43 research outputs found

    União e concórdia? Tensões e aproximações entre fascistas e antifascistas na Mutual Italiana de Bahía Blanca (Argentina, 1929-1932)

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    This article analyzes the attempts made from 1929 -in the midst of an increasing economic and institutional crisis of Italian mutualism in Bahía Blanca (Argentina)- by the antifascist leadership of the Sociedad de Socorros Mutuos e Instrucción Italia Unita and the Italian Vice Consulate to settle the differences that had been keeping them apart since 1927. Likewise, the article studies the final consequences of those attempts that, by 1932, led to the impossibility of reestablishing relations, as a result of the political course within the only Italian mutual institution in the city. The source corpus, formed by Italian and Argentine documents, and made up from press, institutional documentation and Italian state’s inner reports, allows for a juxtaposition of information that permits to create a perspective in local scale, which focuses on the complexity everyday politics in the Italian community. The approach to episodes of cooperation between fascists and antifascists within a mutual institution, as well as the elements that made it impossible to thrive, allows to contribute to the studies of political reality in the Italian community during the fascist ventennio, by tinging views that tend to see both ideological groups as irreconcilable antagonists.En este artículo se analizan los intentos de acercamiento que, desde 1929, los dirigentes antifascistas de la Sociedad Italiana de Socorros Mutuos e Instrucción Italia Unita y el Viceconsulado de Italia en Bahía Blanca (Argentina) llevaron adelante para saldar las desavenencias que las separaban desde 1927. Asimismo, se estudian las consecuencias ulteriores de dichas tentativas, que hacia 1932 culminaron en la imposibilidad de reestablecer relaciones como resultado del devenir político interno de la única entidad mutual italiana en la ciudad. El cuerpo fontanal, compuesto por documentación italiana y argentina, y constituido por prensa, documentación institucional e informes de circulación interna en el Estado italiano, posibilita una yuxtaposición de informaciones que permiten construir una mirada a escala local que da cuenta de la complejidad de la cotidianeidad política de la colectividad italiana. El abordaje de momentos de cooperación entre fascistas y antifascistas en el marco de una entidad mutual, así como de los elementos que imposibilitaron que esta prosperara, aporta a los estudios sobre la realidad política de la colectividad italiana durante el ventennio fascista, mediante la presentación de matices que otorgan mayor complejidad a aquellas visiones que tiendan a ver a uno y otro grupo ideológico como antagonistas irreconciliables.Este artigo analisa as tentativas de aproximação que, desde 1929, os líderes antifascistas da Sociedad Italiana de Socorros Mútuos e Instrucción Italia Unita e do Vice-Consulado Italiano em Bahía Blanca (Argentina) realizaram para resolver as divergências que os separavam desde 1927. Do mesmo modo, estudam-se as consequências ulteriores destas tentativas, que culminou, por volta de 1932, na impossibilidade de restabelecer relações em resultado da evolução política interna da única mutual italiana na cidade. O corpo fontanal, constituído por documentação italiana e argentina, e constituído por imprensa, documentação institucional e relatórios de circulação interna do Estado italiano, possibilita uma justaposição de informações que permite a construção de uma perspectiva local que dê conta da complexidade cotidiana da vida política da comunidade italiana. A abordagem dos momentos de cooperação entre fascistas e antifascistas no âmbito de uma entidade mútua, bem como dos elementos que a impossibilitaram de prosperar, contribui para os estudos sobre a realidade política da comunidade italiana durante o século XX fascista, através da apresentação de nuances que conferem maior complexidade àquelas visões que tendem a ver a um e a outro grupo ideológico como antagonistas irreconciliáveis

    La sociabilidad fascista en construcción. El fascismo y la colectividad italiana de Bahía Blanca (1926-1927)

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    Los estudios sobre la sociabilidad permiten tener en cuenta el carácter político de actividades sociales y culturales, cuestión que reviste una gran utilidad para el estudio del fascismo italiano en Argentina, puesto que tendió a adoptar estrategias vinculadas con una inserción ventajosa de los fasci en la vida social y cultural de las colectividades italianas de las ciudades receptoras. El presente artículo busca realizar un análisis de la construcción de espacios y formas de sociabilidad fascista por parte de los miembros del fascio Giulio Giordani de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca durante los años 1926 y 1927. A partir de la prensa local, se intentará reconstruir las distintas estrategias y actividades que se llevaron adelante desde la fundación del fascio hasta la inauguración de la Casa del Italiano, institución clave para la organización de la sociabilidad fascista en la ciudad

    Ethnic identity, hegemony or resistance? Italian antifascism and the Giuseppe Garibaldi Memorial (Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 1927-1928)

