55 research outputs found

    Power Values of Palindromes

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    8 páginas.We show that for a fixed integer base g <= 2 the palindromes to base g which are k-powers form a very thin set in the set of all base g palindromes.During the preparation of this paper, J. C. was supported in part by Grant MTM 2005-04730 of MYCIT, F. L. was supported in part by Grant SEP- CONACyT 46755, and I. S. by ARC Grant DP0556431.Peer reviewe

    Electric organ discharge diversity in the genus Gymnotus: anatomo-functional groups and electrogenic mechanisms

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    Previous studies describe six factors accounting for interspecific diversity of electric organ discharge (EOD) waveforms in Gymnotus. At the cellular level, three factors determine the locally generated waveforms: (1) electrocyte geometry and channel repertoire; (2) the localization of synaptic contacts on electrocyte surfaces; and (3) electric activity of electromotor axons preceding the discharge of electrocytes. At the organismic level, three factors determine the integration of the EOD as a behavioral unit: (4) the distribution of different types of electrocytes and specialized passive tissue forming the electric organ (EO); (5) the neural mechanisms of electrocyte discharge coordination; and (6) post-effector mechanisms. Here, we reconfirm the importance of the first five of these factors based on comparative studies of a wider diversity of Gymnotus than previously investigated. Additionally, we report a hitherto unseen aspect of EOD diversity in Gymnotus. The central region of the EO (which has the largest weight on the conspecific-received field) usually exhibits a negative-positive-negative pattern where the delay between the early negative and positive peaks (determined by neural coordination mechanisms) matches the delay between the positive and late negative peaks (determined by electrocyte responsiveness). Because delays between peaks typically determine the peak power frequency, this matching implies a co-evolution of neural and myogenic coordination mechanisms in determining the spectral specificity of the intraspecific communication channel. Finally, we define four functional species groups based on EO/EOD structure. The first three exhibit a heterogeneous EO in which doubly innervated electrocytes are responsible for a main triphasic complex. Group I species exhibit a characteristic cephalic extension of the EO. Group II species exhibit an early positive component of putative neural origin, and strong EO auto-excitability. Group III species exhibit an early, slow, negative wave of abdominal origin, and variation in EO auto-excitability. Representatives of Group IV generate a unique waveform comprising a main positive peak followed by a small, load-dependent negative component

