937 research outputs found

    User participation in mental healthcare in Suriname: the implementation of a client council

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    User participation in mental healthcare has increased considerably in many countries around the world in the past decades. However, users’ voices are still incipient in other countries. This was the case of Suriname where user participation emerged just recently with the creation of a client council at the national mental healthcare service (PCS). The PCS client council was implemented as a result of a project involving a transnational partnership between stakeholders in Suriname and the Netherlands. Employing a qualitative research approach, this paper examines the client council implementation process and analyses stakeholders’ expectations for its future performance, benefits and disadvantages. The paper concludes that the client council offers a space from which traditionally excluded users can renegotiate their identities, develop new skills, influence care provision and exercise their citizenship. For genuine participation to emerge, however, it will be necessary to invest in effecting cultural and organisational change in mental healthcare, tackling power differentials between care providers and users, resourcing the council and reducing the stigma attached to mental illness. Transparency, consultation, negotiation and full collaboration are also identified as key elements to foster productive transnational partnerships, especially when they involve stakeholders belonging to countries with a colonial history

    Cogumelos e seus efeitos terapêuticos

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    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências FarmacêuticasOs efeitos terapêuticos dos cogumelos são conhecidos há séculos principalmente na medicina oriental. A sua utilização maioritariamente empírica traz enormes benefícios para a saúde, no entanto nunca nos podemos esquecer da possível toxicidade de alguns cogumelos que pode mesmo levar à morte. Nos tempos mais recentes tem-se assistido a uma enorme vontade de melhor conhecer os efeitos farmacológicos destes fungos com base em análises científicas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo fazer um levantamento dos efeitos terapêuticos devidamente documentados dos cogumelos. Efeitos antioxidantes, imunomoduladores e anti-tumorais são comuns a todas as espécies estudadas. No entanto em espécies como a Ganoderma lucidum, já foram determinados mais efeitos terapêuticos, como hipoglicémica, hipolipidémica e antiviral, entre outros. Verificou-se pela análise de diversos artigos que os cogumelos apresentam enormes vantagens na terapêutica das mais diversas patologias, sendo ainda uma área com enorme potencial para estudo e aplicação prática na terapêutica diária, mesmo como adjuvante da terapia medicamentosa convencional.Mushroom therapeutic effects are known for centuries in oriental medicine. Mushrooms use is mostly empirical, and the benefits are well known, however we can never forget mushroom toxicity, that can even lead to death. There is a recent interest in scientific documentation of the pharmacological effects of these funguses. The aim of this study is to review the therapeutic effects of mushrooms that are well documented. Antioxidant, antitumor and immunomodulatory activities are documented in almost every species. Well studied species like Ganoderma Lucidum shows also hipoglicemic, hipolipidemic and antiviral activities, among others. This scientific papers review brings forward the enormous therapeutical benefits in different pathologies, showing that there is a lot of work to be done to the use of these funguses as a complement in conventional medicine

    Public views about involvement in decision-making on health data sharing, access, use and reuse: the importance of trust in science and other institutions

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    Background: Data-intensive and needs-driven research can deliver substantial health benefits. However, concerns with privacy loss, undisclosed surveillance, and discrimination are on the rise due to mounting data breaches. This can undermine the trustworthiness of data processing institutions and reduce people's willingness to share their data. Involving the public in health data governance can help to address this problem by imbuing data processing frameworks with societal values. This study assesses public views about involvement in individual-level decisions concerned with health data and their association with trust in science and other institutions. MethodsCross-sectional study with 162 patients and 489 informal carers followed at two reference centers for rare diseases in an academic hospital in Portugal (June 2019-March 2020). Participants rated the importance of involvement in decision-making concerning health data sharing, access, use, and reuse from "not important" to "very important". Its association with sociodemographic characteristics, interpersonal trust, trust in national and international institutions, and the importance of trust in research teams and host institutions was tested. Results: Most participants perceived involvement in decision-making about data sharing (85.1%), access (87.1%), use (85%) and reuse (79.9%) to be important or very important. Participants who ascribed a high degree of importance to trust in research host institutions were significantly more likely to value involvement in such decisions. A similar position was expressed by participants who valued trust in research teams for data sharing, access, and use. Participants with low levels of trust in national and international institutions and with lower levels of education attributed less importance to being involved in decisions about data use. Conclusion: The high value attributed by participants to involvement in individual-level data governance stresses the need to broaden opportunities for public participation in health data dThis work was funded by FEDER through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation and national funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology—FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education) (Ref. POCI-01–0145-FEDER-032194), under the project Public and patient involvement in health data governance: a people-centred approach to data protection in genetic diseases (Ref. FCT PTDC/SOC-SOC/32194/2017) and the Unidade de Investigação em Epidemiologia—Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto (EPIUnit) (Ref. UIDB/04750/2020), Laboratório para a Investigação Integrativa e Translacional em Saúde Populacional (ITR) (LA/P/0064/2020), the individual contract grant DL57/2016/CP1336/CT0001 (CF) and the individual contract grant IF/01674/2015 (SS)