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    El artículo aborda las relaciones entre espacio, política e identidad étnica en función de los sentidos atribuidos al monumento a Giuseppe Garibaldi de Bahía Blanca (Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina) por parte del antifascismo local. En particular, nos centramos en el proceso que condujo a su construcción, para lo que se ha estudiado la prensa local, así como la documentación disponible en el archivo de la Sociedad Italiana de Socorros Mutuos de Bahía Blanca. Interpretamos que el monumento representó a la vez una reivindicación identitaria, una demostración de hegemonía y una manifestación de resistencia. En general, nuestro aporte busca contribuir al campo de estudio de los monumentos como formas simbólicas espaciales de la política, mediante el análisis de un caso que pone en juego las nociones de identidad y poder en función de la localización, las dimensiones y las prácticas articuladas en torno al monumento a Garibaldi.Aquest article s’ocupa de les relacions entre espai, política i identitat ètnica en funció dels sentits atribuïts al monument a Giuseppe Garibaldi de Bahía Blanca (Província de Buenos Aires, Argentina) per part de l’antifeixisme local. En particular, ens centrem en el procés de la seva construcció, i per fer-ho s’ha estudiat la premsa local, així com la documentació disponible a l’arxiu de la Sociedad Italiana de Socorros Mutuos de Bahía Blanca. Interpretem que el monument representa alhora una reivindicació identitària, una demostració d’hegemonia i una manifestació de resistència. En general, el nostre treball pretén contribuir al camp d’estudi dels monuments com a formes simbòliques espacials de la política, mitjançant l’anàlisi d’un cas que posa en joc les nocions d’identitat i poder, en funció de la localització, les dimensions i les pràctiques articulades al voltant del monument a Garibaldi.Cet article traite des relations entre espace, politique et identité ethnique en fonction des sens attribués au monument à Giuseppe Garibaldi de Bahía Blanca (Province de Buenos Aires, Argentine) de la part de l’antifascisme local. En particulier, nous nous centrons sur le processus de sa construction, à partir de l’étude de la presse locale ainsi que de la documentation disponible dans les archives de la Sociedad Italiana de Socorros Mutuos de Bahía Blanca. Nous interprétons que le monument a représenté à la fois une revendication d’identité, une démonstration d’hégémonie et une manifestation de résistance. En général, ce travail cherche à apporter une contribution au domaine d’études des monuments en tant que formes symboliques spatiales de la politique à travers l’analyse d’un cas dans lequel les notions d’identité et de pouvoir entrent en jeu selon l’emplacement, les dimensions et les pratiques qui s’articulent autour du monument à Garibaldi.This article addresses the relationships between space, politics and ethnic identity based on the meanings given to the Giuseppe Garibaldi Memorial in Bahía Blanca (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) by the local antifascism movement. Particularly, we focus on the process that led to the memorial’s construction. To this end, we studied the local press, as well as documents housed in the archive of the Sociedad de Socorros Mutuos de Bahía Blanca. We observe that the monument represented at the same time an identity claim, a demonstration of hegemony and a manifestation of resistance. Our general aim is to contribute to the field of monument analysis as symbolic spatial forms of politics through the study of a case that brings into play notions of identity and power in relation to localization, dimensions and practices developed around the Garibaldi Memorial.Fil: Cimatti, Bruno Gerardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Humanidades. Centro de Estudios Regionales; Argentin

    Italian colonial wars in Abyssinia before the Battle of Adwa: Bahta Hagos’ Revolt (1894) from the Perspective of Rosalia Pianavia-Vivaldi Bossiner

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    En el artículo, abordamos la interpretación realizada por Rosalia Pianavia-Vivaldi Bossiner de los primeros conflictos coloniales llevados adelante por Italia en el Cuerno de África contra distintos grupos nativos de la región histórica de Abisinia, con especial énfasis en la revuelta de Bahta Hagos de 1894.Para hacerlo, nos basamos en su libro Tre anni in Eritrea (1901), que relata las experiencias de la autora durante su estadía en Asmara entre 1893 y 1896. La obra constituyó la primera de su tipo escrita por una mujer en publicarse en Italia, lo que la convierte en un hito en el campo de la literatura de viajes colonial italiana. De esta manera, apuntamos a la recuperación de la mirada femenina sobre conflictos desarrollados en las fases tempranas de un colonialismo periférico en el concierto de potencias imperialistas europeas, como lo fue el italiano, contribuyendo desde los márgenes a la comprensión del fenómeno de las guerras coloniales de fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX.In this article, we focus on Rosalia Pianavia-Vivaldi Bossiner’s analysis of the earliest colonial conflicts carried on by Italy in the Horn of Africa against different native groups from the historical region of Abyssinia, with special focus on Bahta Hagos’ revolt in 1894. In order to achieve that, we based ourselves on her book Tre anni in Eritrea (1901), which describes the author’s experiences during her stay in Asmara between 1893 and 1896. Her work was the first of its type written by a woman that was ever published in Italy, what turns it into a major milestone in the field of Italian colonial travel writing. Thus, we aim to recover the female perspective on conflicts that took place in the early phases of a peripheral colonialism in the scene of European imperialist powers, such as the Italian case, contributing from the margin to the understanding of colonial wars at the turn of the twentieth century.Fil: Cimatti, Bruno Gerardo. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Humanidades; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Humanidades. Centro de Estudios Regionales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentin

