107 research outputs found

    Mechanism of bacterial interference with TLR4 signaling by Brucella TIR-domain-containing protein TcpB

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    Upon activation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs), cytoplasmic Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domains of the receptors undergo homo- or hetero-dimerization. This in turn leads to the recruitment of adaptor proteins, activation of transcription factors, and the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Recent studies have described the TIR-domain-containing protein from Brucella melitensis, TcpB (BtpA/Btp1), to be involved in virulence and suppression of host innate immune responses. TcpB interferes with TLR4 and TLR2 signaling pathways by a mechanism that remains controversial. In this study, we show using co-immunoprecipitation analyses that TcpB interacts with MAL, MyD88, and TLR4, but interferes only with the MAL:TLR4 interaction. We present the crystal structure of the TcpB TIR domain, which reveals significant structural differences in the loop regions compared to other TIR domain structures. We demonstrate that TcpB forms a dimer in solution, and the crystal structure reveals the dimerization interface, which we validate by mutagenesis and biophysical studies. Our study advances the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of host immunosuppression by bacterial pathogens

    The teacher who teaches mathematics as a focus of study in Brazilian professional masters.

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    Neste artigo analisam-se 96 disserta??es, cujo foco ? o professor que ensina Matem?tica, produzidas nos mestrados profissionais da ?rea de Ensino da Capes, entre 2001 e 2012. Procura-se compreender como o pesquisador, que ? um professor, percebe os participantes de seu estudo e se relaciona com eles. O corpus da pesquisa foi analisado a partir das seguintes categorias: perfil do professor pesquisador e dos participantes; motiva??o e foco das pesquisas; e rela??o pesquisador-participantes. Os resultados evidenciam que, em muitos estudos, o professor (ou futuro professor), participante da pesquisa, ? percebido pelo pesquisador como um aprendiz, mais que como um parceiro ou colaborador. Isso sugere um distanciamento entre ambos que n?o condiz com o fato de pelo menos metade dos estudos mencionar que sua motiva??o adv?m das pr?prias trajet?rias profissionais. Al?m disso, poucas pesquisas analisam a pr?pria pr?tica do pesquisador ou refletem acerca de sua aprendizagem profissional ao realizar sua pesquisa.In this article, we analyzed 96 dissertations produced between 2001 to 2012 focused on the mathematics teacher by Professional Masters in the Teaching area of the Capes. The objective is to understand how a researcher, who is a teacher, perceives and relates to the participants of his studies. The data was analyzed from the following categories: profile of the researcher professor and of the participants; motivation and focus of research; and researcher-participant relationship. The results show how, in many cases, the teacher (or future teacher), who participated in the study it?s perceived as an apprentice rather than as a partner or collaborator. This suggests a gap between the two that does not match the fact that at least half of the studies mention that their motivation comes from their own professional trajectories. In addition, few researches analyze the researcher's own practice or reflect on his professional learning when conducting his research

    Inhibition of TIR Domain Signaling by TcpC: MyD88-Dependent and Independent Effects on Escherichia coli Virulence

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    Toll-like receptor signaling requires functional Toll/interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor (TIR) domains to activate innate immunity. By producing TIR homologous proteins, microbes inhibit host response induction and improve their own survival. The TIR homologous protein TcpC was recently identified as a virulence factor in uropathogenic Escherichia coli (E. coli), suppressing innate immunity by binding to MyD88. This study examined how the host MyD88 genotype modifies the in vivo effects of TcpC and whether additional, TIR-domain containing proteins might be targeted by TcpC. In wild type mice (wt), TcpC enhanced bacterial virulence, increased acute mortality, bacterial persistence and tissue damage after infection with E. coli CFT073 (TcpC+), compared to a ΔTcpC deletion mutant. These effects were attenuated in Myd88−/− and Tlr4−/− mice. Transcriptomic analysis confirmed that TcpC inhibits MYD88 dependent gene expression in CFT073 infected human uroepithelial cells but in addition the inhibitory effect included targets in the TRIF and IL-6/IL-1 signaling pathways, where MYD88 dependent and independent signaling may converge. The effects of TcpC on bacterial persistence were attenuated in Trif −/− or Il-1β −/− mice and innate immune responses to ΔTcpC were increased, confirming that Trif and Il-1β dependent targets might be involved in vivo, in addition to Myd88. Furthermore, soluble TcpC inhibited Myd88 and Trif dependent TLR signaling in murine macrophages. Our results suggest that TcpC may promote UTI-associated pathology broadly, through inhibition of TIR domain signaling and downstream pathways. Dysregulation of the host response by microbial TcpC thus appears to impair the protective effects of innate immunity, while promoting inflammation and tissue damage

    Cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the TIR domain from the Brucella melitensis TIR-domain-containing protein TcpB

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    In mammals, Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize conserved microbial molecular signatures and induce an early innate immune response in the host. TLR signalling is mediated by interactions between the cytosolic TIR (Toll/interleukin-1 receptor) domains of the receptor and the adaptor proteins. Increasingly, it is apparent that pathogens target this interaction via pathogen-expressed TIR-domain-containing proteins to modulate immune responses. A TIR-domain-containing protein TcpB has been reported in the pathogenic bacterium Brucella melitensis. Studies have shown that TcpB interferes with the TLR2 and TLR4 signalling pathways to inhibit TLR-mediated inflammatory responses. Such interference may involve TIR-TIR-domain interactions between bacterial and mammalian proteins, but there is a lack of information about these interactions at the molecular level. In this study, the cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the protein construct corresponding to the TIR domain of TcpB (residues 120-250) are reported. The crystals diffracted to 2.6 angstrom resolution, have the symmetry of the monoclinic space group P2(1) and are most likely to contain four molecules in the asymmetric unit. The structure should help in understanding the molecular basis of how TcpB affects the innate immunity of the host

    Toll-Like Receptors 2 and 4 Regulate the Frequency of IFNÎł-Producing CD4+ T-Cells during Pulmonary Infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae

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    TLR2 and TLR4 are crucial for recognition of Chlamydia pneumoniae in vivo, since infected TLR2/4 double-deficient mice are unable to control the infection as evidenced by severe loss of body weight and progressive lethal pneumonia. Unexpectedly, these mice display higher pulmonary levels of the protective cytokine IFNÎł than wild type mice. We show here, that antigen-specific CD4+ T-cells are responsible for the observed IFNÎł-secretion in vivo and their frequency is higher in TLR2/4 double-deficient than in wild type mice. The capacity of TLR2/4 double-deficient dendritic cells to re-stimulate CD4+ T-cells did not differ from wild type dendritic cells. However, the frequency of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T-cells was considerably higher in wild type compared to TLR2/4 double-deficient mice and was inversely related to the number of IFNÎł-secreting CD4+ effector T-cells. Despite increased IFNÎł-levels, at least one IFNÎł-mediated response, protective NO-secretion, could not be induced in the absence of TLR2 and 4. In summary, CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T-cells fail to expand in the absence of TLR2 and TLR4 during pulmonary infection with C. pneumoniae, which in turn enhances the frequency of CD4+IFNÎł+ effector T-cells. Failure of IFNÎł to induce NO in TLR2/4 double-deficient cells represents one possible mechanism why TLR2/4 double-deficient mice are unable to control pneumonia caused by C. pneumoniae and succumb to the infection

    Uropathogenic E. coli Induce Different Immune Response in Testicular and Peritoneal Macrophages: Implications for Testicular Immune Privilege

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    Infertility affects one in seven couples and ascending bacterial infections of the male genitourinary tract by Escherichia coli are an important cause of male factor infertility. Thus understanding mechanisms by which immunocompetent cells such as testicular macrophages (TM) respond to infection and how bacterial pathogens manipulate defense pathways is of importance. Whole genome expression profiling of TM and peritoneal macrophages (PM) infected with uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) revealed major differences in regulated genes. However, a multitude of genes implicated in calcium signaling pathways was a common feature which indicated a role of calcium-dependent nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) signaling. UPEC-dependent NFAT activation was confirmed in both cultured TM and in TM in an in vivo UPEC infectious rat orchitis model. Elevated expression of NFATC2-regulated anti-inflammatory cytokines was found in TM (IL-4, IL-13) and PM (IL-3, IL-4, IL-13). NFATC2 is activated by rapid influx of calcium, an activity delineated to the pore forming toxin alpha-hemolysin by bacterial mutant analysis. Alpha-hemolysin suppressed IL-6 and TNF-ι cytokine release from PM and caused differential activation of MAP kinase and AP-1 signaling pathways in TM and PM leading to reciprocal expression of key pro-inflammatory cytokines in PM (IL-1ι, IL-1β, IL-6 downregulated) and TM (IL-1β, IL-6 upregulated). In addition, unlike PM, LPS-treated TM were refractory to NFκB activation shown by the absence of degradation of IκBι and lack of pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion (IL-6, TNF-ι). Taken together, these results suggest a mechanism to the conundrum by which TM initiate immune responses to bacteria, while maintaining testicular immune privilege with its ability to tolerate neo-autoantigens expressed on developing spermatogenic cells

