14 research outputs found

    The properties of reservoir water in post‑mining excavations of Cambrian and Devonian quartzite sandstones (Holy Cross Mountains)

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    In the Holy Cross Mountains (southern Poland), there are numerous disused quarries. Some of these are filled with water, and some, despite their nearby location, have extremely diverse physicochemical and chemical properties of their waters. One such object is the Wiśniówka Mała reservoir. Its waters contain large amounts of sulfates (> 700 mg/L) and iron (24 mg/L), which are weathering products of rocks containing metal sulfides (mainly pyrite) in the direct drainage zone. As a consequence, there is an increase in the electrolytic conductivity of the water supplying the reservoir, resulting in very low pH values (< 4). This article presents the detailed limnological characteristics of this reservoir and explains the process that led to its water acidification. A control reservoir, Barcza, was also selected for the tests. Although it is also a post-mining excavation, it has a neutral pH and a low concentration of sulfates and iron. The examined reservoirs differ in the hydrochemical type of waters. The Wiśniówka Mała reservoir represents a sulfate–calcium double-ion type ( SO4 2−–Ca2+) and the Barcza reservoir, a bicarbonate–calcium type ( HCO3 −–Ca2+). The concentrations of the main ions occurring here are shaped by the lithological features of the surrounding rocks (respectively: Upper Cambrian quartzite sandstones with pyrite mineralization zones, Lower Devonian sandstones cut by mudstones and claystones with tuffite inserts)

    Problematyka hydrologiczna w programie ochrony środowiska miasta Kielce

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    The paper presents hydrological issues included in the current Environment Protection Programme of the Kielce city along with its environmental impact assessment. The tasks related to the aquatic environment prevail in this Programme which has been drawn with the use of the sustainable development indicators of pressure, state and response. The performed analysis has shown that among 229 tasks of the Programme, 57 are related to surface and underground water environment and water management. Separated tasks, included in individual partial plans, have also been assessed in order to estimate their potential impact on environmental components. Their implementation will significantly influence the state of city’s environment – primarily the water environment (82.5%) and also the soil and ground surface (35.1%). Preventive actions proposed in the Programme might have both positive and negative impact on fauna and flora biodiversity. There have been three priority task groups (A, B, C) identified in the Programme that point out to the importance and urgency of implementation of the tasks concerning water protection and other environmental components along with reduction of the risks to citizens’ health. The most important and urgent tasks (priority A) include: reducing the high burden caused to aquatic environment by insufficiently cleaned wastewater; reducing the surface runoff growth; preventing the degradation of water in the area of the main aquifer; reactivation of the surface water monitoring system.W&nbsp;pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia hydrologiczne i&nbsp;hydrogeologiczne ujęte w&nbsp;aktualnym&nbsp;Programie Ochrony Środowiska miasta Kielce&nbsp;wraz z&nbsp;prognozą jego oddziaływania na środowisko. W&nbsp;Programie&nbsp;tym, opracowanym z&nbsp;wykorzystaniem wskaźników zrównoważonego rozwoju: presji, stanu oraz reakcji, dominują zadania związane ze środowiskiem wodnym. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje, że w&nbsp;Programie&nbsp;aż 57 z&nbsp;229 zadań odnosi się do środowiska wód powierzchniowych i&nbsp;podziemnych oraz gospodarki wodnej. Wyodrębnione zadania, wchodzące w&nbsp;skład poszczególnych planów cząstkowych, zostały poddane ocenie w&nbsp;celu identyfikacji potencjalnych oddziaływań na komponenty środowiska. Realizacja zadań wpłynie znacząco pozytywnie na środowisko, a&nbsp;przede wszystkim na wody (82,5%) oraz powierzchnię ziemi i&nbsp;glebę (35,1%). Zaproponowane działania prewencyjne mogą mieć jednocześnie znaczący pozytywny i&nbsp;negatywny wpływ na bioróżnorodność, florę i&nbsp;faunę. W&nbsp;Programie&nbsp;określono trzy grupy zadań priorytetowych (A, B, C). wskazujących na ważność i&nbsp;pilność działań na rzecz ochrony wód i&nbsp;pozostałych komponentów środowiska oraz ograniczenia zagrożeń dla zdrowia mieszkańców miasta. Za najważniejsze i&nbsp;najpilniejsze zadania (priorytet A) uznano: zmniejszenie dużego obciążenia środowiska wodnego jeszcze niewystarczająco oczyszczonymi ściekami; ograniczenie wzrostu odpływu powierzchniowego; przeciwdziałanie degradacji wód podziemnych w&nbsp;obrębie GZWP; reaktywację systemu monitoringu środowiska wód powierzchniowych

