33 research outputs found

    Strategies to improve academic motivation among nursing students

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    Introduction: Academic motivation of nursing students is a broad concept that has an impact on academic success, education and personal satisfaction. Motivation to study often decreases with years of study, thus it is important to find out effective strategies for motivating nursing students. Methods: A scoping review was conducted in 2020 to determine the scope and body of literature on strategies for motivating nursing students. A literature search was performed in four international databases (PubMed, Medline, Science-Direct and Google Scholar) using inclusion and exclusion criteria. The literature search and analysis are shown using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) recommendations. Results: Out of 560 identified studies, a total of 14 studies were included in the final analysis. Most of the identified studies were quasi-experimental studies (n=8; 57.14 %) exploring the effectiveness of existing strategy. Strategies that showed positive effects in raising nursing student’s academic motivation are gamification, mobile applications, forums, problem-based learning, and other specific strategies. Discussion: It is evident that new strategies have positive impact on nursing student’s academic motivation. Nevertheless, there is a need for further research and testing before the process of implementing those strategies in specific learning environment. Conclusion: There is a constant need for education of future nurses. To ensure appropriate nurses’ knowledge and skills, academic motivation is needed

    Jorge Luis Borges y la prosa fantástica croata

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    U hrvatskoj književnoj povijesti postoji definiran korpus tekstova tzv. hrvatskih fantastičara ili borgesovaca. Potonji je termin uveo Branimir Donat u eseju „Astrolab za hrvatske borgesovce“, međutim i drugi su kritičari (primjerice Ljerka Mifka, Bože V. Žigo i Boris Lukšić) isticali Borgesa kao ključnog autora u formiranju ove skupine autora koja se javlja krajem šezdesetih i početkom sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Ipak, kasnije je kritika nastojala istaknuti kako Borgesov utjecaj i nije bio presudan za nastanak tekstova naših fantastičara. Što se pak tiče samih autora, većina njih ograđivala se ili se još uvijek ograđuje od etikete borhesovci. Stoga se ovaj interdisciplinarni rad bavi u svome prvome dijelu Borgesovim stvaralaštvom, njegovim glavnim tematskim preokupacijama i manifestacijom istih u fantastičnoj prozi, dok se u drugom dijelu bavimo dvama hrvatskim fantastičarima, Pavličićem i Tribusonom i njihovim prvim fantastičnim zbirkama u usporedbi s Izmišljajima i Alephom.En la historia de la literatura croata existe un corpus de textos de escritores de lo fantástico croatas o los borgeanos croatas. Este último término lo introdujo Branimir Donat en su ensayo “Astrolab za hrvatske borgesovce”. Sin embargo, también los demás críticos (como, por ejemplo, Ljerka Mifka, Bože V. Žigo i Boris Lukšić) destacaban a Borges como la figura clave en la formación de este grupo de autores que empieza a escribir sus primeros cuentos a finales de los sesenta y a principios de los setenta del siglo pasado. No obstante, después la crítica señalaba que la influencia de Borges no era tan decisiva para la aparición de textos de los autores croatas. En cuanto a los escritores mismos, ellos trataban de desvincularse del término. Por lo tanto, este trabajo interdisciplinario se ocupa, en su primera parte, de la obra de Borges, de sus principales preocupaciones temáticas y de su manifestación en su prosa fantástica, mientras que la segunda parte está dedicada a dos escritores croatas, a Pavličić y Tribuson y sus primeras colecciones de cuentos fantásticos en comparación con Ficciones y El Aleph

    Znanje roditelja o kroničnim upalnim bolestima crijeva kod djeteta

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    Introduction: Chronic inflammatory bowel disease is a chronic lifelong disease with various triggers, intermediate longer and shorter remissions. Parents need to know what kind of nutrition the child with chronic inflammatory bowel disease needs because they must be able to make the right decisions regarding the child‘s diet. The right choice of diet gives a child enough energy in their daily and enables the quality life. They must enjoy a healthy balanced diet so that they receive all the nutrients the body needs. In our work, we presented chronic inflammatory bowel disease in children and parents’ assessment of the child’s quality of life. Methods: We chose a quantitative methodology to establish the impact of diet on the quality of life of the child with chronic inflammatory bowel disease. To describe and define the problem, we used a descriptive method. A structured measurement instrument was based on a review of the relevant foreign and domestic literature. Statistical data analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Data were collected by a non-random and occasional sampling survey. Results: We found that most children whose parents participated in this research have Crohn’s disease (n = 20; 50%) and ulcerative colitis (n = 16; 40%). The type of food that is harmful to the child is fatty food (n = 33; 83%), followed by spicy food (n = 32; 80%) and acidic food (n = 10; 25%). According to the parents’ assessment, children with chronic inflammatory bowel disease have good (n = 22; 55%) health. We found that physicians provide parents with the most necessary nutrition information. Through evaluation of the parents, we found that there is no statistically significant correlation between the general assessment of a child’s health and the type of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (X² (2) = 5.925, p = 0.052). Also, there is no statistically significant correlation between the eating pattern and parents ’assessment of their child’s quality of life (U = 38.00, p. = 1.00). Discussion: The health care providers have an important role to play in giving appropriate information to parents to ensure the quality of life of the child. She teaches parents and children about living with chronic inflammatory bowel disease and emphasizes the importance of nutrition, which greatly contributes to a better quality of life