    Comparative genomics of Escherichia coli isolated from patients with inflammatory bowel disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is used to describe a state of idiopathic, chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The two main phenotypes of IBD are Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). The major cause of IBD-associated mortality is colorectal cancer. Although both host-genetic and exogenous factors have been found to be involved, the aetiology of IBD is still not well understood. In this study we characterized thirteen <it>Escherichia coli </it>strains from patients with IBD by comparative genomic hybridization employing a microarray based on 31 sequenced <it>E. coli </it>genomes from a wide range of commensal and pathogenic isolates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The IBD isolates, obtained from patients with UC and CD, displayed remarkably heterogeneous genomic profiles with little or no evidence of group-specific determinants. No IBD-specific genes were evident when compared with the prototypic CD isolate, LF82, suggesting that the IBD-inducing effect of the strains is multifactorial. Several of the IBD isolates carried a number of extraintestinal pathogenic <it>E. coli </it>(ExPEC)-related virulence determinants such as the <it>pap</it>, <it>sfa</it>, <it>cdt </it>and <it>hly </it>genes. The isolates were also found to carry genes of ExPEC-associated genomic islands.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Combined, these data suggest that <it>E. coli </it>isolates obtained from UC and CD patients represents a heterogeneous population of strains, with genomic profiles that are indistinguishable to those of ExPEC isolates. Our findings indicate that IBD-induction from <it>E. coli </it>strains is multifactorial and that a range of gene products may be involved in triggering the disease.</p

    Bacillus anthracis TIR Domain-Containing Protein Localises to Cellular Microtubule Structures and Induces Autophagy

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognise invading pathogens and mediate downstream immune signalling via Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domains. TIR domain proteins (Tdps) have been identified in multiple pathogenic bacteria and have recently been implicated as negative regulators of host innate immune activation. A Tdp has been identified in Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax. Here we present the first study of this protein, designated BaTdp. Recombinantly expressed and purified BaTdp TIR domain interacted with several human TIR domains, including that of the key TLR adaptor MyD88, although BaTdp expression in cultured HEK293 cells had no effect on TLR4- or TLR2- mediated immune activation. During expression in mammalian cells, BaTdp localised to microtubular networks and caused an increase in lipidated cytosolic microtubule-associated protein 1A/1B-light chain 3 (LC3), indicative of autophagosome formation. In vivo intra-nasal infection experiments in mice showed that a BaTdp knockout strain colonised host tissue faster with higher bacterial load within 4 days post-infection compared to the wild type B. anthracis. Taken together, these findings indicate that BaTdp does not play an immune suppressive role, but rather, its absence increases virulence. BaTdp present in wild type B. anthracis plausibly interact with the infected host cell, which undergoes autophagy in self-defence

    Escherichia coli Bacteriocins: Antimicrobial Efficacy and Prevalence among Isolates from Patients with Bacteraemia

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    Bacteriocins are antimicrobial peptides generally active against bacteria closely related to the producer. Escherichia coli produces two types of bacteriocins, colicins and microcins. The in vitro efficacy of isolated colicins E1, E6, E7, K and M, was assessed against Escherichia coli strains from patients with bacteraemia of urinary tract origin. Colicin E7 was most effective, as only 13% of the tested strains were resistant. On the other hand, 32%, 33%, 43% and 53% of the tested strains exhibited resistance to colicins E6, K, M and E1. Moreover, the inhibitory activity of individual colicins E1, E6, E7, K and M and combinations of colicins K, M, E7 and E1, E6, E7, K, M were followed in liquid broth for 24 hours. Resistance against individual colicins developed after 9 hours of treatment. On the contrary, resistance development against the combined action of 5 colicins was not observed. One hundred and five E. coli strains from patients with bacteraemia were screened by PCR for the presence of 5 colicins and 7 microcins. Sixty-six percent of the strains encoded at least one bacteriocin, 43% one or more colicins, and 54% one or more microcins. Microcins were found to co-occur with toxins, siderophores, adhesins and with the Toll/Interleukin-1 receptor domain-containing protein involved in suppression of innate immunity, and were significantly more prevalent among strains from non-immunocompromised patients. In addition, microcins were highly prevalent among non-multidrug-resistant strains compared to multidrug-resistant strains. Our results indicate that microcins contribute to virulence of E. coli instigating bacteraemia of urinary tract origin
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