489 research outputs found

    Hubungan Pengetahuan, Pendapatan Dan Makanan Pantangan Dengan Pola Makan Pada Ibu Nifas

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    Latar Belakang:Secara umum terjadi penurunan kematian ibu selama periode 1991-2015 dari 390 menjadi 305 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Walaupun terjadi kecenderungan penurunan angka kematian ibu, namun tidak berhasil mencapai target MDGs yang harus dicapai yaitu sebesar 102 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup pada tahun 2015. Hasil supas tahun 2015 memperlihatkan angka kematian ibu tiga kali lipat dibandingkan target MDGs. Kekurangan gizi pada ibu nifas atau ibu menyusui menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan pada ibu dan bayinya.Gangguan pada bayi mudah sakit, mudah terkena infeksi, kekurangan zat-zat esensial menimbulkan gangguan mata, tulang dan pertumbuhan dan pada ibu nifas akan memperlambat proses penyembuhan luka perineum. Bila ibu tidak memperoleh makanan dengan gizi yang seimbang dapat mengakibatkan ibu kekurangan gizi dan kekurangan darah dan ibu akan memberikan ASI dengan jumlah yang sedikit kurangnya pemenuhan gizi ibu nifas atau menyusui di sebabkan banyak faktor diantaranya adanya pantangan makan pada ibu nifas. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan Pengetahuan, Pendapatan dan Makanan Pantangan ibu dengan Pola makan pada Ibu Nifas. Metode: observasional kuantitatif kepada seluruh ibu nifas yang berkunjung di klinik bersalin Citra sebanyak 32 orang, Tekhnik sampel yang digunakan adalah total sampling.  Hasil:ada  hubungan  pengetahuan  dengan pola makan (p=0,019), ada hubungan pendapatan dengan pola makan ibu nifas (p=0,017), tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan keluarga dengan pola makan (p = 0,3811). Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan pengetahuan dan pendapatan dengan pola makan ibu nifas, sementara  dukungan keluarga tidak berhubungan dengan pola makan ibu nifas. Background: In general, there was a decrease in maternal mortality during the period 1991-2015 from 390 to 305 per 100,000 live births. Although there is a tendency to decrease maternal mortality, the MDGs target that must be achieved is 102 per 100,000 live births in 2015. The results of the 2015 SUPAS show that the maternal mortality rate is three times higher than the MDGs target. Malnutrition in postpartum mothers or breastfeeding mothers causes health problems for mothers and their babies. Disturbances in babies are easy to get sick, susceptible to infection, lack of essential substances causes eye, bone and growth disorders and in postpartum mothers it will slow down the healing process of perineal wounds. If the mother does not get food with balanced nutrition, it can result in the mother being malnourished and lacking in blood and the mother will give breast milk in a small amount, the lack of fulfillment of nutrition for postpartum or breastfeeding mothers is caused by many factors, including dietary restrictions in postpartum mothers. Purpose: Analyzing the relationship between Knowledge, Income and Food Abstinence of Mothers with Diet in Postpartum Mothers. Methods: there is a relationship between knowledge and diet (p = 0.019), there is a relationship between income and postpartum mother's diet (p = 0.017), there is no significant relationship between family support and diet (p = 0.3811). Conclusion: There is a relationship between knowledge and income with the postpartum mother's diet, while family support is not related to the postpartum mother's diet. &nbsp

    Relationship between External and Internal Workloads in Elite Soccer Players : Comparison between Rate of Perceived Exertion and Training Load

