48 research outputs found

    Asesmen Self-Efficacy Konselor dalam Konseling : Pengembangan dan Validasi

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    Counselor self-efficacy in counseling is one of the variables that affect the performance and outcomes of counseling. A number of studies have proven the importance of counselor self-efficacy in implementing counseling. However, in Indonesia there is no instrument that measures the counselor's self-efficacy in implementing counseling. This study aims to develop and validate the counselor's self-efficacy scale in counseling. The counselor's self-efficacy scale in counseling was developed to assess the counselor's belief in counseling. The scale was developed based on the skills used in the counseling phase in general. The counselor's self-efficacy scale in counseling consists of 3 dimensions with 26 statement items. The subjects of this study were school counselors throughout Malang Raya with 100 school counselors as participants. The procedure for compiling the instrument consists of four steps; define constructs, develop measurement models, perform confirmatory factor analysis and check the validity of the measurement models. Reliability Test using Cronbach's Alpha and Reliability Construct. The results of the research analysis show that the counselor's self-efficacy scale in counseling (SEKDK) is valid and reliabl


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    This study explains the use of the Natural User Interface (NUI) on retention of learning. The combination of multimedia and virtual reality is called immersive multimedia. Immersive multimedia is the reality of computer simulations that replicate the environment resulting in user interaction. Immersive multimedia technology is applied to natural user interface (NUI). Natural user interface (NUI) has great potential to facilitate new ways of computer-based learning. The result of instructional media development in this research is an interactive learning media that allows learners to display presentation content and manipulate presentation content directly so as to stimulate visual which improves learning retention. Key Word: Natural User Interface (NUI), Educational, Retention, Immersive Multimedia, Interactive Learnin

    The Effect of Morinda citrifolia and Arthrospira plattensis Powder on the Performance and Quality of Broiler Duck Carcasses

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    This study was aimed to investigate performance and quality of broiler duck carcasses fed with Morinda citrifolia and Arthrospira plattensis. A total of 168 two-week-old broiler duck with an initial average body weight of 463 ± 29.38 g and a diversity of 6.35 % were randomly allotted to 7 experimental groups with 4 replications each with 6 bird per replication. Treatments were T0 (basal diet as a control), T1 (basal diet + 0.2% of Morinda citrifolia powder (MP)), T2 (basal diet + 0.5% of Arthrospira plattensis powde(AP)) , T3 (basal diet + 0.2% of MP+ 0.5% of AP), T4 (basal diet + 0.4% of MP + 0.5% of AP), T5 (basal diet + 0.2% of MP + 0.1% of AP), T6 (basal diet 0.4% of MP + 0.1% of AP). Variables measured were feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, carcass percentage, abdominal fat, and visceral organ. Data were analyzed for variance based on a Completely Randomize Design and continued with Duncan’s multiple Range Test for differences. Result showed that the treatments did not affect (P0.05) on feed intake, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio. The treatments also did not affect (P0.05) carcass percentage, abdominal fat, and visceral organ. The diet did not significantly improve performance and quality of broiler duck carcasses

    Modelling The Learner Model Based Ontology In Adaptive Learning Environment

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    Currently, the online learners are increasingly demanding more personalized learning since the web technology, and the learners have individual features of characteristics such as learning goals, experiences, interests, personality traits, learning styles, learning activities, and prior knowledge. A personalized learning process requires an adaptive learning system (ALS). In order to adapt, a learner model is required. Thus, modelling the learner model in an adaptive system environment is a key point to success in recommending the learner. The ontology-based approach was used to model the adaptive learning model in this research.   Ontology is a graph structure that consists of a collection of contexts, relationships, and models which related to contexts. The ontology of the learner model enables to produce a description of learner’s properties which contains important information about domain knowledge, learning performance, interests, preference, goal, tasks, and personal traits.Keywords - Personalized Learning, Adaptive Learning System, Ontology, Learner Mode

    Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Penjualan, Pembelian, dan Cek Stok Barang Toko Mechanic Center Berbasis Web

