948 research outputs found

    A Borehole Muon Telescope for Underground Muography

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    Radiographic imaging with muons by absorption, also called Muon Radiography or Muography, is a methodology based on the characteristic of the matter to be crossed by high energy muons. This physical property allows muons to pass through the material with a measurable degree of absorption depending on the density of the material. Muon Radiography applies to several different situations and is particularly suitable for investigating subsoil of civil or archaeological interest. This kind of applications needs the muon detector to be installed below the target region. A novel borehole cylindrical detector has been built and tested for use in harsh conditions and for limited space installations. It is based on the past expertise with scintillator detectors and is composed of two types of scintillating elements, bar-shaped and arcshaped. Due to its size, it can be easily installed in drilled holes of 25 cm in diameter or more, typically economical to make. Here, we describe the idea, commissioning, and some preliminary results

    Muon Radiography Investigations in Boreholes with a Newly Designed Cylindrical Detector

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    Muons are constantly produced in cosmic-rays and reach the Earth surface with a flux of about 160 particles per second per square meter. The abundance of muons with respect to other cosmic particles and their capability to cross dense materials with low absorption rate allow them to be exploited for large scale geological or human-made object imaging. Muon radiography is based on similar principles as X-ray radiography, measuring the surviving rate of muons escaping the target and relating it to the mass distribution inside the object. In the course of decades, after the first application in 1955, the methodology has been applied in several different fields. Muography allows us to measure the internal density distribution of the investigated object, or to simply highlight the presence of void regions by observing any excess of muons. Most of these applications require the detector to be installed below the rock being probed. In case that possible installation sites are not easily accessible by people, common instrumentation cannot be installed. A novel borehole cylindrical detector for muon radiography has been recently developed to deal with these conditions. It has been realized with a cylindrical geometry to fit typical borehole dimensions. Its design maximizes the geometrical acceptance, minimizing the dead spaces by the use of arc-shaped scintillators. The details of the construction and preliminary results of the first usage are described in this paper

    Plasma proteins containing damaged L-isoaspartyl residues are increased in uremia: Implications for mechanism

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    Plasma proteins containing damaged L-isoaspartyl residues are increased in uremia: Implications for mechanism.BackgroundSeveral alterations of protein structure and function have been reported in uremia. Impairment of a transmethylation-dependent protein repair mechanism possibly related to a derangement in homocysteine metabolism is also present in this condition, causing erythrocyte membrane protein damage. Homocysteine may affect proteins via the accumulation of its parent compound S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy), a powerful in vivo methyltransferase inhibitor. However, since plasma homocysteine is mostly protein bound, a direct influence on protein structures cannot be ruled out. We measured the levels of L-isoaspartyl residues in plasma proteins of uremic patients on hemodialysis. These damaged residues are markers of molecular age, which accumulate when transmethylation-dependent protein repair is inhibited and/or protein instability is increased.MethodsL-isoaspartyl residues in plasma proteins were quantitated using human recombinant protein carboxyl methyl transferase (PCMT). Plasma concentrations of homocysteine metabolites were also measured under different experimental conditions in hemodialysis patients.ResultsThe concentration of damaged plasma proteins was increased almost twofold compared to control (controls 147.83 ± 17.75, uremics 282.80 ± 26.40 pmol of incorporated methyl groups/mg protein, P < 0.003). The major protein involved comigrated with serum albumin. Although hyperhomocysteinemia caused a redistribution of thiols bound to plasma proteins, this mechanism did not significantly contribute to the increase in isoaspartyl residues. The S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet)/AdoHcy concentration ratio, an indicator of the flux of methyl group transfer, was altered. This ratio was partially corrected by folate treatment (0.385 ± 0.046 vs. 0.682 ± 0.115, P < 0.01), but protein L-isoaspartate content was not.ConclusionsPlasma protein damage, as determined by protein L-isoaspartyl content, is increased in uremia. This alteration is to be ascribed to an increased protein structural instability, rather than the effect of hyperhomocysteinemia

    The beneficial effects of physical activity and weight loss on human colorectal carcinoma cell lines

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    Recent studies have demonstrated that obesity is a significant risk factor for the development of several malignancies such as cancer. Colorectal cancer is among the most common cancers worldwide and is strong linked to obesity. A healthy lifestyle, characterized by hypocaloric diet and physical activity, is important to reduce a chronic inflammation, oxidative stress and metabolic disorders typical of obesity (Messina et al, 2018; Messina et al, 2017; Messina et al, 2015). It is well known that the chronic inflammation state and oxidative stress are responsible for the aging and development of many diseases, such as cancer. Dysregulation of cytokine’s secretion probably participates in the establishment of cancer in obese patients. The aim of this study is to analyse the effects of sera from obese patients subjected to a physical activity program before and after weight loss on cell viability, apoptosis and oxidative stress in HCT116 carcinoma cell line treated for 24, 48 and 72 hours through MTT test. We analysed the expression of cytokines in HCT116 cells. We found that sera from obese after physical activity intervention compared to treatment with sera from obese patients before physical activity intervention reduce the survival rate of HCT116 cells through induction of apoptosis and oxidative stress. Finally, we found a reduction of mRNA levels corresponding to the pro-inflammatory IL-6 and IL-8 cytokines together with an increase of the anti-inflammatory IL-10 cytokine. We can conclude that the physical activity has numerous beneficial effects also in colorectal cancer cell, indeed the physical activity and weight loss in obese subjects have an inhibitory and anti-inflammatory effects in a short period on carcinoma cell line