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    The use of machine learning (ML) in soccer allows for the management of a large amount of data deriving from the monitoring of sessions and matches. Although the rate of perceived exertion (RPE), training load (S-RPE), and global position system (GPS) are standard methodologies used in team sports to assess the internal and external workload; how the external workload affects RPE and S-RPE remains still unclear. This study explores the relationship between both RPE and SRPE and the training workload through ML. Data were recorded from 22 elite soccer players, in 160 training sessions and 35 matches during the 2015/2016 season, by using GPS tracking technology. A feature selection process was applied to understand which workload features influence RPE and SRPE the most. Our results show that the training workloads performed in the previous week have a strong effect on perceived exertion and training load. On the other hand, the analysis of our predictions shows higher accuracy for medium RPE and S-RPE values compared with the extremes. These results provide further evidence of the usefulness of ML as a support to athletic trainers and coaches in understanding the relationship between training load and individual-response in team sports

    Studi Pelayanan Pelabuhan Batu Ampar Batam

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    Pelabuhan Batu Ampar terletak di Pulau Batam yang merupakan kawasan perdagangan bebas dan pelabuhan bebas dengan arus kedatangan kapal dan volume bongkar muat barang dan peti kemas yang tinggi sehingga lama masa sandar kapal sangat penting. Kinerja pelabuhan Batu Ampar dinilai lamban karena layanan dermaga tidak maksimal sehingga mengakibatkan banyaknya antrian kapal sehingga perlu adanya evaluasi mengenai analisis kinerja layanan, dan SWOT pengelolaan pelabuhan Batu Ampar. Data lalu lintas kapal dan bongkar muat barang yang diperlukan untuk analisis diperoleh dari Kantor Pelabuhan Laut BP Batam, selain itu diperlukan data pendukung tambahan yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi lokasi dan wawancara. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan melakukan analisis data lalu lintas kapal dan bongkar muat barang pada tahun 2012-2016 untuk mengetahui berth occupancy ratio (BOR), yard occupancy ratio (YOR), berth thoughput (BTP), dan kapasitas alat.Hasil analisis data selama penelitian diperoleh tingkat kinerja terminal pada tahun 2016 berdasarkan persamaan BOR (berth occopuncy ratio / kinerja dermaga) beberapa tambatan diperoleh nilai BOR yang telah melebihi persyaratan UNCTAD, serta peti kemas yang lewat dermaga (BTP / berth throughtput) 286 TEUs/meter panjang dermaga/tahun. Kinerja lapangan penumpukan peti kemas mempunyai nilai YOR (yard occupancy ratio) 34,3% untuk peti kemas yang ditumpuk di container yard. Nilai BOR telah melebihi syarat UNCTAD sehingga perlu adanya pengembangan pelabuhan Batu Ampar pada terminal multipurpose dan terminal peti kemas dermaga utara.Dari hasil analisis SWOT diperoleh strategi untuk memaksimalkan potensi yang ada yaitu dengan memperbaiki kinerja pelayanan pelabuhan. Selain itu, untuk menghadapi permasalahan maka perlu adanya optimalisasi dermaga dengan mengoperasionalkan dermaga peti kemas utara yang belum berfungsi dan memperbaiki produktivitas peralatan bongkar muat. Pada terminal multipurpose dari tahun 2016 sampai dengan tahun 2019 perlu peningkatan layanan kinerja bongkar muat dengan diadakan penambahan alat yaitu 1 unit mobile crane, dan pada terminal peti kemas dermaga utara perlu penambahan peralatan bongkar muat yaitu 2 unit container crane, dan 1 unit RTG

    Anomalous Behavior in the Nucleation of Ice at Negative Pressures

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    Ice nucleation is a phenomenon that, despite the relevant implications for life, atmospheric sciences, and technological applications, is far from being completely understood, especially under extreme thermodynamic conditions. In this work we present a computational investigation of the homogeneous ice nucleation at negative pressures. By means of the seeding technique we estimate the size of the ice critical nucleus Nc for the TIP4P/Ice water model. This is done along the isotherms 230, 240, and 250 K, from positive to negative pressures until reaching the liquid-gas kinetic stability limit (where cavitation cannot be avoided). We find that Nc is nonmonotonic upon depressurization, reaching a minimum at negative pressures in the doubly metastable region of water. According to classical nucleation theory we establish the nucleation rate J and the surface tension gamma, revealing a retracing behavior of both when the liquid-gas kinetic stability limit is approached. We also predict a reentrant behavior of the homogeneous nucleation line. The reentrance of these properties is related to the reentrance of the coexistence line at negative pressure, revealing new anomalies of water. The results of this work suggest the possibility of having metastable samples of liquid water for long times at negative pressure provided that heterogeneous nucleation is suppressed