    Contribuciones de la psicología comunitaria al estudio de las desigualdades sociales, el bienestar y la justicia social

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    This special issue of the Journal of Psychosocial Intervention aims to contribute to the understanding of human well-being as a matter of social justice. Inequities in health and well-being are closely linked to social inequalities and addressing them involves the improvement of the quality of life and living conditions of communities. Although reaching a more just society requires systemic changes, actions aimed at groups that are at greater risk of multiple vulnerabilities must be intensified in order to reduce the slope of the social gradient of health and well-being. Community psychology embraces as one of its key principles to advocate for social change through the empowerment of disadvantaged groups, such as children and youth living in poverty, women suffering violence, people with disabilities and elderly immigrants. The contributions of this monograph offer courses of action for a scientific agenda whose goal is to provide opportunities for all individuals to achieve meaning and greater control over the resources they need for their well-being and prosperity.Este número especial de la revista de Intervención Psicosocial busca contribuir al conocimiento del bienestar humano como una cuestión de justicia social. El punto de partida es el reconocimiento de que las desigualdades en salud y bienestar están estrechamente relacionadas con las desigualdades sociales y, por tanto, afrontarlas pasa por mejorar las condiciones de vida de la comunidad. Llegar a una sociedad más justa requiere transformaciones sistémicas. No obstante, para reducir la inclinación del gradiente de salud y bienestar en la sociedad, deben redoblarse las medidas dirigidas a grupos que se encuentran sometidos a un mayor riesgo de vulnerabilidad. La psicología comunitaria sostiene como uno de sus principios fundacionales el cambio social por medio de la capacitación de los grupos que sufren discriminación, tales como niños y jóvenes que viven en condiciones de pobreza, mujeres que sufren violencia, personas con discapacidades e inmigrantes ancianos. A través de investigaciones realizadas con estos grupos, las contribuciones de este monográfico ofrecen líneas de acción para una agenda científica cuya meta sea ofrecer oportunidades a todas las personas para construir el significado de sus vidas y tener control sobre los recursos que necesitan para su bienestar y prosperidad