    Regulation of inflammation and oxidative stress by formyl peptide receptors in cardiovascular disease progression

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the most important regulators of cardiac function and are commonly targeted for medical therapeutics. Formyl-Peptide Receptors (FPRs) are members of the GPCR superfamily and play an emerging role in cardiovascular pathologies. FPRs can modulate oxidative stress through nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase-dependent reactive oxygen species (ROS) production whose dysregulation has been observed in different cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, many studies are focused on identifying molecular mechanisms of the regulation of ROS production. FPR1, FPR2 and FPR3 belong to the FPRs family and their stimulation triggers phosphorylation of intracellular signaling molecules and nonsignaling proteins that are required for NADPH oxidase activation. Some FPR agonists trigger inflammatory processes, while other ligands activate proresolving or anti-inflammatory pathways, depending on the nature of the ligands. In general, bacterial and mitochondrial formylated peptides activate a proinflammatory cell response through FPR1, while Annexin A1 and Lipoxin A4 are anti-inflammatory FPR2 ligands. FPR2 can also trigger a proinflammatory pathway and the switch between FPR2-mediated pro- and anti-inflammatory cell responses depends on conformational changes of the receptor upon ligand binding. Here we describe the detrimental or beneficial effects of the main FPR agonists and their potential role as new therapeutic and diagnostic targets in the progression of cardiovascular diseases

    Evaluation of the emotional phenotype and serotonergic neurotransmission of fatty acid amide hydrolase-deficient mice

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    By enhancing brain anandamide tone, inhibitors of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) induce anxiolytic-like effects in rodents and enhance brain serotonergic transmission. Mice lacking the faah gene (FAAH(-/-)) show higher anandamide levels. However, their emotional phenotype is still debated and their brain serotonergic tone remained unexplored. In this study, we tested FAAH(-/-) mice in the social interaction and the open field tests performed under different lighting conditions (dim and bright) since variations of the experimental context were proposed to explain opposite findings. Moreover, by microdialysis performed under dim light, we analyzed their serotonergic transmission in frontal cortex (FC) and ventral hippocampus (vHIPP). In both light conditions, FAAH(-/-) mice showed reduced emotionality, compared to wt controls, as suggested by the increased rearing and reduced thigmotaxis displayed in the open field and by the longer time spent in social interaction. Basal serotonergic tone was higher in the FC of mutant mice as compared to control mice, while no difference was observed in the vHIPP. K(+)-induced depolarization produced similar increases of serotonin in both areas of both genotypes. An acute treatment with the CB1 antagonist rimonabant completely abolished the emotional phenotype of FAAH(-/-) mice and prevented the K(+)-stimulated release of serotonin in their FC and vHIPP, without producing any effect in wt mice. Our results support the role of FAAH in the regulation of emotional reactivity and suggest that anandamide-mediated hyperactivation of CB1 is responsible for the emotional phenotype of FAAH(-/-) mice and for their enhanced serotonergic tone

    Low serum total testosterone level as a predictor of upstaging and upgrading in low-risk prostate cancer patients meeting the inclusion criteria for active surveillance

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    Active surveillance (AS) is currently a widely accepted treatment option for men with clinically localized prostate cancer (PCa). Several reports have highlighted the association of low serum testosterone levels with high-grade, high-stage PCa. However, the impact of serum testosterone as a predictor of progression in men with low-risk PCa has been little assessed.In this study, we evaluated the association of circulating testosterone concentrations with a staging/grading reclassification in a cohort of low-risk PCa patients meeting the inclusion criteria for the AS protocol but opting for radical prostatectomy.Radical prostatectomy (RP) was performed in 338 patients, eligible for AS according to the following criteria: clinical stage T2a or less, PSApT2) and upgrading (GS≥7; primary Gleason pattern 4) disease. Unfavorable disease was defined as the occurrence of pathological stage>pT2 and predominant Gleason score 4. Total testosterone was measured before surgery.Low serum testosterone levels (<300 ng/dL) were significantly associated with upgrading, upstaging, unfavorable disease and positive surgical margins. The addition of testosterone to a base model, including age, PSA, PSA density, clinical stage and positive cancer involvement in cores, showed a significant independent influence of this variable on upstaging, upgrading and unfavorable disease.In conclusion, our results support the idea that total testosterone should be a selection criterion for inclusion of low-risk PCa patients in AS programs and suggest that testosterone level less than 300 ng/dL should be considered a discouraging factor when a close AS program is considered as treatment option

    The MURAVES muon telescope: technology and expected performances

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    The MURAVES project aims to study the inner structure of the upper part of the Mt. Vesuvius volcano by muon radiography (muography) technique. Very high energy muons, produced by cosmic rays in the at- mosphere, can penetrate large thickness of rocks. By measuring the at- tenuation of the muons flux trough the volcano cone is possible to obtain a 2D image of the density structure. Internal discontinuities, with a spa- tial resolution of about 10 m, can be, in principle, resolved. An absolute average density measurement can be provided too. The project, funded by the Italian Ministry of University, Research and Education (MIUR), is led by INGV and INFN. In this article the mechanical structure of the de- tectors and background suppression techniques are reported
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