8 research outputs found

    GINSENG (Global Initiative for Sentinel E-health Network on Grid)

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    The GINSENG (Global Initiative for Sentinel E-health Network on Grid) project aims to implement a grid infrastructure for ehealthand epidemiology in Auvergne. A distributed medical database is created upon a secure network for epidemiologicalstudies. Our goal is to create a decentralized information system using grid technologies. The medical sites involved in theproject are clustered around two themes: cancer monitoring and perinatal care. On each medical site a server whichduplicates the medical database, is deployed with grid services. At the same time, full control of the information is kept by theorganizations storing patients' files. This solution allows for a high level of security, privacy, availability, and fault tolerance.Queries made on the distributed medical databases are made via a secure web portal. Public health authorities use thisinfrastructure for health monitoring, epidemiological studies and evaluation of specific medical practices

    RĂ©Ă©criture du module rĂ©seau de Quattor pour l’expĂ©rience LHCb au CERN

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    Quattor est une solution logicielle qui permet l’installation, la configuration et la maintenance de milliers d’ordinateurs Ă  distance. En centralisant ainsi ces tĂąches les gains en termes de temps et de simplicitĂ© sont Ă©normes. Pour atteindre ses objectifs, Quattor utilise, selon ce qui lui est demandĂ©, diffĂ©rents modules, dont un dĂ©diĂ© Ă  la configuration des rĂ©seaux. Durant les 5 mois qu’ont durĂ©s mon stage au CERN et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment dans l’expĂ©rience LHCb, il m’a Ă©tĂ© attribuĂ© la tĂąche de rĂ©Ă©crire totalement depuis le dĂ©part, ce composant rĂ©seau, en y ajoutant des fonctionnalitĂ©s. Il m’a Ă©tĂ© demandĂ© de conserver les fonctionnalitĂ©s existantes et de faire en sorte que le nouveau composant soit compatible avec les anciennes configurations. De plus, je devais ajouter une gestion de la configuration qui puisse se rĂ©aliser sans qu’il soit nĂ©cessaire de devoir redĂ©marrer le service rĂ©seau du nƓud Ă  configurer. J’ai nommĂ© cette configuration, « configuration dynamique » ou « configuration Ă  la volĂ©e », car elle s’oppose pour moi Ă  la configuration statique qui s’appuie sur les donnĂ©es Ă©crites dans des fichiers et qui seront utilisĂ©es lors d’un redĂ©marrage de la machine ou du service rĂ©seau. Le nouveau composant rĂ©seau de Quattor sera capable de conformer des nƓuds ne possĂ©dant pas de disques, sans les dĂ©connecter du rĂ©seau. Il aura Ă©tĂ© entiĂšrement repensĂ©, et codĂ© en suivant les principes de robustesse, d’efficacitĂ©, de maintenabilitĂ© et d’évolution

    Gestion d’échantillons pour la recherche scientifique avec Collec-Science

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    National audienceScientific teams for environmental research collect many samples (biological or physical) from fields for their analysis, and have to store them for a long while. The management of such samples requires a strategy relying on an efficient Laboratory Information Management System, with regards to the specific needs of this domain. This paper exposes such a strategy, and how it is implemented inside a software named Collec-Science. In particular, it adresses the need for tracability, security, and a greater genericity and freedom for researchers. The whole information system has to be integrated inside an ecosystem of tools for the research, and we explain how we face the challenge in terms of organisation and interoperability around the solution.Les acteurs des laboratoires de recherche scientifique environnementale collectent rĂ©guliĂšrement de nombreux Ă©chantillons qui sont ensuite analysĂ©s et stockĂ©s. Leur gestion sur le long terme s’inscrit dans une stratĂ©gie qu’il s’agit de dĂ©finir puis de mettre en Ɠuvre via des outils informatiques adaptĂ©s. Cet article prĂ©sente cette stratĂ©gie, puis sa dĂ©clinaison dans un systĂšme d’information dĂ©veloppĂ© sous le nom de Collec-Science, offrant un support adĂ©quat pour la traçabilitĂ©, la diversitĂ© des donnĂ©es Ă  traiter et l’autonomie des utilisateurs. Il prĂ©sente Ă©galement les perspectives de ces travaux en matiĂšre d’animation de communautĂ© scientifique, Ă  la fois sur les plans organisationnels et opĂ©rationnels, dans le contexte d’une science ouverte

    Large Scale Explorative Oligonucleotide Probe Selection for Thousands of Genetic Groups on a Computing Grid: Application to Phylogenetic Probe Design Using a Curated Small Subunit Ribosomal RNA Gene Database

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    Phylogenetic Oligonucleotide Arrays (POAs) were recently adapted for studying the huge microbial communities in a flexible and easy-to-use way. POA coupled with the use of explorative probes to detect the unknown part is now one of the most powerful approaches for a better understanding of microbial community functioning. However, the selection of probes remains a very difficult task. The rapid growth of environmental databases has led to an exponential increase of data to be managed for an efficient design. Consequently, the use of high performance computing facilities is mandatory. In this paper, we present an efficient parallelization method to select known and explorative oligonucleotide probes at large scale using computing grids. We implemented a software that generates and monitors thousands of jobs over the European Computing Grid Infrastructure (EGI). We also developed a new algorithm for the construction of a high-quality curated phylogenetic database to avoid erroneous design due to bad sequence affiliation. We present here the performance and statistics of our method on real biological datasets based on a phylogenetic prokaryotic database at the genus level and a complete design of about 20,000 probes for 2,069 genera of prokaryotes

    Towards better traceability of field sampling data

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    International audienceEnsuring traceability of both field experimental data and laboratory sampling data for a reproducible research remains a challenge nowadays. Between the time when geolocalized specimens are taken, and the time the resulting data ends up in analysis published within a study, many manual operations take place that are prone to generate errors. The French nodes of the European Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research Infrastructure called ”Zones Ateliers” propose a solution as generic as possible to this problem of monitoring of the samples and the data associated with them. Compared to existing solutions such as Laboratory Information Management Systems, we target a robust solution for labelling adapted to outdoor working conditions, with the management of storages and movements of samples. We designed and realized a software package tested from end to end, using open source licenses and cheap hardware, including small printers (mobile or not) and Raspberry Pis. This system provides sufficient flexibility so that it can facilitate working with a wide variety of existing protocols. One of the most interesting feature consists to record all contextual data associated with the samples, which constitute important parameters of the subsequent analyses. Furthermore, not only traceability is thus guaranteed, but also we can expect a reduced handling times and an increased streamlining of the storage of samples that will improve the return on investment

    Towards better traceability of field sampling data

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    PosterInternational audienceEnsuring traceability of field experimental data or laboratory sampling data to conduct reproducible research is a challenge at the present time. Between the time when geolocalized specimens (biotic or abiotic) are taken, and the time the resulting data ends up in analysis published within a study, many manual operations take place and may generate errors. The French LTSER have joined forces at the national level to propose a solution as generic as possible to this problem of monitoring of the samples and the data associated with them. Compared to existing solutions (such as Laboratory Information Management Systems), we target a robust labeling solution adapted to outdoor working conditions, with the management of stocks and movements of samples. We designed and realized a prototype tested from end to end, using an open source software (https://github.com/Irstea/collec), cheap Zebra printers (mobile or not) and raspberries as devices. This solution provides sufficient flexibility for the wide variety of existing protocols. Its strength is the record of all contextual data associated with the samples, which constitute important parameters of the subsequent analyzes. At last, not only traceability is guaranteed, but also a gain of time and a rationalization of the storage of samples that will induce a return on investment