    Analysis of technological knowledge flows in the Basque Country

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    [EN] Knowledge flow of technology is important for continuous growth and extension of science. Patent data analysis has facilitated this knowledge acquisition. The available patent information crosses borders, corresponds and interacts with new inventions to give new strength and dimension to the technology. Therefore, the patent citation information functions as a key indicator of the knowledge flow providing relevant information. It can be identified to which extent a region is a relevant technological knowledge generator to other regions. As an illustrative case, we present a study to determine the role played by the Basque Country region as a generator of technological innovation during the period 1991-2011.Gavilanes-Trapote, J.; Etxeberria-Agiriano, I.; Cilleruelo, E.; Garechana, G. (2019). Analysis of technological knowledge flows in the Basque Country. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 7(Número Especial):73-79. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2019.10572SWORD73797Número EspecialAcs ZJ, Anselin L, Varga A (2002) Patents and innovation counts as measures of regional production of new knowledge Res. Policy 31:1069-1085. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0048-7333(01)00184-6Balland, P., & Rigby, D. (2017). The geography of complex knowledge. Economic Geography, 93(1), 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/00130095.2016.1205947Galvez, C., and Moya-Anegon, F. (2007). Standardizing formats of corporate source data. Scientometrics, 70(1), 3-26. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-007-0101-0Gavilanes-Trapote, J., Cilleruelo-Carrasco, E., Etxeberria-Agiriano, I., Garechana, G., Rodríguez Andara, A. (2019). Qualitative Patents Evaluation Through the Analysis of Their Citations. Case of the Technological Sectors in the Basque Country. In: Ortiz, Á., Andrés Romano, C., Poler, R., García-Sabater, J.P. (eds) Engineering Digital Transformation. Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-96005-0_28Gavilanes-Trapote, J., Río-Belver, R. M., Cilleruelo, E., Garechana G., and Larruscain J. (2015). Patent overlay maps: Spain and the basque country. International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM), 69(3/4), 261. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTM.2015.072976Harhoff, D., Scherer, F., and Vopel, K. (2004). Citations, family size, opposition and the value of patent rights (vol 32, pg 1343, 2003). Research Policy, 33(2), 363-364. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2003.10.001Higham, K.W., Governale, M., Jaffe, A.B., and Zülicke, U. (2017) Fame and obsolescence: Disentangling growth and aging dynamics of patent citations. Phys. Rev. E 95, 042309. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.95.042309Jaffe, A., Trajtenberg, M., and Fogarty, M. (2000). Knowledge spillovers and patent citations: Evidence from a survey of inventors. American Economic Review, 90(2), 215-218. https://doi.org/10.1257/aer.90.2.215Krugman, P. (1995). Development, geography, and economic Theory. Cambridge-Massachusetts: The MIT Press.Malerba, F., and Orsenigo, L. (1995). Schumpeterian patterns of innovation. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 19(1), 47-65. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordjournals.cje.a035308Malmberg, A., and Maskell, P. (1997). Towards an explanation of regional specialization and industry agglomeration. European Planning Studies, 5(1), 25-41. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654319708720382Murata, Y., Nakajima, R., Okamoto, R., and Tamura, R. (2014). Localized knowledge spillovers and patent citations: A distance-based approach. Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(5), 967-985. https://doi.org/10.1162/REST_a_00422Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2009). OECD patent statistics manual OECD.Podolny, J., Stuart, T., and Hannan, M. (1996). Networks, knowledge, and niches: Competition in the worldwide semiconductor industry, 1984-1991. American Journal of Sociology, 102(3), 659-689. https://doi.org/10.1086/230994Schmoch, U. (2003). Service marks as novel innovation indicator. Research Evaluation, 12(2), 149-156. https://doi.org/10.3152/147154403781776708Simmie, J. (2003). Innovation and urban regions as national and international nodes for the transfer and sharing of knowledge. Regional Studies, 37(6-7), 607-620. https://doi.org/10.1080/0034340032000108714Stek, P.E., and van Geenhuizen, M.S. (2016). The influence of international research interaction on national innovation performance: A bibliometric approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 110, 61-70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2015.09.017Thompson, P., and Fox-Kean, M. (2005). Patent citations and the geography of knowledge spill-overs: A reassessment. American Economic Review, 95(1), 450-460. https://doi.org/10.1257/0002828053828509Thompsori, P. (2006). Patent citations and the geography of knowledge spillovers: Evidence from inventor- and examiner-added citations. Review of Economics and Statistics, 88(2), 383-388. https://doi.org/10.1162/rest.88.2.383You, H., Li, M., Hipel, K.W., Jiang, J., Ge, B., and Duan, H. (2017) Development trend forecasting for coherent light generator technology based on patent citation network analysis. Scientometrics 111(1), 297-315. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-017-2252-

    ISO 14006. Experiencias previas de estudios de arquitectura que han adoptado el estándar de ecodiseño UNE 150301:2003

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    This paper aims to analyze the pioneer UNE 150301 standard, as well as its adoption process and its practical results in the sector of architecture studios. First, the structure, the aim and the scope of norm UNE 150301 have been analysed. Second, the standard's implementation has been examined, concluding that 73% of the companies that have obtained the certificate are architecture studios. A case study has therefore been carried out with the participation of five architecture studios pioneers. These experiences have let us know the main aspects and difficulties of the process. In conclusion, the adoption of the standard UNE 150301 can be a helpful tool in order to reduce the environmental impact of the products and obtain some competitive advantages such as cost reduction, improvement in energy efficiency of the product and a better adaptation to acts and regulations.En este artículo se analiza la experiencia de implantación de la norma UNE 150301 de ecodiseño en el sector de los estudios de arquitectura. Tras el examen de la estructura de norma UNE 150301, de sus objetivos y de su alcance, se analiza su difusión, destacándose que el 73% de las empresas certificadas en España son estudios de arquitectura. A continuación se estudia el proceso de implantación real, mediante el estudio de caso que lo analiza en cinco estudios de arquitectura. El estudio realizado permite conocer de primera mano las principales claves y dificultades del proceso de implantación del estándar, así como los resultados obtenidos, entre los que destaca una reducción del impacto ambiental. Se constata, en suma, que la norma UNE 150301 es una herramienta que puede proporcionar ventajas competitivas interesantes a las empresas del sector de los estudios de arquitectura

    Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Pediatric Patients Living in Europe: Results of the EuroPedHP Registry 2013 to 2016

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess clinical presentation, endoscopic findings, antibiotic susceptibility and treatment success of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infected pediatric patients. Methods: Between 2013 and 2016, 23 pediatric hospitals from 17 countries prospectively submitted data on consecutive H. pylori-infected (culture positive) patients to the EuroPedHP-Registry. Results: Of 1333 patients recruited (55.1% girls, median age 12.6 years), 1168 (87.6%) were therapy naïve (group A) and 165 (12.4%) had failed treatment (group B). Patients resided in North/Western (29.6%), Southern (34.1%) and Eastern Europe (23.0%), or Israel/Turkey (13.4%). Main indications for endoscopy were abdominal pain or dyspepsia (81.2%, 1078/1328). Antral nodularity was reported in 77.8% (1031/1326) of patients, gastric or duodenal ulcers and erosions in 5.1% and 12.8%, respectively. Primary resistance to clarithromycin (CLA) and metronidazole (MET) occurred in 25% and 21%, respectively, and increased after failed therapy. Bacterial strains were fully susceptible in 60.5% of group A, but in only 27.4% of group B. Primary CLA resistance was higher in Southern and Eastern Europe (adjusted odds ratio [ORadj] = 3.44, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.22-5.32, P < 0.001 and 2.62, 95% CI: 1.63-4.22, P < 0.001, respectively) compared with Northern/Western Europe. Children born outside Europe showed higher primary MET resistance (ORadj = 3.81, 95% CI: 2.25-6.45, P < 0.001). Treatment success in group A reached only 79.8% (568/712) with 7 to 14 days triple therapy tailored to antibiotic susceptibility. Conclusions: Peptic ulcers are rare in dyspeptic H. pylori-infected children. Primary resistance to CLA and MET is markedly dependent on geographical regions of birth and residence. The ongoing survey will show whether implementation of the updated ESPGHAN/NASPGHAN guidelines will improve the eradication success.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Calendario de vacunaciones de la Asociación Española de Pediatría: recomendaciones 2020

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    The CAV-AEP annually publishes the immunisation schedule considered optimal for all children resident in Spain, taking into account the available evidence. The 2 + 1 schedule is recommended (2, 4, and 11 months) with hexavalent vaccines (DTPa-VPI-Hib-HB) and with 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate. A 6-year booster is recommended, preferably with DTPa (if available), with a dose of polio for those who received 2 + 1 schemes, as well as vaccination with Tdpa in adolescents and in each pregnancy, preferably between 27 and 32 weeks. Rotavirus vaccine should be systematic for all infants. Meningococcal B vaccine, with a 2+1 schedule, should be included in routine calendar. In addition to the inclusion of the conjugated tetravalent meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) at 12 years of age with catch up to 18 years, inclusive, the CAV recommends this vaccine to be also included at 12 months of age, replacing MenC. Likewise, it is recommended in those over 6 weeks of age with risk factors or who travel to countries with a high incidence of these serogroups. Two-dose schedules for MMR (12 months and 3-4 years) and varicella (15 months and 3-4 years) will be used. The second dose could be applied as a tetraviral vaccine. Universal systematic vaccination against HPV is recommended, both for girls and boys, preferably at 12 years, and greater effort should be made to improve coverage. The 9 genotype extends coverage for both genders

    Particulate Fillers in Thermoplastics

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    The characteristics of particulate filled thermoplastics are determined by four factors: component properties, composition, structure and interfacial interactions. The most important filler characteristics are particle size, size distribution, specific surface area and particle shape, while the main matrix property is stiffness. Segregation, aggregation and the orientation of anisotropic particles determine structure. Interfacial interactions lead to the formation of a stiff interphase considerably influencing properties. Interactions are changed by surface modification, which must be always system specific and selected according to its goal. Under the effect of external load inhomogeneous stress distribution develops around heterogeneities, which initiate local micromechanical deformation processes determining the macroscopic properties of the composites

    On squares in polynomial products

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    9 páginas.-- Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) 11L40 · 11N36 · 11R11.Let f (X) ∈ Z[X] be an irreducible polynomial of degree D ≥ 2 and let N be a sufficiently large positive integer. We estimate the number of positive integers n ≤ N such that the product F(n) = n (supra) k=1(sub) pi f (k) is a perfect square.We also consider more general questions and give a lower bound on the number of distinct quadratic fields of the formQ(√F(n)), n = M+1, . . . , M+N.F. L. was supported in part by Grant SEP-CONACyT 46755, I. S. by ARC Grant DP0556431, J. C. by Project MTM2005-04730 from MEC (Spain) and A. Q. by Project MTM2006-10548 fromMEC (Spain). Both J. C. and A. Q. were also supported by the joint Madrid Region-UAM project TENU2 (CCG07-UAM/ESP-1814).Peer reviewe