    The Importance of The Busko-Zdrój and Solec-Zdrój Spas for Tourist Accommodation in Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship

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    The presented paper shows the results of a comparative analysis describing the state and occupancy rate of accommodation establishments in Busko county in 2000 and 2015, including the influence of Busko-Zdrój and Solec-Zdrój where two major spas are located. With the use of the data from the Central Statistical Office describing establishments that provide accommodation services, a number of indices characterizing tourist management (i.a. density of the accommodation establishments, Charvat’s, Baretje’s and Defert’s indices) and tourist traffic (Schneider’s and Defert’s) were calculated. The analysis of the indices values obtained has shown that Busko county can be classified as well-developed touristically in comparison to other counties in the voivodeship, and even in Poland. It has been proved that the two dynamically functioning spas contribute significantly to such an assessment

    Hydrological issues in the Kielce environment protection programme

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    W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia hydrologiczne i hydrogeologiczne ujęte w aktualnym Programie Ochrony Środowiska miasta Kielce wraz z prognozą jego oddziaływania na środowisko. W Programie tym, opracowanym z wykorzystaniem wskaźników zrównoważonego rozwoju: presji, stanu oraz reakcji, dominują zadania związane ze środowiskiem wodnym. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje, że w Programie aż 57 z 229 zadań odnosi się do środowiska wód powierzchniowych i podziemnych oraz gospodarki wodnej. Wyodrębnione zadania, wchodzące w skład poszczególnych planów cząstkowych, zostały poddane ocenie w celu identyfikacji potencjalnych oddziaływań na komponenty środowiska. Realizacja zadań wpłynie znacząco pozytywnie na środowisko, a przede wszystkim na wody (82,5%) oraz powierzchnię ziemi i glebę (35,1%). Zaproponowane działania prewencyjne mogą mieć jednocześnie znaczący pozytywny i negatywny wpływ na bioróżnorodność, florę i faunę. W Programie określono trzy grupy zadań priorytetowych (A, B, C). wskazujących na ważność i pilność działań na rzecz ochrony wód i pozostałych komponentów środowiska oraz ograniczenia zagrożeń dla zdrowia mieszkańców miasta. Za najważniejsze i najpilniejsze zadania (priorytet A) uznano: zmniejszenie dużego obciążenia środowiska wodnego jeszcze niewystarczająco oczyszczonymi ściekami; ograniczenie wzrostu odpływu powierzchniowego; przeciwdziałanie degradacji wód podziemnych w obrębie GZWP; reaktywację systemu monitoringu środowiska wód powierzchniowych.The paper presents hydrological issues included in the current Environment Protection Programme of the Kielce city along with its environmental impact assessment. The tasks related to the aquatic environment prevail in this Programme which has been drawn with the use of the sustainable development indicators of pressure, state and response. The performed analysis has shown that among 229 tasks of the Programme, 57 are related to surface and underground water environment and water management. Separated tasks, included in individual partial plans, have also been assessed in order to estimate their potential impact on environmental components. Their implementation will significantly influence the state of city’s environment – primarily the water environment (82.5%) and also the soil and ground surface (35.1%). Preventive actions proposed in the Programme might have both positive and negative impact on fauna and flora biodiversity. There have been three priority task groups (A, B, C) identified in the Programme that point out to the importance and urgency of implementation of the tasks concerning water protection and other environmental components along with reduction of the risks to citizens’ health. The most important and urgent tasks (priority A) include: reducing the high burden caused to aquatic environment by insufficiently cleaned wastewater; reducing the surface runoff growth; preventing the degradation of water in the area of the main aquifer; reactivation of the surface water monitoring system