    Osteointegration of porous absorbable bone substitutes: A systematic review of the literature

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    Biomaterials’ structural characteristics and the addition of osteoinductors influence the osteointegration capacity of bone substitutes. This study aims to identify the characteristics of porous and resorbable bone substitutes that influence new bone formation. An Internet search for studies reporting new bone formation rates in bone defects filled with porous and resorbable substitutes was performed in duplicate using the PubMed, Web of Science, Scielo, and University of São Paulo Digital Library databases. Metaphyseal or calvarial bone defects 4 to 10 mm in diameter from various animal models were selected. New bone formation rates were collected from the histomorphometry or micro-CT data. The following variables were analyzed: animal model, bone region, defect diameter, follow-up time after implantation, basic substitute material, osteoinductor addition, pore size and porosity. Of 3,266 initially identified articles, 15 articles describing 32 experimental groups met the inclusion criteria. There were no differences between the groups in the experimental model characteristics, except for the follow-up time, which showed a very weak to moderate correlation with the rate of new bone formation. In terms of the biomaterial and structural characteristics, only porosity showed a significant influence on the rate of new bone formation. Higher porosity is related to higher new bone formation rates. The influence of other characteristics could not be identified, possibly due to the large variety of experimental models and methodologies used to estimate new bone formation rates. We suggest the inclusion of standard control groups in future experimental studies to compare biomaterials

    The effect of thermally pulsating asymptotic giant branch stars on the evolution of the rest-frame near-infrared galaxy luminosity function

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    We address the fundamental question of matching the rest-frame K-band luminosity function (LF) of galaxies over the Hubble time using semi-analytic models, after modification of the stellar population modelling. We include the Maraston evolutionary synthesis models, that feature a higher contribution by the Thermally Pulsating - Asymptotic Giant Branch (TP-AGB) stellar phase, into three different semi-analytic models, namely the De Lucia and Blaizot version of the Munich model, MORGANA and the Menci model. We leave all other input physics and parameters unchanged. We find that the modification of the stellar population emission can solve the mismatch between models and the observed rest-frame K-band luminosity from the brightest galaxies derived from UKIDSS data at high redshift. For all explored semi-analytic models this holds at the redshifts - between 2 and 3 - where the discrepancy was recently pointed out. The reason for the success is that at these cosmic epochs the model galaxies have the right age (~1 Gyr) to contain a well-developed TP-AGB phase which makes them redder without the need of changing their mass or age. At the same time, the known overestimation of the faint end is enhanced in the K-band when including the TP-AGB contribution. At lower redshifts (z<2) some of the explored models deviate from the data. This is due to too short merging timescales and inefficient 'radio-mode' AGN feedback. Our results show that a strong evolution in mass predicted by hierarchical models is compatible with no evolution on the bright-end of the K-band LF from z=3 to the local universe. This means that, at high redshifts and contrary to what is commonly accepted, K-band emission is not necessarily a good tracer of galaxy mass.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted by MNRA

    MoMaF : The Mock Map Facility

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    We present the Mock Map Facility, a powerful tool to generate mock catalogues or images from semi-analytically post-processed snapshots of cosmological N-body simulations. The paper describes in detail an efficient technique to create such mocks from the GALICS semi-analytic model, providing the reader with an accurate quantification of the artifacts it introduces at every step. We show that replication effects introduce a negative bias on the clustering signal -- typically peaking at less than 10 percent around the correlation length. We also thoroughly discuss how the clustering signal is affected by finite volume effects, and show that it vanishes at scales larger than about a tenth of the simulation box size. For the purpose of analysing our method, we show that number counts and redshift distributions obtained with GALICS and MOMAF compare well to K-band observations and to the 2dFGRS. Given finite volume effects, we also show that the model can reproduce the APM angular correlation function. The MOMAF results discussed here are made publicly available to the astronomical community through a public database. Moreover, a user-friendly Web interface (http://galics.iap.fr) allows any user to recover her/his own favourite galaxy samples through simple SQL queries. The flexibility of this tool should permit a variety of uses ranging from extensive comparisons between real observations and those predicted by hierarchical models of galaxy formation, to the preparation of observing strategies for deep surveys and tests of data processing pipelines.Comment: 19 pages, 15 Figs, significantly modified version now accepted for publication in MNRAS. High-resolution version available at http://galics.cosmologie.fr/papers/momaf.ps.g

