diminution de mesure d’intelligence générale. Enfin, une analyse d’exploration factorielle nous a permis de confirmer la contribution de ces régions cérébrales à 3 composantes latentes partagées entre les CNVs et les NPs. Nos résultats ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension des mécanismes polygéniques à l’oeuvre dans les maladies mentales, ainsi que des effets pléiotropiques des CNVs.Research on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and schizophrenia (SZ) has mainly adopted a ‘top-down’ approach, starting from psychiatric diagnosis, and moving to intermediate brain phenotypes and underlying genetic factors. Recent cross-disorder studies have raised questions about diagnostic boundaries and pleiotropic mechanisms. By contrast, the recruitment of groups based on the presence of a genetic risk factor allows for the investigation of molecular pathways related to a particular risk for neuropsychiatric conditions (NPs). Copy number variants (CNVs, loss or gain of a DNA segment), which confer high risk for NPs are natural candidates to conduct such bottom-up approaches. Because CNVs have a similar range of adverse effects on NPs, we hypothesized that entire classes of CNVs may converge upon shared connectivity dimensions contributing to mental illness. Resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) studies have provided critical insight into the architecture of brain networks involved in NPs, but so far only a few studies have investigated networks modulated by CNVs. We aimed at 1) Delineating the effects of neuropsychiatric variants on functional connectivity (FC), 2) Investigating whether the alterations associated with CNVs are also found among idiopathic psychiatric populations, 3) Testing whether deletions reorganize FC along general dimensions, irrespective of their localization in the genome. We gathered rsfMRI data on 502 carriers of eight NP-CNVs (high-risk), four CNVs without prior association to NPs as well as carriers of eight scarcer NP-CNVs. We also analyzed 756 subjects with idiopathic ASD, SZ, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and 5,377 controls. Connectome-wide analyses showed a positive gene dosage effect for the 22q11.2 and 1q21.1 CNVs, and a negative association for the 16p11.2 CNV. The effect size of CNVs on relative FC (mean-connectivity adjusted) was correlated with the known level of NP-risk conferred by CNVs. Consistent with results on cognition, we also reported that deletions had a larger effect size on FC than duplications. We identified similarities between high-risk CNV profiles and the connectivity architecture of individuals with NPs. The level of similarity was associated with mutation severity and was strongest in SZ, followed by ASD, and ADHD. The similarity was driven by the thalamus, and the posterior cingulate cortex, previously identified as hubs in transdiagnostic psychiatric studies. These results raised questions about shared mechanisms across CNVs. By comparing deletions at the 16p11.2 and 22q11.2 loci, we identified similarities at the connectivity, and at the gene expression level. We extended this work by pooling all deletions available for analysis. We asked if connectivity alterations were associated with the severity of deletions scored using pLI, a measure of intolerance to haploinsufficiency. The haploinsufficiency profile involved the thalamus, anterior cingulate cortex, and somatomotor network and was correlated with lower general intelligence and higher autism severity scores in 3 unselected and disease cohorts. An exploratory factor analysis confirmed the contribution of these regions to three latent components shared across CNVs and NPs. Our results open new avenues for understanding polygenicity in psychiatric conditions, and the pleiotropic effect of CNVs on cognition and on risk for neuropsychiatric disorders

    1q21.1 distal copy number variants are associated with cerebral and cognitive alterations in humans

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    Low-frequency 1q21.1 distal deletion and duplication copy number variant (CNV) carriers are predisposed to multiple neurodevelopmental disorders, including schizophrenia, autism and intellectual disability. Human carriers display a high prevalence of micro- and macrocephaly in deletion and duplication carriers, respectively. The underlying brain structural diversity remains largely unknown. We systematically called CNVs in 38 cohorts from the large-scale ENIGMA CNV collaboration and the UK Biobank and identified 28 1q21.1 distal deletion and 22 duplication carriers and 37,088 non-carriers (48% male) derived from 15 distinct magnetic resonance imaging scanner sites. With standardized methods, we compared subcortical and cortical brain measures (all) and cognitive performance (UK Biobank only) between carrier groups also testing for mediation of brain structure on cognition. We identified positive dosage effects of copy number on intracranial volume (ICV) and total cortical surface area, with the largest effects in frontal and cingulate cortices, and negative dosage effects on caudate and hippocampal volumes. The carriers displayed distinct cognitive deficit profiles in cognitive tasks from the UK Biobank with intermediate decreases in duplication carriers and somewhat larger in deletion carriers—the latter potentially mediated by ICV or cortical surface area. These results shed light on pathobiological mechanisms of neurodevelopmental disorders, by demonstrating gene dose effect on specific brain structures and effect on cognitive functio

    The genetics-BIDS extension: Easing the search for genetic data associated with human brain imaging

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    Metadata are what makes databases searchable. Without them, researchers would have difficulty finding data with features they are interested in. Brain imaging genetics is at the intersection of two disciplines, each with dedicated dictionaries and ontologies facilitating data search and analysis. Here, we present the genetics Brain Imaging Data Structure extension, consisting of metadata files for human brain imaging data to which they are linked, and describe succinctly the genomic and transcriptomic data associated with them, which may be in different databases. This extension will facilitate identifying micro-scale molecular features that are linked to macro-scale imaging repositories, facilitating data aggregation across studies

    1q21.1 distal copy number variants are associated with cerebral and cognitive alterations in humans

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    Low-frequency 1q21.1 distal deletion and duplication copy number variant (CNV) carriers are predisposed to multiple neurodevelopmental disorders, including schizophrenia, autism and intellectual disability. Human carriers display a high prevalence of micro- and macrocephaly in deletion and duplication carriers, respectively. The underlying brain structural diversity remains largely unknown. We systematically called CNVs in 38 cohorts from the large-scale ENIGMACNV collaboration and the UK Biobank and identified 28 1q21.1 distal deletion and 22 duplication carriers and 37,088 non-carriers (48% male) derived from 15 distinct magnetic resonance imaging scanner sites. With standardized methods, we compared subcortical and cortical brain measures (all) and cognitive performance (UK Biobank only) between carrier groups also testing for mediation of brain structure on cognition. We identified positive dosage effects of copy number on intracranial volume (ICV) and total cortical surface area, with the largest effects in frontal and cingulate cortices, and negative dosage effects on caudate and hippocampal volumes. The carriers displayed distinct cognitive deficit profiles in cognitive tasks from the UK Biobank with intermediate decreases in duplication carriers and somewhat larger in deletion carriers—the latter potentially mediated by ICV or cortical surface area. These results shed light on pathobiological mechanisms of neurodevelopmental disorders, by demonstrating gene dose effect on specific brain structures and effect on cognitive function

    Phenotypic effects induced by knock-down of the period clock gene in Bombyx mori.

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    SummaryThe lepidopteranBombyx moriis an insect of considerable scientific and economic importance. Recently, theB. moricircadian clock geneperiodhas been molecularly characterized. We have transformed aB. moristrain with a construct encoding aperioddouble-strand RNA in order to knock-downperiodgene expression. We observe that this post-transcriptional silencing produces a small but detectable disruption in the egg-hatching rhythm, as well as a reduction in egg-to-adult developmental time, without altering silk production parameters. Thus we show that both circadian and non-circadian phenotypes can be altered by changingperexpression, and, at a practical level, these results suggest thatperknock-down may provide a suitable strategy for improving the efficiency of rearing, without affecting silk productivity

    Onset of fluidization in vertically shaken granular material

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    When granular material is shaken vertically one observes convection, surface fluidization, spontaneous heap formation and other effects. There is a controversial discussion in literature whether there exists a threshold for the Froude number Γ=A0ω02/g\Gamma=A_0\omega_0^2/g below which these effects cannot be observed anymore. By means of theoretical analysis and computer simulation we find that there is no such single threshold. Instead we propose a modified criterion which coincides with critical Froude number Γc=1\Gamma_c=1 for small driving frequency ω0\omega_0.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Habitat Association and Seasonality in a Mosaic and Bimodal Hybrid Zone between Chorthippus brunneus and C. jacobsi (Orthoptera: Acrididae)

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    Understanding why some hybrid zones are bimodal and others unimodal can aid in identifying barriers to gene exchange following secondary contact. The hybrid zone between the grasshoppers Chorthippus brunneus and C. jacobsi contains a mix of allopatric parental populations and inter-mingled bimodal and unimodal sympatric populations, and provides an ideal system to examine the roles of local selection and gene flow between populations in maintaining bimodality. However, it is first necessary to confirm, over a larger spatial scale, previously identified associations between population composition and season and habitat. Here we use cline-fitting of one morphological and one song trait along two valley transects, and intervening mountains, to confirm previously identified habitat associations (mountain versus valley) and seasonal changes in population composition. As expected from previous findings of studies on a smaller spatial scale, C. jacobsi dominated mountain habitats and mixed populations dominated valleys, and C. brunneus became more prevalent in August. Controlling for habitat and incorporating into the analysis seasonal changes in cline parameters and the standard errors of parental trait values revealed wider clines than previous studies (best estimates of 6.4 to 24.5 km in our study versus 2.8 to 4.7 km in previous studies) and increased percentage of trait variance explained (52.7% and 61.5% for transects 1 and 2 respectively, versus 17.6%). Revealing such strong and consistent patterns within a complex hybrid zone will allow more focused examination of the causes of variation in bimodality in mixed populations, in particular the roles of local selection versus habitat heterogeneity and gene flow between differentiated populations

    Phenotypic effects of genetic variants associated with autism

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    While over 100 genes have been associated with autism, little is known about the prevalence of variants affecting them in individuals without a diagnosis of autism. Nor do we fully appreciate the phenotypic diversity beyond the formal autism diagnosis. Based on data from more than 13,000 individuals with autism and 210,000 undiagnosed individuals, we estimated the odds ratios for autism associated to rare loss-of-function (LoF) variants in 185 genes associated with autism, alongside 2,492 genes displaying intolerance to LoF variants. In contrast to autism-centric approaches, we investigated the correlates of these variants in individuals without a diagnosis of autism. We show that these variants are associated with a small but significant decrease in fluid intelligence, qualification level and income and an increase in metrics related to material deprivation. These effects were larger for autism-associated genes than in other LoF-intolerant genes. Using brain imaging data from 21,040 individuals from the UK Biobank, we could not detect significant differences in the overall brain anatomy between LoF carriers and non-carriers. Our results highlight the importance of studying the effect of the genetic variants beyond categorical diagnosis and the need for more research to understand the association between these variants and sociodemographic factors, to best support individuals carrying these variants

    Developmental trajectories of neuroanatomical alterations associated with the 16p11.2 Copy Number Variations

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