    E-BOSS: an Extensive stellar BOw Shock Survey : I. Methods and first catalogue

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    Context. Bow shocks are produced by many astrophysical objects where shock waves are present. Stellar bow shocks, generated by runaway stars, have been previously detected in small numbers and well-studied. Along with progress in model development and improvements in observing instruments, our knowledge of the emission produced by these objects and its origin can now be more clearly understood. Aims. We produce a stellar bow-shock catalogue by applying uniform search criteria and a systematic search process. This catalogue is a starting point for statistical studies, to help us address fundamental questions such as, for instance, the conditions under wich a stellar bow shock is detectable. Methods. By using the newest infrared data releases, we carried out a search for bow shocks produced by early-type runaway stars. We first explored whether a set of known IRAS bow shock candidates are visible in the most recently available IR data, which has much higher resolution and sensitivity. We then carried out a selection of runaway stars from the latest, large runaway catalogue available. In this first release, we focused on OB stars and searched for bow-shaped features in the vicinity of these stars. Results. We provide a bow-shock candidate survey that gathers a total of 28 members, which we call the Extensive stellar BOw Shock Survey (E-BOSS). We derive the main bow-shock parameters, and present some preliminary statistical results on the detected objects. Conclusions. Our analysis of the initial sample and the newly detected objects yields a bow-shock detectability around OB stars of ∼10 per cent. The detections do not seem to depend particularly on either stellar mass, age or position. The extension of the E-BOSS sample, with upcoming IR data, and by considering, for example, other spectral types as well, will allow us to perform a more detailed study of the findings.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto Argentino de Radioastronomí

    Testing boundary conditions efficiency in simulations of long-range interacting magnetic models

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    Periodic boundary conditions have not a unique implementation in magnetic systems where all spins interact with each other through a power law decaying interaction of the form 1/rα1/r^\alpha, rr being the distance between spins. In this work we present a comparative study of the finite size effects oberved in numerical simulations by using first image convention and full infinite of periodic boundary conditions in one and two-dimensional spin systems with those type of interactions, including the ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and competitive interactions cases. Our results show no significative differences between the finite size effects produced by both types of boundary conditions when the low temperature phase has zero global magnetization, while it depends on the ratio α/d\alpha/d for systems with a low temperature ferromagnetic phase. In the last case the first image convention gives much more stronger finite size effects than the other when the system enters into the classical regime α/d3/2\alpha/d \leq 3/2.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Energía, ¿substancia o propiedad? Una investigación en los textos de física

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    En el presente trabajo presentamos los avances de una investigación destinada al análisis de las consecuencias del lenguaje empleado en la enseñanza de la energía, siguiendo los criterios de Chi y colaboradores que sostienen que parte de las dificultades de los estudiantes en la comprensión de los conceptos físicos se deben a las categorizaciones ontológicas que usan en cada caso. En particular nos interesa averiguar cómo el lenguaje cotidiano empleado por los físicos profesionales y reflejado en los textos puede ser un obstáculo para que los estudiantes categoricen correctamente el concepto de energía como una propiedad de los sistemas y por el contrario lo hagan como una substancia, reforzando así la concepción alternativa que traen del ámbito cotidiano. Para ello analizamos las metáforas a las que recurren tres textos de física de uso frecuente en nuestro medio en los que se puede observar un fuerte predominio de metáforas que tienden a considerar a la energía como una substancia por sobre las que la consideran una propiedad