    Problematyka hydrologiczna w programie ochrony środowiska miasta Kielce

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    The paper presents hydrological issues included in the current Environment Protection Programme of the Kielce city along with its environmental impact assessment. The tasks related to the aquatic environment prevail in this Programme which has been drawn with the use of the sustainable development indicators of pressure, state and response. The performed analysis has shown that among 229 tasks of the Programme, 57 are related to surface and underground water environment and water management. Separated tasks, included in individual partial plans, have also been assessed in order to estimate their potential impact on environmental components. Their implementation will significantly influence the state of city’s environment – primarily the water environment (82.5%) and also the soil and ground surface (35.1%). Preventive actions proposed in the Programme might have both positive and negative impact on fauna and flora biodiversity. There have been three priority task groups (A, B, C) identified in the Programme that point out to the importance and urgency of implementation of the tasks concerning water protection and other environmental components along with reduction of the risks to citizens’ health. The most important and urgent tasks (priority A) include: reducing the high burden caused to aquatic environment by insufficiently cleaned wastewater; reducing the surface runoff growth; preventing the degradation of water in the area of the main aquifer; reactivation of the surface water monitoring system.W&nbsp;pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia hydrologiczne i&nbsp;hydrogeologiczne ujęte w&nbsp;aktualnym&nbsp;Programie Ochrony Środowiska miasta Kielce&nbsp;wraz z&nbsp;prognozą jego oddziaływania na środowisko. W&nbsp;Programie&nbsp;tym, opracowanym z&nbsp;wykorzystaniem wskaźników zrównoważonego rozwoju: presji, stanu oraz reakcji, dominują zadania związane ze środowiskiem wodnym. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje, że w&nbsp;Programie&nbsp;aż 57 z&nbsp;229 zadań odnosi się do środowiska wód powierzchniowych i&nbsp;podziemnych oraz gospodarki wodnej. Wyodrębnione zadania, wchodzące w&nbsp;skład poszczególnych planów cząstkowych, zostały poddane ocenie w&nbsp;celu identyfikacji potencjalnych oddziaływań na komponenty środowiska. Realizacja zadań wpłynie znacząco pozytywnie na środowisko, a&nbsp;przede wszystkim na wody (82,5%) oraz powierzchnię ziemi i&nbsp;glebę (35,1%). Zaproponowane działania prewencyjne mogą mieć jednocześnie znaczący pozytywny i&nbsp;negatywny wpływ na bioróżnorodność, florę i&nbsp;faunę. W&nbsp;Programie&nbsp;określono trzy grupy zadań priorytetowych (A, B, C). wskazujących na ważność i&nbsp;pilność działań na rzecz ochrony wód i&nbsp;pozostałych komponentów środowiska oraz ograniczenia zagrożeń dla zdrowia mieszkańców miasta. Za najważniejsze i&nbsp;najpilniejsze zadania (priorytet A) uznano: zmniejszenie dużego obciążenia środowiska wodnego jeszcze niewystarczająco oczyszczonymi ściekami; ograniczenie wzrostu odpływu powierzchniowego; przeciwdziałanie degradacji wód podziemnych w&nbsp;obrębie GZWP; reaktywację systemu monitoringu środowiska wód powierzchniowych

    Case Study of Water Pollution in Podwiśniówka Acid Mine Pit Lake (Holy Cross Mts., Poland)

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    On the Holy Cross Mountains (southern Poland), located within the tectonic zone of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ), numerous former quarries exist, including those of Cambrian quarzitic sandstones and sandstones with pyrite veins. This article presents the results of geochemical studies on the waters of the acidic mine pit lake Podwiśniówka (with an area of 1.5 ha and a maximum depth of 7.0 m) conducted in 2018. The tests were carried out in a vertical water column (every 1 m) in the central part of pit lake. The mean concentration of metals/metalloids, determined using inductively coupled plasma-quadrupole mass spectrometry (ICP-QMS), was found to form the following sequence in decreasing order: As> Cu> Ni> Co> Cr> Zn> U> Pb> Cd> Tl. With increasing depth, there was a general upwards trend in the concentrations of all the determined elements. In all cases, the average value of the single pollution index in the water column greatly exceeds the very strong level in relation to the geochemical background of surface waters globally (As – above 1250 times). The integrated pollution index for the ten trace elements in the water column increases with depth, and its average value exceeding 250 times the highest reference level. At the same time, the cluster analysis carried out showed the existence of two distinct depth zones in the pit lake: upper (0–4 m) and lower (5–7 m), differing in the scale of the water pollution

    Morphological and soil determinants of forest cover changes in Świętokrzyski National Park and its buffer zone in the last 200 years

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    The research described in the paper utilized GIS methods and comparative cartography in order to analyze changes in forest cover in the period 1800–2011 in the Świętokrzyski National Park (76.26 km²) and its buffer zone (207.86 km²). The research was done for predefined elevation intervals, slope gradients, and genetic soil types. Source materials included historical maps as well as a digital elevation model. Changes in forest cover were noted in spatial and temporal terms and were usually linked to morphology and soil type. While the 19th century was characterized by intense deforestation, this process reversed starting in the early 20th century. Nevertheless, forest cover in the study area has still not returned to its state from 1800