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    Toko Mechanic Centre adalah toko yang menyediakan sparepart handphone , yang biasanya digunakan dalam perbaikan pada tempat-tempat service handphone . Selama ini, Toko Mechanic Centre melakukan pencatatan data master dan transaksi secara manual. Pencatatan ini memperbesar terjadinya kemungkinan kesalahan yang terjadi karena human error . Karyawan pun mendapat kesusahan dalam pembuatan laporan transaksi yang te lah terjadi di toko. Pemilik toko juga mendapat kesulitan untuk mengetahui produk yang paling sering digunakan. Selain itu, untuk perluasan cabang yang akan dilakukan toko, pemilik toko akan mengalami kesulitan juga dalam hal melihat suatu produk lebih digunakan pada cabang yang mana. Dari analisis terhadap sistem yang berlangsung di toko, dibuat desain untuk membantu proses pencatatan ma ster, transaksi, dan laporan untuk mengatasi kekurangan yang ada pada sistem yang sedang berlangsung. Selain itu, sistem informasi akan dibuat dalam bentuk web agar nantinya dapat digunakan apabila terdapat perluasan toko. Sistem informasi ini juga nantinya akan membantu customer dalam melihat sisa stok barang yang masih tersedia pada toko. Proses uji coba dan evaluasi dilakukan dalam dua tahapan, yaitu verifikasi dan validasi. Pada tahap verifikasi, selu ruh fitur yang tersedia akan diperiksa untuk memastikan bahwa sistem yang telah dibuat bebas dari kesalahan. Pada tahap validasi, dilakukan proses interview secara real dengan user untuk memastikan program yang telah dibuat telah berjalan sesuai dengan kebutuhan toko. Kesimpulan dari pembuatan aplikasi adalah aplikasi yang telah dibuat membantu karyawan dalam mempermudah proses transaksi yang terjadi. Selain itu, pencatatan data master dan laporan menjadi lebih mudah diakses


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    KOMPRESI DAN PENGENALAN CITRA WAJAH DENGAN PENDEKATAN NON-NEGATIVE MATRIX FACTORIZATION - Face recognition, kompresi, Non-negative Matrix Factorization, Principal Component Analysis, Eigenface, Computer Visio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan: Pengaruh dari variabel Event Pariwisata secara parsial terhadap Keputusan Berkunjung Wisatawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 variabel; yaitu event marketing (X) dan Keputusan Berkunjung Wisatawan (Y). Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner secara langsung pada Wisatawan yang Berkunjung ke Event Wonderland Adventure Waterpark. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 100 orang responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampling indential . Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, verifikatif, uji normalitas dan analisis regresi . Kemudian variabel dari Event Pariwisata berpengaruh secara parsial dan signifikan terhadap Keputusan Berkunjung Wisatawan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sebaiknya Perusahaan Wonderland Adventure Waterpark Kabupaten Karawang mempertahankan variabel dari Event yang merupakan faktor penting dalam menciptakan event menjadi spesial. Perusahaan Wonderland Adventure Waterpark dapat mempertahankan variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dan menggali lebih dalam lagi yang dimiliki Wonderland Adventure Waterpark dan dapat menerapkan ke dalam event-event yang diselenggarakan sehingga memiliki keistimewaan dan menarik perhatian wisatawan. Kata kunci : Event, Pariwisata, Event Pariwisata, Keputusan Berkunjung   This research aims to clarify: influence of variable Event Tourism partially against the decision of the Visiting tourists. This study uses two variables; IE event marketing (X) and the decision of the Visiting Tourist (Y). The collection of data obtained through the dissemination of the questionnaire directly on tourists visiting the Event Wonderland Adventure Waterpark. The samples used in the study was 100 people respondents. Sampling technique used was sampling indential. The analysis of the data used is descriptive, verifikatif analysis, regression analysis and normality test. Then the variable of influential Tourism Event in partial and significantly to the decision of the Visiting tourists. Based on the results of the study, preferably Company Wonderland Adventure Waterpark Karawang maintains variables from the Event which is an important factor in creating the event be special. Company Wonderland Adventure Waterpark can maintain the variables used in this study and digging deeper owned Wonderland Adventure Waterpark and can implement into events held so have the privilege and attract the attention of tourists. Keywords: Event, Tourism, Tourism Events, Visiting Decision

    Innovation of Cooling System Learning Media Android-Based Air Using Smart Apps Creator for Vocational High School Students

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    This study aims to develop Android-based cooling system maintenance learning media using Smart Apps Creator, determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the media, and determine students' responses after using the learning media that has been developed. This research is a type of research and development developed using the ADDIE development model. The resulting product is an Android application made using Smart Apps Creator. Product trials were carried out using a one-group pretest-posttest design, while the instruments used were questionnaires and test instruments. The results of this study are that this learning media gets "Very Feasible" results based on the assessment results from material experts and media experts, with an average percentage of 93.13% feasibility from material experts and 87.73% from media experts. Learning media is effective for use in the learning process. This is based on the t-test results, which get a value of t-score. 11.65, or it can be concluded that there is a significant increase in learning outcomes after using learning media. Students also responded excellently to using learning media, with a percentage of 86.71%

    Permodelan Ekonometri Produktivitas Tangkapan dan Permintaan Ikan Laut Segar di Sulawesi Selatan

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    Adanya perubahan produktivitas tangkapan akibat dari faktor musim menyebabkan terjadi ketidakseimbangan antara permintaan dan penawaran ikan laut segar di Sulawesi Selatan khususnya Kabupaten Barru yang berbatasan langsung dengan Laut Sulawesi, Kabupaten Jeneponto (Laut Flores), dan Kabupaten Sinjai (Teluk Bone). Pada sisi penawaran, saat musim penangkapan (panen) terjadi over supply, sedangkan musim paceklik (barat dan timur) ataupun musim penangkapan saat terjadi bulan purnama produksi menurun. Hal ini pula mengakibatkan fluktuasi harga sehingga dampaknya pendapatan nelayan menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas total tangkapan dan permintaan harga ikan laut segar (kembung, lemuru, dan layang) Sulawesi Selatan dengan pendekatan model ekonometri. Tujuan tersebut menggunakan metode analisis regresi berganda dan pengujian asumsi klasik (multikolinearitas dan autokorelasi) dengan pendekatan metode fixed effect dengan data runtun waktu tahun 1991 sampai dengan 2015. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa produktivitas tangkapan dipengaruhi secara positif oleh jumlah armada laut, perbedaan wilayah Perairan Kabupaten Barru, dan Kabupaten Jeneponto, serta dipengaruhi secara oleh Jumlah nelayan dan alat tangkap. Lain halnya permintaan ikan laut segar, khusus permintaan ikan layang dipengaruhi secara negatif oleh harga kembung dan harga lemuru, sedangkan secara positif dipengaruhi oleh harga layang sendiri. Dalam meningkatkan produktivitas tangkapan diperlukan adanya dukungan armada laut dan alat tangkap lebih banyak sehingga dari jumlah nelayan yang ada dapat meningkatkan jumlah trip penangkapan. Untuk itu diperlukan adanya bantuan berupa peningkatan armada laut berkekuatan Grosstonase (GT) 50-100 GT untuk mencapai fishing ground pada Zona Ekonomi Ekslusif (ZEE) yang lebih jauh sebagai jalur di luar dan berbatasan dengan laut teritorial Indonesia dengan batas terluar 200 mil laut yang diukur dari garis pangkal laut teritorial (Undang-undang No. 45 Tahun 2009 dan Undang-undang No. 31 Tahun 2004), serta alat tangkap modern berupa Bagan Rambo dan purseine sehingga dari peningkatan jumlah tripnya akan lebih meningkatkan hasil tangkapannya baik nelayan modern (kapal motor) maupun nelayan tradisional (perahu motor tempel dan perahu tanpa motor)

    Assessing Learning Management System (LMS) for The Dairy Farmer: Obstacles to Delivering Online Learning Content

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    Online learning is currently an alternative learning strategy for continuous learning amidst the limitations of face-to-face learning due to the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. However, the implementation of online learning certainly does not only provide solutions but also provides obstacles in its implementation which results in the non-delivery of learning content in online learning. Of course this can have an impact on dairy farmers as new users of the Learning Management System. This study aims to analyze the constraints of online learning based on the responses that have been shared by Twitter social media users towards the implementation of online learning and to assess the use of LMS for dairy farmers. This study uses the Twitter data crawling method on Twitter social media user responses to the topic of online learning constraints and data visualization to analyze LMS usage by . The research findings state that most users of online learning complain about internet quota constraints and the technical constraints experienced by them resulting in learning content not being absorbed optimally. This research can enrich research related to the use of social media data as data that can be analyzed and documented for learning development