57 research outputs found

    FEM modeling of structure and properties of diamond-SiC-(Al) composites developed for thermal management applications

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    Thermal management materials frequently have multi-phase composite character with complex architecture of the constituents. As a result, design rules are needed which can be used in selection of the phases and optimizing their volume fractions. The study shows that such are provided by finite element modeling of these composites. This is demonstrated for a diamond-SiC-Si-(Al) composites, which have been optimized in terms of the volume fraction of SiC, contact area between the components and presence of open porosity

    Microstructure and defect analysis in the vicinity of blisters in polycrystalline tungsten

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    AbstractUp to now, analyzing the production of dislocation-type defects in the subsurface region of plasma or ion-exposed tungsten samples has been hampered by the challenging production of suitable cross-section samples for transmission electron microscopy. We present two reliable methods based on precision electropolishing to prepare cross-sections of tungsten that allow direct imaging of dislocation-type defects by scanning as well as by transmission electron microscopy. Using these methods, we are able to demonstrate a clear enhancement of the dislocation density in the caps of blisters on tungsten exposed to H isotope plasma, i.e., of surface morphologies that are correlated to subsurface cavities. As a benchmark, we also show a cross-section of tungsten irradiated by 20 MeV W6+ ions

    Comparative Laser Spectroscopy Diagnostics for Ancient Metallic Artefacts Exposed to Environmental Pollution

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    Metal artworks are subjected to corrosion and oxidation processes due to reactive agents present in the air, water and in the ground that these objects have been in contact with for hundreds of years. This is the case for archaeological metals that are recovered from excavation sites, as well as artefacts exposed to polluted air. Stabilization of the conservation state of these objects needs precise diagnostics of the accrued surface layers and identification of original, historical materials before further protective treatments, including safe laser cleaning of unwanted layers. This paper presents analyses of the chemical composition and stratigraphy of corrosion products with the use of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and Raman spectroscopy. The discussion of the results is supported by material studies (SEM-EDS, XRF, ion-analyses). The tests were performed on several samples taken from original objects, including copper roofing from Wilanów Palace in Warsaw and Karol Poznański Palace in ŁódŸ, bronze decorative figures from the Wilanów Palace gardens, and four archaeological examples of old jewellery (different copper alloys). Work has been performed as a part of the MATLAS project in the frames of EEA and Norway Grants (www.matlas.eu) and the results enable the comparison of the methodology and to elaborate the joint diagnostic procedures of the three project partner independent laboratories

    Electrochemical Characterization of Coinage Techniques the 17(th) Century: The maravedis Case

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Doménech Carbó, A.; Domenech Carbo, MT.; Álvarez-Romero, C.; Montoya, N.; Pasies-Oviedo, T.; Buendía Ortuño, MDM. (2017). Electrochemical Characterization of Coinage Techniques the 17(th) Century: The maravedis Case. Electroanalysis. 29(9):2008-2018. doi:10.1002/elan.201700326, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1002/elan.201700326. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] The voltammetry of immobilized particles (VIMP) methodology was applied to the discrimination of Spanish maravedis produced in 10 different mints between 1661 and 1664 using characteristic signatures for the reduction of cuprite and tenorite in the patina of the coins and catalytic effects on the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The variation of the apparent tenorite/cuprite ratio with depth was fitted to potential laws differing from one mint to another for A Coruna, Burgos, Cordoba, Cuenca, Granada, Madrid, Trujillo, Segovia, Sevilla and Valladolid coins. Electrochemical data permitted to detect the changes in the composition (with lowering of the silver content) and manufacturing technique (from hammer to mill) occurring in this historical period.Financial support from the MICIN Projects CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P and CTQ2014-53736-C3-2-P, which are also supported with ERDF funds, is gratefully acknowledged. Thanks to the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia for facilitating the access to its collections.Domenech Carbo, A.; Domenech Carbo, MT.; Álvarez-Romero, C.; Montoya, N.; Pasies-Oviedo, T.; Buendía Ortuño, MDM. (2017). Electrochemical Characterization of Coinage Techniques the 17(th) Century: The maravedis Case. Electroanalysis. 29(9):2008-2018. https://doi.org/10.1002/elan.201700326S2008201829

    The Central Europe countries in a permanent structured coopertion PSDC European Union