    Impact of the City on the Rapid Increase in the Runoff and Transport of Suspended and Dissolved Solids During Rainfall—The Example of the Silnica River (Kielce, Poland)

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    Urbanisation changes the water cycle and affects the parameters of transported, suspended and dissolved matter, especially in small river catchments. This paper presents the reasons why river runoff and fluvial transport rapidly increase during rainfall-induced summer floods in the stretch of the Silnica River that flows through the centre of Kielce, a city with a population of 200,000. Examples of implemented hydrotechnical solutions that aim to reduce the height of flood waves and eliminate water accumulation are also presented. The 18.05 km long Silnica River drains a catchment area of 49.4 km2. It flows through areas of varied land use, which have determined the location of five hydrometric stations (outlets) at different sub-catchments: Dabrowa(forest), Piaski (suburbia) and Jesionowa (includes a reservoir), as well as Pakosz and Bialogon (largely impervious areas in the city centre). Specific runoff, suspended and dissolved solids concentration and the specific load of these two types of fluvial transport were determined. It was found that the maximum specific runoff in the outlets of urban sub-catchments was significantly higher during floods than those of the sub-catchments upstream of the city centre; the suspended solids concentration was several times higher, and the suspended solids load was approximately 200 times higher. Recognition of the basic parameters of rainfall-induced flood waves, as well as the dynamics and size of fluvial transport at the hydrometric stations, especially at the outlets of sub-catchments with a large proportion of impervious area (approximately 30%), has become the basis for the development and implementation of modernisation projects and the construction of hydrotechnical facilities and devices in the river channel in the centre of Kielce

    Hydrological conditions of the Pietraszki water reservoir designed for the River Sufraganiec (Kielce)

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    The Pietraszki water reservoir is designed for the lower part of the River Sufraganiec catchment (61.43 sq km), in the area of Kielce. In those conditions water volume is designed to be about 1.4 hm3, and the reservoir’s maximum depth, 4.2 m. The hydrological characteristics of the ungauged catchment of the River Sufraganiec are based upon the results of stationary field observations held in the cross-section located in the same place as the designed dam head. In the present analysis GIS techniques were also used, based on data obtained from the city’s Spatial Information System and WIOŚ in Kielce. Based on the Digital Elevation Model done with Airborne Laser Scanning, the reservoir area has been designated and its bathymetric and volume curves calculated. The mean annual values of specific runoff (8.8 l s-1 km-2), runoff coefficient (39%), runoff volume (17.2 hm3), specific discharge and the filling time have been determined. The analysis also took into account the annual cycle characteristics including minimum in-stream flow calculated with the use of a number of methods. The performed analysis shows that the River Sufraganiec water resources are enough for the fast filling of the Pietraszki reservoir (depending on the season - from 22 to 114 days), even when applying the most restrictive criteria in minimum in-stream flow calculations. The ecological quality of the River Sufraganiec water in 2014 did show any significant environmental threats. The analysis shows that the quantity and quality of the River Sufraganiec water is enough for the proper functioning of the planned reservoir

    The Relationship between Suspended Solid Loads and Dissolved Material during Floods of Various Origin in Catchments of Different Use

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    The paper presents the results of stationary, detailed studies on the variability of the mutual share of two fluvial loads, i.e., suspended solids and dissolved material during floods caused by rainstorm, continuous rainfalls and snowmelt in selected rivers (Silnica, Sufraganiec) draining small catchments in central Poland, including two characterized by a high level of urbanization. Irrespective of the origin of the flood, the share of suspended solids load did not exceed 80% in urbanized catchments, in suburban catchments—44%, and in forest catchments—32%. In the former, the gradient of the increase in the share of suspended solids and concentration time in the first phase of the flood was several times higher than in the other catchments. It was proved that statistically significant relationships exist between the share of sealed surfaces (roads, car parks, roofs, etc.) in the total catchment area and the average share of suspended solids, both in the rising and falling phase of the flood wave, regardless of their origin. Similar relationships were documented by analyzing: the density of the drainage network (storm sewers, roads, etc.)—the share of suspension. The obtained results have an interesting cognitive aspect and in practice are used for the development of hydrotechnical documentation related to water management in the city