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    Discourses on madness have a long documental and bibliographical trajectory, with wide insertion in scientific, medical, psychiatric, juridical, memorialist, sociological and literary narratives. Produced in the western world, especially in France, Italy, Germany, England and the United States, in the late eighteenth century, scientific ideas about madness entered Brazil, notably from the theses produced by law and medicine faculties and gained space in Ceará of century XIX, through speeches produced in newspapers and published in the form of essays. This article aims to analyze three sources on the subject of madness whose narrative genres are distinct. They are: a medical-philosophical treatise, ten letters written in a newspaper and a sociological essay, produced by the French psychiatrist Philippe Pinel, by the doctor Ceará Ribeiro Delfino Montezuma and by the writer and lawyer Ceará, Gustavo Barroso, respectively. insertion in scientific, medical, psychiatric, legal, memorialist, sociological and literary narratives. Produced in the western world, especially in France, Italy, Germany, England and the United States, at the end of the eighteenth century, scientific ideas on insanity entered Brazil, notably from the thesis produced by the faculties of law and medicine and gained space in Ceará of the nineteenth century, through speeches produced in newspapers and published in the form of essays. This article aims to analyze three sources on the subject of madness whose narrative genres are distinct. They are: a medical-philosophical treatise, ten letters written in a newspaper and a sociological essay, produced by the French psychiatrist Philippe Pinel, the doctor from Ceará, Ribeiro Delfino Montezuma, and the writer and lawyer from Ceará, Gustavo Barroso, respectively. Os discursos sobre a loucura têm longa trajetória documental e bibliográfica, com ampla inserção nas narrativas científicas, médicas, psiquiátricas, jurídicas, memorialistas,  sociológicas e literárias. Produzidas no mundo ocidental, sobretudo na França, Itália,Alemanha, Inglaterra e nos Estados Unidos, em fins do século XVIII, as ideias científicas sobre a loucura adentraram no Brasil, notadamente a partir das teses produzidas pelas faculdades de direito e de medicina e ganharam espaço no Ceará do século XIX, através de discursos produzidos em jornais e publicados sob a forma de ensaios. Este artigo visa analisartrês fontes sobre a temática da loucura cujos gêneros narrativos são distintos. São eles: um tratado médico-filosófico, dez cartas escritas em um jornal e um ensaio de cunho sociológico, produzidos pelo psiquiatra francês Philippe Pinel, pelo médico cearense Ribeiro Delfino Montezuma e pelo literato e advogado cearense Gustavo Barroso, respectivamente.  inserção nas narrativas científicas, médicas, psiquiátricas, jurídicas, memorialistas, sociológicas e literárias. Produzidas no mundo ocidental, sobretudo na França, Itália, Alemanha, Inglaterra e nos Estados Unidos, em fins do século XVIII, as ideias científicassobre a loucura adentraram no Brasil, notadamente a partir das teses produzidas pelas faculdades de direito e de medicina e ganharam espaço no Ceará do século XIX, através de discursos produzidos em jornais e publicados sob a forma de ensaios. Este artigo visa analisar três fontes sobre a temática da loucura cujos gêneros narrativos são distintos. São eles: um tratado médico-filosófico, dez cartas escritas em um jornal e um ensaio de cunho sociológico,produzidos pelo psiquiatra francês Philippe Pinel, pelo médico cearense Ribeiro Delfino Montezuma e pelo literato e advogado cearense Gustavo Barroso, respectivamente.&nbsp


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    The article seeks to focus on specific debates and actions that varied social actors developedregarding processes of deinstitutionalization of madness during the second half of thetwentieth century. It examines criticisms found in discussions within the European and North-American psychiatric fields about the psychiatric hospital model,and observes therepercussions of theoretical and political debates in Brazil. It focuses on the process ofdeinstitutionalization of madness in Ceará by examining the consequences of both thepsychiatric reform this state experienced, and the anti-insane asylum struggle based on the episode of Damião Ximenes. It also takes into consideration the emergence of the Cearense Forum for Anti-Insane Asylum Struggle.O artigo visa fazer um recorte dos debates e ações desenvolvidos por diferentes atores sociais em torno dos processos de desinstitucionalização da loucura na segunda metade do século XX, ao observar as discussões dentro do corpo psiquiátrico europeu e norte-americano no que tange à crítica do modelo hospitalar psiquiátrico e ao analisar as repercussões dos debates teóricos e políticos no Brasil. No Ceará, o artigo aborda o processo de desinstitucionalização a partir dos efeitos da reforma psiquiátrica e da luta antimanicomial através do episódio Damião Ximenes e do surgimento do Fórum Cearense da Luta Antimanicomial. RECEBIDO: 25.01.2019 AVALIADO: 05.03.201

    Uma Abordagem Teórica sobre a Globalização e o Estado Nação

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    Resumo: o presente artigo tem por objetivo, através de um recorte sócio-jurídico e histórico sobre globalização, tecer alguns comentários teóricos sobre o processo globalizador, seu aspecto social e jurídico, e como esse paradigma vem sendo incorporado pelo Estado Nação. Passa-se então a analisar a contextualização da globalização, seu conceito e como o Estado Nação vem absorvendo seus efeitos. Palavras-chave: Globalização. Conceito e Contextualização. Estado Nação