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    Pod wpływem zewnętrznych zagrożeń oraz napięć w stosunkach międzynarodowych Unia Europejska podjęła środki prowadzące do wzmocnienia współpracy państw członkowskich w sferze bezpieczeństwa. Począwszy od 2016 r. Rada Europejska podjęła decyzję o aktywowaniu stałej współpracy strukturalnej w ramach Wspólnej Polityki Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony (PESCO) – 22 czerwca 2017 r. Do listopada 2019 r. przyjęto do realizacji 47 programów, prowadzących do doskonalenia europejskiego systemu bezpieczeństwa. Dla Europy Środkowej najważniejszy jest „przerzut wojsk” (Military Mobility). Jego celem jest niezakłócone przemieszczenie wojsk i sprzętu pomiędzy wewnętrznymi granicami UE. Dla Polski istotne znaczenie ma także projekt ESSOR, dotyczący technologii bezpiecznej łączności radiowej wspólnych, europejskich wojsk. Rozwijany jest także system ruchomych platform precyzyjnej artylerii, wzmacniający zdolności bojowe UE (EuroArtillery). Państwa UE budują także zdolności szybkiego przeciwdziałania zagrożeniom cybernetycznym oraz reagowania na incydenty w cyberprzestrzeni. Kilka państw wschodniej flanki przewodzi zaproponowanym przez siebie projektom.Under the influence of external threats and international relations, the European Union has taken measures to strengthen cooperation between Member States in the area of security since 2016. The decisions of permanent, structured cooperation in the field of the Common Security and Defence Policy (PESCO) were taken on June 22, 2017. 25 EU members have developed 47 projects to improve the quality of the European security system. For Central European countries the most important is Military Mobility. This aims to guarantee the unhindered movement of military personnel and assets within the borders of the EU. The European Secure Software defined Radio (ESSOR) project aims to develop common technologies for European military radios. The Indirect Fire Support (EuroArtillery) will develop a mobile precision artillery platform, which would contribute to the EU’s combat capability. Cyber Rapid Response Teams (CRRTs) will allow Member States to help each other to ensure higher levels of cyber resilience and to collectively respond to cyber incidents.

    Treaty principles of the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy

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    The aim of this article is to analyse the long political and military process of forming the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). At the beginning it was the separate pillar of the European. For the European security issues was responsible the NATO and the Western European Union. After almost twenty years the Lisbon Treaty on European Union, which entered into force on 1 December 2009, changed the competence of the European Union in the security sphere. Treaty of Lisbon created the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and for the first time put so much attention to European Union’s international activity. Responsible for this is the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. For this function was appointed Catherine Ashton. She is assisted by the European External Action Service. HR is also one of the Vice-Presidents of the European Commission, chairs the Foreign Affairs Council, contributes through proposals towards the preparation of the CFSP and ensures implementation of the decisions adopted by the European Council and the Council, especially in the security matters. Lisbon compromise also led the termination of the Western European Union in 2011. Several prominent leadershave voiced support for a common defence for the Union. This possibility, requiring unanimous support among the member states, was formally laid down in Article 42 the Treaty of Lisbon extended the enhanced co-operation provision to become available for application in the area of defence. This mechanism enables a minimum number of member states to deepen integration within the EUs institutional framework, without the necessity of participation for reluctant member states

    Poland’s position on development of The European Union’s security and defense policy

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    Artykuł dotyczy ewolucji stanowiska rządów Polski wobec kolejnych etapów rozwoju europejskiej autonomii strategicznej (Europejska Tożsamości Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony), Europejskiej Polityki Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony oraz Wspólna Europejska Polityka Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony Unii Europejskiej). Wyodrębnione zostały dwa etapy polskiej Polityki; przed akcesją do UE oraz udział Polski w ESDP /WPBiO, po przystąpieniu do UE . Podczas sprawowania przez Polskę Prezydencji w Radzie, jednym z priorytetów było doskonalenie zdolności wojskowych i systemu reagowania kryzysowego. Scharakteryzowano oficjalne stanowisko władz polskich wobec integracji systemu bezpieczeństwa UE wyrażone w dokumentach strategicznych. Ostatni taki dokument został opublikowany w maju 2017 r. w Ministerstwie Obrony Narodowej. Zwrócono uwagę na sytuacje kryzysowe w problemach dotyczących integracji europejskiej oraz na brak zainteresowania aktualnych władz politycznych Polski udziałem w reformowaniu systemu bezpieczeństwa UE .The article is focusing on the evolution of Polish approach towards the development of the European strategic autonomy in the European military integration (European Security and Defense Identity), the European Security and Defense Policy and the Common European Security and Defense Policy after joining the EU . During Poland’s Presidency, one of the priorities was to improve military capabilities and crisis management systems. The article characterizes an official position of the Polish authorities in the process of EU integration security system. The last strategic document has been published in May 2017 by the Ministry of National Defense. There have been identified two stages: prior to accession to the EU and Poland’s participation in the ESDP /CSDP EU since 2004. Special attention was paid to the lack of interest of the current Polish political authorities in reforming the EU security system