    The lack of star formation gradients in galaxy groups up to z~1.6

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    In the local Universe, galaxy properties show a strong dependence on environment. In cluster cores, early type galaxies dominate, whereas star-forming galaxies are more and more common in the outskirts. At higher redshifts and in somewhat less dense environments (e.g. galaxy groups), the situation is less clear. One open issue is that of whether and how the star formation rate (SFR) of galaxies in groups depends on the distance from the centre of mass. To shed light on this topic, we have built a sample of X-ray selected galaxy groups at 0<z<1.6 in various blank fields (ECDFS, COSMOS, GOODS). We use a sample of spectroscopically confirmed group members with stellar mass M >10^10.3 M_sun in order to have a high spectroscopic completeness. As we use only spectroscopic redshifts, our results are not affected by uncertainties due to projection effects. We use several SFR indicators to link the star formation (SF) activity to the galaxy environment. Taking advantage of the extremely deep mid-infrared Spitzer MIPS and far-infrared Herschel PACS observations, we have an accurate, broad-band measure of the SFR for the bulk of the star-forming galaxies. We use multi-wavelength SED fitting techniques to estimate the stellar masses of all objects and the SFR of the MIPS and PACS undetected galaxies. We analyse the dependence of the SF activity, stellar mass and specific SFR on the group-centric distance, up to z~1.6, for the first time. We do not find any correlation between the mean SFR and group-centric distance at any redshift. We do not observe any strong mass segregation either, in agreement with predictions from simulations. Our results suggest that either groups have a much smaller spread in accretion times with respect to the clusters and that the relaxation time is longer than the group crossing time.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    SC 2 : Satisfiability Checking meets Symbolic Computation (Project Paper)

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    International audienceSymbolic Computation and Satisfiability Checking are two research areas, both having their individual scientific focus but sharing also common interests in the development, implementation and application of decision procedures for arithmetic theories. Despite their commonalities, the two communities are rather weakly connected. The aim of our newly accepted SC 2 project (H2020-FETOPEN-CSA) is to strengthen the connection between these communities by creating common platforms, initiating interaction and exchange, identifying common challenges, and developing a common roadmap from theory along the way to tools and (industrial) applications. In this paper we report on the aims and on the first activities of this project, and formalise some relevant challenges for the unified SC 2 community

    Confronting theoretical models with the observed evolution of the galaxy population out to z=4

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    [abridged] We construct lightcones for the semi-analytic galaxy formation simulation of Guo et al. (2011) and make mock catalogues for comparison with deep high-redshift surveys. Photometric properties are calculated with two different stellar population synthesis codes (Bruzual & Charlot 2003; Maraston 2005) in order to study sensitivity to this aspect of the modelling. The catalogues are publicly available and include photometry for a large number of observed bands from 4000{\deg}A to 6{\mu}m, as well as rest-frame photometry and intrinsic properties of the galaxies. Guo et al. (2011) tuned their model to fit the low-redshift galaxy population but noted that at z > 1 it overpredicts the abundance of galaxies below the "knee" of the stellar mass function. Here we extend the comparison to deep galaxy counts in the B, i, J, K and IRAC 3.6{\mu}m, 4.5{\mu}m and 5.8{\mu}m bands, to the redshift distributions of K and 5.8{\mu}m selected galaxies, and to the evolution of rest-frame luminosity functions in the B and K bands. The B, i and J counts are well reproduced, but at longer wavelengths the overabundant high-redshift galaxies produce excess faint counts. The predicted redshift distributions for K and 5.8{\mu}m selected samples highlight the effect of emission from thermally pulsing AGB stars. The full treatment of Maraston (2005) predicts three times as many z~2 galaxies in faint 5.8{\mu}m selected samples as the model of Bruzual & Charlot (2003), whereas the two models give similar predictions for K-band selected samples. Although luminosity functions are adequately reproduced out to z~3 in rest-frame B, the same is true at rest-frame K only if TP-AGB emission is included, and then only at high luminosity. Fainter than L* the two synthesis models agree but overpredict the number of galaxies, another reflection of the overabundance of ~10^10M\odot model galaxies at z > 1.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRA