143 research outputs found

    Analysis of queueing models with batch service

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    This dissertation is the result of my research work at the SMACS research group (Department of Telecommunications and Information Processing, Ghent University) and it concerns the analysis of queueing models with batch service. A queueing model basically is a mathematical abstraction of a situation where customers arrive and queue up until they receive some kind of service. These phenomena are omnipresent in real life: people waiting at a counter of a post office or bank, people in the waiting room of a doctor, airplanes waiting to take off, people waiting until they get connected with the call center, data packets which are temporarily stored into a buffer until the transmisssion channel is available, et cetera. The analysis of queueing models constitutes the subject of the applied mathematical discipline called queueing theory and amounts to answering questions such as “How many customers are waiting on average?”, “How long do customers have to wait?”, “Is there a large variation on the waiting time?”, “What is the probability that data packets are lost due to a full buffer?”, “What is the probability that a customer suffers a lengthy delay?”, et cetera. In queueing theory, the number of customers and their waiting time are often denominated by respectively buffer content and customer delay. In addition, the probability that a quantity, such as the buffer content or customer delay, is very large or lengthy, is generally called a tail probability. The models we investigate throughout this dissertation have in common that customers can be served in batches, meaning that several customers can be served simultaneously. An elevator can be viewed as a classic example, as several people can be transported simultaneously to another floor. Also, in a variety of production or transport processes several goods can be processed together. Furthermore, in quality control, classification of items as good or bad can often be achieved more economically by examining the items in groups rather than individually. If the result of a group test is good, all items within it can then be classified as good, whereas one or more items are bad in the opposite case, where the items can then be retested by considering smaller groups. Group testing is especially of importance when the percentage of bad items is small. In addition, in telecommunications networks, packets with the same destination and quality of service (QoS) requirements are often aggregated into so-called bursts and these bursts are transmitted over the network. This is mainly done for efficiency reasons, since only one header per aggregated burst has to be constructed, instead of one header per single information unit, thus leading to an increased throughput. Technologies using packet aggregation include for instance Optical burst switched (OBS) networks and IEEE 802.11n wireless local area networks (WLANs). An inherent aspect of batch service is that newly arriving customers cannot join the ongoing service, even if there is free capacity (we denominate the maximum number of customers that can be served simultaneously by server capacity). For instance, an arriving person cannot enter an elevator that has just left, even if space is available. This person has to wait until the elevator has transported its occupants to their requested floors and has returned, which might take a long time in high buildings. In view of this, it is of importance to take a well-considered decision when the server becomes available and finds less customers than it can serve in theory. This decision is called the service policy. A whole spectrum of service policies exist. The server could, for instance, start serving the already present customers immediately. Although the present customers benefit from this approach, capacity is wasted: customers that arrive later cannot join the ongoing service. An alternative for this so-called immediate-batch service policy is the full-batch service policy. In this case, the available server postpones service until the number of present customers reaches or exceeds the server capacity, which, in turn, has a negative effect on the delay of the customers waiting to form a full batch (postponing delay). The threshold-based policy is a kind of compromise between immediate-batch service policy and full-batch service policy. When the number of present customers is below some service threshold, service is postponed, whereas service is initiated when the number of present customers reaches or exceeds this threshold. It is important to realize that even with this compromise, long postponing delays are possible. Therefore, in this dissertation, we combine a thresholdbased policy with a timer mechanism that avoids excessive postponing delays. The purpose of this dissertation is to calculate a large spectrum of performance measures, which enable to evaluate a broad set of situations with batch service and aid in selecting an efficient service policy. The studied performance measures are moments, such as the mean value and variance, and tail probabilities of the buffer content and the customer delay. This dissertation is structured as follows. In chapter 1, we motivate our work and we introduce crucial concepts such as probability generating functions (PGFs), whose useful properties are frequently relied upon throughout the analysis. Then we deduce moments and tail probabilities of the buffer content in chapter 2. The resulting formulas still contain unknown probabilities that have to be calculated numerically. As this might become unfeasible in some cases, we compute in chapter 3 approximations for the buffer content. Next, moments and tail probabilities of the customer delay are covered in respectively chapters 4 and 5. In order to analyze the moments, we conceive the customer delay as the sum of two non-overlapping parts, whereas for the tail probabilities, it turns out to be more convenient to interpret the delay as the maximum of two time periods. Further, in real life the customer arrival process often exhibits some kind of dependency. For instance, if a large amount of customers have recently arrived, it is likely that many customers arrive in the near future, as it might be an indication of a peak moment. Therefore, we investigate in chapter 6 the influence of dependency in the arrival process on the behaviour of batch-service phenomena and on the selection of an efficient service policy. Finally, the main contributions are summarized in chapter 7