    Complications associated with implantation and use of totally implantable venous access port in pediatric and adult patients: a scoping review

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    Introduction: The use of totally implantable venous access port systems (TIVAPS) is crucial for long-term intravenous treatment in children and adults patients. The purpose of this article is to examine the extent of existing research on complications related to implantation and management of TIVAPS. Methods: A scoping review was performed from September to December in 2019. The MEDLINE, CINAHL and PubMed databases were used to review and analyse the literature using various combinations of keywords and their English-language synonyms. Quantitative clinical research published from 2010 to December 2019 were included in the analysis. The PRISMA-ScR recommendations were followed. Results: Out of the 219 search results, 26 studies were included in the final analysis. To identify complications associated with the implantation and handling of TIVAPS, free codes were identified by thematic analysis leading to the development of 17 primary grade descriptive subthemes. For the development of the thematic framework, all secondary level sub-topics were synthesized into three main themes: time-bound complications, infection-related complications, and TIVAPS removal complications. Discussion: Nurses who use TIVAPS on children and adult patients should be aware of the possible complications associated with TIVAPS. Refinement of surgical techniques and improving care process may improve the longevity of the line. Proper and careful management with TIVADs and more frequent observation by nurses are likely to have positive consequences for patients and positive cost implications for the hospital

    R you ready? Using the R programme for statistical analysis and graphics

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    © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. For conducting research, nurses typically use commercial statistical packages. R software is a free, powerful, and flexible alternative, but is less familiar and used less frequently in nursing research. In this paper, we use data from a previous study to demonstrate a few typical steps in exploratory data analysis using R. A step-by-step description of some basic analyses in R is provided here, including examples of specific functions to read and manipulate the data, calculate scores from individual questionnaire items, and prepare a correlation plot and summary table

    Znanstveno istraživački rad u sestrinstvu u Republici Hrvatskoj Nursing scientific-research work in Croatia

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    Uvod: Zdravstvena istraživanja važna su za poboljšanje zdravlja, kvalitete i zadovoljstva pacijenata. Iako je došlo do značajnog napretka u području zdravstvenih istraživanja, medicinske sestre još uvijek ne provode znanstveno-istraživački rad koliko liječnici. Kako bi se sestrinstvo poboljšalo kao disciplina, važno je da medicinske sestre provode istraživanja koja se temelje na dokazima i koja imaju potencijal za dobrobit pacijenata. Cilj: Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je procijeniti percepcije medicinskih sestara o znanstveno-istraživačkom radu u sestrinstvu. Metode: Provedeno je poprečno istraživanje. Podaci su prikupljeni online upitnikom. Istraživanje je provedeno među medicinskim sestrama u Hrvatskoj. Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 130 medicinskih sestara. 86,2% su žene i 13,8% muškarci. 85,6% medicinskih sestara smatra da je znanstveni rad u sestrinstvu važan, 72,1% nikada nije napisalo istraživački rad i 88,5% ima želju za znanstvenim istraživanjima koja bi mogla poboljšati sestrinsku praksu. Većina sudionika (64,3%) smatra da je znanstveno-istraživački rad u sestrinstvu važan za poboljšanje osobnog zadovoljstva. Zaključak: Medicinske sestre su svjesne važnosti znanstveno-istraživačkog rada, ali većina njih ne provodi nikakva istraživanja. Potencijalne prepreke su preopterećenost poslom, vremenski deficit i nedostatak interesa. Važno je motivirati medicinske sestre da obavljaju istraživački rad, jer istraživanja mogu pomoći medicinskim sestrama da odgovore na promjene u zdravstvenom sustavu i poboljšaju njegu pacijenata

    The KIDSCREEN-27 scale: translation and validation study of the Slovenian version

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    Background: There are many methods available for measuring social support and quality of life (QoL) of adolescents, of these, the KIDSCREEN tools are most widely used. Thus, we aimed to translate and validate the KIDSCREEN-27 scale for the usage among adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years old in Slovenia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 2852 adolescents in primary and secondary school from November 2019 to January 2020 in Slovenia. 6-steps method of validation was used to test psychometric properties of the KIDSCREEN-27 scale. We checked descriptive statistics, performed a Mokken scale analysis, parametric item response theory, factor analysis, classical test theory and total (sub)scale scores. Results: All five subscales of the KIDSCREEN-27 formed a unidimensional scale with good homogeneity and reliability. The confirmatory factor analysis showed poor fit in user model versus baseline model metrics (CFI = 0.847TLI = 0.862) and good fit in root mean square error (RMSEA = 0.072p(χ2) < 0.001). A scale reliability was calculated using Cronbach\u27s α (0.93), beta (0.86), G6 (0.95) and omega (0.93). Conclusions: The questionnaire showed average psychometric properties and can be used among adolescents in Slovenia to find out about their quality of life. Further research is needed to explore why fit in user model metrics is poor