    The military capacity of the European Union. The prospects for battle groups

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    Artykuł dotyczy rozwoju polityki bezpieczeństwa Unii Europejskiej, od chwili jej powstania do 2014 r. W ramach tej polityki próbowano także pozyskać zdolności wojskowe, niezbędne do zbudowania systemu reagowania kryzysowego. Dokonywało się to na zasadzie pełnej dobrowolności, a w związku z tym wszystkie Państwa Członkowskie UE kierowały się głównie interesami narodowymi. W ramach Europejskiej Polityki Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony, przemianowanej w Traktacie lizbońskim na Wspólną Politykę Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony Unii Europejskiej, zrealizowano dwa tzw. Cele Zasadnicze/Operacyjne. Pierwszy z nich został ogłoszony w grudniu 1999 r. w Helsinkach i zrealizowany do końca 2003. Europejski Cel Zasadniczy/Operacyjny 2010 miał na celu doskonalenie zdolności wojskowych, w tym zbudowanie sił szybkiego reagowania pod nazwą Grup Bojowych UE. Zorganizowano i przeszkolono ok. 15 takich jednostek, ale dotychczas żadna z nich nie została skierowana do działań w rejonie kryzysu. Polska należy do aktywnych uczestników WPBiO UE i dotychczas zorganizowała trzy grupy bojowe o składzie wielonarodowym. Dwie spośród nich pełniły dyżury 2010 r. i 2013 r. Kolejna grupa pod polskim dowództwem jest przewidziana w harmonogramie dyżurów na rok 2016 r., ale mało prawdopodobne jest wykorzystanie jej do realnych działań. Temat zdolności wojskowych nie należy do priorytetowych zadań Unii Europejskiej.The paper concerns the development of the European Union’s security policy, from its beginnings to 2014. The framework of this policy also served the purpose of developing the military capacities that are necessary to establish an emergency response system. The principle of totally voluntary participation has always operated in this respect, therefore all EU member states have mainly been concerned with their national interests. Under the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDF), renamed in the Lisbon Treaty as the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) for the European Union, two Headline Goals have been achieved. One was announced in Helsinki, in 1999, and achieved by the end of 2003. The European Headline Goal 2010 involved the improvement of military capability, including rapid response forces, named EU Battle Groups. Around fifteen units have been organised and trained, none of which, however, has been deployed in a crisis region so far. Poland is among the active participants of the CSDP and has organised three multinational battle groups. Two of them were on duty in 2010 and 2013. Another group under Polish command is scheduled to be on duty in 2016, but it is not likely to participate in real action. The issue of military capability is not a priority for the European Union.81051208Rocznik Integracji Europejskie

    Contemporary trends in development of the european defense capabilities in the light of CARD - 22

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    Celem artykułu jest naświetlenie problemów rozwoju europejskiego przemysłu obronnego oraz prób jego reformowania. Prezentowany tekst został opracowany na podstawie dokumentów Europejskiej Służby Działań Zewnętrznych, w strukturach, których funkcjonują między innymi: Sztab Wojskowy UE oraz Europejska Agencja Obrony. W 2017 roku powołano kilka instytucji, które miały na celu modernizację oraz integrację kilkuset rozproszonych europejskich przedsiębiorstw zbrojeniowych i wyposażenie ich w konkurencyjne technologie. Ważną rolę w tej dziedzinie odgrywają Europejski Fundusz Obrony oraz Roczny Skoordynowany Przegląd Obronny (CARD). W 2022 r. procesy integracyjne w dziedzinie obronności zostały przyspieszone z powodu agresji Rosji przeciwko Ukrainie, a także po przyjęciu nowej strategii bezpieczeństwa Unii Europejskiej zwanej „Kompasem Strategicznym”. Europejska Agencja Obrony opublikowała także rezultaty i wnioski CARD 2022.The aim of the article is to highlight the problems of development of the European defense industry, and the attempts to reform it. The presented text was prepared on the basis of documents of the European External Action Ser-vice, in the structures of which they function, and among others the EU Military Staff and the European Defense Agency. In 2017, several institutions were established to modernize and integrate several hundred dispersed European defense companies and equip them with competitive technologies. The European Defense Fund and the Coordinated Annual Review on Defense (CARD) play an important role in this area. In 2022, integration processes in the field of defense were accelerated due to Russia's aggression against Ukraine, as well as after the adoption of a new European Union security strategy called the Strategic Compass. The European Defense Agency has also published the results and conclusions of CARD 2022