    Analysis of a batch-service queue with variable service capacity, correlated customer types and generally distributed class-dependent service times

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    Queueing models with batch service have been studied frequently, for instance in the domain of telecommunications or manufacturing. Although the batch server's capacity may be variable in practice, only a few authors have included variable capacity in their models. We analyse a batch server with multiple customer classes and a variable service capacity that depends on both the number of waiting customers and their classes. The service times are generally distributed and class-dependent. These features complicate the analysis in a non-trivial way. We tackle it by examining the system state at embedded points, and studying the resulting Markov Chain. We first establish the joint probability generating function (pgf) of the service capacity and the number of customers left behind in the queue immediately after service initiation epochs. From this joint pgf, we extract the pgf for the number of customers in the queue and in the system respectively at service initiation epochs and departure epochs, and the pgf of the actual server capacity. Combined with additional techniques, we also obtain the pgf of the queue and system content at customer arrival epochs and random slot boundaries, and the pgf of the delay of a random customer. In the numerical experiments, we focus on the impact of correlation between the classes of consecutive customers, and on the influence of different service time distributions on the system performance. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Delay analysis of a two-class batch-service queue with class-dependent variable server capacity

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    In this paper, we analyse the delay of a random customer in a two-class batch-service queueing model with variable server capacity, where all customers are accommodated in a common single-server first-come-first-served queue. The server can only process customers that belong to the same class, so that the size of a batch is determined by the length of a sequence of same-class customers. This type of batch server can be found in telecommunications systems and production environments. We first determine the steady state partial probability generating function of the queue occupancy at customer arrival epochs. Using a spectral decomposition technique, we obtain the steady state probability generating function of the delay of a random customer. We also show that the distribution of the delay of a random customer corresponds to a phase-type distribution. Finally, some numerical examples are given that provide further insight in the impact of asymmetry and variance in the arrival process on the number of customers in the system and the delay of a random customer

    An analysis of a batch server with variable and class-dependent service capacity

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    In many studies on batch service queueing systems, the service capacity is assumed to be constant. However, this service capacity often depends on the content of the queue. In this paper, we analyse a discrete-time single server batch server queue with general inde- pendent arrivals. We distinguish two dierent classes in the arrival stream and products of both classes are added to the tail of a single queue. The single batch server can group all waiting customers at the head of the queue that belong to the same product class up to a certain class-dependent maximum capacity. This results in a stochastic service capacity that depends on both the number of customers in the queue and their respective classes. Since it is clear that the length of a sequence of same-class customers will have a signicant impact on the performance of the system, we also include correlation between the classes of consecutive customers. Applications of this type of batch server can, for instance, be found in the pacemaker loop of a Lean manufacturing system. In the course of the analysis, we calculate the probability generating function of the system occupancy at service initi- ation opportunities. In the numerical experiments, we will look at the impact of dierent parameters on both the mean system occupancy and the probability that the server is idle at a random service initiation opportunity. We also provide a number of guidelines to pick between the exact solution and an approximated approach with unlimited service capacities, by looking at the trade-o between accuracy and computational complexity

    Delay analysis of two batch-service queueing models with batch arrivals: Geo(X)/Geo(c)/1

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    In this paper, we compute the probability generating functions (PGF's) of the customer delay for two batch-service queueing models with batch arrivals. In the first model, the available server starts a new service whenever the system is not empty (without waiting to fill the capacity), while the server waits until he can serve at full capacity in the second model. Moments can then be obtained from these PGF's, through which we study and compare both systems. We pay special attention to the influence of the distribution of the arrival batch sizes. The main observation is that the difference between the two policies depends highly on this distribution. Another conclusion is that the results are considerably different as compared to Bernoulli (single) arrivals, which are frequently considered in the literature. This demonstrates the necessity of modeling the arrivals as batches
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